import * as chk from 'chalk'; import * as program from 'commander'; import { Main } from './bw'; import { CreateCommand } from './commands/create.command'; import { DeleteCommand } from './commands/delete.command'; import { EditCommand } from './commands/edit.command'; import { EncodeCommand } from './commands/encode.command'; import { GetCommand } from './commands/get.command'; import { ListCommand } from './commands/list.command'; import { LockCommand } from './commands/lock.command'; import { LoginCommand } from './commands/login.command'; import { LogoutCommand } from './commands/logout.command'; import { SyncCommand } from './commands/sync.command'; import { UnlockCommand } from './commands/unlock.command'; import { Response } from './models/response'; import { ListResponse } from './models/response/listResponse'; import { MessageResponse } from './models/response/messageResponse'; import { StringResponse } from './models/response/stringResponse'; import { TemplateResponse } from './models/response/templateResponse'; const chalk = chk.default; export class Program { constructor(private main: Main) { } run() { program .version(this.main.platformUtilsService.getApplicationVersion(), '-v, --version') .option('--pretty', 'Format stdout.') .option('--raw', 'Raw output instead a descriptive message.') .option('--quiet', 'Do not write anything to stdout.') .option('--session ', 'Session key.'); program.on('option:pretty', () => { process.env.BW_PRETTY = 'true'; }); program.on('option:raw', () => { process.env.BW_RAW = 'true'; }); program.on('option:quiet', () => { process.env.BW_QUIET = 'true'; }); program.on('option:session', (key) => { process.env.BW_SESSION = key; }); program .command('login [email] [password]') .description('Log into a Bitwarden user account.') .option('-m, --method ', 'Two-step login method.') .option('-c, --code ', 'Two-step login code.') .action(async (email: string, password: string, cmd: program.Command) => { await this.exitIfAuthed(); const command = new LoginCommand(this.main.authService, this.main.apiService, this.main.cryptoFunctionService); const response = await, password, cmd); this.processResponse(response); }); program .command('logout') .description('Log out of the current Bitwarden user account.') .action(async (cmd) => { await this.exitIfNotAuthed(); const command = new LogoutCommand(this.main.authService, async () => await this.main.logout()); const response = await; this.processResponse(response); }); program .command('lock') .description('Lock the vault and destroy the current session token.') .action(async (cmd) => { await this.exitIfNotAuthed(); const command = new LockCommand(this.main.lockService); const response = await; this.processResponse(response); }); program .command('unlock [password]') .description('Unlock the vault and obtain a new session token.') .action(async (password, cmd) => { await this.exitIfNotAuthed(); const command = new UnlockCommand(this.main.cryptoService, this.main.userService, this.main.cryptoFunctionService); const response = await, cmd); this.processResponse(response); }); program .command('sync') .description('Sync user\'s vault from server.') .option('-f, --force', 'Force a full sync.') .action(async (cmd) => { await this.exitIfLocked(); const command = new SyncCommand(this.main.syncService); const response = await; this.processResponse(response); }); program .command('list ') .description('List objects.') .action(async (object, cmd) => { await this.exitIfLocked(); const command = new ListCommand(this.main.cipherService, this.main.folderService, this.main.collectionService); const response = await, cmd); this.processResponse(response); }); program .command('get [id]') .description('Get an object.') .option('--uppercase', 'Include uppercase characters.') .option('--lowercase', 'Include lowercase characters.') .option('--number', 'Include numeric characters.') .option('--special', 'Include special characters.') .option('--length ', 'Password length.') .action(async (object, id, cmd) => { await this.exitIfLocked(); const command = new GetCommand(this.main.cipherService, this.main.folderService, this.main.collectionService, this.main.totpService, this.main.syncService, this.main.passwordGenerationService); const response = await, id, cmd); this.processResponse(response); }); program .command('create ') .description('Create an object.') .action(async (object, encodedData, cmd) => { await this.exitIfLocked(); const command = new CreateCommand(this.main.cipherService, this.main.folderService); const response = await, encodedData, cmd); this.processResponse(response); }); program .command('edit ') .description('Edit an object.') .action(async (object, id, encodedData, cmd) => { await this.exitIfLocked(); const command = new EditCommand(this.main.cipherService, this.main.folderService); const response = await, id, encodedData, cmd); this.processResponse(response); }); program .command('delete ') .description('Delete an object.') .action(async (object, id, cmd) => { await this.exitIfLocked(); const command = new DeleteCommand(this.main.cipherService, this.main.folderService); const response = await, id, cmd); this.processResponse(response); }); program .command('encode') .description('Base64 encode stdin.') .action(async (object, id, cmd) => { const command = new EncodeCommand(); const response = await; this.processResponse(response); }); program .command('update') .description('Check for updates.') .action(async (object, id, cmd) => { console.log('Checking...'); }); program .parse(process.argv); } private processResponse(response: Response) { if (!response.success) { if (process.env.BW_QUIET !== 'true') { process.stdout.write(chalk.redBright(response.message)); } process.exit(1); return; } if ( != null) { let out: string = null; if ( === 'string') { const data = ( as StringResponse).data; if (data != null) { out = data; } } else if ( === 'list') { out = this.getJson(( as ListResponse).data); } else if ( === 'template') { out = this.getJson(( as TemplateResponse).template); } else if ( === 'message') { out = this.getMessage(response); } else { out = this.getJson(; } if (out != null && process.env.BW_QUIET !== 'true') { process.stdout.write(out); } } process.exit(); } private getJson(obj: any): string { if (process.env.BW_PRETTY === 'true') { return JSON.stringify(obj, null, ' '); } else { return JSON.stringify(obj); } } private getMessage(response: Response) { const message = ( as MessageResponse); if (process.env.BW_RAW === 'true' && message.raw != null) { return message.raw; } let out: string = ''; if (message.title != null) { out = chalk.greenBright(message.title); } if (message.message != null) { if (message.title != null) { out += '\n'; } out += message.message; } return out.trim() === '' ? null : out; } private async exitIfLocked() { await this.exitIfNotAuthed(); const key = await this.main.cryptoService.getKey(); if (key == null) { process.stdout.write(chalk.redBright('Vault is locked.')); process.exit(1); } } private async exitIfAuthed() { const authed = await this.main.userService.isAuthenticated(); if (authed) { const email = await this.main.userService.getEmail(); process.stdout.write(chalk.redBright('You are already logged in as ' + email + '.')); process.exit(1); } } private async exitIfNotAuthed() { const authed = await this.main.userService.isAuthenticated(); if (!authed) { process.stdout.write(chalk.redBright('You are not logged in.')); process.exit(1); } } }