import { ConsoleLogService } from "@bitwarden/common/services/consoleLog.service"; const originalConsole = console; let caughtMessage: any; declare let console: any; export function interceptConsole(interceptions: any): object { console = { log: function () { // eslint-disable-next-line interceptions.log = arguments; }, warn: function () { // eslint-disable-next-line interceptions.warn = arguments; }, error: function () { // eslint-disable-next-line interceptions.error = arguments; }, }; return interceptions; } export function restoreConsole() { console = originalConsole; } describe("ConsoleLogService", () => { let logService: ConsoleLogService; beforeEach(() => { caughtMessage = {}; interceptConsole(caughtMessage); logService = new ConsoleLogService(true); }); afterAll(() => { restoreConsole(); }); it("filters messages below the set threshold", () => { logService = new ConsoleLogService(true, () => true); logService.debug("debug");"info"); logService.warning("warning"); logService.error("error"); expect(caughtMessage).toEqual({}); }); it("only writes debug messages in dev mode", () => { logService = new ConsoleLogService(false); logService.debug("debug message"); expect(caughtMessage.log).toBeUndefined(); }); it("writes debug/info messages to console.log", () => { logService.debug("this is a debug message"); expect(caughtMessage).toMatchObject({ log: { "0": "this is a debug message" }, });"this is an info message"); expect(caughtMessage).toMatchObject({ log: { "0": "this is an info message" }, }); }); it("writes warning messages to console.warn", () => { logService.warning("this is a warning message"); expect(caughtMessage).toMatchObject({ warn: { 0: "this is a warning message" }, }); }); it("writes error messages to console.error", () => { logService.error("this is an error message"); expect(caughtMessage).toMatchObject({ error: { 0: "this is an error message" }, }); }); it("times with output to info", async () => { logService.time(); await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 250)); const duration = logService.timeEnd(); expect(duration[0]).toBe(0); expect(duration[1]).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(duration[1]).toBeLessThan(500 * 10e6); expect(caughtMessage).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining([])); expect(caughtMessage.log.length).toBe(1); expect(caughtMessage.log[0]).toEqual(expect.stringMatching(/^default: \d+\.?\d*ms$/)); }); it("filters time output", async () => { logService = new ConsoleLogService(true, () => true); logService.time(); logService.timeEnd(); expect(caughtMessage).toEqual({}); }); });