import { Utils } from "jslib-common/misc/utils"; import { SafariApp } from "./safariApp"; export class BrowserApi { static isWebExtensionsApi: boolean = typeof browser !== "undefined"; static isSafariApi: boolean = navigator.userAgent.indexOf(" Safari/") !== -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf(" Chrome/") === -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf(" Chromium/") === -1; static isChromeApi: boolean = !BrowserApi.isSafariApi && typeof chrome !== "undefined"; static isFirefoxOnAndroid: boolean = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox/") !== -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android") !== -1; static async getTabFromCurrentWindowId(): Promise | null { return await BrowserApi.tabsQueryFirst({ active: true, windowId:, }); } static async getTabFromCurrentWindow(): Promise | null { return await BrowserApi.tabsQueryFirst({ active: true, currentWindow: true, }); } static async getActiveTabs(): Promise { return await BrowserApi.tabsQuery({ active: true, }); } static async tabsQuery(options: chrome.tabs.QueryInfo): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.tabs.query(options, (tabs: any[]) => { resolve(tabs); }); }); } static async tabsQueryFirst(options: chrome.tabs.QueryInfo): Promise | null { const tabs = await BrowserApi.tabsQuery(options); if (tabs.length > 0) { return tabs[0]; } return null; } static tabSendMessageData( tab: chrome.tabs.Tab, command: string, data: any = null ): Promise { const obj: any = { command: command, }; if (data != null) { = data; } return BrowserApi.tabSendMessage(tab, obj); } static async tabSendMessage( tab: chrome.tabs.Tab, obj: any, options: chrome.tabs.MessageSendOptions = null ): Promise { if (!tab || ! { return; } return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(, obj, options, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { // Some error happened } resolve(); }); }); } static async getPrivateModeWindows(): Promise { return (await => win.incognito); } static async onWindowCreated(callback: (win: => any) { return; } static getBackgroundPage(): any { return chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage(); } static getApplicationVersion(): string { return chrome.runtime.getManifest().version; } static async isPopupOpen(): Promise { return Promise.resolve(chrome.extension.getViews({ type: "popup" }).length > 0); } static createNewTab(url: string, extensionPage = false, active = true) { chrome.tabs.create({ url: url, active: active }); } static messageListener( name: string, callback: (message: any, sender: chrome.runtime.MessageSender, response: any) => void ) { chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener( (msg: any, sender: chrome.runtime.MessageSender, response: any) => { callback(msg, sender, response); } ); } static async closeLoginTab() { const tabs = await BrowserApi.tabsQuery({ active: true, title: "Bitwarden", windowType: "normal", currentWindow: true, }); if (tabs.length === 0) { return; } const tabToClose = tabs[tabs.length - 1].id; chrome.tabs.remove(tabToClose); } static async focusSpecifiedTab(tabId: number) { chrome.tabs.update(tabId, { active: true, highlighted: true }); } static closePopup(win: Window) { if (BrowserApi.isWebExtensionsApi && BrowserApi.isFirefoxOnAndroid) { // Reactivating the active tab dismisses the popup tab. The promise final // condition is only called if the popup wasn't already dismissed (future proofing). // ref: browser.tabs.update({ active: true }).finally(win.close); } else { win.close(); } } static downloadFile(win: Window, blobData: any, blobOptions: any, fileName: string) { if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi) { const type = blobOptions != null ? blobOptions.type : null; let data: string = null; if (type === "text/plain" && typeof blobData === "string") { data = blobData; } else { data = Utils.fromBufferToB64(blobData); } SafariApp.sendMessageToApp( "downloadFile", JSON.stringify({ blobData: data, blobOptions: blobOptions, fileName: fileName, }), true ); } else { const blob = new Blob([blobData], blobOptions); if (navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, fileName); } else { const a = win.document.createElement("a"); a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); = fileName; win.document.body.appendChild(a);; win.document.body.removeChild(a); } } } static gaFilter() { return process.env.ENV !== "production"; } static getUILanguage(win: Window) { return chrome.i18n.getUILanguage(); } static reloadExtension(win: Window) { if (win != null) { return win.location.reload(true); } else { return chrome.runtime.reload(); } } static reloadOpenWindows() { const views = chrome.extension.getViews() as Window[]; views .filter((w) => w.location.href != null) .forEach((w) => { w.location.reload(); }); } static connectNative(application: string): browser.runtime.Port | chrome.runtime.Port { if (BrowserApi.isWebExtensionsApi) { return browser.runtime.connectNative(application); } else if (BrowserApi.isChromeApi) { return chrome.runtime.connectNative(application); } } static requestPermission(permission: any) { if (BrowserApi.isWebExtensionsApi) { return browser.permissions.request(permission); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.permissions.request(permission, resolve); }); } static getPlatformInfo(): Promise { if (BrowserApi.isWebExtensionsApi) { return browser.runtime.getPlatformInfo(); } return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.runtime.getPlatformInfo(resolve); }); } }