var gulp = require('gulp'), rimraf = require('rimraf'), concat = require('gulp-concat'), rename = require('gulp-rename'), less = require('gulp-less'), preprocess = require('gulp-preprocess'), runSequence = require('run-sequence'), jshint = require('gulp-jshint'), merge = require('merge-stream'), browserify = require('browserify'), source = require('vinyl-source-stream'), googleWebFonts = require('gulp-google-webfonts'), webpack = require('webpack-stream'), jeditor = require("gulp-json-editor"), gulpUtil = require('gulp-util'), child = require('child_process'), zip = require('gulp-zip'), manifest = require('./src/manifest.json'), xmlpoke = require('gulp-xmlpoke'), embedTemplates = require('gulp-angular-embed-templates'); var paths = {}; paths.dist = './dist/'; paths.libDir = './src/lib/'; paths.npmDir = './node_modules/'; paths.popupDir = './src/popup/'; paths.lessDir = paths.popupDir + 'less/'; paths.cssDir = paths.popupDir + 'css/'; paths.webfontsDir = paths.cssDir + 'webfonts/'; gulp.task('lint', function () { return gulp.src([ paths.popupDir + '**/*.js', './src/services/**/*.js', './src/notification/**/*.js', './src/models/**/*.js', './src/scripts/**/*.js', //'./src/content/**/*.js', './src/overlay/**/*.js', './src/background.js' ]) .pipe(jshint()) .pipe(jshint.reporter('default')); }); gulp.task('build', function (cb) { return runSequence( 'clean', ['browserify', 'webpack', 'lib', 'less', 'lint', 'webfonts'], cb); }); gulp.task('clean:css', function (cb) { return rimraf(paths.cssDir, cb); }); gulp.task('clean:lib', function (cb) { return rimraf(paths.libDir, cb); }); gulp.task('clean', ['clean:css', 'clean:lib']); gulp.task('lib', ['clean:lib'], function () { var libs = [ { src: [ paths.npmDir + 'bootstrap/dist/**/*', '!' + paths.npmDir + 'bootstrap/dist/**/npm.js', '!' + paths.npmDir + 'bootstrap/dist/**/css/*theme*', '!' + paths.npmDir + 'bootstrap/**/*.min*' ], dest: paths.libDir + 'bootstrap' }, { src: paths.npmDir + 'font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css', dest: paths.libDir + 'font-awesome/css' }, { src: paths.npmDir + 'font-awesome/fonts/*', dest: paths.libDir + 'font-awesome/fonts' }, { src: paths.npmDir + 'jquery/dist/jquery.js', dest: paths.libDir + 'jquery' }, { src: paths.npmDir + 'angular/angular.js', dest: paths.libDir + 'angular' }, { src: paths.npmDir + 'angular-animate/angular-animate.js', dest: paths.libDir + 'angular-animate' }, { src: paths.npmDir + 'angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js', dest: paths.libDir + 'angular-ui-router' }, { src: [paths.npmDir + 'angular-toastr/dist/angular-toastr.tpls.js', paths.npmDir + 'angular-toastr/dist/angular-toastr.css'], dest: paths.libDir + 'angular-toastr' }, { src: paths.npmDir + 'ngclipboard/dist/ngclipboard.js', dest: paths.libDir + 'ngclipboard' }, { src: paths.npmDir + 'clipboard/dist/clipboard.js', dest: paths.libDir + 'clipboard' }, { src: paths.npmDir + 'q/q.js', dest: paths.libDir + 'q' }, { src: [paths.npmDir + 'sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.css', paths.npmDir + 'sweetalert/dist/sweetalert-dev.js', paths.npmDir + 'angular-sweetalert/SweetAlert.js'], dest: paths.libDir + 'sweetalert' }, { src: [paths.npmDir + 'angulartics-google-analytics/lib/angulartics*.js', paths.npmDir + 'angulartics/src/angulartics.js' ], dest: paths.libDir + 'angulartics' }, { src: paths.npmDir + 'ng-infinite-scroll/build/ng-infinite-scroll.js', dest: paths.libDir + 'ng-infinite-scroll' }, { src: paths.npmDir + 'papaparse/papaparse.js', dest: paths.libDir + 'papaparse' } ]; var tasks = (lib) { return gulp.src(lib.src).pipe(gulp.dest(lib.dest)); }); return merge(tasks); }); gulp.task('browserify', ['browserify:tldjs']); gulp.task('browserify:tldjs', function () { return browserify(paths.npmDir + 'tldjs/index.js', { standalone: 'tldjs' }) .bundle() .pipe(source('tld.js')) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.libDir + 'tldjs')); }); gulp.task('webpack', ['webpack:forge']); gulp.task('webpack:forge', function () { var forgeDir = paths.npmDir + '/node-forge/lib/'; return gulp.src([ forgeDir + 'pbkdf2.js', forgeDir + 'aes.js', forgeDir + 'hmac.js', forgeDir + 'sha256.js', forgeDir + 'random.js', forgeDir + 'forge.js' ]).pipe(webpack({ output: { filename: 'forge.js', library: 'forge', libraryTarget: 'umd' }, node: { Buffer: false, process: false, crypto: false, setImmediate: false } })).pipe(gulp.dest(paths.libDir + 'forge')); }); gulp.task('less', function () { return gulp.src(paths.lessDir + 'popup.less') .pipe(less()) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.cssDir)); }); gulp.task('watch', function () { + '*.less', ['less']); }); gulp.task('dist:clean', function (cb) { return rimraf(paths.dist + '**/*', cb); }); gulp.task('dist:move', function () { var moves = [ { src: 'src/_locales/**/*', dest: paths.dist + '_locales' }, { src: [ 'src/content/**/*', '!src/content/field.js', '!src/content/overlay.js' ], dest: paths.dist + 'content' }, { src: 'src/images/**/*', dest: paths.dist + 'images' }, { src: 'src/notification/**/*', dest: paths.dist + 'notification' }, { src: 'src/popup/index.html', dest: paths.dist + 'popup' }, { src: 'src/popup/css/webfonts/**/*', dest: paths.dist + 'popup/css/webfonts' }, { src: paths.libDir + 'font-awesome/fonts/**/*', dest: paths.dist + 'popup/fonts' }, { src: 'src/services/**/*', dest: paths.dist + 'services' }, { src: paths.libDir + 'forge/**/*', dest: paths.dist + 'lib/forge' }, { src: paths.libDir + 'jquery/**/*', dest: paths.dist + 'lib/jquery' }, { src: paths.libDir + 'tldjs/**/*', dest: paths.dist + 'lib/tldjs' }, { src: paths.libDir + 'q/**/*', dest: paths.dist + 'lib/q' }, { src: 'src/models/**/*', dest: paths.dist + 'models' }, { src: 'src/scripts/analytics.js', dest: paths.dist + 'scripts' }, { src: [ 'src/background.*', 'src/manifest.json' ], dest: paths.dist } ]; var tasks = (move) { return gulp.src(move.src).pipe(gulp.dest(move.dest)); }); return merge(tasks); }); gulp.task('dist:css', function () { distCss({}); }); gulp.task('dist:css:edge', function () { distCss({ edge: true }); }); gulp.task('dist:css:firefox', function () { distCss({ firefox: true }); }); function distCss(preprocessContext) { return gulp .src([ // libs paths.libDir + '**/*.css', '!' + paths.libDir + '**/*.min.css', // app paths.cssDir + 'popup.css' ]) .pipe(preprocess({ context: preprocessContext })) .pipe(concat(paths.dist + 'popup/css/popup.css')) .pipe(gulp.dest('.')); } gulp.task('dist:js', function () { return distJs(false); }); gulp.task('dist:js:edge', function () { return distJs(true); }); function distJs(edge) { var appTask = gulp .src([ // models/scripts './src/models/**/*.js', './src/scripts/*.js', // app paths.popupDir + 'app/app.js', paths.popupDir + 'app/**/*Module.js', paths.popupDir + 'app/**/*.js' ]) .pipe(embedTemplates({ basePath: './src/popup/', minimize: { empty: true } })) .pipe(concat(paths.dist + 'popup/app.js')) .pipe(gulp.dest('.')); var libTask = gulp .src([ paths.libDir + 'jquery/jquery.js', paths.libDir + 'bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js', edge ? './src/edge/angular.js' : (paths.libDir + 'angular/angular.js'), paths.libDir + '**/*.js', '!' + paths.libDir + 'q/**/*', '!' + paths.libDir + 'tldjs/**/*', '!' + paths.libDir + 'forge/**/*', '!' + paths.libDir + '**/*.min.js' ]) .pipe(concat(paths.dist + 'popup/lib.js')) .pipe(gulp.dest('.')); return merge(appTask, libTask); } gulp.task('dist:preprocess', function () { return gulp .src([ paths.dist + 'popup/index.html' ], { base: '.' }) .pipe(preprocess({ context: {} })) .pipe(gulp.dest('.')); }); gulp.task('dist', ['build'], function (cb) { return dist({}, cb); }); gulp.task('dist:edge', ['build'], function (cb) { return dist({ edge: true }, cb); }); gulp.task('dist:firefox', ['build'], function (cb) { return dist({ firefox: true }, cb); }); function dist(o, cb) { var distCss = o.edge ? 'dist:css:edge' : o.firefox ? 'dist:css:firefox' : 'dist:css'; var distJs = o.edge ? 'dist:js:edge' : 'dist:js'; return runSequence( 'dist:clean', ['dist:move', distCss, distJs], 'dist:preprocess', cb); } var sidebarActionManifestObj = { "default_title": "bitwarden", "default_panel": "popup/index.html?uilocation=sidebar", "default_icon": "images/icon19.png" }; gulp.task('dist-firefox', ['dist:firefox'], function (cb) { gulp.src(paths.dist + 'manifest.json') .pipe(jeditor(function (manifest) { manifest.applications = { gecko: { id: '{446900e4-71c2-419f-a6a7-df9c091e268b}', strict_min_version: '42.0' } }; manifest['sidebar_action'] = sidebarActionManifestObj; return manifest; })) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist)); return zipDist('dist-firefox'); }); gulp.task('dist-opera', ['dist'], function (cb) { gulp.src(paths.dist + 'manifest.json') .pipe(jeditor(function (manifest) { manifest['sidebar_action'] = sidebarActionManifestObj; return manifest; })) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist)); return zipDist('dist-opera'); }); gulp.task('dist-edge', ['dist:edge'], function (cb) { // move dist to temp extension folder new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { gulp.src(paths.dist + '**/*') .on('error', reject) .pipe(gulp.dest('temp/Extension/')) .on('end', resolve); }).then(function () { // move windows store files to temp folder return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { gulp.src('store/windows/**/*') .on('error', reject) .pipe(gulp.dest('temp/')) .on('end', resolve); }); }).then(function () { // delete dist folder return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { rimraf(paths.dist, function () { resolve(); }) }); }).then(function () { // move temp back to dist return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { gulp.src('temp/**/*') .on('error', reject) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist)) .on('end', resolve); }); }).then(function () { // delete temp folder return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { rimraf('temp', function () { resolve(); }) }); }).then(function () { // move src edge folder to dist return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { gulp.src(['src/edge/**/*', '!src/edge/angular.js']) .on('error', reject) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist + 'Extension/edge')) .on('end', resolve); }); }).then(function () { // modify manifest with edge preload stuff return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { gulp.src(paths.dist + 'Extension/manifest.json') .pipe(jeditor(function (manifest) { manifest['-ms-preload'] = { backgroundScript: 'edge/backgroundScriptsAPIBridge.js', contentScript: 'edge/contentScriptsAPIBridge.js' }; return manifest; })) .on('error', reject) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist + 'Extension')) .on('end', resolve); }); }).then(function () { // modify appxmanifest return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { gulp.src(paths.dist + '/AppxManifest.xml') .pipe(xmlpoke({ replacements: [{ xpath: '/p:Package/p:Identity/@Version', value: manifest.version + '.0', namespaces: { 'p': '' } }] })) .on('error', reject) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist)) .on('end', resolve); }); }).then(function () { // makeappx.exe must be in your system's path already child.spawn('makeappx.exe', ['pack', '/h', 'SHA256', '/d', paths.dist, '/p', paths.dist + 'bitwarden.appx']); cb(); }, function () { cb(); }); }); gulp.task('dist-other', ['dist'], function (cb) { return zipDist('dist-other'); }); function zipDist(fileName) { return gulp.src(paths.dist + '**/*') .pipe(zip(fileName + '.zip')) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist)); } gulp.task('webfonts', function () { return gulp.src('./webfonts.list') .pipe(googleWebFonts({ fontsDir: 'webfonts', cssFilename: 'webfonts.css' })) .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.cssDir)); }); function npmCommand(commands, cb) { var npmLogger = (buffer) => { buffer.toString() .split(/\n/) .forEach((message) => gulpUtil.log(message)); }; var npmCommand = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'npm.cmd' : 'npm'; var npmChild = child.spawn(npmCommand, commands); npmChild.stdout.on('data', npmLogger); npmChild.stderr.on('data', npmLogger); npmChild.stderr.on('close', cb); return npmChild; } gulp.task('webext:firefox', function (cb) { return npmCommand(['run', 'start:firefox'], cb); });