var isBackground = true; var bg_loginsToAdd = []; var bg_i18nService = new i18nService(); var bg_constantsService = new ConstantsService(bg_i18nService); var bg_utilsService = new UtilsService(); var bg_cryptoService = new CryptoService(bg_constantsService); var bg_tokenService = new TokenService(); var bg_appIdService = new AppIdService(); var bg_apiService = new ApiService(bg_tokenService, bg_appIdService, bg_utilsService, logout); var bg_userService = new UserService(bg_tokenService, bg_apiService, bg_cryptoService); var bg_settingsService = new SettingsService(bg_userService); var bg_loginService = new LoginService(bg_cryptoService, bg_userService, bg_apiService, bg_settingsService); var bg_folderService = new FolderService(bg_cryptoService, bg_userService, bg_apiService, bg_i18nService); var bg_lockService = new LockService(bg_constantsService, bg_cryptoService, bg_folderService, bg_loginService, setIcon, refreshBadgeAndMenu); var bg_syncService = new SyncService(bg_loginService, bg_folderService, bg_userService, bg_apiService, bg_settingsService, bg_cryptoService, logout); var bg_autofillService = new AutofillService(); var bg_passwordGenerationService = new PasswordGenerationService(); var bg_totpService = new TotpService(bg_constantsService); if (chrome.commands) { chrome.commands.onCommand.addListener(function (command) { if (command === 'generate_password') { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventAction: 'Generated Password From Command' }); bg_passwordGenerationService.getOptions().then(function (options) { var password = bg_passwordGenerationService.generatePassword(options); bg_utilsService.copyToClipboard(password); }); } }); } var loginToAutoFill = null, pageDetailsToAutoFill = [], autofillTimeout = null, menuOptionsLoaded = []; chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (msg, sender, sendResponse) { if (msg.command === 'loggedIn' || msg.command === 'unlocked' || msg.command === 'locked') { setIcon(); refreshBadgeAndMenu(); } else if (msg.command === 'logout') { logout(msg.expired, function () { }); } else if (msg.command === 'syncCompleted' && msg.successfully) { setTimeout(refreshBadgeAndMenu, 2000); } else if (msg.command === 'bgOpenOverlayPopup') { messageCurrentTab('openOverlayPopup',; } else if (msg.command === 'bgCloseOverlayPopup') { messageCurrentTab('closeOverlayPopup'); } else if (msg.command === 'bgOpenNotificationBar') { messageTab(, 'openNotificationBar',; } else if (msg.command === 'bgCloseNotificationBar') { messageTab(, 'closeNotificationBar'); } else if (msg.command === 'bgCollectPageDetails') { collectPageDetailsForContentScript(; } else if (msg.command === 'bgAddLogin') { addLogin(msg.login,; } else if (msg.command === 'bgAddClose') { removeAddLogin(; } else if (msg.command === 'bgAddSave') { saveAddLogin(; } else if (msg.command === 'bgNeverSave') { saveNever(; } else if (msg.command === 'collectPageDetailsResponse') { if (msg.contentScript) { var forms = bg_autofillService.getFormsWithPasswordFields(msg.details); messageTab(msg.tabId, 'pageDetails', { details: msg.details, forms: forms }); } else { clearTimeout(autofillTimeout); pageDetailsToAutoFill.push({ frameId: sender.frameId, tabId: msg.tabId, details: msg.details }); autofillTimeout = setTimeout(autofillPage, 300); } } else if (msg.command === 'bgUpdateContextMenu') { refreshBadgeAndMenu(); } }); setIcon(); function setIcon() { bg_userService.isAuthenticated(function (isAuthenticated) { bg_cryptoService.getKey().then(function (key) { var suffix = ''; if (!isAuthenticated) { suffix = '_gray'; } else if (!key) { suffix = '_locked'; } chrome.browserAction.setIcon({ path: { '19': 'images/icon19' + suffix + '.png', '38': 'images/icon38' + suffix + '.png', } }); }); }); } if (chrome.runtime.onInstalled) { chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function (details) { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventAction: 'onInstalled ' + details.reason }); if (details.reason === 'install') { chrome.tabs.create({ url: '' }, function (tab) { }); } }); } var buildingContextMenu = false; function buildContextMenu(callback) { if (buildingContextMenu) { return; } buildingContextMenu = true; chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(function () { chrome.contextMenus.create({ type: 'normal', id: 'root', contexts: ['all'], title: 'bitwarden' }, function () { chrome.contextMenus.create({ type: 'normal', id: 'autofill', parentId: 'root', contexts: ['all'], title: bg_i18nService.autoFill }, function () { if (bg_utilsService.isFirefox()) { // Firefox does not support writing to the clipboard from background buildingContextMenu = false; if (callback) { callback(); } return; } chrome.contextMenus.create({ type: 'normal', id: 'copy-username', parentId: 'root', contexts: ['all'], title: bg_i18nService.copyUsername }, function () { chrome.contextMenus.create({ type: 'normal', id: 'copy-password', parentId: 'root', contexts: ['all'], title: bg_i18nService.copyPassword }, function () { chrome.contextMenus.create({ type: 'separator', parentId: 'root' }); chrome.contextMenus.create({ type: 'normal', id: 'generate-password', parentId: 'root', contexts: ['all'], title: bg_i18nService.generatePasswordCopied }, function () { buildingContextMenu = false; if (callback) { callback(); } }); }); }); }); }); }); } chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener(function (activeInfo) { refreshBadgeAndMenu(); }); var onReplacedRan = false; chrome.tabs.onReplaced.addListener(function (addedTabId, removedTabId) { if (onReplacedRan) { return; } onReplacedRan = true; checkbg_loginsToAdd(); refreshBadgeAndMenu(); }); var onUpdatedRan = false; chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function (tabId, changeInfo, tab) { if (onUpdatedRan) { return; } onUpdatedRan = true; checkbg_loginsToAdd(); refreshBadgeAndMenu(); }); (windowId) { if (windowId === null || windowId < 0) { return; } refreshBadgeAndMenu(); }); function refreshBadgeAndMenu() { chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, windowId: }, function (tabs) { var tab = null; if (tabs.length > 0) { tab = tabs[0]; } if (!tab) { return; }, function (obj) { if (!obj[bg_constantsService.disableContextMenuItemKey]) { buildContextMenu(function () { contextMenuReady(tab, true); }); } else { chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(); contextMenuReady(tab, false); } }); }); } function contextMenuReady(tab, contextMenuEnabled) { loadMenuAndUpdateBadge(tab.url,, contextMenuEnabled); onUpdatedRan = onReplacedRan = false; } function loadMenuAndUpdateBadge(url, tabId, contextMenuEnabled) { if (!url) { return; } var tabDomain = bg_utilsService.getDomain(url); if (!tabDomain) { return; } chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({ color: '#294e5f' }); menuOptionsLoaded = []; bg_loginService.getAllDecryptedForDomain(tabDomain).then(function (logins) { sortLogins(logins); if (contextMenuEnabled) { for (var i = 0; i < logins.length; i++) { loadLoginContextMenuOptions(logins[i]); } } if (logins.length > 0 && logins.length < 9) { chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({ text: logins.length.toString(), tabId: tabId }); } else if (logins.length > 0) { chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({ text: '9+', tabId: tabId }); } else { if (contextMenuEnabled) { loadNoLoginsContextMenuOptions(bg_i18nService.noMatchingLogins); } chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({ text: '', tabId: tabId }); } }, function () { if (contextMenuEnabled) { loadNoLoginsContextMenuOptions(bg_i18nService.vaultLocked); } chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({ text: '', tabId: tabId }); }); } chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(function (info, tab) { if (info.menuItemId === 'generate-password') { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventAction: 'Generated Password From Context Menu' }); bg_passwordGenerationService.getOptions().then(function (options) { var password = bg_passwordGenerationService.generatePassword(options); bg_utilsService.copyToClipboard(password); }); } else if (info.parentMenuItemId === 'autofill' || info.parentMenuItemId === 'copy-username' || info.parentMenuItemId === 'copy-password') { var id = info.menuItemId.split('_')[1]; if (id === 'noop') { return; } bg_loginService.getAllDecrypted().then(function (logins) { for (var i = 0; i < logins.length; i++) { if (logins[i].id === id) { if (info.parentMenuItemId === 'autofill') { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventAction: 'Autofilled From Context Menu' }); startAutofillPage(logins[i]); } else if (info.parentMenuItemId === 'copy-username') { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventAction: 'Copied Username From Context Menu' }); bg_utilsService.copyToClipboard(logins[i].username); } else if (info.parentMenuItemId === 'copy-password') { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventAction: 'Copied Password From Context Menu' }); bg_utilsService.copyToClipboard(logins[i].password); } return; } } }, function () { }); } }); function messageCurrentTab(command, data) { chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) { var tabId = null; if (tabs.length > 0) { tabId = tabs[0].id; } else { return; } messageTab(tabId, command, data); }); } function messageTab(tabId, command, data, callback) { if (!tabId) { return; } var obj = { command: command }; if (data) { = data; } chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, obj, function () { if (callback) { callback(); } }); } function collectPageDetailsForContentScript(tab) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(, { command: 'collectPageDetails', tabId:, contentScript: true }, function () { }); } function addLogin(login, tab) { var loginDomain = bg_utilsService.getDomain(login.url); if (!loginDomain) { return; } bg_loginService.getAllDecryptedForDomain(loginDomain).then(function (logins) { var match = false; for (var i = 0; i < logins.length; i++) { if (logins[i].username === login.username) { match = true; break; } } if (!match) { // remove any old logins for this tab removeAddLogin(tab); bg_loginsToAdd.push({ username: login.username, password: login.password, name: loginDomain, domain: loginDomain, uri: login.url, tabId:, expires: new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 30 * 60000) // 30 minutes }); checkbg_loginsToAdd(tab); } }); } var lastCleanupLoginCheck = null; cleanupbg_loginsToAdd(); setInterval(cleanupbg_loginsToAdd, 2 * 60 * 1000); // check every 2 minutes function cleanupbg_loginsToAdd() { var now = new Date(); if (lastCleanupLoginCheck && (now - lastCleanupLoginCheck) < 10000) { // can only check cleanup every 10 seconds return; } lastCleanupLoginCheck = now; for (var i = bg_loginsToAdd.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (bg_loginsToAdd[i].expires < now) { bg_loginsToAdd.splice(i, 1); } } } function removeAddLogin(tab) { for (var i = bg_loginsToAdd.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (bg_loginsToAdd[i].tabId === { bg_loginsToAdd.splice(i, 1); } } } function saveAddLogin(tab) { for (var i = bg_loginsToAdd.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (bg_loginsToAdd[i].tabId === { var loginToAdd = bg_loginsToAdd[i]; var tabDomain = bg_utilsService.getDomain(tab.url); if (tabDomain && tabDomain === loginToAdd.domain) { bg_loginsToAdd.splice(i, 1); bg_loginService.encrypt({ id: null, folderId: null, favorite: false, name:, uri: loginToAdd.uri, username: loginToAdd.username, password: loginToAdd.password, notes: null }).then(function (loginModel) { var login = new Login(loginModel, true); bg_loginService.saveWithServer(login).then(function (login) { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventAction: 'Added Login from Notification Bar' }); }); }); messageTab(, 'closeNotificationBar'); } } } } function saveNever(tab) { for (var i = bg_loginsToAdd.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (bg_loginsToAdd[i].tabId === { var loginToAdd = bg_loginsToAdd[i]; var tabDomain = bg_utilsService.getDomain(tab.url); if (tabDomain && tabDomain === loginToAdd.domain) { bg_loginsToAdd.splice(i, 1); var hostname = bg_utilsService.getHostname(tab.url); bg_loginService.saveNeverDomain(hostname); messageTab(, 'closeNotificationBar'); } } } } function checkbg_loginsToAdd(tab, callback) { if (!bg_loginsToAdd.length) { if (callback) { callback(); } return; } if (tab) { check(); return; } chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) { if (tabs.length > 0) { tab = tabs[0]; check(); } }); function check() { if (!tab) { if (callback) { callback(); } return; } var tabDomain = bg_utilsService.getDomain(tab.url); if (!tabDomain) { if (callback) { callback(); } return; } for (var i = 0; i < bg_loginsToAdd.length; i++) { if (bg_loginsToAdd[i].tabId === && bg_loginsToAdd[i].domain === tabDomain) { messageTab(, 'openNotificationBar', { type: 'add' }, function () { if (callback) { callback(); } }); break; } } } } function startAutofillPage(login) { loginToAutoFill = login; chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) { var tabId = null; if (tabs.length > 0) { tabId = tabs[0].id; } else { return; } if (!tabId) { return; } chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, { command: 'collectPageDetails', tabId: tabId }, function () { }); }); } function autofillPage() { chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) { var tabId = null; if (tabs.length > 0) { tabId = tabs[0].id; } else { return; } if (!tabId) { return; } if (loginToAutoFill && pageDetailsToAutoFill && pageDetailsToAutoFill.length) { for (var i = 0; i < pageDetailsToAutoFill.length; i++) { // make sure we're still on correct tab if (pageDetailsToAutoFill[i].tabId !== tabId) { continue; } var fillScript = bg_autofillService.generateFillScript(pageDetailsToAutoFill[i].details, loginToAutoFill.username, loginToAutoFill.password); if (tabId && fillScript && fillScript.script && fillScript.script.length) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabId, { command: 'fillForm', fillScript: fillScript }, { frameId: pageDetailsToAutoFill[i].frameId }); if (!bg_utilsService.isFirefox() && loginToAutoFill.totp && bg_tokenService.getPremium()) { var totpKey = loginToAutoFill.totp; bg_totpService.isAutoCopyEnabled().then(function (enabled) { if (enabled) { return bg_totpService.getCode(totpKey); } return null; }).then(function (code) { if (code) { bg_utilsService.copyToClipboard(code); } }); } } } } // reset loginToAutoFill = null; pageDetailsToAutoFill = []; }); } function sortLogins(logins) { logins.sort(function (a, b) { var nameA = ( + '_' + a.username).toUpperCase(); var nameB = ( + '_' + b.username).toUpperCase(); if (nameA < nameB) { return -1; } if (nameA > nameB) { return 1; } return 0; }); } function loadLoginContextMenuOptions(login) { var title = + (login.username && login.username !== '' ? ' (' + login.username + ')' : ''); loadContextMenuOptions(title,, login); } function loadNoLoginsContextMenuOptions(noLoginsMessage) { loadContextMenuOptions(noLoginsMessage, 'noop', null); } function loadContextMenuOptions(title, idSuffix, login) { if (menuOptionsLoaded.indexOf(idSuffix) > -1) { return; } menuOptionsLoaded.push(idSuffix); if (!login || (login.password && login.password !== '')) { chrome.contextMenus.create({ type: 'normal', id: 'autofill_' + idSuffix, parentId: 'autofill', contexts: ['all'], title: title }); } if (bg_utilsService.isFirefox()) { // Firefox does not support writing to the clipboard from background return; } if (!login || (login.username && login.username !== '')) { chrome.contextMenus.create({ type: 'normal', id: 'copy-username_' + idSuffix, parentId: 'copy-username', contexts: ['all'], title: title }); } if (!login || (login.password && login.password !== '')) { chrome.contextMenus.create({ type: 'normal', id: 'copy-password_' + idSuffix, parentId: 'copy-password', contexts: ['all'], title: title }); } } // TODO: Fix callback hell by moving to promises function logout(expired, callback) { bg_userService.getUserId(function (userId) { bg_syncService.setLastSync(new Date(0), function () { bg_settingsService.clear(function () { bg_tokenService.clearToken(function () { bg_cryptoService.clearKeys(function () { bg_userService.clear(function () { bg_loginService.clear(userId, function () { bg_folderService.clear(userId, function () { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ command: 'doneLoggingOut', expired: expired }); setIcon(); refreshBadgeAndMenu(); callback(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); } // Sync polling var lastSyncCheck = null; fullSync(true); setInterval(fullSync, 5 * 60 * 1000); // check every 5 minutes var syncInternal = 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 6 hours function fullSync(override) { var now = new Date(); if (lastSyncCheck && (now - lastSyncCheck) < 10000) { // can only check sync every 10 seconds return; } lastSyncCheck = now; override = override || false; bg_syncService.getLastSync(function (lastSync) { if (override || !lastSync || (now - lastSync) >= syncInternal) { bg_syncService.fullSync(override || false, function () { }); } }); }