import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, NgZone, OnDestroy, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; import { Router } from "@angular/router"; import { BroadcasterService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/broadcaster.service"; import { CipherService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/cipher.service"; import { I18nService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/i18n.service"; import { OrganizationService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/organization.service"; import { PasswordRepromptService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/passwordReprompt.service"; import { PlatformUtilsService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/platformUtils.service"; import { SearchService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/search.service"; import { StateService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/state.service"; import { SyncService } from "jslib-common/abstractions/sync.service"; import { CipherRepromptType } from "jslib-common/enums/cipherRepromptType"; import { CipherType } from "jslib-common/enums/cipherType"; import { Utils } from "jslib-common/misc/utils"; import { CipherView } from "jslib-common/models/view/cipherView"; import { BrowserApi } from "../../browser/browserApi"; import { AutofillService } from "../../services/abstractions/autofill.service"; import { VaultFilterService } from "../../services/vaultFilter.service"; import { PopupUtilsService } from "../services/popup-utils.service"; const BroadcasterSubscriptionId = "CurrentTabComponent"; @Component({ selector: "app-current-tab", templateUrl: "current-tab.component.html", }) export class CurrentTabComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { pageDetails: any[] = []; cardCiphers: CipherView[]; identityCiphers: CipherView[]; loginCiphers: CipherView[]; url: string; hostname: string; searchText: string; inSidebar = false; searchTypeSearch = false; loaded = false; showOrganizations = false; private totpCode: string; private totpTimeout: number; private loadedTimeout: number; private searchTimeout: number; constructor( private platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService, private cipherService: CipherService, private popupUtilsService: PopupUtilsService, private autofillService: AutofillService, private i18nService: I18nService, private router: Router, private ngZone: NgZone, private broadcasterService: BroadcasterService, private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef, private syncService: SyncService, private searchService: SearchService, private stateService: StateService, private passwordRepromptService: PasswordRepromptService, private organizationService: OrganizationService, private vaultFilterService: VaultFilterService ) {} async ngOnInit() { this.searchTypeSearch = !this.platformUtilsService.isSafari(); this.inSidebar = this.popupUtilsService.inSidebar(window); this.broadcasterService.subscribe(BroadcasterSubscriptionId, (message: any) => { () => { switch (message.command) { case "syncCompleted": if (this.loaded) { window.setTimeout(() => { this.load(); }, 500); } break; case "collectPageDetailsResponse": if (message.sender === BroadcasterSubscriptionId) { this.pageDetails.push({ frameId: message.webExtSender.frameId, tab:, details: message.details, }); } break; default: break; } this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); }); }); if (!this.syncService.syncInProgress) { await this.load(); } else { this.loadedTimeout = window.setTimeout(async () => { if (!this.loaded) { await this.load(); } }, 5000); } window.setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById("search").focus(); }, 100); } ngOnDestroy() { window.clearTimeout(this.loadedTimeout); this.broadcasterService.unsubscribe(BroadcasterSubscriptionId); } async refresh() { await this.load(); } addCipher() { this.router.navigate(["/add-cipher"], { queryParams: { name: this.hostname, uri: this.url, selectedVault: this.vaultFilterService.getVaultFilter().selectedOrganizationId, }, }); } viewCipher(cipher: CipherView) { this.router.navigate(["/view-cipher"], { queryParams: { cipherId: } }); } async fillCipher(cipher: CipherView) { if ( cipher.reprompt !== CipherRepromptType.None && !(await this.passwordRepromptService.showPasswordPrompt()) ) { return; } this.totpCode = null; if (this.totpTimeout != null) { window.clearTimeout(this.totpTimeout); } if (this.pageDetails == null || this.pageDetails.length === 0) { this.platformUtilsService.showToast("error", null, this.i18nService.t("autofillError")); return; } try { this.totpCode = await this.autofillService.doAutoFill({ cipher: cipher, pageDetails: this.pageDetails, doc: window.document, fillNewPassword: true, }); if (this.totpCode != null) { this.platformUtilsService.copyToClipboard(this.totpCode, { window: window }); } if (this.popupUtilsService.inPopup(window)) { if (this.platformUtilsService.isFirefox() || this.platformUtilsService.isSafari()) { BrowserApi.closePopup(window); } else { // Slight delay to fix bug in Chromium browsers where popup closes without copying totp to clipboard setTimeout(() => BrowserApi.closePopup(window), 50); } } } catch { => { this.platformUtilsService.showToast("error", null, this.i18nService.t("autofillError")); this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(); }); } } searchVault() { if (this.searchTimeout != null) { clearTimeout(this.searchTimeout); } if (!this.searchService.isSearchable(this.searchText)) { return; } this.searchTimeout = window.setTimeout(async () => { this.router.navigate(["/tabs/vault"], { queryParams: { searchText: this.searchText } }); }, 200); } closeOnEsc(e: KeyboardEvent) { // If input not empty, use browser default behavior of clearing input instead if (e.key === "Escape" && (this.searchText == null || this.searchText === "")) { BrowserApi.closePopup(window); } } private async load() { this.loaded = false; const tab = await BrowserApi.getTabFromCurrentWindow(); if (tab != null) { this.url = tab.url; } else { this.loginCiphers = []; this.loaded = true; return; } this.hostname = Utils.getHostname(this.url); this.pageDetails = []; BrowserApi.tabSendMessage(tab, { command: "collectPageDetails", tab: tab, sender: BroadcasterSubscriptionId, }); const otherTypes: CipherType[] = []; const dontShowCards = await this.stateService.getDontShowCardsCurrentTab(); const dontShowIdentities = await this.stateService.getDontShowIdentitiesCurrentTab(); this.showOrganizations = await this.organizationService.hasOrganizations(); if (!dontShowCards) { otherTypes.push(CipherType.Card); } if (!dontShowIdentities) { otherTypes.push(CipherType.Identity); } const ciphers = await this.cipherService.getAllDecryptedForUrl( this.url, otherTypes.length > 0 ? otherTypes : null ); this.loginCiphers = []; this.cardCiphers = []; this.identityCiphers = []; ciphers.forEach((c) => { if (!this.vaultFilterService.filterCipherForSelectedVault(c)) { switch (c.type) { case CipherType.Login: this.loginCiphers.push(c); break; case CipherType.Card: this.cardCiphers.push(c); break; case CipherType.Identity: this.identityCiphers.push(c); break; default: break; } } }); this.loginCiphers = this.loginCiphers.sort((a, b) => this.cipherService.sortCiphersByLastUsedThenName(a, b) ); this.loaded = true; } }