import { ApiService } from "../abstractions/api.service"; import { AppIdService } from "../abstractions/appId.service"; import { AuthService as AuthServiceAbstraction } from "../abstractions/auth.service"; import { CryptoService } from "../abstractions/crypto.service"; import { EnvironmentService } from "../abstractions/environment.service"; import { I18nService } from "../abstractions/i18n.service"; import { KeyConnectorService } from "../abstractions/keyConnector.service"; import { LogService } from "../abstractions/log.service"; import { MessagingService } from "../abstractions/messaging.service"; import { PlatformUtilsService } from "../abstractions/platformUtils.service"; import { StateService } from "../abstractions/state.service"; import { TokenService } from "../abstractions/token.service"; import { TwoFactorService } from "../abstractions/twoFactor.service"; import { AuthenticationStatus } from "../enums/authenticationStatus"; import { AuthenticationType } from "../enums/authenticationType"; import { KdfType } from "../enums/kdfType"; import { KeySuffixOptions } from "../enums/keySuffixOptions"; import { ApiLogInStrategy } from "../misc/logInStrategies/apiLogin.strategy"; import { PasswordLogInStrategy } from "../misc/logInStrategies/passwordLogin.strategy"; import { SsoLogInStrategy } from "../misc/logInStrategies/ssoLogin.strategy"; import { AuthResult } from "../models/domain/authResult"; import { ApiLogInCredentials, PasswordLogInCredentials, SsoLogInCredentials, } from "../models/domain/logInCredentials"; import { SymmetricCryptoKey } from "../models/domain/symmetricCryptoKey"; import { TokenRequestTwoFactor } from "../models/request/identityToken/tokenRequestTwoFactor"; import { PreloginRequest } from "../models/request/preloginRequest"; import { ErrorResponse } from "../models/response/errorResponse"; const sessionTimeoutLength = 2 * 60 * 1000; // 2 minutes export class AuthService implements AuthServiceAbstraction { get email(): string { return this.logInStrategy instanceof PasswordLogInStrategy ? : null; } get masterPasswordHash(): string { return this.logInStrategy instanceof PasswordLogInStrategy ? this.logInStrategy.masterPasswordHash : null; } private logInStrategy: ApiLogInStrategy | PasswordLogInStrategy | SsoLogInStrategy; private sessionTimeout: any; constructor( protected cryptoService: CryptoService, protected apiService: ApiService, protected tokenService: TokenService, protected appIdService: AppIdService, protected platformUtilsService: PlatformUtilsService, protected messagingService: MessagingService, protected logService: LogService, protected keyConnectorService: KeyConnectorService, protected environmentService: EnvironmentService, protected stateService: StateService, protected twoFactorService: TwoFactorService, protected i18nService: I18nService ) {} async logIn( credentials: ApiLogInCredentials | PasswordLogInCredentials | SsoLogInCredentials ): Promise { this.clearState(); let strategy: ApiLogInStrategy | PasswordLogInStrategy | SsoLogInStrategy; if (credentials.type === AuthenticationType.Password) { strategy = new PasswordLogInStrategy( this.cryptoService, this.apiService, this.tokenService, this.appIdService, this.platformUtilsService, this.messagingService, this.logService, this.stateService, this.twoFactorService, this ); } else if (credentials.type === AuthenticationType.Sso) { strategy = new SsoLogInStrategy( this.cryptoService, this.apiService, this.tokenService, this.appIdService, this.platformUtilsService, this.messagingService, this.logService, this.stateService, this.twoFactorService, this.keyConnectorService ); } else if (credentials.type === AuthenticationType.Api) { strategy = new ApiLogInStrategy( this.cryptoService, this.apiService, this.tokenService, this.appIdService, this.platformUtilsService, this.messagingService, this.logService, this.stateService, this.twoFactorService, this.environmentService, this.keyConnectorService ); } const result = await strategy.logIn(credentials as any); if (result?.requiresTwoFactor) { this.saveState(strategy); } return result; } async logInTwoFactor( twoFactor: TokenRequestTwoFactor, captchaResponse: string ): Promise { if (this.logInStrategy == null) { throw new Error(this.i18nService.t("sessionTimeout")); } try { const result = await this.logInStrategy.logInTwoFactor(twoFactor, captchaResponse); // Only clear state if 2FA token has been accepted, otherwise we need to be able to try again if (!result.requiresTwoFactor && !result.requiresCaptcha) { this.clearState(); } return result; } catch (e) { // API exceptions are okay, but if there are any unhandled client-side errors then clear state to be safe if (!(e instanceof ErrorResponse)) { this.clearState(); } throw e; } } logOut(callback: () => void) { callback(); this.messagingService.send("loggedOut"); } authingWithApiKey(): boolean { return this.logInStrategy instanceof ApiLogInStrategy; } authingWithSso(): boolean { return this.logInStrategy instanceof SsoLogInStrategy; } authingWithPassword(): boolean { return this.logInStrategy instanceof PasswordLogInStrategy; } async getAuthStatus(userId?: string): Promise { const isAuthenticated = await this.stateService.getIsAuthenticated({ userId: userId }); if (!isAuthenticated) { return AuthenticationStatus.LoggedOut; } // Keys aren't stored for a device that is locked or logged out // Make sure we're logged in before checking this, otherwise we could mix up those states const neverLock = (await this.cryptoService.hasKeyStored(KeySuffixOptions.Auto, userId)) && !(await this.stateService.getEverBeenUnlocked({ userId: userId })); if (neverLock) { // TODO: This also _sets_ the key so when we check memory in the next line it finds a key. // We should refactor here. await this.cryptoService.getKey(KeySuffixOptions.Auto, userId); } const hasKeyInMemory = await this.cryptoService.hasKeyInMemory(userId); if (!hasKeyInMemory) { return AuthenticationStatus.Locked; } return AuthenticationStatus.Unlocked; } async makePreloginKey(masterPassword: string, email: string): Promise { email = email.trim().toLowerCase(); let kdf: KdfType = null; let kdfIterations: number = null; try { const preloginResponse = await this.apiService.postPrelogin(new PreloginRequest(email)); if (preloginResponse != null) { kdf = preloginResponse.kdf; kdfIterations = preloginResponse.kdfIterations; } } catch (e) { if (e == null || e.statusCode !== 404) { throw e; } } return this.cryptoService.makeKey(masterPassword, email, kdf, kdfIterations); } private saveState(strategy: ApiLogInStrategy | PasswordLogInStrategy | SsoLogInStrategy) { this.logInStrategy = strategy; this.startSessionTimeout(); } private clearState() { this.logInStrategy = null; this.clearSessionTimeout(); } private startSessionTimeout() { this.clearSessionTimeout(); this.sessionTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.clearState(), sessionTimeoutLength); } private clearSessionTimeout() { if (this.sessionTimeout != null) { clearTimeout(this.sessionTimeout); } } }