export class BrowserApi { static isWebExtensionsApi: boolean = (typeof browser !== 'undefined'); static isSafariApi: boolean = (window as any).safariAppExtension === true; static isChromeApi: boolean = !BrowserApi.isSafariApi && (typeof chrome !== 'undefined'); static isFirefoxOnAndroid: boolean = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox/') !== -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Android') !== -1; static isEdge18: boolean = navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' Edge/18.') !== -1; static async getTabFromCurrentWindowId(): Promise { if (BrowserApi.isChromeApi) { return await BrowserApi.tabsQueryFirst({ active: true, windowId: chrome.windows.WINDOW_ID_CURRENT, }); } else if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi) { return await BrowserApi.getTabFromCurrentWindow(); } } static async getTabFromCurrentWindow(): Promise { return await BrowserApi.tabsQueryFirst({ active: true, currentWindow: true, }); } static async getActiveTabs(): Promise { return await BrowserApi.tabsQuery({ active: true, }); } static tabsQuery(options: any): Promise { if (BrowserApi.isChromeApi) { return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.tabs.query(options, (tabs: any[]) => { resolve(tabs); }); }); } else if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi) { let wins: any[] = []; // TODO /* if (options.currentWindow) { if (safari.application.activeBrowserWindow) { wins.push(safari.application.activeBrowserWindow); } } else { wins = safari.application.browserWindows; } const returnedTabs: any[] = []; wins.forEach((win: any) => { if (!win.tabs) { return; } if (options.active && win.activeTab) { returnedTabs.push(BrowserApi.makeTabObject(win.activeTab)); } else if (!options.active) { win.tabs.forEach((tab: any) => { returnedTabs.push(BrowserApi.makeTabObject(tab)); }); } }); return Promise.resolve(returnedTabs); */ return Promise.resolve([]); } } static async tabsQueryFirst(options: any): Promise { const tabs = await BrowserApi.tabsQuery(options); if (tabs.length > 0) { return tabs[0]; } return null; } static tabSendMessageData(tab: any, command: string, data: any = null): Promise { const obj: any = { command: command, }; if (data != null) { obj.data = data; } return BrowserApi.tabSendMessage(tab, obj); } static tabSendMessage(tab: any, obj: any, options: any = null): Promise { if (!tab || !tab.id) { return; } if (BrowserApi.isChromeApi) { return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, obj, options, () => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { // Some error happened } resolve(); }); }); } else if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi) { // TODO /* let t = tab.safariTab; if (!t || !t.page) { const win = safari.application.activeBrowserWindow; if (safari.application.browserWindows.indexOf(win) !== tab.windowId) { return Promise.reject('Window not found.'); } if (win.tabs.length < tab.index + 1) { return Promise.reject('Tab not found.'); } t = win.tabs[tab.index]; } if (obj.tab && obj.tab.safariTab) { delete obj.tab.safariTab; } if (options != null && options.frameId != null && obj.bitwardenFrameId == null) { obj.bitwardenFrameId = options.frameId; } if (t.page) { t.page.dispatchMessage('bitwarden', obj); } */ return Promise.resolve(); } } static getBackgroundPage(): any { if (BrowserApi.isChromeApi) { return chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage(); } else if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi) { return window; } else { return null; } } static getApplicationVersion(): string { if (BrowserApi.isChromeApi) { return chrome.runtime.getManifest().version; } else if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi) { // TODO return null; } else { return null; } } static isPopupOpen(): boolean { if (BrowserApi.isChromeApi) { return chrome.extension.getViews({ type: 'popup' }).length > 0; } else if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi) { // TODO return true; } else { return null; } } static createNewTab(url: string, extensionPage: boolean = false): any { if (BrowserApi.isChromeApi) { chrome.tabs.create({ url: url }); return null; } else if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi) { // TODO return; } else { return; } } static getAssetUrl(path: string): string { if (BrowserApi.isChromeApi) { return chrome.extension.getURL(path); } else if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi) { // TODO return null; } else { return null; } } static messageListener(callback: (message: any, sender: any, response: any) => void) { if (BrowserApi.isChromeApi) { chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg: any, sender: any, response: any) => { callback(msg, sender, response); }); } else if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi) { // TODO /* safari.application.addEventListener('message', async (msgEvent: any) => { callback(msgEvent.message, { tab: BrowserApi.makeTabObject(msgEvent.target), frameId: msgEvent.message != null && msgEvent.message.bitwardenFrameId != null ? msgEvent.message.bitwardenFrameId : null, }, () => { }); }, false); */ } } static closePopup(win: Window) { if (BrowserApi.isWebExtensionsApi && BrowserApi.isFirefoxOnAndroid) { // Reactivating the active tab dismisses the popup tab. The promise final // condition is only called if the popup wasn't already dismissed (future proofing). // ref: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1433604 browser.tabs.update({ active: true }).finally(win.close); } else if (BrowserApi.isWebExtensionsApi || BrowserApi.isChromeApi) { win.close(); } else if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi && safari.extension.popovers && safari.extension.popovers.length > 0) { BrowserApi.sendSafariMessageToApp({ command: 'hideWindow' }); } } static downloadFile(win: Window, blobData: any, blobOptions: any, fileName: string) { if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi) { // TODO } else { const blob = new Blob([blobData], blobOptions); if (navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { navigator.msSaveBlob(blob, fileName); } else { const a = win.document.createElement('a'); a.href = win.URL.createObjectURL(blob); a.download = fileName; win.document.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); win.document.body.removeChild(a); } } } static makeTabObject(tab: any): any { if (BrowserApi.isChromeApi) { return tab; } if (!tab.browserWindow) { return {}; } // TODO return {}; /* const winIndex = safari.application.browserWindows.indexOf(tab.browserWindow); const tabIndex = tab.browserWindow.tabs.indexOf(tab); return { id: winIndex + '_' + tabIndex, index: tabIndex, windowId: winIndex, title: tab.title, active: tab === tab.browserWindow.activeTab, url: tab.url || 'about:blank', safariTab: tab, }; */ } static gaFilter() { return process.env.ENV !== 'production'; } static getUILanguage(win: Window) { if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi) { return win.navigator.language; } else { return chrome.i18n.getUILanguage(); } } static reloadExtension(win: Window) { if (win != null) { return win.location.reload(true); } else if (BrowserApi.isSafariApi) { BrowserApi.sendSafariMessageToApp({ command: 'reloadWindow' }); } else if (!BrowserApi.isSafariApi) { return chrome.runtime.reload(); } } static sendSafariMessageToApp(message: any, response: (data: any) => {} = null) { if (this.isSafariApi) { (window as any).webkit.messageHandlers.bitwardenApp.postMessage(message); } } }