import { BehaviorSubject, concatMap, ReplaySubject, Subject, Subscription } from "rxjs"; import { Utils } from "@bitwarden/common/misc/utils"; import { BrowserApi } from "../../browser/browserApi"; import { BrowserStateService } from "../../services/abstractions/browser-state.service"; import { SyncedItemMetadata } from "./sync-item-metadata"; export class SessionSyncer { subscription: Subscription; id = Utils.newGuid(); // ignore initial values private ignoreNUpdates = 0; constructor( private subject: Subject, private stateService: BrowserStateService, private metaData: SyncedItemMetadata ) { if (!(subject instanceof Subject)) { throw new Error("subject must inherit from Subject"); } if (metaData.ctor == null && metaData.initializer == null) { throw new Error("ctor or initializer must be provided"); } } init() { switch (this.subject.constructor) { case ReplaySubject: // ignore all updates currently in the buffer this.ignoreNUpdates = (this.subject as any)._buffer.length; break; case BehaviorSubject: this.ignoreNUpdates = 1; break; default: break; } this.observe(); // must be synchronous this.stateService.hasInSessionMemory(this.metaData.sessionKey).then((hasInSessionMemory) => { if (hasInSessionMemory) { this.update(); } }); this.listenForUpdates(); } private observe() { // This may be a memory leak. // There is no good time to unsubscribe from this observable. Hopefully Manifest V3 clears memory from temporary // contexts. If so, this is handled by destruction of the context. this.subscription = this.subject .pipe( concatMap(async (next) => { if (this.ignoreNUpdates > 0) { this.ignoreNUpdates -= 1; return; } await this.updateSession(next); }) ) .subscribe(); } private listenForUpdates() { // This is an unawaited promise, but it will be executed asynchronously in the background. BrowserApi.messageListener( this.updateMessageCommand, async (message) => await this.updateFromMessage(message) ); } async updateFromMessage(message: any) { if (message.command != this.updateMessageCommand || === { return; } this.update(); } async update() { const builder = SyncedItemMetadata.builder(this.metaData); const value = await this.stateService.getFromSessionMemory(this.metaData.sessionKey, builder); this.ignoreNUpdates = 1;; } private async updateSession(value: any) { await this.stateService.setInSessionMemory(this.metaData.sessionKey, value); await BrowserApi.sendMessage(this.updateMessageCommand, { id: }); } private get updateMessageCommand() { return `${this.metaData.sessionKey}_update`; } }