Code contributions are welcome! Please commit any pull requests against the `master` branch. # Internationalization (i18n) If you are interested in helping translate the bitwarden browser extension into another language, please follow these steps when creating your pull request: 1. Create a new folder under `/src/_locales` using the proper Chrome locale code. You can find the locales that Chrome supports here: . For example, if I want to create a new translation for German, I will create the folder `/src/_locales/de`. 2. Copy/paste the English `messages.json` file (`/src/_locales/en/messages.json`) into your newly created locales folder. 3. Open the `messages.json` for your newly created locale and start translating the `message` JSON properties. The `description` properties should be left in English as a reference. 4. Repeat the same process for the store `` and `` files in `/store`. Do not copy over the `assets` and `screenshots` folders to your new locale. We will update these based on your translations provided in ``. Finally, do not translate the titles in the markdown files (ex. `# Name` and `# Screenshot - Sync`). These are only for reference. You can find an example of a proper translation pull request here: