{ "bitwarden": { "message": "Bitwarden" }, "filters": { "message": "Filtri" }, "allItems": { "message": "Vsi elementi" }, "favorites": { "message": "Priljubljene" }, "types": { "message": "Tipi" }, "typeLogin": { "message": "Prijava" }, "typeCard": { "message": "Kartica" }, "typeIdentity": { "message": "Identiteta" }, "typeSecureNote": { "message": "Varni zapisek" }, "folders": { "message": "Mape" }, "collections": { "message": "Zbirke" }, "searchVault": { "message": "Išči v trezorju" }, "addItem": { "message": "Dodaj vnos" }, "shared": { "message": "Deljeno" }, "share": { "message": "Deli" }, "moveToOrganization": { "message": "Premakni v organizacijo" }, "movedItemToOrg": { "message": "$ITEMNAME$ premaknjen v $ORGNAME$", "placeholders": { "itemname": { "content": "$1", "example": "Secret Item" }, "orgname": { "content": "$2", "example": "Company Name" } } }, "moveToOrgDesc": { "message": "Choose an organization that you wish to move this item to. Moving to an organization transfers ownership of the item to that organization. You will no longer be the direct owner of this item once it has been moved." }, "attachments": { "message": "Priloge" }, "viewItem": { "message": "Ogled vnosa" }, "name": { "message": "Naziv" }, "uri": { "message": "URI" }, "uriPosition": { "message": "URI $POSITION$", "description": "A listing of URIs. Ex: URI 1, URI 2, URI 3, etc.", "placeholders": { "position": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "newUri": { "message": "Nov URI" }, "username": { "message": "Uporabniško ime" }, "password": { "message": "Geslo" }, "passphrase": { "message": "Šifrirna fraza" }, "editItem": { "message": "Uredi vnos" }, "emailAddress": { "message": "E-poštni naslov" }, "verificationCodeTotp": { "message": "Verifikacijska koda (TOTP)" }, "website": { "message": "Spletna stran" }, "notes": { "message": "Zapiski" }, "customFields": { "message": "Polja po meri" }, "launch": { "message": "Zaženi" }, "copyValue": { "message": "Kopiraj vrednost", "description": "Copy value to clipboard" }, "minimizeOnCopyToClipboard": { "message": "Minimiziraj okno pri kopiranju v odložišče" }, "minimizeOnCopyToClipboardDesc": { "message": "Minimiziraj pri kopiranju podatkov elementa v odložišče." }, "toggleVisibility": { "message": "Preklopi vidljivost" }, "toggleCollapse": { "message": "Skrči/Razširi", "description": "Toggling an expand/collapse state." }, "cardholderName": { "message": "Imetnik kartice" }, "number": { "message": "Številka" }, "brand": { "message": "Znamka" }, "expiration": { "message": "Datum poteka" }, "securityCode": { "message": "Varnostna koda" }, "identityName": { "message": "Ime identitete" }, "company": { "message": "Podjetje" }, "ssn": { "message": "Številka socialne varnosti" }, "passportNumber": { "message": "Številka potnega lista" }, "licenseNumber": { "message": "Številka dovoljenja" }, "email": { "message": "E-pošta" }, "phone": { "message": "Telefon" }, "address": { "message": "Naslov" }, "premiumRequired": { "message": "Potrebno je premium članstvo" }, "premiumRequiredDesc": { "message": "Za uporabo te funkcije je potrebno premium članstvo." }, "errorOccurred": { "message": "Prišlo je do napake." }, "error": { "message": "Napaka" }, "january": { "message": "Januar" }, "february": { "message": "Februar" }, "march": { "message": "Marec" }, "april": { "message": "April" }, "may": { "message": "Maj" }, "june": { "message": "Junij" }, "july": { "message": "Julij" }, "august": { "message": "Avgust" }, "september": { "message": "September" }, "october": { "message": "Oktober" }, "november": { "message": "November" }, "december": { "message": "December" }, "ex": { "message": "npr.", "description": "Short abbreviation for 'example'." }, "title": { "message": "Naziv" }, "mr": { "message": "G" }, "mrs": { "message": "Ga" }, "ms": { "message": "Gdč" }, "dr": { "message": "Dr" }, "expirationMonth": { "message": "Mesec poteka" }, "expirationYear": { "message": "Leto poteka" }, "select": { "message": "Izberi" }, "other": { "message": "Drugo" }, "generatePassword": { "message": "Generiraj geslo" }, "type": { "message": "Tip" }, "firstName": { "message": "Ime" }, "middleName": { "message": "Srednje ime" }, "lastName": { "message": "Priimek" }, "fullName": { "message": "Polno ime" }, "address1": { "message": "Naslov 1" }, "address2": { "message": "Naslov 2" }, "address3": { "message": "Naslov 3" }, "cityTown": { "message": "Mesto / Naselje" }, "stateProvince": { "message": "Država / Regija" }, "zipPostalCode": { "message": "Poštna številka" }, "country": { "message": "Država" }, "save": { "message": "Shrani" }, "cancel": { "message": "Prekliči" }, "delete": { "message": "Izbriši" }, "favorite": { "message": "Priljubljeno" }, "edit": { "message": "Uredi" }, "authenticatorKeyTotp": { "message": "Ključ avtentikatorja (TOTP)" }, "folder": { "message": "Mapa" }, "newCustomField": { "message": "Novo polje po meri" }, "value": { "message": "Vrednost" }, "dragToSort": { "message": "Povleci za sortiranje" }, "cfTypeText": { "message": "Besedilo" }, "cfTypeHidden": { "message": "Skrito" }, "cfTypeBoolean": { "message": "Logična vrednost" }, "cfTypeLinked": { "message": "Povezano", "description": "This describes a field that is 'linked' (related) to another field." }, "linkedValue": { "message": "Povezana vrednost", "description": "This describes a value that is 'linked' (related) to another value." }, "remove": { "message": "Odstrani" }, "nameRequired": { "message": "Ime je obvezen podatek." }, "addedItem": { "message": "Vnos dodan" }, "editedItem": { "message": "Vnos urejen" }, "deleteItem": { "message": "Vnos odstranjen" }, "deleteFolder": { "message": "Izbriši mapo" }, "deleteAttachment": { "message": "Izbriši priponoko" }, "deleteItemConfirmation": { "message": "Ali res želite poslati v koš?" }, "deletedItem": { "message": "Pošlji vnos v smeti" }, "overwritePasswordConfirmation": { "message": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite prepisati vaše trenutno geslo?" }, "overwriteUsername": { "message": "Overwrite username" }, "overwriteUsernameConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to overwrite the current username?" }, "noneFolder": { "message": "Brez mape", "description": "This is the folder for uncategorized items" }, "addFolder": { "message": "Dodaj mapo" }, "editFolder": { "message": "Uredi mapo" }, "regeneratePassword": { "message": "Ponovno generiraj geslo" }, "copyPassword": { "message": "Kopiraj geslo" }, "copyUri": { "message": "Kopiraj URI" }, "copyVerificationCodeTotp": { "message": "Kopiraj verifikacijsko kodo (TOTP)" }, "length": { "message": "Dolžina" }, "uppercase": { "message": "Uppercase (A-Z)" }, "lowercase": { "message": "Lowercase (a-z)" }, "numbers": { "message": "Numbers (0-9)" }, "specialCharacters": { "message": "Special characters (!@#$%^&*)" }, "numWords": { "message": "Število besed" }, "wordSeparator": { "message": "Ločilo besed" }, "capitalize": { "message": "Zapiši z veliko začetnico", "description": "Make the first letter of a word uppercase." }, "includeNumber": { "message": "Vključi številko" }, "close": { "message": "Zapri" }, "minNumbers": { "message": "Minimalna števila" }, "minSpecial": { "message": "Minimalno posebnih znakov", "description": "Minimum Special Characters" }, "ambiguous": { "message": "Izogibaj se dvoumnim znakom" }, "searchCollection": { "message": "Preišči zbirko" }, "searchFolder": { "message": "Preišči mapo" }, "searchFavorites": { "message": "Preišči priljubljene" }, "searchType": { "message": "Preišči po tipih", "description": "Search item type" }, "newAttachment": { "message": "Dodaj novo priponko" }, "deletedAttachment": { "message": "Izbriši priponko" }, "deleteAttachmentConfirmation": { "message": "Ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to priponko?" }, "attachmentSaved": { "message": "Priponka je bila shranjena." }, "file": { "message": "Datoteka" }, "selectFile": { "message": "Izberite datoteko." }, "maxFileSize": { "message": "Največja velikost datoteke je 500 MB." }, "updateKey": { "message": "Te funkcije ne morete koristiti, dokler dokler ne posodobite vašega ključa za šifriranje." }, "editedFolder": { "message": "Mapa je bila urejena" }, "addedFolder": { "message": "Mapa je bila dodana" }, "deleteFolderConfirmation": { "message": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati to mapo?" }, "deletedFolder": { "message": "Mapa je bila izbrisana" }, "loginOrCreateNewAccount": { "message": "Prijavite se ali ustvarite nov račun za dostop do vašega varnega trezorja." }, "createAccount": { "message": "Ustvari račun" }, "logIn": { "message": "Prijava" }, "submit": { "message": "Potrdi" }, "masterPass": { "message": "Glavno geslo" }, "masterPassDesc": { "message": "The master password is the password you use to access your vault. It is very important that you do not forget your master password. There is no way to recover the password in the event that you forget it." }, "masterPassHintDesc": { "message": "A master password hint can help you remember your password if you forget it." }, "reTypeMasterPass": { "message": "Re-type master password" }, "masterPassHint": { "message": "Master password hint (optional)" }, "settings": { "message": "Nastavitve" }, "passwordHint": { "message": "Namig za geslo" }, "enterEmailToGetHint": { "message": "Enter your account email address to receive your master password hint." }, "getMasterPasswordHint": { "message": "Get master password hint" }, "emailRequired": { "message": "Email address is required." }, "invalidEmail": { "message": "Neveljaven epoštni naslov." }, "masterPasswordRequired": { "message": "Master password is required." }, "confirmMasterPasswordRequired": { "message": "Master password retype is required." }, "masterPasswordMinlength": { "message": "Master password must be at least 8 characters long." }, "masterPassDoesntMatch": { "message": "Master password confirmation does not match." }, "newAccountCreated": { "message": "Your new account has been created! You may now log in." }, "masterPassSent": { "message": "We've sent you an email with your master password hint." }, "unexpectedError": { "message": "An unexpected error has occurred." }, "itemInformation": { "message": "Informacije o vnosu" }, "noItemsInList": { "message": "Ni vnosov za prikaz." }, "sendVerificationCode": { "message": "Pošlji verifikacijsko kodo po e-pošti" }, "sendCode": { "message": "Pošlji kodo" }, "codeSent": { "message": "Koda poslana" }, "verificationCode": { "message": "Verifikacijska koda" }, "confirmIdentity": { "message": "Potrdite svojo identiteto za nadaljevanje." }, "verificationCodeRequired": { "message": "Potrebna je verifikacijska koda." }, "invalidVerificationCode": { "message": "Neveljavna verifikacijska koda" }, "continue": { "message": "Nadaljuj" }, "enterVerificationCodeApp": { "message": "Vnesite 6-mestno verifikacijsko kodo iz vaše avtentikacijske aplikacije." }, "enterVerificationCodeEmail": { "message": "Vnesite 6-mestno verifikacijsko kodo, ki vam je bila poslana na $EMAIL$.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "example@gmail.com" } } }, "verificationCodeEmailSent": { "message": "Potrditveno sporočilo poslano na $EMAIL$.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "example@gmail.com" } } }, "rememberMe": { "message": "Zapomni si me" }, "sendVerificationCodeEmailAgain": { "message": "Ponovno pošlji verifikacijsko kodo" }, "useAnotherTwoStepMethod": { "message": "Use another two-step login method" }, "insertYubiKey": { "message": "Insert your YubiKey into your computer's USB port, then touch its button." }, "insertU2f": { "message": "Insert your security key into your computer's USB port. If it has a button, touch it." }, "recoveryCodeDesc": { "message": "Lost access to all of your two-factor providers? Use your recovery code to turn off all two-factor providers on your account." }, "recoveryCodeTitle": { "message": "Koda za obnovitev" }, "authenticatorAppTitle": { "message": "Avtentikacijska aplikacija" }, "authenticatorAppDesc": { "message": "Use an authenticator app (such as Authy or Google Authenticator) to generate time-based verification codes.", "description": "'Authy' and 'Google Authenticator' are product names and should not be translated." }, "yubiKeyTitle": { "message": "YubiKey OTP security key" }, "yubiKeyDesc": { "message": "Use a YubiKey to access your account. Works with YubiKey 4, 4 Nano, 4C, and NEO devices." }, "duoDesc": { "message": "Verify with Duo Security using the Duo Mobile app, SMS, phone call, or U2F security key.", "description": "'Duo Security' and 'Duo Mobile' are product names and should not be translated." }, "duoOrganizationDesc": { "message": "Verify with Duo Security for your organization using the Duo Mobile app, SMS, phone call, or U2F security key.", "description": "'Duo Security' and 'Duo Mobile' are product names and should not be translated." }, "webAuthnTitle": { "message": "FIDO2 WebAuthn" }, "webAuthnDesc": { "message": "Use any WebAuthn compatible security key to access your account." }, "emailTitle": { "message": "E-pošta" }, "emailDesc": { "message": "Potrditvene kode vam bodo posredovane po e-pošti." }, "loginUnavailable": { "message": "Prijava ni na voljo" }, "noTwoStepProviders": { "message": "Ta račun ima omogočemo prijavo v dveh korakih, ampak nobena izmed konfiguriranih ni podprta v tem spletnem brskalniku." }, "noTwoStepProviders2": { "message": "Please add additional providers that are better supported across devices (such as an authenticator app)." }, "twoStepOptions": { "message": "Two-step login options" }, "selfHostedEnvironment": { "message": "Okolje z lastnim gostovanjem" }, "selfHostedEnvironmentFooter": { "message": "Specify the base URL of your on-premises hosted Bitwarden installation." }, "customEnvironment": { "message": "Okolje po meri" }, "customEnvironmentFooter": { "message": "Za napredne uporabnike. Lahko specificirate osnovni URL, ločeno za vsako storitev." }, "baseUrl": { "message": "URL naslov strežnika" }, "apiUrl": { "message": "URL API strežnika" }, "webVaultUrl": { "message": "URL strežniškega spletnega trezorja" }, "identityUrl": { "message": "Prepoznaj strežnikov URL" }, "notificationsUrl": { "message": "Notifications server URL" }, "iconsUrl": { "message": "URL strežnika ikon" }, "environmentSaved": { "message": "Okoljski URLji so bili shranjeni." }, "ok": { "message": "V redu" }, "yes": { "message": "Da" }, "no": { "message": "Ne" }, "overwritePassword": { "message": "Prepiši geslo" }, "learnMore": { "message": "Več o tem" }, "featureUnavailable": { "message": "Funkcija ni na voljo" }, "loggedOut": { "message": "Odjavljen" }, "loginExpired": { "message": "Vaša seja je potekla." }, "logOutConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to log out?" }, "logOut": { "message": "Odjavi se" }, "addNewLogin": { "message": "Dodaj prijavo" }, "addNewItem": { "message": "Dodaj nov element" }, "addNewFolder": { "message": "Dodaj novo mapo" }, "view": { "message": "Pogled" }, "account": { "message": "Račun" }, "loading": { "message": "Nalaganje..." }, "lockVault": { "message": "Lock vault" }, "passwordGenerator": { "message": "Generator gesel" }, "contactUs": { "message": "Contact us" }, "getHelp": { "message": "Get help" }, "fileBugReport": { "message": "Prijavi napako" }, "blog": { "message": "Blog" }, "followUs": { "message": "Sledite nam" }, "syncVault": { "message": "Sinhroniziraj trezor" }, "changeMasterPass": { "message": "Spremeni glavno geslo" }, "changeMasterPasswordConfirmation": { "message": "Svoje glavno geslo lahko spremenite v bitwarden.com spletnem trezorju. Želite obiskati spletno stran zdaj?" }, "fingerprintPhrase": { "message": "Fraza prstnega odtisa", "description": "A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing." }, "yourAccountsFingerprint": { "message": "Fraza prstnega odtisa vašega računa", "description": "A 'fingerprint phrase' is a unique word phrase (similar to a passphrase) that a user can use to authenticate their public key with another user, for the purposes of sharing." }, "goToWebVault": { "message": "Pojdite v spletni trezor" }, "getMobileApp": { "message": "Priskrbite si mobilno aplikacijo" }, "getBrowserExtension": { "message": "Namesti razširitev za brskalnik" }, "syncingComplete": { "message": "Sinhronizacija končana" }, "syncingFailed": { "message": "Sinhronizacija ni uspela" }, "yourVaultIsLocked": { "message": "Vaš trezor je zaklenjen. Potrdite svojo identiteto za nadaljevanje." }, "unlock": { "message": "Odkleni" }, "loggedInAsOn": { "message": "Prijavljeni kot $EMAIL$ na $HOSTNAME$.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "name@example.com" }, "hostname": { "content": "$2", "example": "bitwarden.com" } } }, "invalidMasterPassword": { "message": "Napačno glavno geslo" }, "twoStepLoginConfirmation": { "message": "Avtentikacija v dveh korakih naredi vaš račun bolj varen, saj od vas zahteva, da svojo prijavo preverite z drugo napravo, kot je varnostni ključ, aplikacija za preverjanje pristnosti, SMS, telefonski klic ali e-pošta. V spletnem trezorju bitwarden.com je lahko omogočite prijavo v dveh korakih. Ali želite spletno stran obiskati sedaj?" }, "twoStepLogin": { "message": "Prijava v dveh korakih" }, "vaultTimeout": { "message": "Časovna omejitev trezorja" }, "vaultTimeoutDesc": { "message": "Choose when your vault will take the vault timeout action." }, "immediately": { "message": "Nemudoma" }, "tenSeconds": { "message": "10 sekund" }, "twentySeconds": { "message": "20 sekund" }, "thirtySeconds": { "message": "30 sekund" }, "oneMinute": { "message": "1 minuta" }, "twoMinutes": { "message": "2 minuti" }, "fiveMinutes": { "message": "5 minut" }, "fifteenMinutes": { "message": "15 minut" }, "thirtyMinutes": { "message": "30 minut" }, "oneHour": { "message": "1 ura" }, "fourHours": { "message": "4 ure" }, "onIdle": { "message": "Ob nedejavnosti sistema" }, "onSleep": { "message": "Ob spanju sistema" }, "onLocked": { "message": "Ob zaklepu sistema" }, "onRestart": { "message": "Ob ponovnem zagonu aplikacije" }, "never": { "message": "Nikoli" }, "security": { "message": "Varnost" }, "clearClipboard": { "message": "Počisti odložišče", "description": "Clipboard is the operating system thing where you copy/paste data to on your device." }, "clearClipboardDesc": { "message": "Samodejno počisti kopirane vrednosti iz odložišča.", "description": "Clipboard is the operating system thing where you copy/paste data to on your device." }, "enableFavicon": { "message": "Show website icons" }, "faviconDesc": { "message": "Show a recognizable image next to each login." }, "enableMinToTray": { "message": "Pomanjšaj v orodno vrstico" }, "enableMinToTrayDesc": { "message": "When minimizing the window, show an icon in the system tray instead." }, "enableMinToMenuBar": { "message": "Minimize to menu bar" }, "enableMinToMenuBarDesc": { "message": "When minimizing the window, show an icon in the menu bar instead." }, "enableCloseToTray": { "message": "Close to tray icon" }, "enableCloseToTrayDesc": { "message": "When closing the window, show an icon in the system tray instead." }, "enableCloseToMenuBar": { "message": "Close to menu bar" }, "enableCloseToMenuBarDesc": { "message": "When closing the window, show an icon in the menu bar instead." }, "enableTray": { "message": "Show tray icon" }, "enableTrayDesc": { "message": "Always show an icon in the system tray." }, "startToTray": { "message": "Start to tray icon" }, "startToTrayDesc": { "message": "When the application is first started, only show an icon in the system tray." }, "startToMenuBar": { "message": "Start to menu bar" }, "startToMenuBarDesc": { "message": "When the application is first started, only show an icon in the menu bar." }, "openAtLogin": { "message": "Start automatically on login" }, "openAtLoginDesc": { "message": "Start the Bitwarden desktop application automatically on login." }, "alwaysShowDock": { "message": "Always show in the Dock" }, "alwaysShowDockDesc": { "message": "Show the Bitwarden icon in the Dock even when minimized to the menu bar." }, "confirmTrayTitle": { "message": "Confirm hiding tray" }, "confirmTrayDesc": { "message": "Turning off this setting will also turn off all other tray related settings." }, "language": { "message": "Jezik" }, "languageDesc": { "message": "Change the language used by the application. Restart is required." }, "theme": { "message": "Tema" }, "themeDesc": { "message": "Spremeni temo aplikacije." }, "dark": { "message": "Temna", "description": "Dark color" }, "light": { "message": "Svetla", "description": "Light color" }, "copy": { "message": "Kopiraj", "description": "Copy to clipboard" }, "checkForUpdates": { "message": "Preveri za posodobitve" }, "version": { "message": "Različica $VERSION_NUM$", "placeholders": { "version_num": { "content": "$1", "example": "1.2.3" } } }, "restartToUpdate": { "message": "Ponovno zaženi za posodobitev" }, "restartToUpdateDesc": { "message": "Version $VERSION_NUM$ is ready to install. You must restart the application to complete the installation. Do you want to restart and update now?", "placeholders": { "version_num": { "content": "$1", "example": "1.2.3" } } }, "updateAvailable": { "message": "Posodobitev je na voljo" }, "updateAvailableDesc": { "message": "An update was found. Do you want to download it now?" }, "restart": { "message": "Ponovno zaženi" }, "later": { "message": "Pozneje" }, "noUpdatesAvailable": { "message": "No updates are currently available. You are using the latest version." }, "updateError": { "message": "Napaka pri posodabljanju" }, "unknown": { "message": "Neznano" }, "copyUsername": { "message": "Kopiraj uporabniško ime" }, "copyNumber": { "message": "Kopiraj številko", "description": "Copy credit card number" }, "copySecurityCode": { "message": "Kopiraj varnostno kodo", "description": "Copy credit card security code (CVV)" }, "premiumMembership": { "message": "Premium članstvo" }, "premiumManage": { "message": "Upravljanje članstva" }, "premiumManageAlert": { "message": "You can manage your membership on the bitwarden.com web vault. Do you want to visit the website now?" }, "premiumRefresh": { "message": "Osvežite članstvo" }, "premiumNotCurrentMember": { "message": "You are not currently a Premium member." }, "premiumSignUpAndGet": { "message": "Sign up for a Premium membership and get:" }, "premiumSignUpStorage": { "message": "1 GB encrypted storage for file attachments." }, "premiumSignUpTwoStep": { "message": "Additional two-step login options such as YubiKey, FIDO U2F, and Duo." }, "premiumSignUpReports": { "message": "Password hygiene, account health, and data breach reports to keep your vault safe." }, "premiumSignUpTotp": { "message": "TOTP verification code (2FA) generator for logins in your vault." }, "premiumSignUpSupport": { "message": "Priority customer support." }, "premiumSignUpFuture": { "message": "All future premium features. More coming soon!" }, "premiumPurchase": { "message": "Purchase Premium" }, "premiumPurchaseAlert": { "message": "You can purchase premium membership on the bitwarden.com web vault. Do you want to visit the website now?" }, "premiumCurrentMember": { "message": "You are a premium member!" }, "premiumCurrentMemberThanks": { "message": "Thank you for supporting Bitwarden." }, "premiumPrice": { "message": "All for just $PRICE$ /year!", "placeholders": { "price": { "content": "$1", "example": "$10" } } }, "refreshComplete": { "message": "Osveževanje zaključeno" }, "passwordHistory": { "message": "Zgodovina gesla" }, "clear": { "message": "Počisti", "description": "To clear something out. example: To clear browser history." }, "noPasswordsInList": { "message": "Ni gesel za na seznam." }, "undo": { "message": "Razveljavi" }, "redo": { "message": "Redo" }, "cut": { "message": "Izreži", "description": "Cut to clipboard" }, "paste": { "message": "Prilepi", "description": "Paste from clipboard" }, "selectAll": { "message": "Izberi vse" }, "zoomIn": { "message": "Povečaj" }, "zoomOut": { "message": "Pomanjšaj" }, "resetZoom": { "message": "Ponastavi povečavo" }, "toggleFullScreen": { "message": "Celozaslonski način" }, "reload": { "message": "Ponovno naloži" }, "toggleDevTools": { "message": "Toggle developer tools" }, "minimize": { "message": "Minimiziraj", "description": "Minimize window" }, "zoom": { "message": "Povečava" }, "bringAllToFront": { "message": "Bring all to front", "description": "Bring all windows to front (foreground)" }, "aboutBitwarden": { "message": "About Bitwarden" }, "services": { "message": "Storitve" }, "hideBitwarden": { "message": "Hide Bitwarden" }, "hideOthers": { "message": "Hide others" }, "showAll": { "message": "Pokaži vse" }, "quitBitwarden": { "message": "Izhod iz Bitwardena" }, "valueCopied": { "message": "$VALUE$ copied", "description": "Value has been copied to the clipboard.", "placeholders": { "value": { "content": "$1", "example": "Password" } } }, "help": { "message": "Pomoč" }, "window": { "message": "Okno" }, "checkPassword": { "message": "Check if password has been exposed." }, "passwordExposed": { "message": "To geslo je bilo med ukradenimi podatki izpostavljeno $VALUE$ krat. Zamenjajte ga.", "placeholders": { "value": { "content": "$1", "example": "2" } } }, "passwordSafe": { "message": "To geslo do sedaj ni bilo najdeno v zbirkah ukradenih podatkov. Njegova uporaba bi morala biti varna." }, "baseDomain": { "message": "Base domain", "description": "Domain name. Ex. website.com" }, "domainName": { "message": "Domain name", "description": "Domain name. Ex. website.com" }, "host": { "message": "Gostitelj", "description": "A URL's host value. For example, the host of https://sub.domain.com:443 is 'sub.domain.com:443'." }, "exact": { "message": "Točno" }, "startsWith": { "message": "Začne se z" }, "regEx": { "message": "Regularni izraz", "description": "A programming term, also known as 'RegEx'." }, "matchDetection": { "message": "Zaznavanje ujemanja", "description": "URI match detection for auto-fill." }, "defaultMatchDetection": { "message": "Privzet način ujemanja", "description": "Default URI match detection for auto-fill." }, "toggleOptions": { "message": "Toggle options" }, "organization": { "message": "Organizacija", "description": "An entity of multiple related people (ex. a team or business organization)." }, "default": { "message": "Privzeto" }, "exit": { "message": "Izhod" }, "showHide": { "message": "Prikaži / Skrij", "description": "Text for a button that toggles the visibility of the window. Shows the window when it is hidden or hides the window if it is currently open." }, "hideToTray": { "message": "Hide to tray" }, "alwaysOnTop": { "message": "Vedno na vrhu", "description": "Application window should always stay on top of other windows" }, "dateUpdated": { "message": "Posodobljeno", "description": "ex. Date this item was updated" }, "dateCreated": { "message": "Created", "description": "ex. Date this item was created" }, "datePasswordUpdated": { "message": "Geslo je bilo posodobljeno", "description": "ex. Date this password was updated" }, "exportVault": { "message": "Izvoz trezorja" }, "fileFormat": { "message": "Format datoteke" }, "hCaptchaUrl": { "message": "hCaptcha Url", "description": "hCaptcha is the name of a website, should not be translated" }, "loadAccessibilityCookie": { "message": "Load accessibility cookie" }, "registerAccessibilityUser": { "message": "Register as an accessibility user at", "description": "ex. Register as an accessibility user at hcaptcha.com" }, "copyPasteLink": { "message": "Copy and paste the link sent to your email below" }, "enterhCaptchaUrl": { "message": "Enter URL to load accessibility cookie for hCaptcha", "description": "hCaptcha is the name of a website, should not be translated" }, "hCaptchaUrlRequired": { "message": "hCaptcha Url is required", "description": "hCaptcha is the name of a website, should not be translated" }, "invalidUrl": { "message": "Invalid Url" }, "done": { "message": "Done" }, "accessibilityCookieSaved": { "message": "Accessibility cookie saved!" }, "noAccessibilityCookieSaved": { "message": "No accessibility cookie saved" }, "warning": { "message": "OPOZORILO", "description": "WARNING (should stay in capitalized letters if the language permits)" }, "confirmVaultExport": { "message": "Potrdite izvoz trezorja" }, "exportWarningDesc": { "message": "This export contains your vault data in an unencrypted format. You should not store or send the exported file over unsecure channels (such as email). Delete it immediately after you are done using it." }, "encExportKeyWarningDesc": { "message": "This export encrypts your data using your account's encryption key. If you ever rotate your account's encryption key you should export again since you will not be able to decrypt this export file." }, "encExportAccountWarningDesc": { "message": "Account encryption keys are unique to each Bitwarden user account, so you can't import an encrypted export into a different account." }, "noOrganizationsList": { "message": "You do not belong to any organizations. Organizations allow you to securely share items with other users." }, "noCollectionsInList": { "message": "There are no collections to list." }, "ownership": { "message": "Lastništvo" }, "whoOwnsThisItem": { "message": "Kdo je lastnik tega vnosa?" }, "strong": { "message": "Močno", "description": "ex. A strong password. Scale: Weak -> Good -> Strong" }, "good": { "message": "Dobro", "description": "ex. A good password. Scale: Weak -> Good -> Strong" }, "weak": { "message": "Šibko", "description": "ex. A weak password. Scale: Weak -> Good -> Strong" }, "weakMasterPassword": { "message": "Šibko glavno geslo" }, "weakMasterPasswordDesc": { "message": "The master password you have chosen is weak. You should use a strong master password (or a passphrase) to properly protect your Bitwarden account. Are you sure you want to use this master password?" }, "pin": { "message": "PIN", "description": "PIN code. Ex. The short code (often numeric) that you use to unlock a device." }, "unlockWithPin": { "message": "Odkleni s PIN kodo" }, "setYourPinCode": { "message": "Set your PIN code for unlocking Bitwarden. Your PIN settings will be reset if you ever fully log out of the application." }, "pinRequired": { "message": "Potrebna je PIN koda." }, "invalidPin": { "message": "Nepravilna koda PIN." }, "unlockWithWindowsHello": { "message": "Odkleni z WindowsHello" }, "windowsHelloConsentMessage": { "message": "Preverite za Bitwarden." }, "unlockWithTouchId": { "message": "Unlock with Touch ID" }, "touchIdConsentMessage": { "message": "odklenite vaš trezor" }, "autoPromptWindowsHello": { "message": "Ask for Windows Hello on launch" }, "autoPromptTouchId": { "message": "Ask for Touch ID on launch" }, "lockWithMasterPassOnRestart": { "message": "Zakleni z glavnim geslom ob ponovnem zagonu" }, "deleteAccount": { "message": "Delete account" }, "deleteAccountDesc": { "message": "Proceed below to delete your account and all vault data." }, "deleteAccountWarning": { "message": "Deleting your account is permanent. It cannot be undone." }, "accountDeleted": { "message": "Account deleted" }, "accountDeletedDesc": { "message": "Your account has been closed and all associated data has been deleted." }, "preferences": { "message": "Možnosti" }, "enableMenuBar": { "message": "Show menu bar icon" }, "enableMenuBarDesc": { "message": "Always show an icon in the menu bar." }, "hideToMenuBar": { "message": "Hide to menu bar" }, "selectOneCollection": { "message": "You must select at least one collection." }, "premiumUpdated": { "message": "You've upgraded to Premium." }, "restore": { "message": "Restore" }, "premiumManageAlertAppStore": { "message": "You can manage your subscription from the App Store. Do you want to visit the App Store now?" }, "legal": { "message": "Legal", "description": "Noun. As in 'legal documents', like our terms of service and privacy policy." }, "termsOfService": { "message": "Terms of Service" }, "privacyPolicy": { "message": "Privacy Policy" }, "unsavedChangesConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to leave? If you leave now then your current information will not be saved." }, "unsavedChangesTitle": { "message": "Unsaved changes" }, "clone": { "message": "Clone" }, "passwordGeneratorPolicyInEffect": { "message": "One or more organization policies are affecting your generator settings." }, "vaultTimeoutAction": { "message": "Vault timeout action" }, "vaultTimeoutActionLockDesc": { "message": "Master password or other unlock method is required to access your vault again." }, "vaultTimeoutActionLogOutDesc": { "message": "Re-authentication is required to access your vault again." }, "lock": { "message": "Lock", "description": "Verb form: to make secure or inaccesible by" }, "trash": { "message": "Trash", "description": "Noun: a special folder to hold deleted items" }, "searchTrash": { "message": "Search trash" }, "permanentlyDeleteItem": { "message": "Permanently delete item" }, "permanentlyDeleteItemConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this item?" }, "permanentlyDeletedItem": { "message": "Item permanently deleted" }, "restoreItem": { "message": "Restore item" }, "restoreItemConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to restore this item?" }, "restoredItem": { "message": "Item restored" }, "permanentlyDelete": { "message": "Permanently delete" }, "vaultTimeoutLogOutConfirmation": { "message": "Logging out will remove all access to your vault and requires online authentication after the timeout period. Are you sure you want to use this setting?" }, "vaultTimeoutLogOutConfirmationTitle": { "message": "Timeout action confirmation" }, "enterpriseSingleSignOn": { "message": "Enterprise single sign-on" }, "setMasterPassword": { "message": "Set master password" }, "ssoCompleteRegistration": { "message": "In order to complete logging in with SSO, please set a master password to access and protect your vault." }, "newMasterPass": { "message": "New master password" }, "confirmNewMasterPass": { "message": "Confirm new master password" }, "masterPasswordPolicyInEffect": { "message": "One or more organization policies require your master password to meet the following requirements:" }, "policyInEffectMinComplexity": { "message": "Minimum complexity score of $SCORE$", "placeholders": { "score": { "content": "$1", "example": "4" } } }, "policyInEffectMinLength": { "message": "Minimum length of $LENGTH$", "placeholders": { "length": { "content": "$1", "example": "14" } } }, "policyInEffectUppercase": { "message": "Contain one or more uppercase characters" }, "policyInEffectLowercase": { "message": "Contain one or more lowercase characters" }, "policyInEffectNumbers": { "message": "Contain one or more numbers" }, "policyInEffectSpecial": { "message": "Contain one or more of the following special characters $CHARS$", "placeholders": { "chars": { "content": "$1", "example": "!@#$%^&*" } } }, "masterPasswordPolicyRequirementsNotMet": { "message": "Your new master password does not meet the policy requirements." }, "acceptPolicies": { "message": "By checking this box you agree to the following:" }, "acceptPoliciesRequired": { "message": "Terms of Service and Privacy Policy have not been acknowledged." }, "enableBrowserIntegration": { "message": "Allow browser integration" }, "enableBrowserIntegrationDesc": { "message": "Used for biometrics in browser." }, "enableDuckDuckGoBrowserIntegration": { "message": "Allow DuckDuckGo browser integration" }, "enableDuckDuckGoBrowserIntegrationDesc": { "message": "Use your Bitwarden vault when browsing with DuckDuckGo." }, "browserIntegrationUnsupportedTitle": { "message": "Browser integration not supported" }, "browserIntegrationMasOnlyDesc": { "message": "Unfortunately browser integration is only supported in the Mac App Store version for now." }, "browserIntegrationWindowsStoreDesc": { "message": "Unfortunately browser integration is currently not supported in the Microsoft Store version." }, "browserIntegrationLinuxDesc": { "message": "Unfortunately browser integration is currently not supported in the linux version." }, "enableBrowserIntegrationFingerprint": { "message": "Require verification for browser integration" }, "enableBrowserIntegrationFingerprintDesc": { "message": "Add an additional layer of security by requiring fingerprint phrase confirmation when establishing a link between your desktop and browser. This requires user action and verification each time a connection is created." }, "approve": { "message": "Odobri" }, "verifyBrowserTitle": { "message": "Verify browser connection" }, "verifyBrowserDesc": { "message": "Please ensure the shown fingerprint is identical to the fingerprint showed in the browser extension." }, "verifyNativeMessagingConnectionTitle": { "message": "$APPID$ wants to connect to Bitwarden", "placeholders": { "appid": { "content": "$1", "example": "My App" } } }, "verifyNativeMessagingConnectionDesc": { "message": "Would you like to approve this request?" }, "verifyNativeMessagingConnectionWarning": { "message": "If you did not initiate this request, do not approve it." }, "biometricsNotEnabledTitle": { "message": "Biometrics not set up" }, "biometricsNotEnabledDesc": { "message": "Browser biometrics requires desktop biometrics to be set up in the settings first." }, "personalOwnershipSubmitError": { "message": "Due to an enterprise policy, you are restricted from saving items to your individual vault. Change the ownership option to an organization and choose from available collections." }, "hintEqualsPassword": { "message": "Your password hint cannot be the same as your password." }, "personalOwnershipPolicyInEffect": { "message": "An organization policy is affecting your ownership options." }, "allSends": { "message": "Vsi Sendsi", "description": "'Sends' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendTypeFile": { "message": "Datoteka" }, "sendTypeText": { "message": "Besedilo" }, "searchSends": { "message": "Išči Sendse", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "editSend": { "message": "Uredi Send", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "myVault": { "message": "Moj trezor" }, "text": { "message": "Besedilo" }, "deletionDate": { "message": "Datum izbrisa" }, "deletionDateDesc": { "message": "The Send will be permanently deleted on the specified date and time.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "expirationDate": { "message": "Datum poteka" }, "expirationDateDesc": { "message": "If set, access to this Send will expire on the specified date and time.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "maxAccessCount": { "message": "Največje število dostopov", "description": "This text will be displayed after a Send has been accessed the maximum amount of times." }, "maxAccessCountDesc": { "message": "If set, users will no longer be able to access this Send once the maximum access count is reached.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "currentAccessCount": { "message": "Current access count" }, "disableSend": { "message": "Deactivate this Send so that no one can access it.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendPasswordDesc": { "message": "Optionally require a password for users to access this Send.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendNotesDesc": { "message": "Private notes about this Send.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendLink": { "message": "Pošlji povezavo", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendLinkLabel": { "message": "Pošlji povezavo", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "textHiddenByDefault": { "message": "When accessing the Send, hide the text by default", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "createdSend": { "message": "Send ustvarjen", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "editedSend": { "message": "Send urejen", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "deletedSend": { "message": "Send izbrisan", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "newPassword": { "message": "Novo geslo" }, "whatTypeOfSend": { "message": "Kakšne vrste Send je to?", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "createSend": { "message": "Ustvari Send", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendTextDesc": { "message": "Besedilo, ki ga želite poslati." }, "sendFileDesc": { "message": "The file you want to send." }, "days": { "message": "$DAYS$ days", "placeholders": { "days": { "content": "$1", "example": "1" } } }, "oneDay": { "message": "1 day" }, "custom": { "message": "Custom" }, "deleteSendConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to delete this Send?", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "copySendLinkToClipboard": { "message": "Copy Send link to clipboard", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "copySendLinkOnSave": { "message": "Copy the link to share this Send to my clipboard upon save." }, "sendDisabled": { "message": "Send removed", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "sendDisabledWarning": { "message": "Due to an enterprise policy, you are only able to delete an existing Send.", "description": "'Send' is a noun and the name of a feature called 'Bitwarden Send'. It should not be translated." }, "copyLink": { "message": "Copy link" }, "disabled": { "message": "Disabled" }, "removePassword": { "message": "Remove password" }, "removedPassword": { "message": "Password removed" }, "removePasswordConfirmation": { "message": "Are you sure you want to remove the password?" }, "maxAccessCountReached": { "message": "Max access count reached" }, "expired": { "message": "Expired" }, "pendingDeletion": { "message": "Pending deletion" }, "webAuthnAuthenticate": { "message": "Authenticate WebAuthn" }, "hideEmail": { "message": "Hide my email address from recipients." }, "sendOptionsPolicyInEffect": { "message": "One or more organization policies are affecting your Send options." }, "emailVerificationRequired": { "message": "Email verification required" }, "emailVerificationRequiredDesc": { "message": "You must verify your email to use this feature." }, "passwordPrompt": { "message": "Master password re-prompt" }, "passwordConfirmation": { "message": "Potrdi glavno geslo" }, "passwordConfirmationDesc": { "message": "This action is protected. To continue, please re-enter your master password to verify your identity." }, "updatedMasterPassword": { "message": "Glavno geslo je bilo posodobljeno" }, "updateMasterPassword": { "message": "Posodobi glavno geslo" }, "updateMasterPasswordWarning": { "message": "Your master password was recently changed by an administrator in your organization. In order to access the vault, you must update it now. Proceeding will log you out of your current session, requiring you to log back in. Active sessions on other devices may continue to remain active for up to one hour." }, "hours": { "message": "Ure" }, "minutes": { "message": "Minute" }, "vaultTimeoutPolicyInEffect": { "message": "Your organization policies are affecting your vault timeout. Maximum allowed vault timeout is $HOURS$ hour(s) and $MINUTES$ minute(s)", "placeholders": { "hours": { "content": "$1", "example": "5" }, "minutes": { "content": "$2", "example": "5" } } }, "vaultTimeoutTooLarge": { "message": "Your vault timeout exceeds the restrictions set by your organization." }, "resetPasswordPolicyAutoEnroll": { "message": "Automatic enrollment" }, "resetPasswordAutoEnrollInviteWarning": { "message": "This organization has an enterprise policy that will automatically enroll you in password reset. Enrollment will allow organization administrators to change your master password." }, "vaultExportDisabled": { "message": "Izvoz trezorja je onemogočen" }, "personalVaultExportPolicyInEffect": { "message": "One or more organization policies prevents you from exporting your personal vault." }, "addAccount": { "message": "Add account" }, "removeMasterPassword": { "message": "Odstranite glavno geslo" }, "removedMasterPassword": { "message": "Glavno geslo je bilo odstranjeno." }, "convertOrganizationEncryptionDesc": { "message": "$ORGANIZATION$ is using SSO with a self-hosted key server. A master password is no longer required to log in for members of this organization.", "placeholders": { "organization": { "content": "$1", "example": "My Org Name" } } }, "leaveOrganization": { "message": "Zapusti organizacijo" }, "leaveOrganizationConfirmation": { "message": "Ste prepričani, da želite zapustiti to organizacijo?" }, "leftOrganization": { "message": "Zapustili ste organizacijo." }, "ssoKeyConnectorError": { "message": "Key connector error: make sure key connector is available and working correctly." }, "lockAllVaults": { "message": "Lock all vaults" }, "accountLimitReached": { "message": "No more than 5 accounts may be logged in at the same time." }, "accountPreferences": { "message": "Preferences" }, "appPreferences": { "message": "App settings (all accounts)" }, "accountSwitcherLimitReached": { "message": "Account limit reached. Log out of an account to add another." }, "settingsTitle": { "message": "App settings for $EMAIL$", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "jdoe@example.com" } } }, "switchAccount": { "message": "Switch account" }, "options": { "message": "Options" }, "sessionTimeout": { "message": "Your session has timed out. Please go back and try logging in again." }, "exportingPersonalVaultTitle": { "message": "Exporting individual vault" }, "exportingPersonalVaultDescription": { "message": "Only the individual vault items associated with $EMAIL$ will be exported. Organization vault items will not be included.", "placeholders": { "email": { "content": "$1", "example": "name@example.com" } } }, "locked": { "message": "Locked" }, "unlocked": { "message": "Unlocked" }, "generator": { "message": "Generator" }, "whatWouldYouLikeToGenerate": { "message": "What would you like to generate?" }, "passwordType": { "message": "Password type" }, "regenerateUsername": { "message": "Regenerate username" }, "generateUsername": { "message": "Generate username" }, "usernameType": { "message": "Username type" }, "plusAddressedEmail": { "message": "Plus addressed email", "description": "Username generator option that appends a random sub-address to the username. For example: address+subaddress@email.com" }, "plusAddressedEmailDesc": { "message": "Use your email provider's sub-addressing capabilities." }, "catchallEmail": { "message": "Catch-all email" }, "catchallEmailDesc": { "message": "Use your domain's configured catch-all inbox." }, "random": { "message": "Random" }, "randomWord": { "message": "Random word" }, "websiteName": { "message": "Website name" }, "service": { "message": "Service" }, "allVaults": { "message": "All vaults" }, "searchOrganization": { "message": "Search organization" }, "searchMyVault": { "message": "Search my vault" }, "forwardedEmail": { "message": "Forwarded email alias" }, "forwardedEmailDesc": { "message": "Generate an email alias with an external forwarding service." }, "hostname": { "message": "Hostname", "description": "Part of a URL." }, "apiAccessToken": { "message": "API Access Token" }, "apiKey": { "message": "API key" }, "premiumSubcriptionRequired": { "message": "Premium subscription required" }, "organizationIsDisabled": { "message": "Organization suspended" }, "disabledOrganizationFilterError": { "message": "Items in suspended organizations cannot be accessed. Contact your organization owner for assistance." }, "neverLockWarning": { "message": "Are you sure you want to use the \"Never\" option? Setting your lock options to \"Never\" stores your vault's encryption key on your device. If you use this option you should ensure that you keep your device properly protected." }, "cardBrandMir": { "message": "Mir" }, "vault": { "message": "Vault" }, "loginWithMasterPassword": { "message": "Log in with master password" }, "loggingInAs": { "message": "Logging in as" }, "rememberEmail": { "message": "Remember email" }, "notYou": { "message": "Not you?" }, "newAroundHere": { "message": "New around here?" }, "loggingInTo": { "message": "Logging in to $DOMAIN$", "placeholders": { "domain": { "content": "$1", "example": "example.com" } } }, "logInWithAnotherDevice": { "message": "Log in with another device" } }