/* tslint:disable */ import { CipherService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/cipher.service'; import { EventService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/event.service'; import { LogService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/log.service'; import { TotpService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/totp.service'; import { UserService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/user.service'; import { AutofillService as AutofillServiceInterface } from './abstractions/autofill.service'; import { CipherRepromptType } from 'jslib-common/enums/cipherRepromptType'; import { CipherType } from 'jslib-common/enums/cipherType'; import { EventType } from 'jslib-common/enums/eventType'; import { FieldType } from 'jslib-common/enums/fieldType'; import { CipherView } from 'jslib-common/models/view/cipherView'; import { FieldView } from 'jslib-common/models/view/fieldView'; import AutofillField from '../models/autofillField'; import AutofillPageDetails from '../models/autofillPageDetails'; import AutofillScript from '../models/autofillScript'; import { BrowserApi } from '../browser/browserApi'; import { AutoFillConstants, CreditCardAutoFillConstants, IdentityAutoFillConstants } from './autofillConstants'; export default class AutofillService implements AutofillServiceInterface { constructor(private cipherService: CipherService, private userService: UserService, private totpService: TotpService, private eventService: EventService, private logService: LogService) { } getFormsWithPasswordFields(pageDetails: AutofillPageDetails): any[] { const formData: any[] = []; const passwordFields = this.loadPasswordFields(pageDetails, true, true, false, false); if (passwordFields.length === 0) { return formData; } for (const formKey in pageDetails.forms) { if (!pageDetails.forms.hasOwnProperty(formKey)) { continue; } const formPasswordFields = passwordFields.filter(pf => formKey === pf.form); if (formPasswordFields.length > 0) { let uf = this.findUsernameField(pageDetails, formPasswordFields[0], false, false, false); if (uf == null) { // not able to find any viewable username fields. maybe there are some "hidden" ones? uf = this.findUsernameField(pageDetails, formPasswordFields[0], true, true, false); } formData.push({ form: pageDetails.forms[formKey], password: formPasswordFields[0], username: uf, passwords: formPasswordFields, }); } } return formData; } async doAutoFill(options: any) { let totpPromise: Promise = null; const tab = await this.getActiveTab(); if (!tab || !options.cipher || !options.pageDetails || !options.pageDetails.length) { throw new Error('Nothing to auto-fill.'); } const canAccessPremium = await this.userService.canAccessPremium(); let didAutofill = false; options.pageDetails.forEach((pd: any) => { // make sure we're still on correct tab if (pd.tab.id !== tab.id || pd.tab.url !== tab.url) { return; } const fillScript = this.generateFillScript(pd.details, { skipUsernameOnlyFill: options.skipUsernameOnlyFill || false, onlyEmptyFields: options.onlyEmptyFields || false, onlyVisibleFields: options.onlyVisibleFields || false, fillNewPassword: options.fillNewPassword || false, cipher: options.cipher, }); if (!fillScript || !fillScript.script || !fillScript.script.length) { return; } // Add a small delay between operations fillScript.properties.delay_between_operations = 20; didAutofill = true; if (!options.skipLastUsed) { this.cipherService.updateLastUsedDate(options.cipher.id); } BrowserApi.tabSendMessage(tab, { command: 'fillForm', fillScript: fillScript, url: tab.url, }, { frameId: pd.frameId }); if (options.cipher.type !== CipherType.Login || totpPromise || !options.cipher.login.totp || (!canAccessPremium && !options.cipher.organizationUseTotp)) { return; } totpPromise = this.totpService.isAutoCopyEnabled().then(enabled => { if (enabled) { return this.totpService.getCode(options.cipher.login.totp); } return null; }); }); if (didAutofill) { this.eventService.collect(EventType.Cipher_ClientAutofilled, options.cipher.id); if (totpPromise != null) { return await totpPromise; } else { return null; } } else { throw new Error('Did not auto-fill.'); } } async doAutoFillActiveTab(pageDetails: any, fromCommand: boolean) { const tab = await this.getActiveTab(); if (!tab || !tab.url) { return; } let cipher: CipherView; if (fromCommand) { cipher = await this.cipherService.getNextCipherForUrl(tab.url); } else { const lastLaunchedCipher = await this.cipherService.getLastLaunchedForUrl(tab.url, true); if (lastLaunchedCipher && Date.now().valueOf() - lastLaunchedCipher.localData?.lastLaunched?.valueOf() < 30000) { cipher = lastLaunchedCipher; } else { cipher = await this.cipherService.getLastUsedForUrl(tab.url, true); } if (cipher == null) { return null; } } if (cipher.reprompt !== CipherRepromptType.None) { return; } const totpCode = await this.doAutoFill({ cipher: cipher, pageDetails: pageDetails, skipLastUsed: !fromCommand, skipUsernameOnlyFill: !fromCommand, onlyEmptyFields: !fromCommand, onlyVisibleFields: !fromCommand, fillNewPassword: fromCommand, }); // Update last used index as autofill has succeed if (fromCommand) { this.cipherService.updateLastUsedIndexForUrl(tab.url); } return totpCode; } // Helpers private async getActiveTab(): Promise { const tab = await BrowserApi.getTabFromCurrentWindow(); if (!tab) { throw new Error('No tab found.'); } return tab; } private generateFillScript(pageDetails: AutofillPageDetails, options: any): AutofillScript { if (!pageDetails || !options.cipher) { return null; } let fillScript = new AutofillScript(pageDetails.documentUUID); const filledFields: { [id: string]: AutofillField; } = {}; const fields = options.cipher.fields; if (fields && fields.length) { const fieldNames: string[] = []; fields.forEach((f: any) => { if (this.hasValue(f.name)) { fieldNames.push(f.name.toLowerCase()); } }); pageDetails.fields.forEach((field: any) => { if (filledFields.hasOwnProperty(field.opid)) { return; } if (!field.viewable && field.tagName !== 'span') { return; } const matchingIndex = this.findMatchingFieldIndex(field, fieldNames); if (matchingIndex > -1) { const matchingField: FieldView = fields[matchingIndex]; let val; if (matchingField.type === FieldType.Linked) { // Assumption: Linked Field is not being used to autofill a boolean value val = options.cipher.linkedFieldValue(matchingField.linkedId); } else { val = matchingField.value; if (val == null && matchingField.type === FieldType.Boolean) { val = 'false'; } } filledFields[field.opid] = field; this.fillByOpid(fillScript, field, val); } }); } switch (options.cipher.type) { case CipherType.Login: fillScript = this.generateLoginFillScript(fillScript, pageDetails, filledFields, options); break; case CipherType.Card: fillScript = this.generateCardFillScript(fillScript, pageDetails, filledFields, options); break; case CipherType.Identity: fillScript = this.generateIdentityFillScript(fillScript, pageDetails, filledFields, options); break; default: return null; } return fillScript; } private generateLoginFillScript(fillScript: AutofillScript, pageDetails: any, filledFields: { [id: string]: AutofillField; }, options: any): AutofillScript { if (!options.cipher.login) { return null; } const passwords: AutofillField[] = []; const usernames: AutofillField[] = []; let pf: AutofillField = null; let username: AutofillField = null; const login = options.cipher.login; if (!login.password || login.password === '') { // No password for this login. Maybe they just wanted to auto-fill some custom fields? fillScript = this.setFillScriptForFocus(filledFields, fillScript); return fillScript; } let passwordFields = this.loadPasswordFields(pageDetails, false, false, options.onlyEmptyFields, options.fillNewPassword); if (!passwordFields.length && !options.onlyVisibleFields) { // not able to find any viewable password fields. maybe there are some "hidden" ones? passwordFields = this.loadPasswordFields(pageDetails, true, true, options.onlyEmptyFields, options.fillNewPassword); } for (const formKey in pageDetails.forms) { if (!pageDetails.forms.hasOwnProperty(formKey)) { continue; } const passwordFieldsForForm: AutofillField[] = []; passwordFields.forEach(passField => { if (formKey === passField.form) { passwordFieldsForForm.push(passField); } }); passwordFields.forEach(passField => { pf = passField; passwords.push(pf); if (login.username) { username = this.findUsernameField(pageDetails, pf, false, false, false); if (!username && !options.onlyVisibleFields) { // not able to find any viewable username fields. maybe there are some "hidden" ones? username = this.findUsernameField(pageDetails, pf, true, true, false); } if (username) { usernames.push(username); } } }); } if (passwordFields.length && !passwords.length) { // The page does not have any forms with password fields. Use the first password field on the page and the // input field just before it as the username. pf = passwordFields[0]; passwords.push(pf); if (login.username && pf.elementNumber > 0) { username = this.findUsernameField(pageDetails, pf, false, false, true); if (!username && !options.onlyVisibleFields) { // not able to find any viewable username fields. maybe there are some "hidden" ones? username = this.findUsernameField(pageDetails, pf, true, true, true); } if (username) { usernames.push(username); } } } if (!passwordFields.length && !options.skipUsernameOnlyFill) { // No password fields on this page. Let's try to just fuzzy fill the username. pageDetails.fields.forEach((f: any) => { if (f.viewable && (f.type === 'text' || f.type === 'email' || f.type === 'tel') && this.fieldIsFuzzyMatch(f, AutoFillConstants.UsernameFieldNames)) { usernames.push(f); } }); } usernames.forEach(u => { if (filledFields.hasOwnProperty(u.opid)) { return; } filledFields[u.opid] = u; this.fillByOpid(fillScript, u, login.username); }); passwords.forEach(p => { if (filledFields.hasOwnProperty(p.opid)) { return; } filledFields[p.opid] = p; this.fillByOpid(fillScript, p, login.password); }); fillScript = this.setFillScriptForFocus(filledFields, fillScript); return fillScript; } private generateCardFillScript(fillScript: AutofillScript, pageDetails: any, filledFields: { [id: string]: AutofillField; }, options: any): AutofillScript { if (!options.cipher.card) { return null; } const fillFields: { [id: string]: AutofillField; } = {}; pageDetails.fields.forEach((f: any) => { if (this.forCustomFieldsOnly(f)) { return; } if (this.isExcludedType(f.type, AutoFillConstants.ExcludedAutofillTypes)) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < CreditCardAutoFillConstants.CardAttributes.length; i++) { const attr = CreditCardAutoFillConstants.CardAttributes[i]; if (!f.hasOwnProperty(attr) || !f[attr] || !f.viewable) { continue; } // ref https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofill // ref https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/design-and-ux/input/forms/ if (!fillFields.cardholderName && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], ['cc-name', 'card-name', 'cardholder-name', 'cardholder', 'name', 'nom'], ['cc-name', 'card-name', 'cardholder-name', 'cardholder', 'tbName'])) { fillFields.cardholderName = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.number && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], ['cc-number', 'cc-num', 'card-number', 'card-num', 'number', 'cc', 'cc-no', 'card-no', 'credit-card', 'numero-carte', 'carte', 'carte-credit', 'num-carte', 'cb-num'], ['cc-number', 'cc-num', 'card-number', 'card-num', 'cc-no', 'card-no', 'numero-carte', 'num-carte', 'cb-num'])) { fillFields.number = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.exp && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], ['cc-exp', 'card-exp', 'cc-expiration', 'card-expiration', 'cc-ex', 'card-ex', 'card-expire', 'card-expiry', 'validite', 'expiration', 'expiry', 'mm-yy', 'mm-yyyy', 'yy-mm', 'yyyy-mm', 'expiration-date', 'payment-card-expiration', 'payment-cc-date'], ['mm-yy', 'mm-yyyy', 'yy-mm', 'yyyy-mm', 'expiration-date', 'payment-card-expiration'])) { fillFields.exp = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.expMonth && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], CreditCardAutoFillConstants.ExpiryMonthFieldNames)) { fillFields.expMonth = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.expYear && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], CreditCardAutoFillConstants.ExpiryYearFieldNames)) { fillFields.expYear = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.code && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], CreditCardAutoFillConstants.CVVFieldNames)) { fillFields.code = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.brand && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], CreditCardAutoFillConstants.CardBrandFieldNames)) { fillFields.brand = f; break; } } }); const card = options.cipher.card; this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, card, fillFields, filledFields, 'cardholderName'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, card, fillFields, filledFields, 'number'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, card, fillFields, filledFields, 'code'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, card, fillFields, filledFields, 'brand'); if (fillFields.expMonth && this.hasValue(card.expMonth)) { let expMonth: string = card.expMonth; if (fillFields.expMonth.selectInfo && fillFields.expMonth.selectInfo.options) { let index: number = null; const siOptions = fillFields.expMonth.selectInfo.options; if (siOptions.length === 12) { index = parseInt(card.expMonth, null) - 1; } else if (siOptions.length === 13) { if (siOptions[0][0] != null && siOptions[0][0] !== '' && (siOptions[12][0] == null || siOptions[12][0] === '')) { index = parseInt(card.expMonth, null) - 1; } else { index = parseInt(card.expMonth, null); } } if (index != null) { const option = siOptions[index]; if (option.length > 1) { expMonth = option[1]; } } } else if ((this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.expMonth, 'mm') || fillFields.expMonth.maxLength === 2) && expMonth.length === 1) { expMonth = '0' + expMonth; } filledFields[fillFields.expMonth.opid] = fillFields.expMonth; this.fillByOpid(fillScript, fillFields.expMonth, expMonth); } if (fillFields.expYear && this.hasValue(card.expYear)) { let expYear: string = card.expYear; if (fillFields.expYear.selectInfo && fillFields.expYear.selectInfo.options) { for (let i = 0; i < fillFields.expYear.selectInfo.options.length; i++) { const o: [string, string] = fillFields.expYear.selectInfo.options[i]; if (o[0] === card.expYear || o[1] === card.expYear) { expYear = o[1]; break; } if (o[1].length === 2 && card.expYear.length === 4 && o[1] === card.expYear.substring(2)) { expYear = o[1]; break; } const colonIndex = o[1].indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex > -1 && o[1].length > colonIndex + 1) { const val = o[1].substring(colonIndex + 2); if (val != null && val.trim() !== '' && val === card.expYear) { expYear = o[1]; break; } } } } else if (this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.expYear, 'yyyy') || fillFields.expYear.maxLength === 4) { if (expYear.length === 2) { expYear = '20' + expYear; } } else if (this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.expYear, 'yy') || fillFields.expYear.maxLength === 2) { if (expYear.length === 4) { expYear = expYear.substr(2); } } filledFields[fillFields.expYear.opid] = fillFields.expYear; this.fillByOpid(fillScript, fillFields.expYear, expYear); } if (fillFields.exp && this.hasValue(card.expMonth) && this.hasValue(card.expYear)) { const fullMonth = ('0' + card.expMonth).slice(-2); let fullYear: string = card.expYear; let partYear: string = null; if (fullYear.length === 2) { partYear = fullYear; fullYear = '20' + fullYear; } else if (fullYear.length === 4) { partYear = fullYear.substr(2, 2); } let exp: string = null; for (let i = 0; i < CreditCardAutoFillConstants.MonthAbbr.length; i++) { if (this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.exp, CreditCardAutoFillConstants.MonthAbbr[i] + '/' + CreditCardAutoFillConstants.YearAbbrShort[i]) && partYear != null) { exp = fullMonth + '/' + partYear; } else if (this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.exp, CreditCardAutoFillConstants.MonthAbbr[i] + '/' + CreditCardAutoFillConstants.YearAbbrLong[i])) { exp = fullMonth + '/' + fullYear; } else if (this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.exp, CreditCardAutoFillConstants.YearAbbrShort[i] + '/' + CreditCardAutoFillConstants.MonthAbbr[i]) && partYear != null) { exp = partYear + '/' + fullMonth; } else if (this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.exp, CreditCardAutoFillConstants.YearAbbrLong[i] + '/' + CreditCardAutoFillConstants.MonthAbbr[i])) { exp = fullYear + '/' + fullMonth; } else if (this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.exp, CreditCardAutoFillConstants.MonthAbbr[i] + '-' + CreditCardAutoFillConstants.YearAbbrShort[i]) && partYear != null) { exp = fullMonth + '-' + partYear; } else if (this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.exp, CreditCardAutoFillConstants.MonthAbbr[i] + '-' + CreditCardAutoFillConstants.YearAbbrLong[i])) { exp = fullMonth + '-' + fullYear; } else if (this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.exp, CreditCardAutoFillConstants.YearAbbrShort[i] + '-' + CreditCardAutoFillConstants.MonthAbbr[i]) && partYear != null) { exp = partYear + '-' + fullMonth; } else if (this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.exp, CreditCardAutoFillConstants.YearAbbrLong[i] + '-' + CreditCardAutoFillConstants.MonthAbbr[i])) { exp = fullYear + '-' + fullMonth; } else if (this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.exp, CreditCardAutoFillConstants.YearAbbrShort[i] + CreditCardAutoFillConstants.MonthAbbr[i]) && partYear != null) { exp = partYear + fullMonth; } else if (this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.exp, CreditCardAutoFillConstants.YearAbbrLong[i] + CreditCardAutoFillConstants.MonthAbbr[i])) { exp = fullYear + fullMonth; } else if (this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.exp, CreditCardAutoFillConstants.MonthAbbr[i] + CreditCardAutoFillConstants.YearAbbrShort[i]) && partYear != null) { exp = fullMonth + partYear; } else if (this.fieldAttrsContain(fillFields.exp, CreditCardAutoFillConstants.MonthAbbr[i] + CreditCardAutoFillConstants.YearAbbrLong[i])) { exp = fullMonth + fullYear; } if (exp != null) { break; } } if (exp == null) { exp = fullYear + '-' + fullMonth; } this.makeScriptActionWithValue(fillScript, exp, fillFields.exp, filledFields); } return fillScript; } private fieldAttrsContain(field: any, containsVal: string) { if (!field) { return false; } let doesContain = false; CreditCardAutoFillConstants.CardAttributesExtended.forEach(attr => { if (doesContain || !field.hasOwnProperty(attr) || !field[attr]) { return; } let val = field[attr]; val = val.replace(/ /g, '').toLowerCase(); doesContain = val.indexOf(containsVal) > -1; }); return doesContain; } private generateIdentityFillScript(fillScript: AutofillScript, pageDetails: any, filledFields: { [id: string]: AutofillField; }, options: any): AutofillScript { if (!options.cipher.identity) { return null; } const fillFields: { [id: string]: AutofillField; } = {}; pageDetails.fields.forEach((f: any) => { if (this.forCustomFieldsOnly(f)) { return; } if (this.isExcludedType(f.type, AutoFillConstants.ExcludedAutofillTypes)) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < IdentityAutoFillConstants.IdentityAttributes.length; i++) { const attr = IdentityAutoFillConstants.IdentityAttributes[i]; if (!f.hasOwnProperty(attr) || !f[attr] || !f.viewable) { continue; } // ref https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofill // ref https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/design-and-ux/input/forms/ if (!fillFields.name && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], ['name', 'full-name', 'your-name'], ['full-name', 'your-name'])) { fillFields.name = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.firstName && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], IdentityAutoFillConstants.FirstnameFieldNames)) { fillFields.firstName = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.middleName && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], IdentityAutoFillConstants.MiddlenameFieldNames)) { fillFields.middleName = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.lastName && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], IdentityAutoFillConstants.LastnameFieldNames)) { fillFields.lastName = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.title && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], IdentityAutoFillConstants.TitleFieldNames)) { fillFields.title = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.email && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], IdentityAutoFillConstants.EmailFieldNames)) { fillFields.email = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.address && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], ['address', 'street-address', 'addr', 'street', 'mailing-addr', 'billing-addr', 'mail-addr', 'bill-addr'], ['mailing-addr', 'billing-addr', 'mail-addr', 'bill-addr'])) { fillFields.address = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.address1 && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], IdentityAutoFillConstants.Address1FieldNames)) { fillFields.address1 = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.address2 && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], IdentityAutoFillConstants.Address2FieldNames)) { fillFields.address2 = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.address3 && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], IdentityAutoFillConstants.Address3FieldNames)) { fillFields.address3 = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.postalCode && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], IdentityAutoFillConstants.PostalCodeFieldNames)) { fillFields.postalCode = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.city && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], IdentityAutoFillConstants.CityFieldNames)) { fillFields.city = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.state && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], IdentityAutoFillConstants.StateFieldNames)) { fillFields.state = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.country && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], IdentityAutoFillConstants.CountryFieldNames)) { fillFields.country = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.phone && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], ['phone', 'mobile', 'mobile-phone', 'tel', 'telephone', 'phone-number'])) { fillFields.phone = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.username && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], ['user-name', 'user-id', 'screen-name'])) { fillFields.username = f; break; } else if (!fillFields.company && this.isFieldMatch(f[attr], ['company', 'company-name', 'organization', 'organization-name'])) { fillFields.company = f; break; } } }); const identity = options.cipher.identity; this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'title'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'firstName'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'middleName'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'lastName'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'address1'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'address2'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'address3'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'city'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'postalCode'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'company'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'email'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'phone'); this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'username'); let filledState = false; if (fillFields.state && identity.state && identity.state.length > 2) { const stateLower = identity.state.toLowerCase(); const isoState = IdentityAutoFillConstants.IsoStates[stateLower] || IdentityAutoFillConstants.IsoProvinces[stateLower]; if (isoState) { filledState = true; this.makeScriptActionWithValue(fillScript, isoState, fillFields.state, filledFields); } } if (!filledState) { this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'state'); } let filledCountry = false; if (fillFields.country && identity.country && identity.country.length > 2) { const countryLower = identity.country.toLowerCase(); const isoCountry = IdentityAutoFillConstants.IsoCountries[countryLower]; if (isoCountry) { filledCountry = true; this.makeScriptActionWithValue(fillScript, isoCountry, fillFields.country, filledFields); } } if (!filledCountry) { this.makeScriptAction(fillScript, identity, fillFields, filledFields, 'country'); } if (fillFields.name && (identity.firstName || identity.lastName)) { let fullName = ''; if (this.hasValue(identity.firstName)) { fullName = identity.firstName; } if (this.hasValue(identity.middleName)) { if (fullName !== '') { fullName += ' '; } fullName += identity.middleName; } if (this.hasValue(identity.lastName)) { if (fullName !== '') { fullName += ' '; } fullName += identity.lastName; } this.makeScriptActionWithValue(fillScript, fullName, fillFields.name, filledFields); } if (fillFields.address && this.hasValue(identity.address1)) { let address = ''; if (this.hasValue(identity.address1)) { address = identity.address1; } if (this.hasValue(identity.address2)) { if (address !== '') { address += ', '; } address += identity.address2; } if (this.hasValue(identity.address3)) { if (address !== '') { address += ', '; } address += identity.address3; } this.makeScriptActionWithValue(fillScript, address, fillFields.address, filledFields); } return fillScript; } private isExcludedType(type: string, excludedTypes: string[]) { return excludedTypes.indexOf(type) > -1; } private isFieldMatch(value: string, options: string[], containsOptions?: string[]): boolean { value = value.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g, ''); for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { let option = options[i]; const checkValueContains = containsOptions == null || containsOptions.indexOf(option) > -1; option = option.toLowerCase().replace(/-/g, ''); if (value === option || (checkValueContains && value.indexOf(option) > -1)) { return true; } } return false; } private makeScriptAction(fillScript: AutofillScript, cipherData: any, fillFields: { [id: string]: AutofillField; }, filledFields: { [id: string]: AutofillField; }, dataProp: string, fieldProp?: string) { fieldProp = fieldProp || dataProp; this.makeScriptActionWithValue(fillScript, cipherData[dataProp], fillFields[fieldProp], filledFields); } private makeScriptActionWithValue(fillScript: AutofillScript, dataValue: any, field: AutofillField, filledFields: { [id: string]: AutofillField; }) { let doFill = false; if (this.hasValue(dataValue) && field) { if (field.type === 'select-one' && field.selectInfo && field.selectInfo.options) { for (let i = 0; i < field.selectInfo.options.length; i++) { const option = field.selectInfo.options[i]; for (let j = 0; j < option.length; j++) { if (this.hasValue(option[j]) && option[j].toLowerCase() === dataValue.toLowerCase()) { doFill = true; if (option.length > 1) { dataValue = option[1]; } break; } } if (doFill) { break; } } } else { doFill = true; } } if (doFill) { filledFields[field.opid] = field; this.fillByOpid(fillScript, field, dataValue); } } private loadPasswordFields(pageDetails: AutofillPageDetails, canBeHidden: boolean, canBeReadOnly: boolean, mustBeEmpty: boolean, fillNewPassword: boolean) { const arr: AutofillField[] = []; pageDetails.fields.forEach(f => { if (this.forCustomFieldsOnly(f)) { return; } const isPassword = f.type === 'password'; const valueIsLikePassword = (value: string) => { if (value == null) { return false; } // Removes all whitespace, _ and - characters const cleanedValue = value.toLowerCase().replace(/[\s_\-]/g, ''); if (cleanedValue.indexOf('password') < 0) { return false; } const ignoreList = ['onetimepassword', 'captcha', 'findanything', 'forgot']; if (ignoreList.some(i => cleanedValue.indexOf(i) > -1)) { return false; } return true; }; const isLikePassword = () => { if (f.type !== 'text') { return false; } if (valueIsLikePassword(f.htmlID)) { return true; } if (valueIsLikePassword(f.htmlName)) { return true; } if (valueIsLikePassword(f.placeholder)) { return true; } return false; }; if (!f.disabled && (canBeReadOnly || !f.readonly) && (isPassword || isLikePassword()) && (canBeHidden || f.viewable) && (!mustBeEmpty || f.value == null || f.value.trim() === '') && (fillNewPassword || f.autoCompleteType !== 'new-password')) { arr.push(f); } }); return arr; } private findUsernameField(pageDetails: AutofillPageDetails, passwordField: AutofillField, canBeHidden: boolean, canBeReadOnly: boolean, withoutForm: boolean) { let usernameField: AutofillField = null; for (let i = 0; i < pageDetails.fields.length; i++) { const f = pageDetails.fields[i]; if (this.forCustomFieldsOnly(f)) { continue; } if (f.elementNumber >= passwordField.elementNumber) { break; } if (!f.disabled && (canBeReadOnly || !f.readonly) && (withoutForm || f.form === passwordField.form) && (canBeHidden || f.viewable) && (f.type === 'text' || f.type === 'email' || f.type === 'tel')) { usernameField = f; if (this.findMatchingFieldIndex(f, AutoFillConstants.UsernameFieldNames) > -1) { // We found an exact match. No need to keep looking. break; } } } return usernameField; } private findMatchingFieldIndex(field: AutofillField, names: string[]): number { for (let i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (names[i].indexOf('=') > -1) { if (this.fieldPropertyIsPrefixMatch(field, 'htmlID', names[i], 'id')) { return i; } if (this.fieldPropertyIsPrefixMatch(field, 'htmlName', names[i], 'name')) { return i; } if (this.fieldPropertyIsPrefixMatch(field, 'label-tag', names[i], 'label')) { return i; } if (this.fieldPropertyIsPrefixMatch(field, 'label-aria', names[i], 'label')) { return i; } if (this.fieldPropertyIsPrefixMatch(field, 'placeholder', names[i], 'placeholder')) { return i; } } if (this.fieldPropertyIsMatch(field, 'htmlID', names[i])) { return i; } if (this.fieldPropertyIsMatch(field, 'htmlName', names[i])) { return i; } if (this.fieldPropertyIsMatch(field, 'label-tag', names[i])) { return i; } if (this.fieldPropertyIsMatch(field, 'label-aria', names[i])) { return i; } if (this.fieldPropertyIsMatch(field, 'placeholder', names[i])) { return i; } } return -1; } private fieldPropertyIsPrefixMatch(field: any, property: string, name: string, prefix: string, separator = '='): boolean { if (name.indexOf(prefix + separator) === 0) { const sepIndex = name.indexOf(separator); const val = name.substring(sepIndex + 1); return val != null && this.fieldPropertyIsMatch(field, property, val); } return false; } private fieldPropertyIsMatch(field: any, property: string, name: string): boolean { let fieldVal = field[property] as string; if (!this.hasValue(fieldVal)) { return false; } fieldVal = fieldVal.trim().replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, ''); if (name.startsWith('regex=')) { try { const regexParts = name.split('=', 2); if (regexParts.length === 2) { const regex = new RegExp(regexParts[1], 'i'); return regex.test(fieldVal); } } catch (e) { this.logService.error(e); } } else if (name.startsWith('csv=')) { const csvParts = name.split('=', 2); if (csvParts.length === 2) { const csvVals = csvParts[1].split(','); for (let i = 0; i < csvVals.length; i++) { const val = csvVals[i]; if (val != null && val.trim().toLowerCase() === fieldVal.toLowerCase()) { return true; } } return false; } } return fieldVal.toLowerCase() === name; } private fieldIsFuzzyMatch(field: AutofillField, names: string[]): boolean { if (this.hasValue(field.htmlID) && this.fuzzyMatch(names, field.htmlID)) { return true; } if (this.hasValue(field.htmlName) && this.fuzzyMatch(names, field.htmlName)) { return true; } if (this.hasValue(field['label-tag']) && this.fuzzyMatch(names, field['label-tag'])) { return true; } if (this.hasValue(field.placeholder) && this.fuzzyMatch(names, field.placeholder)) { return true; } if (this.hasValue(field['label-left']) && this.fuzzyMatch(names, field['label-left'])) { return true; } if (this.hasValue(field['label-top']) && this.fuzzyMatch(names, field['label-top'])) { return true; } if (this.hasValue(field['label-aria']) && this.fuzzyMatch(names, field['label-aria'])) { return true; } return false; } private fuzzyMatch(options: string[], value: string): boolean { if (options == null || options.length === 0 || value == null || value === '') { return false; } value = value.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '').trim().toLowerCase(); for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { if (value.indexOf(options[i]) > -1) { return true; } } return false; } private hasValue(str: string): boolean { return str && str !== ''; } private setFillScriptForFocus(filledFields: { [id: string]: AutofillField; }, fillScript: AutofillScript): AutofillScript { let lastField: AutofillField = null; let lastPasswordField: AutofillField = null; for (const opid in filledFields) { if (filledFields.hasOwnProperty(opid) && filledFields[opid].viewable) { lastField = filledFields[opid]; if (filledFields[opid].type === 'password') { lastPasswordField = filledFields[opid]; } } } // Prioritize password field over others. if (lastPasswordField) { fillScript.script.push(['focus_by_opid', lastPasswordField.opid]); } else if (lastField) { fillScript.script.push(['focus_by_opid', lastField.opid]); } return fillScript; } private fillByOpid(fillScript: AutofillScript, field: AutofillField, value: string): void { if (field.maxLength && value && value.length > field.maxLength) { value = value.substr(0, value.length); } if (field.tagName !== 'span') { fillScript.script.push(['click_on_opid', field.opid]); fillScript.script.push(['focus_by_opid', field.opid]); } fillScript.script.push(['fill_by_opid', field.opid, value]); } private forCustomFieldsOnly(field: AutofillField): boolean { return field.tagName === 'span'; } }