import { BrowserApi } from '../browser/browserApi'; import { SafariApp } from '../browser/safariApp'; import { DeviceType } from 'jslib-common/enums/deviceType'; import { ThemeType } from 'jslib-common/enums/themeType'; import { MessagingService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/messaging.service'; import { PlatformUtilsService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/platformUtils.service'; import { StateService } from '../services/abstractions/state.service'; const DialogPromiseExpiration = 600000; // 10 minutes export default class BrowserPlatformUtilsService implements PlatformUtilsService { identityClientId: string = 'browser'; private showDialogResolves = new Map void, date: Date }>(); private passwordDialogResolves = new Map Promise, date: Date }>(); private deviceCache: DeviceType = null; private prefersColorSchemeDark = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'); constructor(private messagingService: MessagingService, private stateService: StateService, private clipboardWriteCallback: (clipboardValue: string, clearMs: number) => void, private biometricCallback: () => Promise) { } getDevice(): DeviceType { if (this.deviceCache) { return this.deviceCache; } if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' Firefox/') !== -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' Gecko/') !== -1) { this.deviceCache = DeviceType.FirefoxExtension; } else if ((!!(window as any).opr && !!opr.addons) || !!(window as any).opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' OPR/') >= 0) { this.deviceCache = DeviceType.OperaExtension; } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' Edg/') !== -1) { this.deviceCache = DeviceType.EdgeExtension; } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' Vivaldi/') !== -1) { this.deviceCache = DeviceType.VivaldiExtension; } else if ((window as any).chrome && navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' Chrome/') !== -1) { this.deviceCache = DeviceType.ChromeExtension; } else if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' Safari/') !== -1) { this.deviceCache = DeviceType.SafariExtension; } return this.deviceCache; } getDeviceString(): string { const device = DeviceType[this.getDevice()].toLowerCase(); return device.replace('extension', ''); } isFirefox(): boolean { return this.getDevice() === DeviceType.FirefoxExtension; } isChrome(): boolean { return this.getDevice() === DeviceType.ChromeExtension; } isEdge(): boolean { return this.getDevice() === DeviceType.EdgeExtension; } isOpera(): boolean { return this.getDevice() === DeviceType.OperaExtension; } isVivaldi(): boolean { return this.getDevice() === DeviceType.VivaldiExtension; } isSafari(): boolean { return this.getDevice() === DeviceType.SafariExtension; } isIE(): boolean { return false; } isMacAppStore(): boolean { return false; } async isViewOpen(): Promise { if (await BrowserApi.isPopupOpen()) { return true; } if (this.isSafari()) { return false; } const sidebarView = this.sidebarViewName(); const sidebarOpen = sidebarView != null && chrome.extension.getViews({ type: sidebarView }).length > 0; if (sidebarOpen) { return true; } const tabOpen = chrome.extension.getViews({ type: 'tab' }).length > 0; return tabOpen; } lockTimeout(): number { return null; } launchUri(uri: string, options?: any): void { BrowserApi.createNewTab(uri, options && options.extensionPage === true); } saveFile(win: Window, blobData: any, blobOptions: any, fileName: string): void { BrowserApi.downloadFile(win, blobData, blobOptions, fileName); } getApplicationVersion(): Promise { return Promise.resolve(BrowserApi.getApplicationVersion()); } supportsWebAuthn(win: Window): boolean { return (typeof (PublicKeyCredential) !== 'undefined'); } supportsDuo(): boolean { return true; } showToast(type: 'error' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'info', title: string, text: string | string[], options?: any): void { this.messagingService.send('showToast', { text: text, title: title, type: type, options: options, }); } showDialog(body: string, title?: string, confirmText?: string, cancelText?: string, type?: string, bodyIsHtml: boolean = false) { const dialogId = Math.floor(Math.random() * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); this.messagingService.send('showDialog', { text: bodyIsHtml ? null : body, html: bodyIsHtml ? body : null, title: title, confirmText: confirmText, cancelText: cancelText, type: type, dialogId: dialogId, }); return new Promise(resolve => { this.showDialogResolves.set(dialogId, { resolve: resolve, date: new Date() }); }); } isDev(): boolean { return process.env.ENV === 'development'; } isSelfHost(): boolean { return false; } copyToClipboard(text: string, options?: any): void { let win = window; let doc = window.document; if (options && (options.window || { win = options.window ||; doc = win.document; } else if (options && options.doc) { doc = options.doc; } const clearing = options ? !!options.clearing : false; const clearMs: number = options && options.clearMs ? options.clearMs : null; if (this.isSafari()) { SafariApp.sendMessageToApp('copyToClipboard', text).then(() => { if (!clearing && this.clipboardWriteCallback != null) { this.clipboardWriteCallback(text, clearMs); } }); } else if (this.isFirefox() && (win as any).navigator.clipboard && (win as any).navigator.clipboard.writeText) { (win as any).navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then(() => { if (!clearing && this.clipboardWriteCallback != null) { this.clipboardWriteCallback(text, clearMs); } }); } else if ((win as any).clipboardData && (win as any).clipboardData.setData) { // IE specific code path to prevent textarea being shown while dialog is visible. (win as any).clipboardData.setData('Text', text); if (!clearing && this.clipboardWriteCallback != null) { this.clipboardWriteCallback(text, clearMs); } } else if (doc.queryCommandSupported && doc.queryCommandSupported('copy')) { if (this.isChrome() && text === '') { text = '\u0000'; } const textarea = doc.createElement('textarea'); textarea.textContent = text == null || text === '' ? ' ' : text; // Prevent scrolling to bottom of page in MS Edge. = 'fixed'; doc.body.appendChild(textarea);; try { // Security exception may be thrown by some browsers. if (doc.execCommand('copy') && !clearing && this.clipboardWriteCallback != null) { this.clipboardWriteCallback(text, clearMs); } } catch (e) { // tslint:disable-next-line console.warn('Copy to clipboard failed.', e); } finally { doc.body.removeChild(textarea); } } } async readFromClipboard(options?: any): Promise { let win = window; let doc = window.document; if (options && (options.window || { win = options.window ||; doc = win.document; } else if (options && options.doc) { doc = options.doc; } if (this.isSafari()) { return await SafariApp.sendMessageToApp('readFromClipboard'); } else if (this.isFirefox() && (win as any).navigator.clipboard && (win as any).navigator.clipboard.readText) { return await (win as any).navigator.clipboard.readText(); } else if (doc.queryCommandSupported && doc.queryCommandSupported('paste')) { const textarea = doc.createElement('textarea'); // Prevent scrolling to bottom of page in MS Edge. = 'fixed'; doc.body.appendChild(textarea); textarea.focus(); try { // Security exception may be thrown by some browsers. if (doc.execCommand('paste')) { return textarea.value; } } catch (e) { // tslint:disable-next-line console.warn('Read from clipboard failed.', e); } finally { doc.body.removeChild(textarea); } } return null; } resolveDialogPromise(dialogId: number, confirmed: boolean) { if (this.showDialogResolves.has(dialogId)) { const resolveObj = this.showDialogResolves.get(dialogId); resolveObj.resolve(confirmed); this.showDialogResolves.delete(dialogId); } // Clean up old promises this.showDialogResolves.forEach((val, key) => { const age = new Date().getTime() -; if (age > DialogPromiseExpiration) { this.showDialogResolves.delete(key); } }); } async resolvePasswordDialogPromise(dialogId: number, canceled: boolean, password: string): Promise { let result = false; if (this.passwordDialogResolves.has(dialogId)) { const resolveObj = this.passwordDialogResolves.get(dialogId); if (await resolveObj.tryResolve(canceled, password)) { this.passwordDialogResolves.delete(dialogId); result = true; } } // Clean up old promises this.passwordDialogResolves.forEach((val, key) => { const age = new Date().getTime() -; if (age > DialogPromiseExpiration) { this.passwordDialogResolves.delete(key); } }); return result; } async supportsBiometric() { const platformInfo = await BrowserApi.getPlatformInfo(); if (platformInfo.os === 'android') { return false; } if (this.isFirefox()) { return parseInt((await browser.runtime.getBrowserInfo()).version.split('.')[0], 10) >= 87; } return true; } authenticateBiometric() { return this.biometricCallback(); } sidebarViewName(): string { if ((window as any).chrome.sidebarAction && this.isFirefox()) { return 'sidebar'; } else if (this.isOpera() && (typeof opr !== 'undefined') && opr.sidebarAction) { return 'sidebar_panel'; } return null; } supportsSecureStorage(): boolean { return false; } getDefaultSystemTheme(): Promise { return Promise.resolve(this.prefersColorSchemeDark.matches ? ThemeType.Dark : ThemeType.Light); } onDefaultSystemThemeChange(callback: ((theme: ThemeType.Light | ThemeType.Dark) => unknown)) { this.prefersColorSchemeDark.addEventListener('change', ({ matches }) => { callback(matches ? ThemeType.Dark : ThemeType.Light); }); } async getEffectiveTheme() { const theme = await this.stateService.getTheme() as ThemeType; if (theme == null || theme === ThemeType.System) { return this.getDefaultSystemTheme(); } else { return theme; } } }