# How to Contribute Contributions of all kinds are welcome! Please visit our [Community Forums](https://community.bitwarden.com/) for general community discussion and the development roadmap. Here is how you can get involved: - **Request a new feature:** Go to the [Feature Requests category](https://community.bitwarden.com/c/feature-requests/) of the Community Forums. Please search existing feature requests before making a new one - **Write code for a new feature:** Make a new post in the [Github Contributions category](https://community.bitwarden.com/c/github-contributions/) of the Community Forums. Include a description of your proposed contribution, screeshots, and links to any relevant feature requests. This helps get feedback from the community and Bitwarden team members before you start writing code - **Report a bug or submit a bugfix:** Use Github issues and pull requests - **Write documentation:** Submit a pull request to the [Bitwarden help repository](https://github.com/bitwarden/help) - **Help other users:** Go to the [Ask the Bitwarden Community category](https://community.bitwarden.com/c/support/) on the Community Forums - **Translate:** See the localization (i10n) section below ## Contributor Agreement Please sign the [Contributor Agreement](https://cla-assistant.io/bitwarden/bitwarden) if you intend on contributing to any Github repository. Pull requests cannot be accepted and merged unless the author has signed the Contributor Agreement. ## Pull Request Guidelines - use `npm run lint` and fix any linting suggestions before submitting a pull request - commit any pull requests against the `master` branch - include a link to your Community Forums post # Localization (l10n) We use a translation tool called [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com) to help manage our localization efforts across many different languages. If you are interested in helping translate the Bitwarden applications into another language (or make a translation correction), please register an account at Crowdin and join our projects here: - https://crowdin.com/project/bitwarden-web - https://crowdin.com/project/bitwarden-desktop - https://crowdin.com/project/bitwarden-browser If the language that you are interested in translating is not already listed, create a new account on Crowdin, join the project, and contact the project owner (https://crowdin.com/profile/dwbit). You can read Crowdin's getting started guide for translators here: https://support.crowdin.com/crowdin-intro/