import { Subject, firstValueFrom } from "rxjs"; import { getCommand, isExternalMessage, tagAsExternal } from "./helpers"; import { Message, CommandDefinition } from "./types"; describe("helpers", () => { describe("getCommand", () => { it("can get the command from just a string", () => { const command = getCommand("myCommand"); expect(command).toEqual("myCommand"); }); it("can get the command from a message definition", () => { const commandDefinition = new CommandDefinition("myCommand"); const command = getCommand(commandDefinition); expect(command).toEqual("myCommand"); }); }); describe("tag integration", () => { it("can tag and identify as tagged", async () => { const messagesSubject = new Subject>(); const taggedMessages = messagesSubject.asObservable().pipe(tagAsExternal); const firstValuePromise = firstValueFrom(taggedMessages);{ command: "test" }); const result = await firstValuePromise; expect(isExternalMessage(result)).toEqual(true); }); }); describe("isExternalMessage", () => { it.each([null, { command: "myCommand", test: "object" }, undefined] as Message< Record >[])("returns false when value is %s", (value: Message) => { expect(isExternalMessage(value)).toBe(false); }); }); });