import { coerceBooleanProperty } from "@angular/cdk/coercion"; import { Component, HostBinding, Input, OnInit } from "@angular/core"; import type { SortFn } from "./table-data-source"; import { TableComponent } from "./table.component"; @Component({ selector: "th[bitSortable]", template: ` `, }) export class SortableComponent implements OnInit { /** * Mark the column as sortable and specify the key to sort by */ @Input() bitSortable: string; private _default: boolean; /** * Mark the column as the default sort column */ @Input() set default(value: boolean | "") { this._default = coerceBooleanProperty(value); } /** * Custom sorting function * * @example * fn = (a, b) => */ @Input() fn: SortFn; constructor(private table: TableComponent) {} ngOnInit(): void { if (this._default && !this.isActive) { this.setActive(); } } @HostBinding("attr.aria-sort") get ariaSort() { if (!this.isActive) { return undefined; } return this.sort.direction === "asc" ? "ascending" : "descending"; } protected setActive() { if (this.table.dataSource) { const direction = this.isActive && this.direction === "asc" ? "desc" : "asc"; this.table.dataSource.sort = { column: this.bitSortable, direction: direction, fn: this.fn }; } } private get sort() { return this.table.dataSource?.sort; } get isActive() { return this.sort?.column === this.bitSortable; } get direction() { return this.sort?.direction; } get icon() { if (!this.isActive) { return "bwi-up-down-btn"; } return this.direction === "asc" ? "bwi-up-solid" : "bwi-down-solid"; } get classList() { return [ "tw-group", "tw-min-w-max", // Offset to border and padding "-tw-m-1.5", "tw-font-bold", // Below is copied from BitIconButtonComponent "tw-border", "tw-border-solid", "tw-rounded", "tw-transition", "hover:tw-no-underline", "focus:tw-outline-none", "tw-bg-transparent", "!tw-text-muted", "tw-border-transparent", "hover:tw-bg-transparent-hover", "hover:tw-border-primary-700", "focus-visible:before:tw-ring-primary-700", "disabled:tw-opacity-60", "disabled:hover:tw-border-transparent", "disabled:hover:tw-bg-transparent", // Workaround for box-shadow with transparent offset issue: // // Remove `before:` and use regular `tw-ring` when browser no longer has bug, or better: // switch to `outline` with `outline-offset` when Safari supports border radius on outline. // Using `box-shadow` to create outlines is a hack and as such `outline` should be preferred. "tw-relative", "before:tw-content-['']", "before:tw-block", "before:tw-absolute", "before:-tw-inset-[3px]", "before:tw-rounded-md", "before:tw-transition", "before:tw-ring", "before:tw-ring-transparent", "focus-visible:tw-z-10", ]; } }