The Bitwarden Password Manager

Trusted by millions of individuals, teams, and organizations worldwide for secure password storage and sharing.

Store logins, secure notes, and more

Collaborate and share securely

Access anywhere on any device

Create your account to get started

Start Your Teams
Enterprise Free Trial Now

Millions of individuals, teams, and organizations worldwide trust Bitwarden for secure password storage and sharing.

Collaborate and share securely

Deploy and manage quickly and easily

Access anywhere on any device

Create your account to get started

Start Your Teams
Enterprise Free Trial Now

Millions of individuals, teams, and organizations worldwide trust Bitwarden for secure password storage and sharing.

Collaborate and share securely

Deploy and manage quickly and easily

Access anywhere on any device

Create your account to get started

Start Your Premium Account Now

Millions of individuals, teams, and organizations worldwide trust Bitwarden for secure password storage and sharing.

Store logins, secure notes, and more

Secure your account with advanced two-step login

Access anywhere on any device

Create your account to get started

{{ "createAccount" | i18n }}

{{ "createOrganizationCreatePersonalAccount" | i18n }}
{{ "emailAddressDesc" | i18n }}
{{ "yourNameDesc" | i18n }}
{{ "masterPassDesc" | i18n }}
{{ "masterPassHintDesc" | i18n }}

{{ "cancel" | i18n }}
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"No more excuses; start using Bitwarden today. The identity you save could be your own. The money definitely will be."
Forbes Logo
“Bitwarden boasts the backing of some of the world's best security experts and an attractive, easy-to-use interface”
US News 360 Reviews Best Password Manager
US News 360 Reviews Best Password Manager