import { CipherType } from 'jslib-common/enums/cipherType'; import { CipherView } from 'jslib-common/models/view/cipherView'; import { LoginUriView } from 'jslib-common/models/view/loginUriView'; import { LoginView } from 'jslib-common/models/view/loginView'; import { CipherService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/cipher.service'; import { EnvironmentService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/environment.service'; import { FolderService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/folder.service'; import { I18nService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/i18n.service'; import { MessagingService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/messaging.service'; import { NotificationsService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/notifications.service'; import { PolicyService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/policy.service'; import { StorageService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/storage.service'; import { SystemService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/system.service'; import { UserService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/user.service'; import { VaultTimeoutService } from 'jslib-common/abstractions/vaultTimeout.service'; import { ConstantsService } from 'jslib-common/services/constants.service'; import { PopupUtilsService } from '../popup/services/popup-utils.service'; import { AutofillService } from '../services/abstractions/autofill.service'; import BrowserPlatformUtilsService from '../services/browserPlatformUtils.service'; import { BrowserApi } from '../browser/browserApi'; import MainBackground from './main.background'; import { Utils } from 'jslib-common/misc/utils'; import { PolicyType } from 'jslib-common/enums/policyType'; import addChangePasswordQueueMessage from './models/addChangePasswordQueueMessage'; import addLoginQueueMessage from './models/addLoginQueueMessage'; export default class RuntimeBackground { private runtime: any; private autofillTimeout: any; private pageDetailsToAutoFill: any[] = []; private onInstalledReason: string = null; constructor(private main: MainBackground, private autofillService: AutofillService, private cipherService: CipherService, private platformUtilsService: BrowserPlatformUtilsService, private storageService: StorageService, private i18nService: I18nService, private notificationsService: NotificationsService, private systemService: SystemService, private vaultTimeoutService: VaultTimeoutService, private environmentService: EnvironmentService, private policyService: PolicyService, private userService: UserService, private messagingService: MessagingService, private folderService: FolderService, private popupUtilsService: PopupUtilsService) { // onInstalled listener must be wired up before anything else, so we do it in the ctor chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener((details: any) => { this.onInstalledReason = details.reason; }); } async init() { if (!chrome.runtime) { return; } await this.checkOnInstalled(); BrowserApi.messageListener('runtime.background', async (msg: any, sender: any, sendResponse: any) => { await this.processMessage(msg, sender, sendResponse); }); } async processMessage(msg: any, sender: any, sendResponse: any) { switch (msg.command) { case 'loggedIn': case 'unlocked': await this.main.setIcon(); await this.main.refreshBadgeAndMenu(false); this.notificationsService.updateConnection(msg.command === 'unlocked'); this.systemService.cancelProcessReload(); if (this.main.retryQueue.length > 0) { const retryItem = this.main.retryQueue.pop(); await this.processMessage(retryItem.msg, retryItem.sender, null); } break; case 'addToRetryQueue': const retryMessage = { msg: msg.retryItem, sender: sender, }; this.main.retryQueue.push(retryMessage); break; case 'logout': await this.main.logout(msg.expired); break; case 'syncCompleted': if (msg.successfully) { setTimeout(async () => await this.main.refreshBadgeAndMenu(), 2000); } break; case 'openPopup': await this.main.openPopup(); break; case 'openPopout': await this.popupUtilsService.popOut(window, 'popup/index.html?uilocation=popout'); break; case 'showDialogResolve': this.platformUtilsService.resolveDialogPromise(msg.dialogId, msg.confirmed); break; case 'bgGetDataForTab': await this.getDataForTab(, msg.responseCommand); break; case 'bgCloseNotificationBar': await BrowserApi.tabSendMessageData(, 'closeNotificationBar'); break; case 'bgAdjustNotificationBar': await BrowserApi.tabSendMessageData(, 'adjustNotificationBar',; break; case 'bgCollectPageDetails': await this.main.collectPageDetailsForContentScript(, msg.sender, sender.frameId); break; case 'bgAddLogin': await this.addLogin(msg.login,; break; case 'bgChangedPassword': await this.changedPassword(,; break; case 'bgAddClose': case 'bgChangeClose': this.removeTabFromNotificationQueue(; break; case 'bgAddSave': case 'bgChangeSave': await this.saveOrUpdateCredentials(, msg.folder); break; case 'bgNeverSave': await this.saveNever(; break; case 'bgUpdateContextMenu': case 'editedCipher': case 'addedCipher': case 'deletedCipher': await this.main.refreshBadgeAndMenu(); break; case 'bgReseedStorage': await this.main.reseedStorage(); break; case 'collectPageDetailsResponse': switch (msg.sender) { case 'notificationBar': const forms = this.autofillService.getFormsWithPasswordFields(msg.details); await BrowserApi.tabSendMessageData(, 'notificationBarPageDetails', { details: msg.details, forms: forms, }); break; case 'autofiller': case 'autofill_cmd': const totpCode = await this.autofillService.doAutoFillActiveTab([{ frameId: sender.frameId, tab:, details: msg.details, }], msg.sender === 'autofill_cmd'); if (totpCode != null) { this.platformUtilsService.copyToClipboard(totpCode, { window: window }); } break; case 'contextMenu': clearTimeout(this.autofillTimeout); this.pageDetailsToAutoFill.push({ frameId: sender.frameId, tab:, details: msg.details, }); this.autofillTimeout = setTimeout(async () => await this.autofillPage(), 300); break; default: break; } break; case 'authResult': const vaultUrl = this.environmentService.getWebVaultUrl(); if (msg.referrer == null || Utils.getHostname(vaultUrl) !== msg.referrer) { return; } try { BrowserApi.createNewTab('popup/index.html?uilocation=popout#/sso?code=' + msg.code + '&state=' + msg.state); } catch { } break; case 'webAuthnResult': const vaultUrl2 = this.environmentService.getWebVaultUrl(); if (msg.referrer == null || Utils.getHostname(vaultUrl2) !== msg.referrer) { return; } const params = `webAuthnResponse=${encodeURIComponent(};remember=${msg.remember}`; BrowserApi.createNewTab(`popup/index.html?uilocation=popout#/2fa;${params}`, undefined, false); break; case 'reloadPopup': this.messagingService.send('reloadPopup'); break; case 'emailVerificationRequired': this.messagingService.send('showDialog', { dialogId: 'emailVerificationRequired', title: this.i18nService.t('emailVerificationRequired'), text: this.i18nService.t('emailVerificationRequiredDesc'), confirmText: this.i18nService.t('ok'), type: 'info', }); break; case 'getClickedElementResponse': this.platformUtilsService.copyToClipboard(msg.identifier, { window: window }); default: break; } } private async autofillPage() { const totpCode = await this.autofillService.doAutoFill({ cipher: this.main.loginToAutoFill, pageDetails: this.pageDetailsToAutoFill, fillNewPassword: true, }); if (totpCode != null) { this.platformUtilsService.copyToClipboard(totpCode, { window: window }); } // reset this.main.loginToAutoFill = null; this.pageDetailsToAutoFill = []; } private async saveOrUpdateCredentials(tab: any, folderId?: string) { for (let i = this.main.notificationQueue.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const queueMessage = this.main.notificationQueue[i]; if (queueMessage.tabId !== || (queueMessage.type !== 'addLogin' && queueMessage.type !== 'changePassword')) { continue; } const tabDomain = Utils.getDomain(tab.url); if (tabDomain != null && tabDomain !== queueMessage.domain) { continue; } this.main.notificationQueue.splice(i, 1); BrowserApi.tabSendMessageData(tab, 'closeNotificationBar'); if (queueMessage.type === 'changePassword') { const message = (queueMessage as addChangePasswordQueueMessage); const cipher = await this.getDecryptedCipherById(message.cipherId); if (cipher == null) { return; } await this.updateCipher(cipher, message.newPassword); return; } if (!queueMessage.wasVaultLocked) { await this.createNewCipher(queueMessage, folderId); } // If the vault was locked, check if a cipher needs updating instead of creating a new one if (queueMessage.type === 'addLogin' && queueMessage.wasVaultLocked === true) { const message = (queueMessage as addLoginQueueMessage); const ciphers = await this.cipherService.getAllDecryptedForUrl(message.uri); const usernameMatches = ciphers.filter(c => c.login.username != null && c.login.username.toLowerCase() === message.username); if (usernameMatches.length >= 1) { await this.updateCipher(usernameMatches[0], message.password); return; } await this.createNewCipher(message, folderId); } } } private async createNewCipher(queueMessage: addLoginQueueMessage, folderId: string) { const loginModel = new LoginView(); const loginUri = new LoginUriView(); loginUri.uri = queueMessage.uri; loginModel.uris = [loginUri]; loginModel.username = queueMessage.username; loginModel.password = queueMessage.password; const model = new CipherView(); = Utils.getHostname(queueMessage.uri) || queueMessage.domain; =^www\./, ''); model.type = CipherType.Login; model.login = loginModel; if (!Utils.isNullOrWhitespace(folderId)) { const folders = await this.folderService.getAllDecrypted(); if (folders.some(x => === folderId)) { model.folderId = folderId; } } const cipher = await this.cipherService.encrypt(model); await this.cipherService.saveWithServer(cipher); } private async getDecryptedCipherById(cipherId: string) { const cipher = await this.cipherService.get(cipherId); if (cipher != null && cipher.type === CipherType.Login) { return await cipher.decrypt(); } return null; } private async updateCipher(cipher: CipherView, newPassword: string) { if (cipher != null && cipher.type === CipherType.Login) { cipher.login.password = newPassword; const newCipher = await this.cipherService.encrypt(cipher); await this.cipherService.saveWithServer(newCipher); } } private async saveNever(tab: any) { for (let i = this.main.notificationQueue.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const queueMessage = this.main.notificationQueue[i]; if (queueMessage.tabId !== || queueMessage.type !== 'addLogin') { continue; } const tabDomain = Utils.getDomain(tab.url); if (tabDomain != null && tabDomain !== queueMessage.domain) { continue; } this.main.notificationQueue.splice(i, 1); BrowserApi.tabSendMessageData(tab, 'closeNotificationBar'); const hostname = Utils.getHostname(tab.url); await this.cipherService.saveNeverDomain(hostname); } } private async addLogin(loginInfo: any, tab: any) { const loginDomain = Utils.getDomain(loginInfo.url); if (loginDomain == null) { return; } let normalizedUsername = loginInfo.username; if (normalizedUsername != null) { normalizedUsername = normalizedUsername.toLowerCase(); } if (await this.vaultTimeoutService.isLocked()) { this.pushAddLoginToQueue(loginDomain, loginInfo, tab, true); return; } const ciphers = await this.cipherService.getAllDecryptedForUrl(loginInfo.url); const usernameMatches = ciphers.filter(c => c.login.username != null && c.login.username.toLowerCase() === normalizedUsername); if (usernameMatches.length === 0) { const disabledAddLogin = await this.storageService.get( ConstantsService.disableAddLoginNotificationKey); if (disabledAddLogin) { return; } if (!(await this.allowPersonalOwnership())) { return; } this.pushAddLoginToQueue(loginDomain, loginInfo, tab); } else if (usernameMatches.length === 1 && usernameMatches[0].login.password !== loginInfo.password) { const disabledChangePassword = await this.storageService.get( ConstantsService.disableChangedPasswordNotificationKey); if (disabledChangePassword) { return; } this.pushChangePasswordToQueue(usernameMatches[0].id, loginDomain, loginInfo.password, tab); } } private async pushAddLoginToQueue(loginDomain: string, loginInfo: any, tab: any, isVaultLocked: boolean = false) { // remove any old messages for this tab this.removeTabFromNotificationQueue(tab); const message: addLoginQueueMessage = { type: 'addLogin', username: loginInfo.username, password: loginInfo.password, domain: loginDomain, uri: loginInfo.url, tabId:, expires: new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 30 * 60000), // 30 minutes wasVaultLocked: isVaultLocked, }; this.main.notificationQueue.push(message); await this.main.checkNotificationQueue(tab); } private async changedPassword(changeData: any, tab: any) { const loginDomain = Utils.getDomain(changeData.url); if (loginDomain == null) { return; } if (await this.vaultTimeoutService.isLocked()) { this.pushChangePasswordToQueue(null, loginDomain, changeData.newPassword, tab, true); return; } let id: string = null; const ciphers = await this.cipherService.getAllDecryptedForUrl(changeData.url); if (changeData.currentPassword != null) { const passwordMatches = ciphers.filter(c => c.login.password === changeData.currentPassword); if (passwordMatches.length === 1) { id = passwordMatches[0].id; } } else if (ciphers.length === 1) { id = ciphers[0].id; } if (id != null) { this.pushChangePasswordToQueue(id, loginDomain, changeData.newPassword, tab); } } private async pushChangePasswordToQueue(cipherId: string, loginDomain: string, newPassword: string, tab: any, isVaultLocked: boolean = false) { // remove any old messages for this tab this.removeTabFromNotificationQueue(tab); const message: addChangePasswordQueueMessage = { type: 'changePassword', cipherId: cipherId, newPassword: newPassword, domain: loginDomain, tabId:, expires: new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 30 * 60000), // 30 minutes wasVaultLocked: isVaultLocked, }; this.main.notificationQueue.push(message); await this.main.checkNotificationQueue(tab); } private removeTabFromNotificationQueue(tab: any) { for (let i = this.main.notificationQueue.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.main.notificationQueue[i].tabId === { this.main.notificationQueue.splice(i, 1); } } } private async checkOnInstalled() { setTimeout(async () => { if (this.onInstalledReason != null) { if (this.onInstalledReason === 'install') { BrowserApi.createNewTab(''); await this.setDefaultSettings(); } this.onInstalledReason = null; } }, 100); } private async setDefaultSettings() { // Default timeout option to "on restart". const currentVaultTimeout = await this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutKey); if (currentVaultTimeout == null) { await, -1); } // Default action to "lock". const currentVaultTimeoutAction = await this.storageService.get(ConstantsService.vaultTimeoutActionKey); if (currentVaultTimeoutAction == null) { await, 'lock'); } } private async getDataForTab(tab: any, responseCommand: string) { const responseData: any = {}; if (responseCommand === 'notificationBarGetFoldersList') { responseData.folders = await this.folderService.getAllDecrypted(); } await BrowserApi.tabSendMessageData(tab, responseCommand, responseData); } private async allowPersonalOwnership(): Promise { return !await this.policyService.policyAppliesToUser(PolicyType.PersonalOwnership); } }