import { MigrationHelper } from "./migration-helper"; import { Direction, Migrator, VersionFrom, VersionTo } from "./migrator"; export class MigrationBuilder { /** Create a new MigrationBuilder with an empty buffer of migrations to perform. * * Add migrations to the buffer with {@link with} and {@link rollback}. * @returns A new MigrationBuilder. */ static create(): MigrationBuilder<0> { return new MigrationBuilder([]); } private constructor( private migrations: readonly { migrator: Migrator; direction: Direction }[] ) {} /** Add a migrator to the MigrationBuilder. Types are updated such that the chained MigrationBuilder must currently be * at state version equal to the from version of the migrator. Return as MigrationBuilder where TTo is the to * version of the migrator, so that the next migrator can be chained. * * @param migrate A migrator class or a tuple of a migrator class, the from version, and the to version. A tuple is * required to instantiate version numbers unless a default constructor is defined. * @returns A new MigrationBuilder with the to version of the migrator as the current version. */ with< TMigrator extends Migrator, TFrom extends VersionFrom & TCurrent, TTo extends VersionTo >( ...migrate: [new () => TMigrator] | [new (from: TFrom, to: TTo) => TMigrator, TFrom, TTo] ): MigrationBuilder { return this.addMigrator(migrate, "up"); } /** Add a migrator to rollback on the MigrationBuilder's list of migrations. As with {@link with}, types of * MigrationBuilder and Migrator must align. However, this time the migration is reversed so TCurrent of the * MigrationBuilder must be equal to the to version of the migrator. Return as MigrationBuilder where TFrom * is the from version of the migrator, so that the next migrator can be chained. * * @param migrate A migrator class or a tuple of a migrator class, the from version, and the to version. A tuple is * required to instantiate version numbers unless a default constructor is defined. * @returns A new MigrationBuilder with the from version of the migrator as the current version. */ rollback< TMigrator extends Migrator, TFrom extends VersionFrom, TTo extends VersionTo & TCurrent >( ...migrate: [new () => TMigrator] | [new (from: TFrom, to: TTo) => TMigrator, TTo, TFrom] ): MigrationBuilder { if (migrate.length === 3) { migrate = [migrate[0], migrate[2], migrate[1]]; } return this.addMigrator(migrate, "down"); } /** Execute the migrations as defined in the MigrationBuilder's migrator buffer */ migrate(helper: MigrationHelper): Promise { return this.migrations.reduce( (promise, migrator) => promise.then(async () => { await this.runMigrator(migrator.migrator, helper, migrator.direction); }), Promise.resolve() ); } private addMigrator< TMigrator extends Migrator, TFrom extends VersionFrom & TCurrent, TTo extends VersionTo >( migrate: [new () => TMigrator] | [new (from: TFrom, to: TTo) => TMigrator, TFrom, TTo], direction: Direction = "up" ) { const newMigration = migrate.length === 1 ? { migrator: new migrate[0](), direction } : { migrator: new migrate[0](migrate[1], migrate[2]), direction }; return new MigrationBuilder([...this.migrations, newMigration]); } private async runMigrator( migrator: Migrator, helper: MigrationHelper, direction: Direction ): Promise { const shouldMigrate = await migrator.shouldMigrate(helper, direction); `Migrator ${} (to version ${migrator.toVersion}) should migrate: ${shouldMigrate} - ${direction}` ); if (shouldMigrate) { const method = direction === "up" ? migrator.migrate : migrator.rollback; await method(helper); `Migrator ${} (to version ${migrator.toVersion}) migrated - ${direction}` ); await migrator.updateVersion(helper, direction); `Migrator ${} (to version ${migrator.toVersion}) updated version - ${direction}` ); } } }