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2022-06-02 09:34:13 +02:00
import { Directive, HostBinding, Input, Optional, Self } from "@angular/core";
import { NgControl, Validators } from "@angular/forms";
// Increments for each instance of this component
let nextId = 0;
selector: "input[bitInput], select[bitInput], textarea[bitInput]",
export class BitInputDirective {
@HostBinding("class") @Input() get classList() {
return [
this.hasPrefix ? "tw-rounded-l-none" : "",
this.hasSuffix ? "tw-rounded-r-none" : "",
this.hasError ? "tw-border-danger-500" : "tw-border-secondary-500",
].filter((s) => s != "");
@HostBinding() id = `bit-input-${nextId++}`;
@HostBinding("attr.aria-describedby") ariaDescribedBy: string;
@HostBinding("attr.aria-invalid") get ariaInvalid() {
return this.hasError ? true : undefined;
get required() {
return this._required ?? this.ngControl?.control?.hasValidator(Validators.required) ?? false;
set required(value: any) {
this._required = value != null && value !== false;
private _required: boolean;
@Input() hasPrefix = false;
@Input() hasSuffix = false;
get hasError() {
return this.ngControl?.status === "INVALID" && this.ngControl?.touched;
get error(): [string, any] {
const key = Object.keys(this.ngControl.errors)[0];
return [key, this.ngControl.errors[key]];
constructor(@Optional() @Self() private ngControl: NgControl) {}