
137 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import { BaseImporter } from './baseImporter';
import { Importer } from './importer';
import { ImportResult } from '../models/domain/importResult';
import { FolderView } from '../models/view/folderView';
import { SecureNoteView } from '../models/view/secureNoteView';
import { CipherType } from '../enums/cipherType';
import { SecureNoteType } from '../enums/secureNoteType';
import { FieldType } from '../enums/fieldType';
import { CipherView } from '../models/view/cipherView';
import { FieldView } from '../models/view/fieldView';
export class SafeInCloudXmlImporter extends BaseImporter implements Importer {
parse(data: string): Promise<ImportResult> {
const result = new ImportResult();
const doc = this.parseXml(data);
if (doc == null) {
result.success = false;
return Promise.resolve(result);
const db = doc.querySelector('database');
if (db == null) {
result.errorMessage = 'Missing `database` node.';
result.success = false;
return Promise.resolve(result);
const foldersMap = new Map<string, number>();
Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll('database > label')).forEach(labelEl => {
const name = labelEl.getAttribute('name');
const id = labelEl.getAttribute('id');
if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(name) && !this.isNullOrWhitespace(id)) {
foldersMap.set(id, result.folders.length);
const folder = new FolderView(); = name;
Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll('database > card')).forEach(cardEl => {
if (cardEl.getAttribute('template') === 'true' || cardEl.getAttribute('deleted') === 'true') {
const labelIdEl = this.querySelectorDirectChild(cardEl, 'label_id');
if (labelIdEl != null) {
const labelId = labelIdEl.textContent;
if (!this.isNullOrWhitespace(labelId) && foldersMap.has(labelId)) {
result.folderRelationships.push([result.ciphers.length, foldersMap.get(labelId)]);
2018-07-10 23:51:47 +02:00
const cipher = this.initLoginCipher(); = this.getValueOrDefault(cardEl.getAttribute('title'), '--');
if (cardEl.getAttribute('star') === 'true') {
cipher.favorite = true;
const cardType = cardEl.getAttribute('type');
if (cardType === 'note') {
cipher.type = CipherType.SecureNote;
cipher.secureNote = new SecureNoteView();
cipher.secureNote.type = SecureNoteType.Generic;
} else {
Array.from(this.querySelectorAllDirectChild(cardEl, 'field')).forEach(fieldEl => {
const text = fieldEl.textContent;
if (this.isNullOrWhitespace(text)) {
const name = fieldEl.getAttribute('name');
const fieldType = this.getValueOrDefault(fieldEl.getAttribute('type'), '').toLowerCase();
if (fieldType === 'login') {
cipher.login.username = text;
} else if (fieldType === 'password' || fieldType === 'secret') {
// safeInCloud allows for more than one password. we just insert them here and find the one used as password later
this.processKvp(cipher, name, text, FieldType.Hidden);
2019-07-22 20:15:03 +02:00
} else if (fieldType === 'one_time_password') {
cipher.login.totp = text;
} else if (fieldType === 'notes') {
cipher.notes += (text + '\n');
} else if (fieldType === 'weblogin' || fieldType === 'website') {
cipher.login.uris = this.makeUriArray(text);
else {
2018-07-10 23:51:47 +02:00
this.processKvp(cipher, name, text);
Array.from(this.querySelectorAllDirectChild(cardEl, 'notes')).forEach(notesEl => {
cipher.notes += (notesEl.textContent + '\n');
2018-07-10 23:51:47 +02:00
if (this.organization) {
result.success = true;
return Promise.resolve(result);
// Choose a password from all passwords. Take one that has password in its name, or the first one if there is no such entry
// if its name is password, we can safely remove it form the fields. otherwise, it would maybe be best to keep it as a hidden field
setPassword(cipher: CipherView) {
const candidates = cipher.fields.filter(field => field.type === FieldType.Hidden);
if (!candidates.length) {
let choice: FieldView;
for (const field of candidates) {
if (this.passwordFieldNames.includes( {
choice = field;
cipher.fields = cipher.fields.filter(f => f !== choice);
if (!choice) {
choice = candidates[0];
cipher.login.password = choice.value;