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Auth/ps 2298 reorg auth (#4564) * Move auth service factories to Auth team * Move authentication componenets to Auth team * Move auth guard services to Auth team * Move Duo content script to Auth team * Move auth CLI commands to Auth team * Move Desktop Account components to Auth Team * Move Desktop guards to Auth team * Move two-factor provider images to Auth team * Move web Accounts components to Auth Team * Move web settings components to Auth Team * Move web two factor images to Auth Team * Fix missed import changes for Auth Team * Fix Linting errors * Fix missed CLI imports * Fix missed Desktop imports * Revert images move * Fix missed imports in Web * Move angular lib components to Auth Team * Move angular auth guards to Auth team * Move strategy specs to Auth team * Update .eslintignore for new paths * Move lib common abstractions to Auth team * Move services to Auth team * Move common lib enums to Auth team * Move webauthn iframe to Auth team * Move lib common domain models to Auth team * Move common lib requests to Auth team * Move response models to Auth team * Clean up whitelist * Move bit web components to Auth team * Move SSO and SCIM files to Auth team * Revert move SCIM to Auth team SCIM belongs to Admin Console team * Move captcha to Auth team * Move key connector to Auth team * Move emergency access to auth team * Delete extra file * linter fixes * Move kdf config to auth team * Fix whitelist * Fix duo autoformat * Complete two factor provider request move * Fix whitelist names * Fix login capitalization * Revert hint dependency reordering * Revert hint dependency reordering * Revert hint component This components is being picked up as a move between clients * Move web hint component to Auth team * Move new files to auth team * Fix desktop build * Fix browser build
2023-02-06 22:53:37 +01:00
import { AuthenticationStatus } from "@bitwarden/common/auth/enums/authentication-status";
import { StateFactory } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/factories/state-factory";
import { GlobalState } from "@bitwarden/common/platform/models/domain/global-state";
import { authServiceFactory } from "../../auth/background/service-factories/auth-service.factory";
import { autofillServiceFactory } from "../../autofill/background/service_factories/autofill-service.factory";
import { GeneratePasswordToClipboardCommand } from "../../autofill/clipboard";
import { AutofillTabCommand } from "../../autofill/commands/autofill-tab-command";
import {
} from "../../background/service-factories/password-generation-service.factory";
import { Account } from "../../models/account";
import { stateServiceFactory } from "../../platform/background/service-factories/state-service.factory";
import { CachedServices } from "../background/service-factories/factory-options";
import { logServiceFactory } from "../background/service-factories/log-service.factory";
import { BrowserApi } from "../browser/browser-api";
export const onCommandListener = async (command: string, tab: chrome.tabs.Tab) => {
switch (command) {
case "autofill_login":
await doAutoFillLogin(tab);
case "generate_password":
await doGeneratePasswordToClipboard(tab);
const doAutoFillLogin = async (tab: chrome.tabs.Tab): Promise<void> => {
const cachedServices: CachedServices = {};
const opts = {
cryptoFunctionServiceOptions: {
win: self,
encryptServiceOptions: {
logMacFailures: true,
logServiceOptions: {
isDev: false,
platformUtilsServiceOptions: {
clipboardWriteCallback: () => Promise.resolve(),
biometricCallback: () => Promise.resolve(false),
win: self,
stateServiceOptions: {
stateFactory: new StateFactory(GlobalState, Account),
stateMigrationServiceOptions: {
stateFactory: new StateFactory(GlobalState, Account),
apiServiceOptions: {
logoutCallback: () => Promise.resolve(),
keyConnectorServiceOptions: {
logoutCallback: () => Promise.resolve(),
i18nServiceOptions: {
systemLanguage: BrowserApi.getUILanguage(self),
const logService = await logServiceFactory(cachedServices, opts);
const authService = await authServiceFactory(cachedServices, opts);
const autofillService = await autofillServiceFactory(cachedServices, opts);
const authStatus = await authService.getAuthStatus();
if (authStatus < AuthenticationStatus.Unlocked) {
// TODO: Add back in unlock on autofill"Currently not unlocked, MV3 does not support unlock on autofill currently.");
const command = new AutofillTabCommand(autofillService);
await command.doAutofillTabCommand(tab);
const doGeneratePasswordToClipboard = async (tab: chrome.tabs.Tab): Promise<void> => {
const stateFactory = new StateFactory(GlobalState, Account);
const cache = {};
const options: PasswordGenerationServiceInitOptions = {
cryptoFunctionServiceOptions: {
win: self,
encryptServiceOptions: {
logMacFailures: false,
logServiceOptions: {
isDev: false,
platformUtilsServiceOptions: {
biometricCallback: () => Promise.resolve(true),
clipboardWriteCallback: () => Promise.resolve(),
win: self,
stateMigrationServiceOptions: {
stateFactory: stateFactory,
stateServiceOptions: {
stateFactory: stateFactory,
const command = new GeneratePasswordToClipboardCommand(
await passwordGenerationServiceFactory(cache, options),
await stateServiceFactory(cache, options)