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import { CdkDragDrop, moveItemInArray } from "@angular/cdk/drag-drop";
2022-02-22 15:39:11 +01:00
import { Directive, Input, OnChanges, SimpleChanges } from "@angular/core";
2022-06-14 17:10:53 +02:00
import { EventService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/event.service";
import { I18nService } from "@bitwarden/common/abstractions/i18n.service";
import { CipherType } from "@bitwarden/common/enums/cipherType";
import { EventType } from "@bitwarden/common/enums/eventType";
import { FieldType } from "@bitwarden/common/enums/fieldType";
import { Utils } from "@bitwarden/common/misc/utils";
import { CipherView } from "@bitwarden/common/models/view/cipherView";
import { FieldView } from "@bitwarden/common/models/view/fieldView";
export class AddEditCustomFieldsComponent implements OnChanges {
@Input() cipher: CipherView;
@Input() thisCipherType: CipherType;
@Input() editMode: boolean;
2021-12-16 13:36:21 +01:00
addFieldType: FieldType = FieldType.Text;
addFieldTypeOptions: any[];
addFieldLinkedTypeOption: any;
linkedFieldOptions: any[] = [];
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cipherType = CipherType;
fieldType = FieldType;
eventType = EventType;
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constructor(private i18nService: I18nService, private eventService: EventService) {
this.addFieldTypeOptions = [
{ name: i18nService.t("cfTypeText"), value: FieldType.Text },
{ name: i18nService.t("cfTypeHidden"), value: FieldType.Hidden },
{ name: i18nService.t("cfTypeBoolean"), value: FieldType.Boolean },
this.addFieldLinkedTypeOption = {
name: this.i18nService.t("cfTypeLinked"),
value: FieldType.Linked,
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ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
if (changes.thisCipherType != null) {
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if (!changes.thisCipherType.firstChange) {
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2021-12-16 13:36:21 +01:00
addField() {
if (this.cipher.fields == null) {
this.cipher.fields = [];
const f = new FieldView();
f.type = this.addFieldType;
f.newField = true;
if (f.type === FieldType.Linked) {
f.linkedId = this.linkedFieldOptions[0].value;
removeField(field: FieldView) {
const i = this.cipher.fields.indexOf(field);
if (i > -1) {
this.cipher.fields.splice(i, 1);
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toggleFieldValue(field: FieldView) {
const f = field as any;
f.showValue = !f.showValue;
if (this.editMode && f.showValue) {
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trackByFunction(index: number, item: any) {
return index;
drop(event: CdkDragDrop<string[]>) {
moveItemInArray(this.cipher.fields, event.previousIndex, event.currentIndex);
private setLinkedFieldOptions() {
if (this.cipher.linkedFieldOptions == null) {
const options: any = [];
this.cipher.linkedFieldOptions.forEach((linkedFieldOption, id) =>
options.push({ name: this.i18nService.t(linkedFieldOption.i18nKey), value: id })
2021-12-16 13:36:21 +01:00
this.linkedFieldOptions = options.sort(Utils.getSortFunction(this.i18nService, "name"));
private resetCipherLinkedFields() {
if (this.cipher.fields == null || this.cipher.fields.length === 0) {
// Delete any Linked custom fields if the item type does not support them
if (this.cipher.linkedFieldOptions == null) {
this.cipher.fields = this.cipher.fields.filter((f) => f.type !== FieldType.Linked);
2021-12-16 13:36:21 +01:00
.filter((f) => f.type === FieldType.Linked)
.forEach((f) => (f.linkedId = this.linkedFieldOptions[0].value));
2021-12-16 13:36:21 +01:00