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2022-01-27 15:31:13 +01:00
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<glyph unicode="&#xe91a;" glyph-name="list" data-tags="bw-list" d="M992.003 426.693h-773.694c-8.487 0-16.626 3.372-22.627 9.373s-9.373 14.14-9.373 22.627c0 8.487 3.372 16.627 9.373 22.628s14.14 9.372 22.627 9.372h773.694c8.486 0 16.627-3.372 22.63-9.372s9.37-14.141 9.37-22.628c0-8.487-3.366-16.626-9.37-22.627s-14.144-9.373-22.63-9.373zM32.001 426.95c-4.215-0.072-8.392 0.803-12.224 2.56-3.764 1.512-7.231 3.679-10.24 6.4-5.846 6.242-9.076 14.488-9.024 23.040-0.033 8.358 3.206 16.399 9.024 22.4 4.641 4.36 10.412 7.33 16.657 8.575s12.714 0.713 18.671-1.535c3.789-1.746 7.252-4.127 10.24-7.040 5.771-6.022 8.963-14.060 8.896-22.4 0.052-8.552-3.178-16.798-9.024-23.040-3.009-2.721-6.476-4.888-10.24-6.4-3.997-1.808-8.352-2.684-12.736-2.56zM991.991 576.006h-773.697c-8.487 0-16.627 3.372-22.627 9.373s-9.373 14.14-9.373 22.627c0 8.487 3.372 16.627 9.373 22.627s14.14 9.373 22.627 9.373h773.697c8.486 0 16.627-3.372 22.624-9.373 6.003-6.001 9.376-14.14 9.376-22.627s-3.373-16.627-9.376-22.627c-5.997-6.001-14.138-9.373-22.624-9.373zM32.765 576.006c-4.405-0.126-8.782 0.749-12.8 2.56-3.903 1.51-7.406 3.897-10.24 6.976-3.060 2.902-5.48 6.412-7.104 10.304-1.547 3.878-2.433 7.988-2.624 12.16 0.229 4.139 1.092 8.219 2.56 12.096 1.592 3.91 4.015 7.426 7.104 10.304 2.849 3.076 6.347 5.481 10.24 7.040 5.933 2.406 12.44 3.021 18.718 1.77s12.052-4.314 16.61-8.81c2.906-3.031 5.304-6.51 7.104-10.304 1.178-3.921 1.74-8.002 1.664-12.096 0.039-4.132-0.61-8.241-1.92-12.16-1.601-3.905-4.023-7.42-7.104-10.304-2.834-3.079-6.337-5.466-10.24-6.976-3.752-1.725-7.839-2.598-11.968-2.56zM991.991 277.382h-773.697c-8.487 0-16.627 3.372-22.627 9.373s-9.373 14.14-9.373 22.627c0 8.487 3.372 16.627 9.373 22.627s14.14 9.373 22.627 9.373h773.697c8.486 0 16.627-3.372 22.624-9.373 6.003-6.001 9.376-14.14 9.376-22.627s-3.373-16.626-9.376-22.627c-5.997-6.001-14.138-9.373-22.624-9.373zM32.765 277.255c-4.378 0.152-8.701 1.017-12.8 2.56-3.8 1.699-7.268 4.061-10.24 6.976-5.936 6.009-9.407 14.023-9.728 22.464 0.17 4.147 1.036 8.236 2.56 12.096 1.741 3.999 4.143 7.677 7.104 10.88 6.272 5.591 14.381 8.68 22.784 8.68s16.512-3.089 22.784-8.68c5.662-6.312 8.785-14.497 8.768-22.976 0.050-8.381-3.19-16.447-9.024-22.464-2.972-2.915-6.44-5.277-10.24-6.976-3.833-1.466-7.871-2.33-11.968-2.56v0zM992.003 128.006h-773.694c-8.487 0-16.626 3.373-22.627 9.37-6.001 6.003-9.373 14.144-9.373 22.63s3.372 16.627 9.373 22.63c6.001 5.997 14.14 9.37 22.627 9.37h773.694c8.486 0 16.627-3.373 22.63-9.37 6.003-6.003 9.37-14.144 9.37-22.63s-3.366-16.627-9.37-22.63c-6.003-5.997-14.144-9.37-22.63-9.37zM32.767 128.006c-4.406-0.128-8.782 0.749-12.8 2.56-3.903 1.51-7.406 3.898-10.24 6.976-5.857 6.010-9.121 14.074-9.088 22.464-0.072 8.346 3.174 16.384 9.024 22.336 6.126 5.882 14.291 9.165 22.784 9.165s16.657-3.283 22.784-9.165c5.756-5.997 8.908-14.022 8.768-22.336 0.050-8.378-3.19-16.448-9.024-22.464-2.835-3.078-6.338-5.466-10.24-6.976-3.752-1.722-7.839-2.598-11.968-2.56v0z" />
[PM-1222] Store passkeys in Bitwarden vault (#4715) * [EC-598] feat: scaffold content scripting * [EC-598] feat: load page script from content script * [EC-598] feat: succesfully intercept methods * [EC-598] feat: add better support for messaging * [EC-598] feat: implement calls to new service * [EC-598] feat: add ability to return responses * [EC-598] feat: half-implemented params mapping * [EC-598] feat: add b64 conversion * [EC-598] feat: half-implemented user interfacing * [EC-598] feat: initial working user verification * [EC-598] feat: center popup * [EC-598] feat: add basic cancel button * [EC-598] feat: confirm new credentials * [EC-598] feat: add cbor-redux npm package * [EC-598] feat: initial version of credential creation * [EC-598] feat: fully working credential creation * [EC-598] feat: fully working register and assert flow * [EC-598] feat: properly check for presence * [EC-598] feat: rudimentar error handling * [EC-598] feat: transparent passthrough of platform authenticators * [EC-598] feat: improve error handling * [EC-598] feat: use browser as fallback when vault does not contain requested credential * [EC-598] feat: add fido2Key to cipher * [EC-598] feat: successfully store passkeys in vault * [EC-598] feat: implement passwordless vault auth * [EC-598] feat: add basic support for managing passkeys * [EC-598] feat: show new cipher being added * [EC-598] feat: allow user to pick which credential to use * [EC-598] feat: differntiate between resident auth and 2fa * [EC-598] feat: add some padding to popout * [EC-598] feat: allow storage of more information * [EC-598] feat: show user name as sub title * [EC-598] feat: show all available data * [EC-598] chore: clean up console logs * [EC-598] feat: fix google issues Google does not like self-signed packed format. I've removed the attestation statement all-together untill further notice. We're don't really have any statements so * [EC-598] fix: temporarily remove origin check * [EC-598] fix: user interaction not being awaited sometimes Only one handler can return a response. That handler needs to return true to indicated it's intention to eventually do so. Our issue was that multiple handlers were returning truthy values, causing a race condition. * [EC-598] fix: messenger crashing The messenger is listening to all DOM communcation, most of which is formatted differently. We were not handling these cases properly which resulted in attempts to access undefined fields. * [EC-598] feat: add basic test-case for messenger * [EC-598] feat: add test for request/response * [EC-598] feat: add initial one-way support for aborting * [EC-598] feat: add ability to throw errors across messenger * [EC-598] feat: transition to using exceptions * [EC-598] feat: add abort controller all the way to service * [EC-598] feat: ability to abort from page script * [EC-598] feat: add automatic default timeouts * [EC-598] chore: move component from generic popup fodler * [EC-598] chore: collect all passkeys stuff under common folder * [EC-598] fix: filter messages from other sources * [EC-598] chore: add small todo comment * [EC-598] feat: add timeout and UV to params * [EC-598] feat: implement full support for timeouts * [EC-598] feat: start creating separate authenticator service * [EC-598] feat: first tested rule in new authentitcator * [EC-598] feat: allow user to confirm duplication * [EC-598] feat: add check for unsupported algorithms * [EC-598] feat: add check for invalid option values * [EC-598] feat: handle unsupported pinAuth * [EC-598] feat: confirm new credentials * [EC-598] feat: rearrange order of execution * [EC-598] chore: rearrange tests * [EC-598] feat: add support for saving discoverable credential * [EC-598] feat: remove ability to duplicate excluded credentials * [EC-598] chore: rearrange tests * [EC-598] feat: add support for non-discoverable credentials * [EC-598] chore: use webauthn authenticator model as base instead of CTAP * [EC-598] feat: don't leak internal errors during creation * [EC-598] feat: tweak key data to contain separate type and algorithm * [EC-598] feat: add counter to fido2key * [EC-598] feat: complete implementation of `makeCredential` * [EC-598] feat: add ignored enterpriseAttestation param * [EC-598] feat: start implementing `getAssertion` * [EC-598] feat: add separate `nonDiscoverableId` to keys * [EC-598] fix: properly convert credentials to guid raw format * [EC-598] chore: add todo tests about deleted items * [EC-598] feat: implement missing credential checks * [EC-598] feat: add user confirmation test to assertion also rewrite to use cipher views in tests * [EC-598] feat: increment counter during assertion * [EC-598] feat: implement assertion * [EC-598] feat: add signatures to attestation * [EC-598] feat: add general error handling for attestation * [EC-598] feat: start working on new `Fido2ClientService` * [EC-598] feat: check user id length * [EC-598] feat: check origin and effective domains * [EC-598] feat: check for supported key algorithms * [EC-598] feat: hash client data and throw if aborted * [EC-598] feat: extend return from authenticator * [EC-598] feat: fully implement createCredential * [EC-598] feat: implement assertCredential * [EC-598] feat: make everything compile again * [EC-598] feat: remove orgigin * [EC-598] fix: rpId validation logic * [EC-598] fix: some smaller bugs * [EC-598] fix: flag saying authData doesnt contain attestation * [EC-598] fix: wrong flags in tests * [EC-598] fix: data not getting saved properly * [EC-598] fix: invalid signature due to double hashing * [EC-598] chore: clean up unusued function * [EC-598] feat: fully wokring non-discoverable implementation * [EC-598] feat: add initial implementation of UI sessions * [EC-598] feat: fully refactored user interface Now uses sessions instead of single request-response style communcation * [EC-598] feat: make fallback working again * [EC-598] feat: add rudimentary support for excluded credentials * [EC-598] fix: send correct excluded cipher ids * [EC-598] feat: wait for session close before closing window * [EC-598] feat: test unique signatures * [EC-598] chore: clean up old commented code * [EC-598] feat: do not exclude organization credentials * [EC-598] chore: remove unused clas * [EC-598] fix: remove platform attachment check * [EC-598] chore: rename webauthn folder to fido2 * [EC-598] chore: continue rename webauthn to fido2 * [EC-598] feat: interpret rk preferred as required Fixes GoDaddy issues * [EC-598] fix: bug preventing fallback on assertion * [EC-598] feat: inform user when no credentials are found * [EC-598] chore: add some more console logs for debugging * [EC-598] feat: very basic scroll when picking credentials * [EC-598] chore: tweak unique signature test * [EC-598] chore: tweak how unassigned rpId gets calcuated * [EC-598] fix: response prototype chains * [EC-598] feat: allow discoverable credentials to be used for non-discoverable assertions * [EC-598] fix: counter not being saved correctly * [EC-598] fix: bug in result mapping * [EC-598] feat: add support for user verifiction using MP during attestation * [EC-598] feat: add support for user verifiction using MP during assertion * [EC-598] feat: quick fix noop service * [EC-598] chore: refactor observables a little bit * [EC-598] feat: show unsupported user verification error * [EC-598] feat: add logging to fido2 authenticator * [EC-598] feat: add logging to fido2 client * [EC-598] feat: close popout directly from bg script * [EC-598] chore: clean up page-script * [EC-598] feat: add webauthn polyfill * [EC-598] feat: polyfill platform authenticator support * [EC-598] feat: only show fallback options if supported * [EC-598] fix: reponse not correctly polyfilled * [EC-598] chore: add name to polyfill classes * [EC-598] chore: update unsupported UV copy * [EC-598] fix: race condition when opening new popout * Fixed lint issues * [PM-1500] Add feature flag to enable passkeys (#5406) * Added launch darkly feature flag to passkeys implementation * fixed linter * Updated fido2 client service test to accomodate feature flag * Updated fido2client service to include unit test for feature flag * Renamed enable pass keys to fido2 vault credentials, added unit test when feature flag is not enabled * fixed failing Login domain test case * [EC-598] chore: remove unecessary return statement * [EC-598] chore: remove unnecessary eslint disable * [PM-1975] Move FIDO2 files into vault folder (#5496) * Moved fido2 models to vault in libs * Moved fido2 models to vault in libs * Moved fido2 services and abstractions to vault folder in libs * Moved fido2 popup to vault folder on the browser * Updated import path after moving files to the vault folder * Moved authenticator abstraction and service to the vault folder * Updated content and page script path * Added content script, page script and background messaging to vault * fixed lint issue * Updated reference paths * Added missing fallbacksupported property in test files * Added missing fallbacksupported to the newSession method * [PM-2560] Fix Firefox default passkeys handling (#5690) * Return callback response in addListener * Add clarifying comment * Isolate returning the callback to fido2 commands * Update apps/browser/src/platform/browser/browser-api.ts Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * Fix formatting --------- Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * [PM-1976] Display passkeys properly on the browser (#5616) * Removed passkeys from the vault types filter and added fucntion to get the count of Fido2keys and Login types * Updated build filter to take Fido2key type as a Login type * Updated icon font files * Updated vault items and view to handle changes with fido2keys * Updated add edit view for fido2keys * Prevent moving passkeys to an organization where it exists * Prevent moving passkeys to an organization where it exists * Added view for non-discoverable passkeys * Added diaglog to inform user that passkey won't be copied when cloning a non discoverable key * Muted text that shows cipher item is available for 2fa * Changed conditional to check if an organization already has the same passkey item * Muted text to align with figma designs and used rpId for the application input value * Modified checkFido2KeyExistsInOrg function to workk with discoverable and non discoverable keys * Differentiate between non-discoverable and discoverable keys when moving to an organization * Added suggested changes from PR review * Updated font files css changes * Fixed bug preventing launch bitton from working for Login types (#5639) * [PM-1574] Display passkeys on web (#5651) * Allowed discoverable Fido2key type to be displayed alongside Login type * Added view during edit for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys * Fixed PR comments, added relvant tests to domain changes * Fixed imports and updated the launch function to use the Launchable interface * Added launch on vault filter for fido2key types * Added missing passkey text field in edit view (#5800) * [PM-1977] Display passkeys properly on the desktop (#5763) * Allowed discoverable Fido2key type to be displayed alongside Login type * Added view during edit for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys * Fixed PR comments, added relvant tests to domain changes * Fixed imports and updated the launch function to use the Launchable interface * Added fido2key to login filter and added view display for fido2key * Added passkeys view for non discoverable passkeys and edit view for passkeys * Fixed PR comments * switched date format to short * [PM-3046] [PM-3047] Defects for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys on desktop and web (#5847) * Added missing passkey text field in edit view (#5800) * Added dialog to clone no discoverable passkeys on web and desktop.Also, removed clone on the desktop for discoverable passkeys and added passkey view to non- discoverable passkeys on desktop during edit * Prevent cloning dialog on non fido2key ciphers * Made fido2key use website favicon if avaialble instead of the passkey icon * Do not display passkey view on clone edit for dekstop * Do not display passkey view on clone edit for browser * Prevented movement of passkeys ND or D to an organization once one exists and also made it possible for org memebers with user roles to move passkeys to an organization. (#5868) * two step passkey view was outside the conditional (#5872) * fixed merge conflict * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed (#6003) * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * Added passkey fallback imaged and added extension to image name on the icons component * [PM-3155] CLI: Editing a cipher with a non-discoverable passkey causes the passkey to be removed (#6055) * Added fido2keyexport for the CLI and added the fido2key field to the login response for the CLI * Added fido2keyexport for the CLI and added the fido2key field to the login response for the CLI * Removed unneccesary code * Added non discoverable passkey to template * [PM-2270] Renamed Fido2Key.userName to Fido2Key.userDisplayName (#6005) * Renamed fido2key property username to userDisplayName * Renamed username property on fido2key object to userdisplayname * updated username to userDisplayName in fido2 export * Update libs/angular/src/vault/vault-filter/models/vault-filter.model.ts Co-authored-by: Oscar Hinton <> * [PM-3775] feat: import v0.4.0 (#6183) * [PM-3660] Address PR feedback (#6157) * [PM-3660] chore: simplify object assignment * [PM-3660] fix: remove unused origin field * [PM-3660] feat: add Fido2Key tests * [PM-3660] chore: convert popOut to async func * [PM-3660] chore: refactor if-statements * [PM-3660] chore: simplify closePopOut * [PM-3660] fix: remove confusing comment * [PM-3660] chore: move guid utils away from platform utils * [PM-3660] chore: use null instead of undefined * [PM-3660] chore: use `switch` instead of `if` * [EC-598] fix: popup not closing bug * [PM-1859] Refactor to credentialId (#6034) * PM-1859 Refactor to credentialId * PM-1859 Minor changes * PM-1859 Fix credentialId initialization logic * PM-1859 Added missing logic * PM-1859 Fixed logic to use credentialID instead of * [PM-1859] fix: missing renames --------- Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> * [PM-1722] gracefully fail if site prompts user for passkey on load (#6089) * added error logic to look for options.mediation in page-script * moved the options mediation logic into the try catch. changed error to FallbackRequestedError * [PM-1224] Ensure Passkeys Not Requested From Iframes (#6057) * added isNotIFrame method to page-script * added NotAllowedError to assertCredential in fido2 * remove excess comments * refactor fido2-client.service. created new errorhandling method for similar code between create and assert * update types and naming convention for new method in fido2-client.service * Did a reset to previous commit withiout the refactoring to reduce code duplication, Renamed isNotIframeCheck function and fixed other commits * Revert "update types and naming convention for new method in fido2-client.service" This reverts commit 1f5499b9bbba27c869e1e328c9f819754661ea95. * Revert "refactor fido2-client.service. created new errorhandling method for similar code between create and assert" This reverts commit 3115c0d2a16eafbf89958dc0084cec88f4573b45. * updated test cases * removed forward slashes --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [EC-598] Window Messaging Fix; (#6223) Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: SmithThe4th <> * updated test cases and services using the config service * [PM-3807] All passkeys as login ciphers - Minimal implementation to minimize blockers (#6233) * [PM-3807] feat: remove non-discoverable from fido2 user interface class * [PM-3807] feat: merge fido2 component ui * [PM-3807] feat: return `cipherId` from user interface * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential creation logic in authenticator * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential assertion logic in authenticator --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [PM-3807] Store all passkeys as login cipher type (#6255) * [PM-3807] feat: add `discoverable` property to fido2keys * [PM-3807] feat: assign discoverable property during creation * [PM-3807] feat: save discoverable field to server * [PM-3807] feat: filter credentials by rpId AND discoverable * [PM-3807] chore: remove discoverable tests which are no longer needed * [PM-3807] chore: remove all logic for handling standalone Fido2Key View and components will be cleaned up as part of UI tickets * [PM-3807] fix: add missing discoverable property handling to tests * [PM-3862] chore: move browser fido2 user interface to vault folder (#6265) * [PM-2207], [PM-1245], [PM-3302] Make browser login, lock, and 2fa components handle configurable redirect routes (#5989) * Initial work * Added lock and login redirect and added functionality to abort when in login or locked state * uncommented cipher row * added query params to logi component * Proof of concept for change detection fix * Remove leftover comment * Refactored message listener observable to handle angular change detection * cleanup and removed unused references * Refactored the connect method be seperating to the pop out logic to a seperate method * Added comment to explain code change on the message listener * Removed unused types * Initial work * Added lock and login redirect and added functionality to abort when in login or locked state * uncommented cipher row * added query params to logi component * Proof of concept for change detection fix * Remove leftover comment * Refactored message listener observable to handle angular change detection * cleanup and removed unused references * Refactored the connect method be seperating to the pop out logic to a seperate method * Added comment to explain code change on the message listener * Removed unused types * Added full synce service to the fido2 authenticator to ensure the full sync is completed before getting all decrypted ciphers * Added full synce service to the fido2 authenticator to ensure the full sync is completed before getting all decrypted ciphers * Code cleanup to remove sessionId from login component * Refactored components to make the redirectUrl more generic, fixed code review comments * Commented out ensureUnlockedVault for this PR * Fixed destroy subject inheritance issue on the login componenet * Fixed lock component error * Added function to run inside angular zone * Merged branch with master and fixed conflicts * Changed redirect logic on login and 2fa to use callbacks * fixed pr comments * Updated the messageListener observable version to use same logic from the callback version and added comment on the callback version * Refactored fido2 popup to use auth guard when routing to component, added BrowserRouterService to track previous page and route using that * Updated components to use browserRouterService for routing to previous page * Removed auth status reference from browser-fido2-user-interface service * Removed activated route from lock component * Removed route in base class constructor * removed unused comments and method * refactored router service to not store on the disk * [PM-3783] feat: patch `chrome.runtime.onMessage` event listeners (cherry picked from commit 2ca241a0d41aeb089c566df8cbc695521ddb10e0) * Fixed PR comments * Fixed PR comments * Revert "[PM-3783] feat: patch `chrome.runtime.onMessage` event listeners" This reverts commit ed6a713688c06586458f7da0cf51f74bc82b5abc. --------- Co-authored-by: Thomas Rittson <> Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> * [PM-3807] Store passkeys as array (#6288) * [PM-3807] feat: store passkeys as array * [PM-3807] fix: issues in views * [PM-3807] fix: additional view bugs * [PM-3807] fix: check array length * [PM-3807] fix: I secretly like build errors * [PM-3970] Empty list of ciphers when logging in via fido 2 popout (#6321) * fix: sync not being properly called * fix: don't call sync everywhere * [PM-3905] Address PR feedback v2 (#6322) * [PM-3905] chore: move webauthn utils to vault * [PM-3905] chore: make static function private * [PM-3905] chore: add documentation to user interface classes * [PM-3905] chore: clean up unused abort controllers * [PM-3905] chore: add documentation to fido2 client and authenticatio * [PM-3905] chore: extract create credential params mapping to separate function * [PM-3905] chore: extract get assertion params mapping to separate function * [PM-3905] chore: assign requireResidentKey as separate variable * [PM-3905] feat: started rewrite of messenger Basic message sending implemented, now using message channels instead of rxjs * [PM-3905] feat: complete rewrite of messenger * [PM-3905] chore: clarify why we're assigning to window * [PM-3905] feat: clean up tests * [PM-3905] docs: document messenger class * [PM-3905] feat: remove `requestId` which is no longer needed * [PM-3905] feat: simplify message structure * [PM-3905] chore: typo * [PM-3905] chore: clean up old file * [PM-3905] chore: tweak doc comment * [PM-3905] feat: create separate class for managing aborts * [PM-3905] chore: move abort manager to vault * [PM-3980] Add a creationDate field to the Fido2Key object (#6334) * Added creationDate field to be used on the passkeys view instead of the cipher.creationDate * Fixed comments from PR * added to the constructor and sorted out other comments * Exported Fido2KeyExport through index.ts * Fixed iso string issue where the date wasn't converted back to Date (#6364) * [PM-4045] Get error returned when editing an item with a passkey in the CLI (#6379) * Creationdate doesn't get converted to a date * Creationdate doesn't get converted to a date * removed null assignment * [PM-3810] Unify Passkeys view (#6335) * Removed standalone fido2key view, update login view to show created date when a fido2key is present, reverted icon component to previous state without fido2key type, removed filters to handle standalone fido2key as login type * Allow duplication * Removed launchable behaviours from fido2 key view * Reworked desktop views from standalone fido2keys to unified fido2keys in the login * Reworked web views from standalone fido2keys to unified fido2keys in the login * Fixed test case to not create standalone fido2keys * Updated views to use fido2key creation date * removed unused locale * moved logic from template to class * Removed fido2key ciphertype * Removed fido2key ciphertype references * PM-2559 Messaging Rework for Passkey Bug (#6282) * [PM-2559] Messaging Rework - Update browser-api messageListener removing promises to fix Firefox bug Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * Resolved merge conflicts from vault item encryption. * moved passkeys ontop totp code to align with the add edit view (#6466) * Bug during reafactoring where the hostname is not used if the rpId is undefined (#6484) * [PM-4054] Rename Fido2Key to Fido2Credential (#6442) * Rename Fido2Key to Fido2Credential * Fix export * Remove unnecessary alis in export * Make test less wordly --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [PM-3812][PM-3809] Unify Create and Login Passkeys UI (#6403) * PM-1235 Added component to display passkey on auth flow * PM-1235 Implement basic structure and behaviour of UI * PM-1235 Added localised strings * PM-1235 Improved button UI * Implemented view passkey button * Implemented multiple matching passkeys * Refactored fido2 popup to use browser popout windows service * [PM-3807] feat: remove non-discoverable from fido2 user interface class * [PM-3807] feat: merge fido2 component ui * [PM-3807] feat: return `cipherId` from user interface * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential creation logic in authenticator * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential assertion logic in authenticator * updated test cases and services using the config service * [PM-3807] feat: add `discoverable` property to fido2keys * [PM-3807] feat: assign discoverable property during creation * [PM-3807] feat: save discoverable field to server * [PM-3807] feat: filter credentials by rpId AND discoverable * [PM-3807] chore: remove discoverable tests which are no longer needed * [PM-3807] chore: remove all logic for handling standalone Fido2Key View and components will be cleaned up as part of UI tickets * [PM-3807] fix: add missing discoverable property handling to tests * updated locales with new text * Updated popout windows service to use defined type for custom width and height * Update on unifying auth flow ui to align with architecture changes * Moved click event * Throw dom exception error if tab is null * updated fido2key object to array * removed discoverable key in client inerface service for now * Get senderTabId from the query params and send to the view cipher component to allow the pop out close when the close button is clicked on the view cipher component * Refactored view item if passkeys exists and the cipher row views by having an extra ng-conatiner for each case * Allow fido2 pop out close wehn cancle is clicked on add edit component * Removed makshift run in angular zone * created focus directive to target first element in ngFor for displayed ciphers in fido2 * Refactored to use switch statement and added condtional on search and add div * Adjusted footer link and added more features to the login flow * Added host listener to abort when window is closed * remove custom focus directive. instead stuck focus logic into fido2-cipher-row component * Fixed bug where close and cancel on view and add component does not abort the fido2 request * show info dialog when user account does not have master password * Removed PopupUtilsService * show info dialog when user account does not have master password * Added comments * Added comments * made row height consistent * update logo to be dynamic with theme selection * added new translation key * Dis some styling to align cipher items * Changed passkey icon fill color * updated flow of focus and selected items in the passkey popup * Fixed bug when picking a credential * Added text to lock popout screen * Added passkeys test to home view * changed class name * Added uilocation as a query paramter to know if the user is in the popout window * update fido2 component for dynamic subtitleText as well as additional appA11yTitle attrs * moved another method out of html * Added window id return to single action popout and used the window id to close and abort the popout * removed duplicate activatedroute * added a doNotSaveUrl true to 2fa options, so the previousUrl can remain as the fido2 url * Added a div to restrict the use browser link ot the buttom left * reverted view change which is handled by the view pr * Updated locales text and removed unused variable * Fixed issue where new cipher is not created for non discoverable keys * switched from using svg for the logo to CL * removed svg files * default to browser implmentation if user is logged out of the browser exetension * removed passkeys knowledge from login, 2fa * Added fido2 use browser link component and a state service to reduce passkeys knowledge on the lock component * removed function and removed unnecessary comment * reverted to former * [PM-4148] Added descriptive error messages (#6475) * Added descriptive error messages * Added descriptive error messages * replaced fido2 state service with higher order inject functions * removed null check for tab * refactor fido2 cipher row component * added a static abort function to the browser interface service * removed width from content * uncommented code * removed sessionId from query params and redudant styles * Put back removed sessionId * Added fallbackRequested parameter to abortPopout and added comments to the standalone function * minor styling update to fix padding and color on selected ciphers * update padding again to address vertical pushdown of cipher selection --------- Co-authored-by: Carlos Gonçalves <> Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> Co-authored-by: jng <> * padding update for focused cipher row in popup * Updated fido2Credentials to initialize as null instead of empty array (#6548) * Updated fido2Credentials to be null instead of empty string * Updated cipher tests. * Fixed tests. * Updated view and clone logic. * Updated templates to handle null value. * Further null checks. * [PM-4226] Create login item on the fly and add passkey item to it (#6552) * Use the + button to ad an item and then save a passkey on the added item * switch if to tenary * [PM-4284] Passkey popout is not pulling correct URI for website opened (#6549) * Used url from sender window in getting matching logins * Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts * Revert "Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts" This reverts commit f72d6f877f76b5c42b449208e43a61a1e5099304. * Remove array initialization that is not necessary. (#6563) * removed unused code from login, 2fa components (#6565) * Moved clearing of passkey from submit to load when cloning. (#6567) * [PM-4280] MP reprompt not respected on passkey creation and retrieval (#6550) * Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts * Updated the handle user verification logic * allow same behaviour for master password reprompt and user verification * added test cases and merged conditions * [PM-4226] Add Cipher With Passkey Flow Change (#6569) * changed the add login item with passkey to require master password repompt first before creating the cipher item * removed userVerified variable * combined conditionals * added passkey not copied alert when cloning for organizations (#6579) * [PM-4296] Cannot login to Bitwarden with FIDO2 WebAuthn if extension is installed and logged in (#6576) * removed sameOriginWithAncestors check on fido2 assertions * removed sameOriginWithAncestors check on fido2 assertions * [PM-4333] fix: change transport to `internal` (#6594) * Address PR feedback (#6572) * remove listeners for safari * removed unused i18n tokens * changed link to button for accessibilty purposes * Fix potential reference error by restoring the typeof check for chrome * added fromNullable to reduces repetitive logic * Revert "added fromNullable to reduces repetitive logic" This reverts commit ce5fc9c278b67df3ca2afc28e181d94f22fbc667. * Added js docs to fido2credential export * refined jsdocs comments * added documentation to fido2 auth guard * Removed unused i18n tokens, uneccesary whitespaces and comments --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> Co-authored-by: SmithThe4th <> Co-authored-by: Robyn MacCallum <> Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Hinton <> Co-authored-by: Carlos Gonçalves <> Co-authored-by: Jason Ng <> Co-authored-by: Todd Martin <> Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: Thomas Rittson <> Co-authored-by: Todd Martin <>
2023-10-17 21:34:44 +02:00
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2022-01-27 15:31:13 +01:00
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[PM-1222] Store passkeys in Bitwarden vault (#4715) * [EC-598] feat: scaffold content scripting * [EC-598] feat: load page script from content script * [EC-598] feat: succesfully intercept methods * [EC-598] feat: add better support for messaging * [EC-598] feat: implement calls to new service * [EC-598] feat: add ability to return responses * [EC-598] feat: half-implemented params mapping * [EC-598] feat: add b64 conversion * [EC-598] feat: half-implemented user interfacing * [EC-598] feat: initial working user verification * [EC-598] feat: center popup * [EC-598] feat: add basic cancel button * [EC-598] feat: confirm new credentials * [EC-598] feat: add cbor-redux npm package * [EC-598] feat: initial version of credential creation * [EC-598] feat: fully working credential creation * [EC-598] feat: fully working register and assert flow * [EC-598] feat: properly check for presence * [EC-598] feat: rudimentar error handling * [EC-598] feat: transparent passthrough of platform authenticators * [EC-598] feat: improve error handling * [EC-598] feat: use browser as fallback when vault does not contain requested credential * [EC-598] feat: add fido2Key to cipher * [EC-598] feat: successfully store passkeys in vault * [EC-598] feat: implement passwordless vault auth * [EC-598] feat: add basic support for managing passkeys * [EC-598] feat: show new cipher being added * [EC-598] feat: allow user to pick which credential to use * [EC-598] feat: differntiate between resident auth and 2fa * [EC-598] feat: add some padding to popout * [EC-598] feat: allow storage of more information * [EC-598] feat: show user name as sub title * [EC-598] feat: show all available data * [EC-598] chore: clean up console logs * [EC-598] feat: fix google issues Google does not like self-signed packed format. I've removed the attestation statement all-together untill further notice. We're don't really have any statements so * [EC-598] fix: temporarily remove origin check * [EC-598] fix: user interaction not being awaited sometimes Only one handler can return a response. That handler needs to return true to indicated it's intention to eventually do so. Our issue was that multiple handlers were returning truthy values, causing a race condition. * [EC-598] fix: messenger crashing The messenger is listening to all DOM communcation, most of which is formatted differently. We were not handling these cases properly which resulted in attempts to access undefined fields. * [EC-598] feat: add basic test-case for messenger * [EC-598] feat: add test for request/response * [EC-598] feat: add initial one-way support for aborting * [EC-598] feat: add ability to throw errors across messenger * [EC-598] feat: transition to using exceptions * [EC-598] feat: add abort controller all the way to service * [EC-598] feat: ability to abort from page script * [EC-598] feat: add automatic default timeouts * [EC-598] chore: move component from generic popup fodler * [EC-598] chore: collect all passkeys stuff under common folder * [EC-598] fix: filter messages from other sources * [EC-598] chore: add small todo comment * [EC-598] feat: add timeout and UV to params * [EC-598] feat: implement full support for timeouts * [EC-598] feat: start creating separate authenticator service * [EC-598] feat: first tested rule in new authentitcator * [EC-598] feat: allow user to confirm duplication * [EC-598] feat: add check for unsupported algorithms * [EC-598] feat: add check for invalid option values * [EC-598] feat: handle unsupported pinAuth * [EC-598] feat: confirm new credentials * [EC-598] feat: rearrange order of execution * [EC-598] chore: rearrange tests * [EC-598] feat: add support for saving discoverable credential * [EC-598] feat: remove ability to duplicate excluded credentials * [EC-598] chore: rearrange tests * [EC-598] feat: add support for non-discoverable credentials * [EC-598] chore: use webauthn authenticator model as base instead of CTAP * [EC-598] feat: don't leak internal errors during creation * [EC-598] feat: tweak key data to contain separate type and algorithm * [EC-598] feat: add counter to fido2key * [EC-598] feat: complete implementation of `makeCredential` * [EC-598] feat: add ignored enterpriseAttestation param * [EC-598] feat: start implementing `getAssertion` * [EC-598] feat: add separate `nonDiscoverableId` to keys * [EC-598] fix: properly convert credentials to guid raw format * [EC-598] chore: add todo tests about deleted items * [EC-598] feat: implement missing credential checks * [EC-598] feat: add user confirmation test to assertion also rewrite to use cipher views in tests * [EC-598] feat: increment counter during assertion * [EC-598] feat: implement assertion * [EC-598] feat: add signatures to attestation * [EC-598] feat: add general error handling for attestation * [EC-598] feat: start working on new `Fido2ClientService` * [EC-598] feat: check user id length * [EC-598] feat: check origin and effective domains * [EC-598] feat: check for supported key algorithms * [EC-598] feat: hash client data and throw if aborted * [EC-598] feat: extend return from authenticator * [EC-598] feat: fully implement createCredential * [EC-598] feat: implement assertCredential * [EC-598] feat: make everything compile again * [EC-598] feat: remove orgigin * [EC-598] fix: rpId validation logic * [EC-598] fix: some smaller bugs * [EC-598] fix: flag saying authData doesnt contain attestation * [EC-598] fix: wrong flags in tests * [EC-598] fix: data not getting saved properly * [EC-598] fix: invalid signature due to double hashing * [EC-598] chore: clean up unusued function * [EC-598] feat: fully wokring non-discoverable implementation * [EC-598] feat: add initial implementation of UI sessions * [EC-598] feat: fully refactored user interface Now uses sessions instead of single request-response style communcation * [EC-598] feat: make fallback working again * [EC-598] feat: add rudimentary support for excluded credentials * [EC-598] fix: send correct excluded cipher ids * [EC-598] feat: wait for session close before closing window * [EC-598] feat: test unique signatures * [EC-598] chore: clean up old commented code * [EC-598] feat: do not exclude organization credentials * [EC-598] chore: remove unused clas * [EC-598] fix: remove platform attachment check * [EC-598] chore: rename webauthn folder to fido2 * [EC-598] chore: continue rename webauthn to fido2 * [EC-598] feat: interpret rk preferred as required Fixes GoDaddy issues * [EC-598] fix: bug preventing fallback on assertion * [EC-598] feat: inform user when no credentials are found * [EC-598] chore: add some more console logs for debugging * [EC-598] feat: very basic scroll when picking credentials * [EC-598] chore: tweak unique signature test * [EC-598] chore: tweak how unassigned rpId gets calcuated * [EC-598] fix: response prototype chains * [EC-598] feat: allow discoverable credentials to be used for non-discoverable assertions * [EC-598] fix: counter not being saved correctly * [EC-598] fix: bug in result mapping * [EC-598] feat: add support for user verifiction using MP during attestation * [EC-598] feat: add support for user verifiction using MP during assertion * [EC-598] feat: quick fix noop service * [EC-598] chore: refactor observables a little bit * [EC-598] feat: show unsupported user verification error * [EC-598] feat: add logging to fido2 authenticator * [EC-598] feat: add logging to fido2 client * [EC-598] feat: close popout directly from bg script * [EC-598] chore: clean up page-script * [EC-598] feat: add webauthn polyfill * [EC-598] feat: polyfill platform authenticator support * [EC-598] feat: only show fallback options if supported * [EC-598] fix: reponse not correctly polyfilled * [EC-598] chore: add name to polyfill classes * [EC-598] chore: update unsupported UV copy * [EC-598] fix: race condition when opening new popout * Fixed lint issues * [PM-1500] Add feature flag to enable passkeys (#5406) * Added launch darkly feature flag to passkeys implementation * fixed linter * Updated fido2 client service test to accomodate feature flag * Updated fido2client service to include unit test for feature flag * Renamed enable pass keys to fido2 vault credentials, added unit test when feature flag is not enabled * fixed failing Login domain test case * [EC-598] chore: remove unecessary return statement * [EC-598] chore: remove unnecessary eslint disable * [PM-1975] Move FIDO2 files into vault folder (#5496) * Moved fido2 models to vault in libs * Moved fido2 models to vault in libs * Moved fido2 services and abstractions to vault folder in libs * Moved fido2 popup to vault folder on the browser * Updated import path after moving files to the vault folder * Moved authenticator abstraction and service to the vault folder * Updated content and page script path * Added content script, page script and background messaging to vault * fixed lint issue * Updated reference paths * Added missing fallbacksupported property in test files * Added missing fallbacksupported to the newSession method * [PM-2560] Fix Firefox default passkeys handling (#5690) * Return callback response in addListener * Add clarifying comment * Isolate returning the callback to fido2 commands * Update apps/browser/src/platform/browser/browser-api.ts Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * Fix formatting --------- Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * [PM-1976] Display passkeys properly on the browser (#5616) * Removed passkeys from the vault types filter and added fucntion to get the count of Fido2keys and Login types * Updated build filter to take Fido2key type as a Login type * Updated icon font files * Updated vault items and view to handle changes with fido2keys * Updated add edit view for fido2keys * Prevent moving passkeys to an organization where it exists * Prevent moving passkeys to an organization where it exists * Added view for non-discoverable passkeys * Added diaglog to inform user that passkey won't be copied when cloning a non discoverable key * Muted text that shows cipher item is available for 2fa * Changed conditional to check if an organization already has the same passkey item * Muted text to align with figma designs and used rpId for the application input value * Modified checkFido2KeyExistsInOrg function to workk with discoverable and non discoverable keys * Differentiate between non-discoverable and discoverable keys when moving to an organization * Added suggested changes from PR review * Updated font files css changes * Fixed bug preventing launch bitton from working for Login types (#5639) * [PM-1574] Display passkeys on web (#5651) * Allowed discoverable Fido2key type to be displayed alongside Login type * Added view during edit for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys * Fixed PR comments, added relvant tests to domain changes * Fixed imports and updated the launch function to use the Launchable interface * Added launch on vault filter for fido2key types * Added missing passkey text field in edit view (#5800) * [PM-1977] Display passkeys properly on the desktop (#5763) * Allowed discoverable Fido2key type to be displayed alongside Login type * Added view during edit for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys * Fixed PR comments, added relvant tests to domain changes * Fixed imports and updated the launch function to use the Launchable interface * Added fido2key to login filter and added view display for fido2key * Added passkeys view for non discoverable passkeys and edit view for passkeys * Fixed PR comments * switched date format to short * [PM-3046] [PM-3047] Defects for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys on desktop and web (#5847) * Added missing passkey text field in edit view (#5800) * Added dialog to clone no discoverable passkeys on web and desktop.Also, removed clone on the desktop for discoverable passkeys and added passkey view to non- discoverable passkeys on desktop during edit * Prevent cloning dialog on non fido2key ciphers * Made fido2key use website favicon if avaialble instead of the passkey icon * Do not display passkey view on clone edit for dekstop * Do not display passkey view on clone edit for browser * Prevented movement of passkeys ND or D to an organization once one exists and also made it possible for org memebers with user roles to move passkeys to an organization. (#5868) * two step passkey view was outside the conditional (#5872) * fixed merge conflict * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed (#6003) * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * Added passkey fallback imaged and added extension to image name on the icons component * [PM-3155] CLI: Editing a cipher with a non-discoverable passkey causes the passkey to be removed (#6055) * Added fido2keyexport for the CLI and added the fido2key field to the login response for the CLI * Added fido2keyexport for the CLI and added the fido2key field to the login response for the CLI * Removed unneccesary code * Added non discoverable passkey to template * [PM-2270] Renamed Fido2Key.userName to Fido2Key.userDisplayName (#6005) * Renamed fido2key property username to userDisplayName * Renamed username property on fido2key object to userdisplayname * updated username to userDisplayName in fido2 export * Update libs/angular/src/vault/vault-filter/models/vault-filter.model.ts Co-authored-by: Oscar Hinton <> * [PM-3775] feat: import v0.4.0 (#6183) * [PM-3660] Address PR feedback (#6157) * [PM-3660] chore: simplify object assignment * [PM-3660] fix: remove unused origin field * [PM-3660] feat: add Fido2Key tests * [PM-3660] chore: convert popOut to async func * [PM-3660] chore: refactor if-statements * [PM-3660] chore: simplify closePopOut * [PM-3660] fix: remove confusing comment * [PM-3660] chore: move guid utils away from platform utils * [PM-3660] chore: use null instead of undefined * [PM-3660] chore: use `switch` instead of `if` * [EC-598] fix: popup not closing bug * [PM-1859] Refactor to credentialId (#6034) * PM-1859 Refactor to credentialId * PM-1859 Minor changes * PM-1859 Fix credentialId initialization logic * PM-1859 Added missing logic * PM-1859 Fixed logic to use credentialID instead of * [PM-1859] fix: missing renames --------- Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> * [PM-1722] gracefully fail if site prompts user for passkey on load (#6089) * added error logic to look for options.mediation in page-script * moved the options mediation logic into the try catch. changed error to FallbackRequestedError * [PM-1224] Ensure Passkeys Not Requested From Iframes (#6057) * added isNotIFrame method to page-script * added NotAllowedError to assertCredential in fido2 * remove excess comments * refactor fido2-client.service. created new errorhandling method for similar code between create and assert * update types and naming convention for new method in fido2-client.service * Did a reset to previous commit withiout the refactoring to reduce code duplication, Renamed isNotIframeCheck function and fixed other commits * Revert "update types and naming convention for new method in fido2-client.service" This reverts commit 1f5499b9bbba27c869e1e328c9f819754661ea95. * Revert "refactor fido2-client.service. created new errorhandling method for similar code between create and assert" This reverts commit 3115c0d2a16eafbf89958dc0084cec88f4573b45. * updated test cases * removed forward slashes --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [EC-598] Window Messaging Fix; (#6223) Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: SmithThe4th <> * updated test cases and services using the config service * [PM-3807] All passkeys as login ciphers - Minimal implementation to minimize blockers (#6233) * [PM-3807] feat: remove non-discoverable from fido2 user interface class * [PM-3807] feat: merge fido2 component ui * [PM-3807] feat: return `cipherId` from user interface * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential creation logic in authenticator * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential assertion logic in authenticator --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [PM-3807] Store all passkeys as login cipher type (#6255) * [PM-3807] feat: add `discoverable` property to fido2keys * [PM-3807] feat: assign discoverable property during creation * [PM-3807] feat: save discoverable field to server * [PM-3807] feat: filter credentials by rpId AND discoverable * [PM-3807] chore: remove discoverable tests which are no longer needed * [PM-3807] chore: remove all logic for handling standalone Fido2Key View and components will be cleaned up as part of UI tickets * [PM-3807] fix: add missing discoverable property handling to tests * [PM-3862] chore: move browser fido2 user interface to vault folder (#6265) * [PM-2207], [PM-1245], [PM-3302] Make browser login, lock, and 2fa components handle configurable redirect routes (#5989) * Initial work * Added lock and login redirect and added functionality to abort when in login or locked state * uncommented cipher row * added query params to logi component * Proof of concept for change detection fix * Remove leftover comment * Refactored message listener observable to handle angular change detection * cleanup and removed unused references * Refactored the connect method be seperating to the pop out logic to a seperate method * Added comment to explain code change on the message listener * Removed unused types * Initial work * Added lock and login redirect and added functionality to abort when in login or locked state * uncommented cipher row * added query params to logi component * Proof of concept for change detection fix * Remove leftover comment * Refactored message listener observable to handle angular change detection * cleanup and removed unused references * Refactored the connect method be seperating to the pop out logic to a seperate method * Added comment to explain code change on the message listener * Removed unused types * Added full synce service to the fido2 authenticator to ensure the full sync is completed before getting all decrypted ciphers * Added full synce service to the fido2 authenticator to ensure the full sync is completed before getting all decrypted ciphers * Code cleanup to remove sessionId from login component * Refactored components to make the redirectUrl more generic, fixed code review comments * Commented out ensureUnlockedVault for this PR * Fixed destroy subject inheritance issue on the login componenet * Fixed lock component error * Added function to run inside angular zone * Merged branch with master and fixed conflicts * Changed redirect logic on login and 2fa to use callbacks * fixed pr comments * Updated the messageListener observable version to use same logic from the callback version and added comment on the callback version * Refactored fido2 popup to use auth guard when routing to component, added BrowserRouterService to track previous page and route using that * Updated components to use browserRouterService for routing to previous page * Removed auth status reference from browser-fido2-user-interface service * Removed activated route from lock component * Removed route in base class constructor * removed unused comments and method * refactored router service to not store on the disk * [PM-3783] feat: patch `chrome.runtime.onMessage` event listeners (cherry picked from commit 2ca241a0d41aeb089c566df8cbc695521ddb10e0) * Fixed PR comments * Fixed PR comments * Revert "[PM-3783] feat: patch `chrome.runtime.onMessage` event listeners" This reverts commit ed6a713688c06586458f7da0cf51f74bc82b5abc. --------- Co-authored-by: Thomas Rittson <> Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> * [PM-3807] Store passkeys as array (#6288) * [PM-3807] feat: store passkeys as array * [PM-3807] fix: issues in views * [PM-3807] fix: additional view bugs * [PM-3807] fix: check array length * [PM-3807] fix: I secretly like build errors * [PM-3970] Empty list of ciphers when logging in via fido 2 popout (#6321) * fix: sync not being properly called * fix: don't call sync everywhere * [PM-3905] Address PR feedback v2 (#6322) * [PM-3905] chore: move webauthn utils to vault * [PM-3905] chore: make static function private * [PM-3905] chore: add documentation to user interface classes * [PM-3905] chore: clean up unused abort controllers * [PM-3905] chore: add documentation to fido2 client and authenticatio * [PM-3905] chore: extract create credential params mapping to separate function * [PM-3905] chore: extract get assertion params mapping to separate function * [PM-3905] chore: assign requireResidentKey as separate variable * [PM-3905] feat: started rewrite of messenger Basic message sending implemented, now using message channels instead of rxjs * [PM-3905] feat: complete rewrite of messenger * [PM-3905] chore: clarify why we're assigning to window * [PM-3905] feat: clean up tests * [PM-3905] docs: document messenger class * [PM-3905] feat: remove `requestId` which is no longer needed * [PM-3905] feat: simplify message structure * [PM-3905] chore: typo * [PM-3905] chore: clean up old file * [PM-3905] chore: tweak doc comment * [PM-3905] feat: create separate class for managing aborts * [PM-3905] chore: move abort manager to vault * [PM-3980] Add a creationDate field to the Fido2Key object (#6334) * Added creationDate field to be used on the passkeys view instead of the cipher.creationDate * Fixed comments from PR * added to the constructor and sorted out other comments * Exported Fido2KeyExport through index.ts * Fixed iso string issue where the date wasn't converted back to Date (#6364) * [PM-4045] Get error returned when editing an item with a passkey in the CLI (#6379) * Creationdate doesn't get converted to a date * Creationdate doesn't get converted to a date * removed null assignment * [PM-3810] Unify Passkeys view (#6335) * Removed standalone fido2key view, update login view to show created date when a fido2key is present, reverted icon component to previous state without fido2key type, removed filters to handle standalone fido2key as login type * Allow duplication * Removed launchable behaviours from fido2 key view * Reworked desktop views from standalone fido2keys to unified fido2keys in the login * Reworked web views from standalone fido2keys to unified fido2keys in the login * Fixed test case to not create standalone fido2keys * Updated views to use fido2key creation date * removed unused locale * moved logic from template to class * Removed fido2key ciphertype * Removed fido2key ciphertype references * PM-2559 Messaging Rework for Passkey Bug (#6282) * [PM-2559] Messaging Rework - Update browser-api messageListener removing promises to fix Firefox bug Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * Resolved merge conflicts from vault item encryption. * moved passkeys ontop totp code to align with the add edit view (#6466) * Bug during reafactoring where the hostname is not used if the rpId is undefined (#6484) * [PM-4054] Rename Fido2Key to Fido2Credential (#6442) * Rename Fido2Key to Fido2Credential * Fix export * Remove unnecessary alis in export * Make test less wordly --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [PM-3812][PM-3809] Unify Create and Login Passkeys UI (#6403) * PM-1235 Added component to display passkey on auth flow * PM-1235 Implement basic structure and behaviour of UI * PM-1235 Added localised strings * PM-1235 Improved button UI * Implemented view passkey button * Implemented multiple matching passkeys * Refactored fido2 popup to use browser popout windows service * [PM-3807] feat: remove non-discoverable from fido2 user interface class * [PM-3807] feat: merge fido2 component ui * [PM-3807] feat: return `cipherId` from user interface * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential creation logic in authenticator * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential assertion logic in authenticator * updated test cases and services using the config service * [PM-3807] feat: add `discoverable` property to fido2keys * [PM-3807] feat: assign discoverable property during creation * [PM-3807] feat: save discoverable field to server * [PM-3807] feat: filter credentials by rpId AND discoverable * [PM-3807] chore: remove discoverable tests which are no longer needed * [PM-3807] chore: remove all logic for handling standalone Fido2Key View and components will be cleaned up as part of UI tickets * [PM-3807] fix: add missing discoverable property handling to tests * updated locales with new text * Updated popout windows service to use defined type for custom width and height * Update on unifying auth flow ui to align with architecture changes * Moved click event * Throw dom exception error if tab is null * updated fido2key object to array * removed discoverable key in client inerface service for now * Get senderTabId from the query params and send to the view cipher component to allow the pop out close when the close button is clicked on the view cipher component * Refactored view item if passkeys exists and the cipher row views by having an extra ng-conatiner for each case * Allow fido2 pop out close wehn cancle is clicked on add edit component * Removed makshift run in angular zone * created focus directive to target first element in ngFor for displayed ciphers in fido2 * Refactored to use switch statement and added condtional on search and add div * Adjusted footer link and added more features to the login flow * Added host listener to abort when window is closed * remove custom focus directive. instead stuck focus logic into fido2-cipher-row component * Fixed bug where close and cancel on view and add component does not abort the fido2 request * show info dialog when user account does not have master password * Removed PopupUtilsService * show info dialog when user account does not have master password * Added comments * Added comments * made row height consistent * update logo to be dynamic with theme selection * added new translation key * Dis some styling to align cipher items * Changed passkey icon fill color * updated flow of focus and selected items in the passkey popup * Fixed bug when picking a credential * Added text to lock popout screen * Added passkeys test to home view * changed class name * Added uilocation as a query paramter to know if the user is in the popout window * update fido2 component for dynamic subtitleText as well as additional appA11yTitle attrs * moved another method out of html * Added window id return to single action popout and used the window id to close and abort the popout * removed duplicate activatedroute * added a doNotSaveUrl true to 2fa options, so the previousUrl can remain as the fido2 url * Added a div to restrict the use browser link ot the buttom left * reverted view change which is handled by the view pr * Updated locales text and removed unused variable * Fixed issue where new cipher is not created for non discoverable keys * switched from using svg for the logo to CL * removed svg files * default to browser implmentation if user is logged out of the browser exetension * removed passkeys knowledge from login, 2fa * Added fido2 use browser link component and a state service to reduce passkeys knowledge on the lock component * removed function and removed unnecessary comment * reverted to former * [PM-4148] Added descriptive error messages (#6475) * Added descriptive error messages * Added descriptive error messages * replaced fido2 state service with higher order inject functions * removed null check for tab * refactor fido2 cipher row component * added a static abort function to the browser interface service * removed width from content * uncommented code * removed sessionId from query params and redudant styles * Put back removed sessionId * Added fallbackRequested parameter to abortPopout and added comments to the standalone function * minor styling update to fix padding and color on selected ciphers * update padding again to address vertical pushdown of cipher selection --------- Co-authored-by: Carlos Gonçalves <> Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> Co-authored-by: jng <> * padding update for focused cipher row in popup * Updated fido2Credentials to initialize as null instead of empty array (#6548) * Updated fido2Credentials to be null instead of empty string * Updated cipher tests. * Fixed tests. * Updated view and clone logic. * Updated templates to handle null value. * Further null checks. * [PM-4226] Create login item on the fly and add passkey item to it (#6552) * Use the + button to ad an item and then save a passkey on the added item * switch if to tenary * [PM-4284] Passkey popout is not pulling correct URI for website opened (#6549) * Used url from sender window in getting matching logins * Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts * Revert "Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts" This reverts commit f72d6f877f76b5c42b449208e43a61a1e5099304. * Remove array initialization that is not necessary. (#6563) * removed unused code from login, 2fa components (#6565) * Moved clearing of passkey from submit to load when cloning. (#6567) * [PM-4280] MP reprompt not respected on passkey creation and retrieval (#6550) * Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts * Updated the handle user verification logic * allow same behaviour for master password reprompt and user verification * added test cases and merged conditions * [PM-4226] Add Cipher With Passkey Flow Change (#6569) * changed the add login item with passkey to require master password repompt first before creating the cipher item * removed userVerified variable * combined conditionals * added passkey not copied alert when cloning for organizations (#6579) * [PM-4296] Cannot login to Bitwarden with FIDO2 WebAuthn if extension is installed and logged in (#6576) * removed sameOriginWithAncestors check on fido2 assertions * removed sameOriginWithAncestors check on fido2 assertions * [PM-4333] fix: change transport to `internal` (#6594) * Address PR feedback (#6572) * remove listeners for safari * removed unused i18n tokens * changed link to button for accessibilty purposes * Fix potential reference error by restoring the typeof check for chrome * added fromNullable to reduces repetitive logic * Revert "added fromNullable to reduces repetitive logic" This reverts commit ce5fc9c278b67df3ca2afc28e181d94f22fbc667. * Added js docs to fido2credential export * refined jsdocs comments * added documentation to fido2 auth guard * Removed unused i18n tokens, uneccesary whitespaces and comments --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> Co-authored-by: SmithThe4th <> Co-authored-by: Robyn MacCallum <> Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Hinton <> Co-authored-by: Carlos Gonçalves <> Co-authored-by: Jason Ng <> Co-authored-by: Todd Martin <> Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: Thomas Rittson <> Co-authored-by: Todd Martin <>
2023-10-17 21:34:44 +02:00
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2022-01-27 15:31:13 +01:00
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2022-01-27 15:31:13 +01:00
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[PM-1222] Store passkeys in Bitwarden vault (#4715) * [EC-598] feat: scaffold content scripting * [EC-598] feat: load page script from content script * [EC-598] feat: succesfully intercept methods * [EC-598] feat: add better support for messaging * [EC-598] feat: implement calls to new service * [EC-598] feat: add ability to return responses * [EC-598] feat: half-implemented params mapping * [EC-598] feat: add b64 conversion * [EC-598] feat: half-implemented user interfacing * [EC-598] feat: initial working user verification * [EC-598] feat: center popup * [EC-598] feat: add basic cancel button * [EC-598] feat: confirm new credentials * [EC-598] feat: add cbor-redux npm package * [EC-598] feat: initial version of credential creation * [EC-598] feat: fully working credential creation * [EC-598] feat: fully working register and assert flow * [EC-598] feat: properly check for presence * [EC-598] feat: rudimentar error handling * [EC-598] feat: transparent passthrough of platform authenticators * [EC-598] feat: improve error handling * [EC-598] feat: use browser as fallback when vault does not contain requested credential * [EC-598] feat: add fido2Key to cipher * [EC-598] feat: successfully store passkeys in vault * [EC-598] feat: implement passwordless vault auth * [EC-598] feat: add basic support for managing passkeys * [EC-598] feat: show new cipher being added * [EC-598] feat: allow user to pick which credential to use * [EC-598] feat: differntiate between resident auth and 2fa * [EC-598] feat: add some padding to popout * [EC-598] feat: allow storage of more information * [EC-598] feat: show user name as sub title * [EC-598] feat: show all available data * [EC-598] chore: clean up console logs * [EC-598] feat: fix google issues Google does not like self-signed packed format. I've removed the attestation statement all-together untill further notice. We're don't really have any statements so * [EC-598] fix: temporarily remove origin check * [EC-598] fix: user interaction not being awaited sometimes Only one handler can return a response. That handler needs to return true to indicated it's intention to eventually do so. Our issue was that multiple handlers were returning truthy values, causing a race condition. * [EC-598] fix: messenger crashing The messenger is listening to all DOM communcation, most of which is formatted differently. We were not handling these cases properly which resulted in attempts to access undefined fields. * [EC-598] feat: add basic test-case for messenger * [EC-598] feat: add test for request/response * [EC-598] feat: add initial one-way support for aborting * [EC-598] feat: add ability to throw errors across messenger * [EC-598] feat: transition to using exceptions * [EC-598] feat: add abort controller all the way to service * [EC-598] feat: ability to abort from page script * [EC-598] feat: add automatic default timeouts * [EC-598] chore: move component from generic popup fodler * [EC-598] chore: collect all passkeys stuff under common folder * [EC-598] fix: filter messages from other sources * [EC-598] chore: add small todo comment * [EC-598] feat: add timeout and UV to params * [EC-598] feat: implement full support for timeouts * [EC-598] feat: start creating separate authenticator service * [EC-598] feat: first tested rule in new authentitcator * [EC-598] feat: allow user to confirm duplication * [EC-598] feat: add check for unsupported algorithms * [EC-598] feat: add check for invalid option values * [EC-598] feat: handle unsupported pinAuth * [EC-598] feat: confirm new credentials * [EC-598] feat: rearrange order of execution * [EC-598] chore: rearrange tests * [EC-598] feat: add support for saving discoverable credential * [EC-598] feat: remove ability to duplicate excluded credentials * [EC-598] chore: rearrange tests * [EC-598] feat: add support for non-discoverable credentials * [EC-598] chore: use webauthn authenticator model as base instead of CTAP * [EC-598] feat: don't leak internal errors during creation * [EC-598] feat: tweak key data to contain separate type and algorithm * [EC-598] feat: add counter to fido2key * [EC-598] feat: complete implementation of `makeCredential` * [EC-598] feat: add ignored enterpriseAttestation param * [EC-598] feat: start implementing `getAssertion` * [EC-598] feat: add separate `nonDiscoverableId` to keys * [EC-598] fix: properly convert credentials to guid raw format * [EC-598] chore: add todo tests about deleted items * [EC-598] feat: implement missing credential checks * [EC-598] feat: add user confirmation test to assertion also rewrite to use cipher views in tests * [EC-598] feat: increment counter during assertion * [EC-598] feat: implement assertion * [EC-598] feat: add signatures to attestation * [EC-598] feat: add general error handling for attestation * [EC-598] feat: start working on new `Fido2ClientService` * [EC-598] feat: check user id length * [EC-598] feat: check origin and effective domains * [EC-598] feat: check for supported key algorithms * [EC-598] feat: hash client data and throw if aborted * [EC-598] feat: extend return from authenticator * [EC-598] feat: fully implement createCredential * [EC-598] feat: implement assertCredential * [EC-598] feat: make everything compile again * [EC-598] feat: remove orgigin * [EC-598] fix: rpId validation logic * [EC-598] fix: some smaller bugs * [EC-598] fix: flag saying authData doesnt contain attestation * [EC-598] fix: wrong flags in tests * [EC-598] fix: data not getting saved properly * [EC-598] fix: invalid signature due to double hashing * [EC-598] chore: clean up unusued function * [EC-598] feat: fully wokring non-discoverable implementation * [EC-598] feat: add initial implementation of UI sessions * [EC-598] feat: fully refactored user interface Now uses sessions instead of single request-response style communcation * [EC-598] feat: make fallback working again * [EC-598] feat: add rudimentary support for excluded credentials * [EC-598] fix: send correct excluded cipher ids * [EC-598] feat: wait for session close before closing window * [EC-598] feat: test unique signatures * [EC-598] chore: clean up old commented code * [EC-598] feat: do not exclude organization credentials * [EC-598] chore: remove unused clas * [EC-598] fix: remove platform attachment check * [EC-598] chore: rename webauthn folder to fido2 * [EC-598] chore: continue rename webauthn to fido2 * [EC-598] feat: interpret rk preferred as required Fixes GoDaddy issues * [EC-598] fix: bug preventing fallback on assertion * [EC-598] feat: inform user when no credentials are found * [EC-598] chore: add some more console logs for debugging * [EC-598] feat: very basic scroll when picking credentials * [EC-598] chore: tweak unique signature test * [EC-598] chore: tweak how unassigned rpId gets calcuated * [EC-598] fix: response prototype chains * [EC-598] feat: allow discoverable credentials to be used for non-discoverable assertions * [EC-598] fix: counter not being saved correctly * [EC-598] fix: bug in result mapping * [EC-598] feat: add support for user verifiction using MP during attestation * [EC-598] feat: add support for user verifiction using MP during assertion * [EC-598] feat: quick fix noop service * [EC-598] chore: refactor observables a little bit * [EC-598] feat: show unsupported user verification error * [EC-598] feat: add logging to fido2 authenticator * [EC-598] feat: add logging to fido2 client * [EC-598] feat: close popout directly from bg script * [EC-598] chore: clean up page-script * [EC-598] feat: add webauthn polyfill * [EC-598] feat: polyfill platform authenticator support * [EC-598] feat: only show fallback options if supported * [EC-598] fix: reponse not correctly polyfilled * [EC-598] chore: add name to polyfill classes * [EC-598] chore: update unsupported UV copy * [EC-598] fix: race condition when opening new popout * Fixed lint issues * [PM-1500] Add feature flag to enable passkeys (#5406) * Added launch darkly feature flag to passkeys implementation * fixed linter * Updated fido2 client service test to accomodate feature flag * Updated fido2client service to include unit test for feature flag * Renamed enable pass keys to fido2 vault credentials, added unit test when feature flag is not enabled * fixed failing Login domain test case * [EC-598] chore: remove unecessary return statement * [EC-598] chore: remove unnecessary eslint disable * [PM-1975] Move FIDO2 files into vault folder (#5496) * Moved fido2 models to vault in libs * Moved fido2 models to vault in libs * Moved fido2 services and abstractions to vault folder in libs * Moved fido2 popup to vault folder on the browser * Updated import path after moving files to the vault folder * Moved authenticator abstraction and service to the vault folder * Updated content and page script path * Added content script, page script and background messaging to vault * fixed lint issue * Updated reference paths * Added missing fallbacksupported property in test files * Added missing fallbacksupported to the newSession method * [PM-2560] Fix Firefox default passkeys handling (#5690) * Return callback response in addListener * Add clarifying comment * Isolate returning the callback to fido2 commands * Update apps/browser/src/platform/browser/browser-api.ts Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * Fix formatting --------- Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * [PM-1976] Display passkeys properly on the browser (#5616) * Removed passkeys from the vault types filter and added fucntion to get the count of Fido2keys and Login types * Updated build filter to take Fido2key type as a Login type * Updated icon font files * Updated vault items and view to handle changes with fido2keys * Updated add edit view for fido2keys * Prevent moving passkeys to an organization where it exists * Prevent moving passkeys to an organization where it exists * Added view for non-discoverable passkeys * Added diaglog to inform user that passkey won't be copied when cloning a non discoverable key * Muted text that shows cipher item is available for 2fa * Changed conditional to check if an organization already has the same passkey item * Muted text to align with figma designs and used rpId for the application input value * Modified checkFido2KeyExistsInOrg function to workk with discoverable and non discoverable keys * Differentiate between non-discoverable and discoverable keys when moving to an organization * Added suggested changes from PR review * Updated font files css changes * Fixed bug preventing launch bitton from working for Login types (#5639) * [PM-1574] Display passkeys on web (#5651) * Allowed discoverable Fido2key type to be displayed alongside Login type * Added view during edit for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys * Fixed PR comments, added relvant tests to domain changes * Fixed imports and updated the launch function to use the Launchable interface * Added launch on vault filter for fido2key types * Added missing passkey text field in edit view (#5800) * [PM-1977] Display passkeys properly on the desktop (#5763) * Allowed discoverable Fido2key type to be displayed alongside Login type * Added view during edit for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys * Fixed PR comments, added relvant tests to domain changes * Fixed imports and updated the launch function to use the Launchable interface * Added fido2key to login filter and added view display for fido2key * Added passkeys view for non discoverable passkeys and edit view for passkeys * Fixed PR comments * switched date format to short * [PM-3046] [PM-3047] Defects for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys on desktop and web (#5847) * Added missing passkey text field in edit view (#5800) * Added dialog to clone no discoverable passkeys on web and desktop.Also, removed clone on the desktop for discoverable passkeys and added passkey view to non- discoverable passkeys on desktop during edit * Prevent cloning dialog on non fido2key ciphers * Made fido2key use website favicon if avaialble instead of the passkey icon * Do not display passkey view on clone edit for dekstop * Do not display passkey view on clone edit for browser * Prevented movement of passkeys ND or D to an organization once one exists and also made it possible for org memebers with user roles to move passkeys to an organization. (#5868) * two step passkey view was outside the conditional (#5872) * fixed merge conflict * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed (#6003) * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * Added passkey fallback imaged and added extension to image name on the icons component * [PM-3155] CLI: Editing a cipher with a non-discoverable passkey causes the passkey to be removed (#6055) * Added fido2keyexport for the CLI and added the fido2key field to the login response for the CLI * Added fido2keyexport for the CLI and added the fido2key field to the login response for the CLI * Removed unneccesary code * Added non discoverable passkey to template * [PM-2270] Renamed Fido2Key.userName to Fido2Key.userDisplayName (#6005) * Renamed fido2key property username to userDisplayName * Renamed username property on fido2key object to userdisplayname * updated username to userDisplayName in fido2 export * Update libs/angular/src/vault/vault-filter/models/vault-filter.model.ts Co-authored-by: Oscar Hinton <> * [PM-3775] feat: import v0.4.0 (#6183) * [PM-3660] Address PR feedback (#6157) * [PM-3660] chore: simplify object assignment * [PM-3660] fix: remove unused origin field * [PM-3660] feat: add Fido2Key tests * [PM-3660] chore: convert popOut to async func * [PM-3660] chore: refactor if-statements * [PM-3660] chore: simplify closePopOut * [PM-3660] fix: remove confusing comment * [PM-3660] chore: move guid utils away from platform utils * [PM-3660] chore: use null instead of undefined * [PM-3660] chore: use `switch` instead of `if` * [EC-598] fix: popup not closing bug * [PM-1859] Refactor to credentialId (#6034) * PM-1859 Refactor to credentialId * PM-1859 Minor changes * PM-1859 Fix credentialId initialization logic * PM-1859 Added missing logic * PM-1859 Fixed logic to use credentialID instead of * [PM-1859] fix: missing renames --------- Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> * [PM-1722] gracefully fail if site prompts user for passkey on load (#6089) * added error logic to look for options.mediation in page-script * moved the options mediation logic into the try catch. changed error to FallbackRequestedError * [PM-1224] Ensure Passkeys Not Requested From Iframes (#6057) * added isNotIFrame method to page-script * added NotAllowedError to assertCredential in fido2 * remove excess comments * refactor fido2-client.service. created new errorhandling method for similar code between create and assert * update types and naming convention for new method in fido2-client.service * Did a reset to previous commit withiout the refactoring to reduce code duplication, Renamed isNotIframeCheck function and fixed other commits * Revert "update types and naming convention for new method in fido2-client.service" This reverts commit 1f5499b9bbba27c869e1e328c9f819754661ea95. * Revert "refactor fido2-client.service. created new errorhandling method for similar code between create and assert" This reverts commit 3115c0d2a16eafbf89958dc0084cec88f4573b45. * updated test cases * removed forward slashes --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [EC-598] Window Messaging Fix; (#6223) Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: SmithThe4th <> * updated test cases and services using the config service * [PM-3807] All passkeys as login ciphers - Minimal implementation to minimize blockers (#6233) * [PM-3807] feat: remove non-discoverable from fido2 user interface class * [PM-3807] feat: merge fido2 component ui * [PM-3807] feat: return `cipherId` from user interface * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential creation logic in authenticator * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential assertion logic in authenticator --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [PM-3807] Store all passkeys as login cipher type (#6255) * [PM-3807] feat: add `discoverable` property to fido2keys * [PM-3807] feat: assign discoverable property during creation * [PM-3807] feat: save discoverable field to server * [PM-3807] feat: filter credentials by rpId AND discoverable * [PM-3807] chore: remove discoverable tests which are no longer needed * [PM-3807] chore: remove all logic for handling standalone Fido2Key View and components will be cleaned up as part of UI tickets * [PM-3807] fix: add missing discoverable property handling to tests * [PM-3862] chore: move browser fido2 user interface to vault folder (#6265) * [PM-2207], [PM-1245], [PM-3302] Make browser login, lock, and 2fa components handle configurable redirect routes (#5989) * Initial work * Added lock and login redirect and added functionality to abort when in login or locked state * uncommented cipher row * added query params to logi component * Proof of concept for change detection fix * Remove leftover comment * Refactored message listener observable to handle angular change detection * cleanup and removed unused references * Refactored the connect method be seperating to the pop out logic to a seperate method * Added comment to explain code change on the message listener * Removed unused types * Initial work * Added lock and login redirect and added functionality to abort when in login or locked state * uncommented cipher row * added query params to logi component * Proof of concept for change detection fix * Remove leftover comment * Refactored message listener observable to handle angular change detection * cleanup and removed unused references * Refactored the connect method be seperating to the pop out logic to a seperate method * Added comment to explain code change on the message listener * Removed unused types * Added full synce service to the fido2 authenticator to ensure the full sync is completed before getting all decrypted ciphers * Added full synce service to the fido2 authenticator to ensure the full sync is completed before getting all decrypted ciphers * Code cleanup to remove sessionId from login component * Refactored components to make the redirectUrl more generic, fixed code review comments * Commented out ensureUnlockedVault for this PR * Fixed destroy subject inheritance issue on the login componenet * Fixed lock component error * Added function to run inside angular zone * Merged branch with master and fixed conflicts * Changed redirect logic on login and 2fa to use callbacks * fixed pr comments * Updated the messageListener observable version to use same logic from the callback version and added comment on the callback version * Refactored fido2 popup to use auth guard when routing to component, added BrowserRouterService to track previous page and route using that * Updated components to use browserRouterService for routing to previous page * Removed auth status reference from browser-fido2-user-interface service * Removed activated route from lock component * Removed route in base class constructor * removed unused comments and method * refactored router service to not store on the disk * [PM-3783] feat: patch `chrome.runtime.onMessage` event listeners (cherry picked from commit 2ca241a0d41aeb089c566df8cbc695521ddb10e0) * Fixed PR comments * Fixed PR comments * Revert "[PM-3783] feat: patch `chrome.runtime.onMessage` event listeners" This reverts commit ed6a713688c06586458f7da0cf51f74bc82b5abc. --------- Co-authored-by: Thomas Rittson <> Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> * [PM-3807] Store passkeys as array (#6288) * [PM-3807] feat: store passkeys as array * [PM-3807] fix: issues in views * [PM-3807] fix: additional view bugs * [PM-3807] fix: check array length * [PM-3807] fix: I secretly like build errors * [PM-3970] Empty list of ciphers when logging in via fido 2 popout (#6321) * fix: sync not being properly called * fix: don't call sync everywhere * [PM-3905] Address PR feedback v2 (#6322) * [PM-3905] chore: move webauthn utils to vault * [PM-3905] chore: make static function private * [PM-3905] chore: add documentation to user interface classes * [PM-3905] chore: clean up unused abort controllers * [PM-3905] chore: add documentation to fido2 client and authenticatio * [PM-3905] chore: extract create credential params mapping to separate function * [PM-3905] chore: extract get assertion params mapping to separate function * [PM-3905] chore: assign requireResidentKey as separate variable * [PM-3905] feat: started rewrite of messenger Basic message sending implemented, now using message channels instead of rxjs * [PM-3905] feat: complete rewrite of messenger * [PM-3905] chore: clarify why we're assigning to window * [PM-3905] feat: clean up tests * [PM-3905] docs: document messenger class * [PM-3905] feat: remove `requestId` which is no longer needed * [PM-3905] feat: simplify message structure * [PM-3905] chore: typo * [PM-3905] chore: clean up old file * [PM-3905] chore: tweak doc comment * [PM-3905] feat: create separate class for managing aborts * [PM-3905] chore: move abort manager to vault * [PM-3980] Add a creationDate field to the Fido2Key object (#6334) * Added creationDate field to be used on the passkeys view instead of the cipher.creationDate * Fixed comments from PR * added to the constructor and sorted out other comments * Exported Fido2KeyExport through index.ts * Fixed iso string issue where the date wasn't converted back to Date (#6364) * [PM-4045] Get error returned when editing an item with a passkey in the CLI (#6379) * Creationdate doesn't get converted to a date * Creationdate doesn't get converted to a date * removed null assignment * [PM-3810] Unify Passkeys view (#6335) * Removed standalone fido2key view, update login view to show created date when a fido2key is present, reverted icon component to previous state without fido2key type, removed filters to handle standalone fido2key as login type * Allow duplication * Removed launchable behaviours from fido2 key view * Reworked desktop views from standalone fido2keys to unified fido2keys in the login * Reworked web views from standalone fido2keys to unified fido2keys in the login * Fixed test case to not create standalone fido2keys * Updated views to use fido2key creation date * removed unused locale * moved logic from template to class * Removed fido2key ciphertype * Removed fido2key ciphertype references * PM-2559 Messaging Rework for Passkey Bug (#6282) * [PM-2559] Messaging Rework - Update browser-api messageListener removing promises to fix Firefox bug Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * Resolved merge conflicts from vault item encryption. * moved passkeys ontop totp code to align with the add edit view (#6466) * Bug during reafactoring where the hostname is not used if the rpId is undefined (#6484) * [PM-4054] Rename Fido2Key to Fido2Credential (#6442) * Rename Fido2Key to Fido2Credential * Fix export * Remove unnecessary alis in export * Make test less wordly --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [PM-3812][PM-3809] Unify Create and Login Passkeys UI (#6403) * PM-1235 Added component to display passkey on auth flow * PM-1235 Implement basic structure and behaviour of UI * PM-1235 Added localised strings * PM-1235 Improved button UI * Implemented view passkey button * Implemented multiple matching passkeys * Refactored fido2 popup to use browser popout windows service * [PM-3807] feat: remove non-discoverable from fido2 user interface class * [PM-3807] feat: merge fido2 component ui * [PM-3807] feat: return `cipherId` from user interface * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential creation logic in authenticator * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential assertion logic in authenticator * updated test cases and services using the config service * [PM-3807] feat: add `discoverable` property to fido2keys * [PM-3807] feat: assign discoverable property during creation * [PM-3807] feat: save discoverable field to server * [PM-3807] feat: filter credentials by rpId AND discoverable * [PM-3807] chore: remove discoverable tests which are no longer needed * [PM-3807] chore: remove all logic for handling standalone Fido2Key View and components will be cleaned up as part of UI tickets * [PM-3807] fix: add missing discoverable property handling to tests * updated locales with new text * Updated popout windows service to use defined type for custom width and height * Update on unifying auth flow ui to align with architecture changes * Moved click event * Throw dom exception error if tab is null * updated fido2key object to array * removed discoverable key in client inerface service for now * Get senderTabId from the query params and send to the view cipher component to allow the pop out close when the close button is clicked on the view cipher component * Refactored view item if passkeys exists and the cipher row views by having an extra ng-conatiner for each case * Allow fido2 pop out close wehn cancle is clicked on add edit component * Removed makshift run in angular zone * created focus directive to target first element in ngFor for displayed ciphers in fido2 * Refactored to use switch statement and added condtional on search and add div * Adjusted footer link and added more features to the login flow * Added host listener to abort when window is closed * remove custom focus directive. instead stuck focus logic into fido2-cipher-row component * Fixed bug where close and cancel on view and add component does not abort the fido2 request * show info dialog when user account does not have master password * Removed PopupUtilsService * show info dialog when user account does not have master password * Added comments * Added comments * made row height consistent * update logo to be dynamic with theme selection * added new translation key * Dis some styling to align cipher items * Changed passkey icon fill color * updated flow of focus and selected items in the passkey popup * Fixed bug when picking a credential * Added text to lock popout screen * Added passkeys test to home view * changed class name * Added uilocation as a query paramter to know if the user is in the popout window * update fido2 component for dynamic subtitleText as well as additional appA11yTitle attrs * moved another method out of html * Added window id return to single action popout and used the window id to close and abort the popout * removed duplicate activatedroute * added a doNotSaveUrl true to 2fa options, so the previousUrl can remain as the fido2 url * Added a div to restrict the use browser link ot the buttom left * reverted view change which is handled by the view pr * Updated locales text and removed unused variable * Fixed issue where new cipher is not created for non discoverable keys * switched from using svg for the logo to CL * removed svg files * default to browser implmentation if user is logged out of the browser exetension * removed passkeys knowledge from login, 2fa * Added fido2 use browser link component and a state service to reduce passkeys knowledge on the lock component * removed function and removed unnecessary comment * reverted to former * [PM-4148] Added descriptive error messages (#6475) * Added descriptive error messages * Added descriptive error messages * replaced fido2 state service with higher order inject functions * removed null check for tab * refactor fido2 cipher row component * added a static abort function to the browser interface service * removed width from content * uncommented code * removed sessionId from query params and redudant styles * Put back removed sessionId * Added fallbackRequested parameter to abortPopout and added comments to the standalone function * minor styling update to fix padding and color on selected ciphers * update padding again to address vertical pushdown of cipher selection --------- Co-authored-by: Carlos Gonçalves <> Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> Co-authored-by: jng <> * padding update for focused cipher row in popup * Updated fido2Credentials to initialize as null instead of empty array (#6548) * Updated fido2Credentials to be null instead of empty string * Updated cipher tests. * Fixed tests. * Updated view and clone logic. * Updated templates to handle null value. * Further null checks. * [PM-4226] Create login item on the fly and add passkey item to it (#6552) * Use the + button to ad an item and then save a passkey on the added item * switch if to tenary * [PM-4284] Passkey popout is not pulling correct URI for website opened (#6549) * Used url from sender window in getting matching logins * Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts * Revert "Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts" This reverts commit f72d6f877f76b5c42b449208e43a61a1e5099304. * Remove array initialization that is not necessary. (#6563) * removed unused code from login, 2fa components (#6565) * Moved clearing of passkey from submit to load when cloning. (#6567) * [PM-4280] MP reprompt not respected on passkey creation and retrieval (#6550) * Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts * Updated the handle user verification logic * allow same behaviour for master password reprompt and user verification * added test cases and merged conditions * [PM-4226] Add Cipher With Passkey Flow Change (#6569) * changed the add login item with passkey to require master password repompt first before creating the cipher item * removed userVerified variable * combined conditionals * added passkey not copied alert when cloning for organizations (#6579) * [PM-4296] Cannot login to Bitwarden with FIDO2 WebAuthn if extension is installed and logged in (#6576) * removed sameOriginWithAncestors check on fido2 assertions * removed sameOriginWithAncestors check on fido2 assertions * [PM-4333] fix: change transport to `internal` (#6594) * Address PR feedback (#6572) * remove listeners for safari * removed unused i18n tokens * changed link to button for accessibilty purposes * Fix potential reference error by restoring the typeof check for chrome * added fromNullable to reduces repetitive logic * Revert "added fromNullable to reduces repetitive logic" This reverts commit ce5fc9c278b67df3ca2afc28e181d94f22fbc667. * Added js docs to fido2credential export * refined jsdocs comments * added documentation to fido2 auth guard * Removed unused i18n tokens, uneccesary whitespaces and comments --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> Co-authored-by: SmithThe4th <> Co-authored-by: Robyn MacCallum <> Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Hinton <> Co-authored-by: Carlos Gonçalves <> Co-authored-by: Jason Ng <> Co-authored-by: Todd Martin <> Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: Thomas Rittson <> Co-authored-by: Todd Martin <>
2023-10-17 21:34:44 +02:00
<glyph unicode="&#xe969;" glyph-name="angle-up" data-tags="bw-angle-up" d="M8.606 173.485c-12.059 12.915-11.36 33.165 1.56 45.229l414.498 386.861c49.178 45.9 125.495 45.9 174.673 0l414.5-386.861c12.915-12.064 13.613-32.314 1.555-45.229-12.058-12.922-32.307-13.619-45.229-1.562l-414.495 386.864c-24.589 22.95-62.748 22.95-87.337 0.001l-414.497-386.865c-12.92-12.058-33.169-11.36-45.228 1.562z" />
2022-01-27 15:31:13 +01:00
<glyph unicode="&#xe96a;" glyph-name="desktop" data-tags="bwi-desktop" d="M270.651 0.733c0 14.498 11.753 26.252 26.252 26.252h438.020c14.498 0 26.252-11.754 26.252-26.252s-11.754-26.252-26.252-26.252h-438.020c-14.499 0-26.252 11.754-26.252 26.252zM411.444 0.733v125.15h52.502v-125.15h-52.502zM552.235 0.733v125.15h52.502v-125.15h-52.502zM-10.935 725.265c0 37.695 30.558 68.254 68.254 68.254h909.364c37.695 0 68.253-30.557 68.253-68.254v-557.383c0-37.695-30.557-68.254-68.253-68.254h-909.364c-37.695 0-68.254 30.557-68.254 68.254v557.383zM57.319 741.017c-8.698 0-15.75-7.052-15.75-15.75v-557.383c0-8.699 7.052-15.75 15.75-15.75h909.364c8.698 0 15.75 7.051 15.75 15.75v557.383c0 8.698-7.052 15.75-15.75 15.75h-909.364zM82.93 662.262c0 20.298 16.453 36.751 36.751 36.751h787.537c20.298 0 36.751-16.453 36.751-36.751v-430.52c0-20.298-16.453-36.751-36.751-36.751h-787.537c-20.298 0-36.751 16.453-36.751 36.751v430.52zM119.681 667.513c-2.899 0-5.251-2.35-5.251-5.251v-430.52c0-2.899 2.35-5.251 5.251-5.251h787.537c2.899 0 5.251 2.35 5.251 5.251v430.52c0 2.899-2.35 5.251-5.251 5.251h-787.537z" />
[PM-1222] Store passkeys in Bitwarden vault (#4715) * [EC-598] feat: scaffold content scripting * [EC-598] feat: load page script from content script * [EC-598] feat: succesfully intercept methods * [EC-598] feat: add better support for messaging * [EC-598] feat: implement calls to new service * [EC-598] feat: add ability to return responses * [EC-598] feat: half-implemented params mapping * [EC-598] feat: add b64 conversion * [EC-598] feat: half-implemented user interfacing * [EC-598] feat: initial working user verification * [EC-598] feat: center popup * [EC-598] feat: add basic cancel button * [EC-598] feat: confirm new credentials * [EC-598] feat: add cbor-redux npm package * [EC-598] feat: initial version of credential creation * [EC-598] feat: fully working credential creation * [EC-598] feat: fully working register and assert flow * [EC-598] feat: properly check for presence * [EC-598] feat: rudimentar error handling * [EC-598] feat: transparent passthrough of platform authenticators * [EC-598] feat: improve error handling * [EC-598] feat: use browser as fallback when vault does not contain requested credential * [EC-598] feat: add fido2Key to cipher * [EC-598] feat: successfully store passkeys in vault * [EC-598] feat: implement passwordless vault auth * [EC-598] feat: add basic support for managing passkeys * [EC-598] feat: show new cipher being added * [EC-598] feat: allow user to pick which credential to use * [EC-598] feat: differntiate between resident auth and 2fa * [EC-598] feat: add some padding to popout * [EC-598] feat: allow storage of more information * [EC-598] feat: show user name as sub title * [EC-598] feat: show all available data * [EC-598] chore: clean up console logs * [EC-598] feat: fix google issues Google does not like self-signed packed format. I've removed the attestation statement all-together untill further notice. We're don't really have any statements so * [EC-598] fix: temporarily remove origin check * [EC-598] fix: user interaction not being awaited sometimes Only one handler can return a response. That handler needs to return true to indicated it's intention to eventually do so. Our issue was that multiple handlers were returning truthy values, causing a race condition. * [EC-598] fix: messenger crashing The messenger is listening to all DOM communcation, most of which is formatted differently. We were not handling these cases properly which resulted in attempts to access undefined fields. * [EC-598] feat: add basic test-case for messenger * [EC-598] feat: add test for request/response * [EC-598] feat: add initial one-way support for aborting * [EC-598] feat: add ability to throw errors across messenger * [EC-598] feat: transition to using exceptions * [EC-598] feat: add abort controller all the way to service * [EC-598] feat: ability to abort from page script * [EC-598] feat: add automatic default timeouts * [EC-598] chore: move component from generic popup fodler * [EC-598] chore: collect all passkeys stuff under common folder * [EC-598] fix: filter messages from other sources * [EC-598] chore: add small todo comment * [EC-598] feat: add timeout and UV to params * [EC-598] feat: implement full support for timeouts * [EC-598] feat: start creating separate authenticator service * [EC-598] feat: first tested rule in new authentitcator * [EC-598] feat: allow user to confirm duplication * [EC-598] feat: add check for unsupported algorithms * [EC-598] feat: add check for invalid option values * [EC-598] feat: handle unsupported pinAuth * [EC-598] feat: confirm new credentials * [EC-598] feat: rearrange order of execution * [EC-598] chore: rearrange tests * [EC-598] feat: add support for saving discoverable credential * [EC-598] feat: remove ability to duplicate excluded credentials * [EC-598] chore: rearrange tests * [EC-598] feat: add support for non-discoverable credentials * [EC-598] chore: use webauthn authenticator model as base instead of CTAP * [EC-598] feat: don't leak internal errors during creation * [EC-598] feat: tweak key data to contain separate type and algorithm * [EC-598] feat: add counter to fido2key * [EC-598] feat: complete implementation of `makeCredential` * [EC-598] feat: add ignored enterpriseAttestation param * [EC-598] feat: start implementing `getAssertion` * [EC-598] feat: add separate `nonDiscoverableId` to keys * [EC-598] fix: properly convert credentials to guid raw format * [EC-598] chore: add todo tests about deleted items * [EC-598] feat: implement missing credential checks * [EC-598] feat: add user confirmation test to assertion also rewrite to use cipher views in tests * [EC-598] feat: increment counter during assertion * [EC-598] feat: implement assertion * [EC-598] feat: add signatures to attestation * [EC-598] feat: add general error handling for attestation * [EC-598] feat: start working on new `Fido2ClientService` * [EC-598] feat: check user id length * [EC-598] feat: check origin and effective domains * [EC-598] feat: check for supported key algorithms * [EC-598] feat: hash client data and throw if aborted * [EC-598] feat: extend return from authenticator * [EC-598] feat: fully implement createCredential * [EC-598] feat: implement assertCredential * [EC-598] feat: make everything compile again * [EC-598] feat: remove orgigin * [EC-598] fix: rpId validation logic * [EC-598] fix: some smaller bugs * [EC-598] fix: flag saying authData doesnt contain attestation * [EC-598] fix: wrong flags in tests * [EC-598] fix: data not getting saved properly * [EC-598] fix: invalid signature due to double hashing * [EC-598] chore: clean up unusued function * [EC-598] feat: fully wokring non-discoverable implementation * [EC-598] feat: add initial implementation of UI sessions * [EC-598] feat: fully refactored user interface Now uses sessions instead of single request-response style communcation * [EC-598] feat: make fallback working again * [EC-598] feat: add rudimentary support for excluded credentials * [EC-598] fix: send correct excluded cipher ids * [EC-598] feat: wait for session close before closing window * [EC-598] feat: test unique signatures * [EC-598] chore: clean up old commented code * [EC-598] feat: do not exclude organization credentials * [EC-598] chore: remove unused clas * [EC-598] fix: remove platform attachment check * [EC-598] chore: rename webauthn folder to fido2 * [EC-598] chore: continue rename webauthn to fido2 * [EC-598] feat: interpret rk preferred as required Fixes GoDaddy issues * [EC-598] fix: bug preventing fallback on assertion * [EC-598] feat: inform user when no credentials are found * [EC-598] chore: add some more console logs for debugging * [EC-598] feat: very basic scroll when picking credentials * [EC-598] chore: tweak unique signature test * [EC-598] chore: tweak how unassigned rpId gets calcuated * [EC-598] fix: response prototype chains * [EC-598] feat: allow discoverable credentials to be used for non-discoverable assertions * [EC-598] fix: counter not being saved correctly * [EC-598] fix: bug in result mapping * [EC-598] feat: add support for user verifiction using MP during attestation * [EC-598] feat: add support for user verifiction using MP during assertion * [EC-598] feat: quick fix noop service * [EC-598] chore: refactor observables a little bit * [EC-598] feat: show unsupported user verification error * [EC-598] feat: add logging to fido2 authenticator * [EC-598] feat: add logging to fido2 client * [EC-598] feat: close popout directly from bg script * [EC-598] chore: clean up page-script * [EC-598] feat: add webauthn polyfill * [EC-598] feat: polyfill platform authenticator support * [EC-598] feat: only show fallback options if supported * [EC-598] fix: reponse not correctly polyfilled * [EC-598] chore: add name to polyfill classes * [EC-598] chore: update unsupported UV copy * [EC-598] fix: race condition when opening new popout * Fixed lint issues * [PM-1500] Add feature flag to enable passkeys (#5406) * Added launch darkly feature flag to passkeys implementation * fixed linter * Updated fido2 client service test to accomodate feature flag * Updated fido2client service to include unit test for feature flag * Renamed enable pass keys to fido2 vault credentials, added unit test when feature flag is not enabled * fixed failing Login domain test case * [EC-598] chore: remove unecessary return statement * [EC-598] chore: remove unnecessary eslint disable * [PM-1975] Move FIDO2 files into vault folder (#5496) * Moved fido2 models to vault in libs * Moved fido2 models to vault in libs * Moved fido2 services and abstractions to vault folder in libs * Moved fido2 popup to vault folder on the browser * Updated import path after moving files to the vault folder * Moved authenticator abstraction and service to the vault folder * Updated content and page script path * Added content script, page script and background messaging to vault * fixed lint issue * Updated reference paths * Added missing fallbacksupported property in test files * Added missing fallbacksupported to the newSession method * [PM-2560] Fix Firefox default passkeys handling (#5690) * Return callback response in addListener * Add clarifying comment * Isolate returning the callback to fido2 commands * Update apps/browser/src/platform/browser/browser-api.ts Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * Fix formatting --------- Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * [PM-1976] Display passkeys properly on the browser (#5616) * Removed passkeys from the vault types filter and added fucntion to get the count of Fido2keys and Login types * Updated build filter to take Fido2key type as a Login type * Updated icon font files * Updated vault items and view to handle changes with fido2keys * Updated add edit view for fido2keys * Prevent moving passkeys to an organization where it exists * Prevent moving passkeys to an organization where it exists * Added view for non-discoverable passkeys * Added diaglog to inform user that passkey won't be copied when cloning a non discoverable key * Muted text that shows cipher item is available for 2fa * Changed conditional to check if an organization already has the same passkey item * Muted text to align with figma designs and used rpId for the application input value * Modified checkFido2KeyExistsInOrg function to workk with discoverable and non discoverable keys * Differentiate between non-discoverable and discoverable keys when moving to an organization * Added suggested changes from PR review * Updated font files css changes * Fixed bug preventing launch bitton from working for Login types (#5639) * [PM-1574] Display passkeys on web (#5651) * Allowed discoverable Fido2key type to be displayed alongside Login type * Added view during edit for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys * Fixed PR comments, added relvant tests to domain changes * Fixed imports and updated the launch function to use the Launchable interface * Added launch on vault filter for fido2key types * Added missing passkey text field in edit view (#5800) * [PM-1977] Display passkeys properly on the desktop (#5763) * Allowed discoverable Fido2key type to be displayed alongside Login type * Added view during edit for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys * Fixed PR comments, added relvant tests to domain changes * Fixed imports and updated the launch function to use the Launchable interface * Added fido2key to login filter and added view display for fido2key * Added passkeys view for non discoverable passkeys and edit view for passkeys * Fixed PR comments * switched date format to short * [PM-3046] [PM-3047] Defects for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys on desktop and web (#5847) * Added missing passkey text field in edit view (#5800) * Added dialog to clone no discoverable passkeys on web and desktop.Also, removed clone on the desktop for discoverable passkeys and added passkey view to non- discoverable passkeys on desktop during edit * Prevent cloning dialog on non fido2key ciphers * Made fido2key use website favicon if avaialble instead of the passkey icon * Do not display passkey view on clone edit for dekstop * Do not display passkey view on clone edit for browser * Prevented movement of passkeys ND or D to an organization once one exists and also made it possible for org memebers with user roles to move passkeys to an organization. (#5868) * two step passkey view was outside the conditional (#5872) * fixed merge conflict * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed (#6003) * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * Added passkey fallback imaged and added extension to image name on the icons component * [PM-3155] CLI: Editing a cipher with a non-discoverable passkey causes the passkey to be removed (#6055) * Added fido2keyexport for the CLI and added the fido2key field to the login response for the CLI * Added fido2keyexport for the CLI and added the fido2key field to the login response for the CLI * Removed unneccesary code * Added non discoverable passkey to template * [PM-2270] Renamed Fido2Key.userName to Fido2Key.userDisplayName (#6005) * Renamed fido2key property username to userDisplayName * Renamed username property on fido2key object to userdisplayname * updated username to userDisplayName in fido2 export * Update libs/angular/src/vault/vault-filter/models/vault-filter.model.ts Co-authored-by: Oscar Hinton <> * [PM-3775] feat: import v0.4.0 (#6183) * [PM-3660] Address PR feedback (#6157) * [PM-3660] chore: simplify object assignment * [PM-3660] fix: remove unused origin field * [PM-3660] feat: add Fido2Key tests * [PM-3660] chore: convert popOut to async func * [PM-3660] chore: refactor if-statements * [PM-3660] chore: simplify closePopOut * [PM-3660] fix: remove confusing comment * [PM-3660] chore: move guid utils away from platform utils * [PM-3660] chore: use null instead of undefined * [PM-3660] chore: use `switch` instead of `if` * [EC-598] fix: popup not closing bug * [PM-1859] Refactor to credentialId (#6034) * PM-1859 Refactor to credentialId * PM-1859 Minor changes * PM-1859 Fix credentialId initialization logic * PM-1859 Added missing logic * PM-1859 Fixed logic to use credentialID instead of * [PM-1859] fix: missing renames --------- Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> * [PM-1722] gracefully fail if site prompts user for passkey on load (#6089) * added error logic to look for options.mediation in page-script * moved the options mediation logic into the try catch. changed error to FallbackRequestedError * [PM-1224] Ensure Passkeys Not Requested From Iframes (#6057) * added isNotIFrame method to page-script * added NotAllowedError to assertCredential in fido2 * remove excess comments * refactor fido2-client.service. created new errorhandling method for similar code between create and assert * update types and naming convention for new method in fido2-client.service * Did a reset to previous commit withiout the refactoring to reduce code duplication, Renamed isNotIframeCheck function and fixed other commits * Revert "update types and naming convention for new method in fido2-client.service" This reverts commit 1f5499b9bbba27c869e1e328c9f819754661ea95. * Revert "refactor fido2-client.service. created new errorhandling method for similar code between create and assert" This reverts commit 3115c0d2a16eafbf89958dc0084cec88f4573b45. * updated test cases * removed forward slashes --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [EC-598] Window Messaging Fix; (#6223) Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: SmithThe4th <> * updated test cases and services using the config service * [PM-3807] All passkeys as login ciphers - Minimal implementation to minimize blockers (#6233) * [PM-3807] feat: remove non-discoverable from fido2 user interface class * [PM-3807] feat: merge fido2 component ui * [PM-3807] feat: return `cipherId` from user interface * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential creation logic in authenticator * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential assertion logic in authenticator --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [PM-3807] Store all passkeys as login cipher type (#6255) * [PM-3807] feat: add `discoverable` property to fido2keys * [PM-3807] feat: assign discoverable property during creation * [PM-3807] feat: save discoverable field to server * [PM-3807] feat: filter credentials by rpId AND discoverable * [PM-3807] chore: remove discoverable tests which are no longer needed * [PM-3807] chore: remove all logic for handling standalone Fido2Key View and components will be cleaned up as part of UI tickets * [PM-3807] fix: add missing discoverable property handling to tests * [PM-3862] chore: move browser fido2 user interface to vault folder (#6265) * [PM-2207], [PM-1245], [PM-3302] Make browser login, lock, and 2fa components handle configurable redirect routes (#5989) * Initial work * Added lock and login redirect and added functionality to abort when in login or locked state * uncommented cipher row * added query params to logi component * Proof of concept for change detection fix * Remove leftover comment * Refactored message listener observable to handle angular change detection * cleanup and removed unused references * Refactored the connect method be seperating to the pop out logic to a seperate method * Added comment to explain code change on the message listener * Removed unused types * Initial work * Added lock and login redirect and added functionality to abort when in login or locked state * uncommented cipher row * added query params to logi component * Proof of concept for change detection fix * Remove leftover comment * Refactored message listener observable to handle angular change detection * cleanup and removed unused references * Refactored the connect method be seperating to the pop out logic to a seperate method * Added comment to explain code change on the message listener * Removed unused types * Added full synce service to the fido2 authenticator to ensure the full sync is completed before getting all decrypted ciphers * Added full synce service to the fido2 authenticator to ensure the full sync is completed before getting all decrypted ciphers * Code cleanup to remove sessionId from login component * Refactored components to make the redirectUrl more generic, fixed code review comments * Commented out ensureUnlockedVault for this PR * Fixed destroy subject inheritance issue on the login componenet * Fixed lock component error * Added function to run inside angular zone * Merged branch with master and fixed conflicts * Changed redirect logic on login and 2fa to use callbacks * fixed pr comments * Updated the messageListener observable version to use same logic from the callback version and added comment on the callback version * Refactored fido2 popup to use auth guard when routing to component, added BrowserRouterService to track previous page and route using that * Updated components to use browserRouterService for routing to previous page * Removed auth status reference from browser-fido2-user-interface service * Removed activated route from lock component * Removed route in base class constructor * removed unused comments and method * refactored router service to not store on the disk * [PM-3783] feat: patch `chrome.runtime.onMessage` event listeners (cherry picked from commit 2ca241a0d41aeb089c566df8cbc695521ddb10e0) * Fixed PR comments * Fixed PR comments * Revert "[PM-3783] feat: patch `chrome.runtime.onMessage` event listeners" This reverts commit ed6a713688c06586458f7da0cf51f74bc82b5abc. --------- Co-authored-by: Thomas Rittson <> Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> * [PM-3807] Store passkeys as array (#6288) * [PM-3807] feat: store passkeys as array * [PM-3807] fix: issues in views * [PM-3807] fix: additional view bugs * [PM-3807] fix: check array length * [PM-3807] fix: I secretly like build errors * [PM-3970] Empty list of ciphers when logging in via fido 2 popout (#6321) * fix: sync not being properly called * fix: don't call sync everywhere * [PM-3905] Address PR feedback v2 (#6322) * [PM-3905] chore: move webauthn utils to vault * [PM-3905] chore: make static function private * [PM-3905] chore: add documentation to user interface classes * [PM-3905] chore: clean up unused abort controllers * [PM-3905] chore: add documentation to fido2 client and authenticatio * [PM-3905] chore: extract create credential params mapping to separate function * [PM-3905] chore: extract get assertion params mapping to separate function * [PM-3905] chore: assign requireResidentKey as separate variable * [PM-3905] feat: started rewrite of messenger Basic message sending implemented, now using message channels instead of rxjs * [PM-3905] feat: complete rewrite of messenger * [PM-3905] chore: clarify why we're assigning to window * [PM-3905] feat: clean up tests * [PM-3905] docs: document messenger class * [PM-3905] feat: remove `requestId` which is no longer needed * [PM-3905] feat: simplify message structure * [PM-3905] chore: typo * [PM-3905] chore: clean up old file * [PM-3905] chore: tweak doc comment * [PM-3905] feat: create separate class for managing aborts * [PM-3905] chore: move abort manager to vault * [PM-3980] Add a creationDate field to the Fido2Key object (#6334) * Added creationDate field to be used on the passkeys view instead of the cipher.creationDate * Fixed comments from PR * added to the constructor and sorted out other comments * Exported Fido2KeyExport through index.ts * Fixed iso string issue where the date wasn't converted back to Date (#6364) * [PM-4045] Get error returned when editing an item with a passkey in the CLI (#6379) * Creationdate doesn't get converted to a date * Creationdate doesn't get converted to a date * removed null assignment * [PM-3810] Unify Passkeys view (#6335) * Removed standalone fido2key view, update login view to show created date when a fido2key is present, reverted icon component to previous state without fido2key type, removed filters to handle standalone fido2key as login type * Allow duplication * Removed launchable behaviours from fido2 key view * Reworked desktop views from standalone fido2keys to unified fido2keys in the login * Reworked web views from standalone fido2keys to unified fido2keys in the login * Fixed test case to not create standalone fido2keys * Updated views to use fido2key creation date * removed unused locale * moved logic from template to class * Removed fido2key ciphertype * Removed fido2key ciphertype references * PM-2559 Messaging Rework for Passkey Bug (#6282) * [PM-2559] Messaging Rework - Update browser-api messageListener removing promises to fix Firefox bug Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * Resolved merge conflicts from vault item encryption. * moved passkeys ontop totp code to align with the add edit view (#6466) * Bug during reafactoring where the hostname is not used if the rpId is undefined (#6484) * [PM-4054] Rename Fido2Key to Fido2Credential (#6442) * Rename Fido2Key to Fido2Credential * Fix export * Remove unnecessary alis in export * Make test less wordly --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [PM-3812][PM-3809] Unify Create and Login Passkeys UI (#6403) * PM-1235 Added component to display passkey on auth flow * PM-1235 Implement basic structure and behaviour of UI * PM-1235 Added localised strings * PM-1235 Improved button UI * Implemented view passkey button * Implemented multiple matching passkeys * Refactored fido2 popup to use browser popout windows service * [PM-3807] feat: remove non-discoverable from fido2 user interface class * [PM-3807] feat: merge fido2 component ui * [PM-3807] feat: return `cipherId` from user interface * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential creation logic in authenticator * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential assertion logic in authenticator * updated test cases and services using the config service * [PM-3807] feat: add `discoverable` property to fido2keys * [PM-3807] feat: assign discoverable property during creation * [PM-3807] feat: save discoverable field to server * [PM-3807] feat: filter credentials by rpId AND discoverable * [PM-3807] chore: remove discoverable tests which are no longer needed * [PM-3807] chore: remove all logic for handling standalone Fido2Key View and components will be cleaned up as part of UI tickets * [PM-3807] fix: add missing discoverable property handling to tests * updated locales with new text * Updated popout windows service to use defined type for custom width and height * Update on unifying auth flow ui to align with architecture changes * Moved click event * Throw dom exception error if tab is null * updated fido2key object to array * removed discoverable key in client inerface service for now * Get senderTabId from the query params and send to the view cipher component to allow the pop out close when the close button is clicked on the view cipher component * Refactored view item if passkeys exists and the cipher row views by having an extra ng-conatiner for each case * Allow fido2 pop out close wehn cancle is clicked on add edit component * Removed makshift run in angular zone * created focus directive to target first element in ngFor for displayed ciphers in fido2 * Refactored to use switch statement and added condtional on search and add div * Adjusted footer link and added more features to the login flow * Added host listener to abort when window is closed * remove custom focus directive. instead stuck focus logic into fido2-cipher-row component * Fixed bug where close and cancel on view and add component does not abort the fido2 request * show info dialog when user account does not have master password * Removed PopupUtilsService * show info dialog when user account does not have master password * Added comments * Added comments * made row height consistent * update logo to be dynamic with theme selection * added new translation key * Dis some styling to align cipher items * Changed passkey icon fill color * updated flow of focus and selected items in the passkey popup * Fixed bug when picking a credential * Added text to lock popout screen * Added passkeys test to home view * changed class name * Added uilocation as a query paramter to know if the user is in the popout window * update fido2 component for dynamic subtitleText as well as additional appA11yTitle attrs * moved another method out of html * Added window id return to single action popout and used the window id to close and abort the popout * removed duplicate activatedroute * added a doNotSaveUrl true to 2fa options, so the previousUrl can remain as the fido2 url * Added a div to restrict the use browser link ot the buttom left * reverted view change which is handled by the view pr * Updated locales text and removed unused variable * Fixed issue where new cipher is not created for non discoverable keys * switched from using svg for the logo to CL * removed svg files * default to browser implmentation if user is logged out of the browser exetension * removed passkeys knowledge from login, 2fa * Added fido2 use browser link component and a state service to reduce passkeys knowledge on the lock component * removed function and removed unnecessary comment * reverted to former * [PM-4148] Added descriptive error messages (#6475) * Added descriptive error messages * Added descriptive error messages * replaced fido2 state service with higher order inject functions * removed null check for tab * refactor fido2 cipher row component * added a static abort function to the browser interface service * removed width from content * uncommented code * removed sessionId from query params and redudant styles * Put back removed sessionId * Added fallbackRequested parameter to abortPopout and added comments to the standalone function * minor styling update to fix padding and color on selected ciphers * update padding again to address vertical pushdown of cipher selection --------- Co-authored-by: Carlos Gonçalves <> Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> Co-authored-by: jng <> * padding update for focused cipher row in popup * Updated fido2Credentials to initialize as null instead of empty array (#6548) * Updated fido2Credentials to be null instead of empty string * Updated cipher tests. * Fixed tests. * Updated view and clone logic. * Updated templates to handle null value. * Further null checks. * [PM-4226] Create login item on the fly and add passkey item to it (#6552) * Use the + button to ad an item and then save a passkey on the added item * switch if to tenary * [PM-4284] Passkey popout is not pulling correct URI for website opened (#6549) * Used url from sender window in getting matching logins * Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts * Revert "Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts" This reverts commit f72d6f877f76b5c42b449208e43a61a1e5099304. * Remove array initialization that is not necessary. (#6563) * removed unused code from login, 2fa components (#6565) * Moved clearing of passkey from submit to load when cloning. (#6567) * [PM-4280] MP reprompt not respected on passkey creation and retrieval (#6550) * Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts * Updated the handle user verification logic * allow same behaviour for master password reprompt and user verification * added test cases and merged conditions * [PM-4226] Add Cipher With Passkey Flow Change (#6569) * changed the add login item with passkey to require master password repompt first before creating the cipher item * removed userVerified variable * combined conditionals * added passkey not copied alert when cloning for organizations (#6579) * [PM-4296] Cannot login to Bitwarden with FIDO2 WebAuthn if extension is installed and logged in (#6576) * removed sameOriginWithAncestors check on fido2 assertions * removed sameOriginWithAncestors check on fido2 assertions * [PM-4333] fix: change transport to `internal` (#6594) * Address PR feedback (#6572) * remove listeners for safari * removed unused i18n tokens * changed link to button for accessibilty purposes * Fix potential reference error by restoring the typeof check for chrome * added fromNullable to reduces repetitive logic * Revert "added fromNullable to reduces repetitive logic" This reverts commit ce5fc9c278b67df3ca2afc28e181d94f22fbc667. * Added js docs to fido2credential export * refined jsdocs comments * added documentation to fido2 auth guard * Removed unused i18n tokens, uneccesary whitespaces and comments --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> Co-authored-by: SmithThe4th <> Co-authored-by: Robyn MacCallum <> Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Hinton <> Co-authored-by: Carlos Gonçalves <> Co-authored-by: Jason Ng <> Co-authored-by: Todd Martin <> Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: Thomas Rittson <> Co-authored-by: Todd Martin <>
2023-10-17 21:34:44 +02:00
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2022-01-27 15:31:13 +01:00
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[feat] End User Vault Refresh (#790) * Move access logic to org model (#713) * [feature] Allow for top level groupings to be collapsed (#712) * [End User Vault Refresh] Refactor route permission checking (#727) * Update admin access logic * Centralize route permission handling * Add permission check for disabled orgs * [EndUserVaultRefresh] Add base routing guard (#732) * Add a base class for Angular routing guards * Update Guard naming convention * Bump node-forge to 1.2.1 (#722) * Remove Internet Explorer logic (#723) * Username generator (#734) * add support for username generation * remove unused Router * pr feedback * Bump electron and related dependencies (#736) * PS-91 make isMacAppStore return true/false (#735) * return false if undefined from isMacAppStore * PS-91 use strict equality instead of null coalescing Co-authored-by: Chad Scharf <> Co-authored-by: Chad Scharf <> * [bug] Fix Safari CSV importer for URL and Notes (#730) * Fix import path for safari importer (#740) * Force updates to be silent (#739) * support for username gen website setting (#738) * Fix jslibModule forms (#742) * Add DatePipe provider to JslibModule (#741) * Feature/move to jest (#744) * Switch to jest * Fix jslib-angular package name * Make angular test project * Split up tests by jslib project * Remove obsolete node test script * Use legacy deps with jest-preset-angular * Move web tests to common * Remove build from pipeline This was only being used because we were not using ts runners. We are now, so build is unnecessary * Remove the VerifyMasterPasswordComponent from jslib module (#747) * Add ellipsis pipe to jslib module (#746) * add ellipsis pipe to jslib module * Add ellipsis pipe to exports * Add ColorPasswordCountPipe to JslibModule (#751) * Generator cleanup (#753) * type is null by default * rename generator component * remove showWebsiteOption * shorthand if check * EC-134 Fix api token refresh (#749) * Fix apikey token refresh * Refactor: use class for TokenRequestTwoFactor * Remove keytar and biometric logic (#706) * [bug] CL - fix default button display and callout header class (#756) * [EC-142] Fix error during import of 1pux containing new email field format (#758) * Add support for complex email field type * Ensure complex email field type gets imported on identities * [euvr] Separate Billing Payment/History APIs (#750) * [euvr] Separate Billing Payment/History APIs * Updated to new accounts billing API * Removed getUserBilling as it will become obsolete once merged * [end user vault refresh] Base Changes For Vault Filters (#737) * [dependency] Update icons * Avoid duplicate fullSync api calls (#716) * Tweak component library slightly (#715) * Check runtime name vs mangled name (#724) * Add Chromatic (#719) * Update (#725) * Update Add link to our HackerOne program for submitting potential security issues. * Revise language on * Remove error Response type check (#731) * Remove error Response type check Minimization is impacting type checking in a non-consistent way. The previous type check works locally, but not from build artifacts :shrug:. We only set `captchaRequired` on our errors when we want a resubmit with captcha included, so we're safe keying off that * linter * [JslibModule] Add JslibModule (#733) * Add ellipsis pipe (#728) * add ellipsis pipe * run prettier * Account for ellipsis length in returned string * Fix complete words case * Fix another complete words issue * fix for if there are not spaces in long value * extract length check to beginning of method * condense if statements * remove log * [refactor] Add optional folders param to folderService.getAllNested() This will be used later for use cases where the vault filters service needs to build a list of nested folders that have been filtered by organization * [feature] Add organization filters This is an MVP implementation of the changes needed for the vault refresh. This includes collapsable top level groupings, and organization based filters that dynamically adjust folders and collections. * [refactor] Break down vault filter into several components These changes rename and rewrite the GroupingsComponent into a VaultFiltersModule. The module follows typical angular patterns for structure and purpose, and contain components for each filter type. The mostly communicate via Input and Output, and depend on a VaultFilterService for sending and recieving data from other parts of the product. * [bug] Add missing events for folder add/edit * [refactor] Dont directly change activeFilter in VaultFilterComponent * [refactor] Move DisplayMode to a dedicated file Co-authored-by: Thomas Rittson <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Hinton <> Co-authored-by: Matt Gibson <> Co-authored-by: Chad Scharf <> Co-authored-by: Robyn MacCallum <> * [CL-16 Component Library] Menu Dropdown (#761) * [bug] Add missing null check in vault filters (#769) * [bug] Add @Injectable to VaultFilterService (#781) * [fix] Ran prettier * [fix] Fix merge issue I used createUrlTree when merging guards because I knew that was the angular standard, didn't notice that redirect was a helper method from us * Remove BaseGuard (#791) Co-authored-by: Thomas Rittson <> Co-authored-by: Thomas Rittson <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Hinton <> Co-authored-by: Kyle Spearrin <> Co-authored-by: Jake Fink <> Co-authored-by: Chad Scharf <> Co-authored-by: David Frankel <> Co-authored-by: Daniel James Smith <> Co-authored-by: Matt Gibson <> Co-authored-by: Robyn MacCallum <> Co-authored-by: Vincent Salucci <> Co-authored-by: Vincent Salucci <>
2022-05-09 14:09:46 +02:00
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2022-01-27 15:31:13 +01:00
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[PM-1222] Store passkeys in Bitwarden vault (#4715) * [EC-598] feat: scaffold content scripting * [EC-598] feat: load page script from content script * [EC-598] feat: succesfully intercept methods * [EC-598] feat: add better support for messaging * [EC-598] feat: implement calls to new service * [EC-598] feat: add ability to return responses * [EC-598] feat: half-implemented params mapping * [EC-598] feat: add b64 conversion * [EC-598] feat: half-implemented user interfacing * [EC-598] feat: initial working user verification * [EC-598] feat: center popup * [EC-598] feat: add basic cancel button * [EC-598] feat: confirm new credentials * [EC-598] feat: add cbor-redux npm package * [EC-598] feat: initial version of credential creation * [EC-598] feat: fully working credential creation * [EC-598] feat: fully working register and assert flow * [EC-598] feat: properly check for presence * [EC-598] feat: rudimentar error handling * [EC-598] feat: transparent passthrough of platform authenticators * [EC-598] feat: improve error handling * [EC-598] feat: use browser as fallback when vault does not contain requested credential * [EC-598] feat: add fido2Key to cipher * [EC-598] feat: successfully store passkeys in vault * [EC-598] feat: implement passwordless vault auth * [EC-598] feat: add basic support for managing passkeys * [EC-598] feat: show new cipher being added * [EC-598] feat: allow user to pick which credential to use * [EC-598] feat: differntiate between resident auth and 2fa * [EC-598] feat: add some padding to popout * [EC-598] feat: allow storage of more information * [EC-598] feat: show user name as sub title * [EC-598] feat: show all available data * [EC-598] chore: clean up console logs * [EC-598] feat: fix google issues Google does not like self-signed packed format. I've removed the attestation statement all-together untill further notice. We're don't really have any statements so * [EC-598] fix: temporarily remove origin check * [EC-598] fix: user interaction not being awaited sometimes Only one handler can return a response. That handler needs to return true to indicated it's intention to eventually do so. Our issue was that multiple handlers were returning truthy values, causing a race condition. * [EC-598] fix: messenger crashing The messenger is listening to all DOM communcation, most of which is formatted differently. We were not handling these cases properly which resulted in attempts to access undefined fields. * [EC-598] feat: add basic test-case for messenger * [EC-598] feat: add test for request/response * [EC-598] feat: add initial one-way support for aborting * [EC-598] feat: add ability to throw errors across messenger * [EC-598] feat: transition to using exceptions * [EC-598] feat: add abort controller all the way to service * [EC-598] feat: ability to abort from page script * [EC-598] feat: add automatic default timeouts * [EC-598] chore: move component from generic popup fodler * [EC-598] chore: collect all passkeys stuff under common folder * [EC-598] fix: filter messages from other sources * [EC-598] chore: add small todo comment * [EC-598] feat: add timeout and UV to params * [EC-598] feat: implement full support for timeouts * [EC-598] feat: start creating separate authenticator service * [EC-598] feat: first tested rule in new authentitcator * [EC-598] feat: allow user to confirm duplication * [EC-598] feat: add check for unsupported algorithms * [EC-598] feat: add check for invalid option values * [EC-598] feat: handle unsupported pinAuth * [EC-598] feat: confirm new credentials * [EC-598] feat: rearrange order of execution * [EC-598] chore: rearrange tests * [EC-598] feat: add support for saving discoverable credential * [EC-598] feat: remove ability to duplicate excluded credentials * [EC-598] chore: rearrange tests * [EC-598] feat: add support for non-discoverable credentials * [EC-598] chore: use webauthn authenticator model as base instead of CTAP * [EC-598] feat: don't leak internal errors during creation * [EC-598] feat: tweak key data to contain separate type and algorithm * [EC-598] feat: add counter to fido2key * [EC-598] feat: complete implementation of `makeCredential` * [EC-598] feat: add ignored enterpriseAttestation param * [EC-598] feat: start implementing `getAssertion` * [EC-598] feat: add separate `nonDiscoverableId` to keys * [EC-598] fix: properly convert credentials to guid raw format * [EC-598] chore: add todo tests about deleted items * [EC-598] feat: implement missing credential checks * [EC-598] feat: add user confirmation test to assertion also rewrite to use cipher views in tests * [EC-598] feat: increment counter during assertion * [EC-598] feat: implement assertion * [EC-598] feat: add signatures to attestation * [EC-598] feat: add general error handling for attestation * [EC-598] feat: start working on new `Fido2ClientService` * [EC-598] feat: check user id length * [EC-598] feat: check origin and effective domains * [EC-598] feat: check for supported key algorithms * [EC-598] feat: hash client data and throw if aborted * [EC-598] feat: extend return from authenticator * [EC-598] feat: fully implement createCredential * [EC-598] feat: implement assertCredential * [EC-598] feat: make everything compile again * [EC-598] feat: remove orgigin * [EC-598] fix: rpId validation logic * [EC-598] fix: some smaller bugs * [EC-598] fix: flag saying authData doesnt contain attestation * [EC-598] fix: wrong flags in tests * [EC-598] fix: data not getting saved properly * [EC-598] fix: invalid signature due to double hashing * [EC-598] chore: clean up unusued function * [EC-598] feat: fully wokring non-discoverable implementation * [EC-598] feat: add initial implementation of UI sessions * [EC-598] feat: fully refactored user interface Now uses sessions instead of single request-response style communcation * [EC-598] feat: make fallback working again * [EC-598] feat: add rudimentary support for excluded credentials * [EC-598] fix: send correct excluded cipher ids * [EC-598] feat: wait for session close before closing window * [EC-598] feat: test unique signatures * [EC-598] chore: clean up old commented code * [EC-598] feat: do not exclude organization credentials * [EC-598] chore: remove unused clas * [EC-598] fix: remove platform attachment check * [EC-598] chore: rename webauthn folder to fido2 * [EC-598] chore: continue rename webauthn to fido2 * [EC-598] feat: interpret rk preferred as required Fixes GoDaddy issues * [EC-598] fix: bug preventing fallback on assertion * [EC-598] feat: inform user when no credentials are found * [EC-598] chore: add some more console logs for debugging * [EC-598] feat: very basic scroll when picking credentials * [EC-598] chore: tweak unique signature test * [EC-598] chore: tweak how unassigned rpId gets calcuated * [EC-598] fix: response prototype chains * [EC-598] feat: allow discoverable credentials to be used for non-discoverable assertions * [EC-598] fix: counter not being saved correctly * [EC-598] fix: bug in result mapping * [EC-598] feat: add support for user verifiction using MP during attestation * [EC-598] feat: add support for user verifiction using MP during assertion * [EC-598] feat: quick fix noop service * [EC-598] chore: refactor observables a little bit * [EC-598] feat: show unsupported user verification error * [EC-598] feat: add logging to fido2 authenticator * [EC-598] feat: add logging to fido2 client * [EC-598] feat: close popout directly from bg script * [EC-598] chore: clean up page-script * [EC-598] feat: add webauthn polyfill * [EC-598] feat: polyfill platform authenticator support * [EC-598] feat: only show fallback options if supported * [EC-598] fix: reponse not correctly polyfilled * [EC-598] chore: add name to polyfill classes * [EC-598] chore: update unsupported UV copy * [EC-598] fix: race condition when opening new popout * Fixed lint issues * [PM-1500] Add feature flag to enable passkeys (#5406) * Added launch darkly feature flag to passkeys implementation * fixed linter * Updated fido2 client service test to accomodate feature flag * Updated fido2client service to include unit test for feature flag * Renamed enable pass keys to fido2 vault credentials, added unit test when feature flag is not enabled * fixed failing Login domain test case * [EC-598] chore: remove unecessary return statement * [EC-598] chore: remove unnecessary eslint disable * [PM-1975] Move FIDO2 files into vault folder (#5496) * Moved fido2 models to vault in libs * Moved fido2 models to vault in libs * Moved fido2 services and abstractions to vault folder in libs * Moved fido2 popup to vault folder on the browser * Updated import path after moving files to the vault folder * Moved authenticator abstraction and service to the vault folder * Updated content and page script path * Added content script, page script and background messaging to vault * fixed lint issue * Updated reference paths * Added missing fallbacksupported property in test files * Added missing fallbacksupported to the newSession method * [PM-2560] Fix Firefox default passkeys handling (#5690) * Return callback response in addListener * Add clarifying comment * Isolate returning the callback to fido2 commands * Update apps/browser/src/platform/browser/browser-api.ts Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * Fix formatting --------- Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * [PM-1976] Display passkeys properly on the browser (#5616) * Removed passkeys from the vault types filter and added fucntion to get the count of Fido2keys and Login types * Updated build filter to take Fido2key type as a Login type * Updated icon font files * Updated vault items and view to handle changes with fido2keys * Updated add edit view for fido2keys * Prevent moving passkeys to an organization where it exists * Prevent moving passkeys to an organization where it exists * Added view for non-discoverable passkeys * Added diaglog to inform user that passkey won't be copied when cloning a non discoverable key * Muted text that shows cipher item is available for 2fa * Changed conditional to check if an organization already has the same passkey item * Muted text to align with figma designs and used rpId for the application input value * Modified checkFido2KeyExistsInOrg function to workk with discoverable and non discoverable keys * Differentiate between non-discoverable and discoverable keys when moving to an organization * Added suggested changes from PR review * Updated font files css changes * Fixed bug preventing launch bitton from working for Login types (#5639) * [PM-1574] Display passkeys on web (#5651) * Allowed discoverable Fido2key type to be displayed alongside Login type * Added view during edit for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys * Fixed PR comments, added relvant tests to domain changes * Fixed imports and updated the launch function to use the Launchable interface * Added launch on vault filter for fido2key types * Added missing passkey text field in edit view (#5800) * [PM-1977] Display passkeys properly on the desktop (#5763) * Allowed discoverable Fido2key type to be displayed alongside Login type * Added view during edit for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys * Fixed PR comments, added relvant tests to domain changes * Fixed imports and updated the launch function to use the Launchable interface * Added fido2key to login filter and added view display for fido2key * Added passkeys view for non discoverable passkeys and edit view for passkeys * Fixed PR comments * switched date format to short * [PM-3046] [PM-3047] Defects for discoverable and non-discoverable passkeys on desktop and web (#5847) * Added missing passkey text field in edit view (#5800) * Added dialog to clone no discoverable passkeys on web and desktop.Also, removed clone on the desktop for discoverable passkeys and added passkey view to non- discoverable passkeys on desktop during edit * Prevent cloning dialog on non fido2key ciphers * Made fido2key use website favicon if avaialble instead of the passkey icon * Do not display passkey view on clone edit for dekstop * Do not display passkey view on clone edit for browser * Prevented movement of passkeys ND or D to an organization once one exists and also made it possible for org memebers with user roles to move passkeys to an organization. (#5868) * two step passkey view was outside the conditional (#5872) * fixed merge conflict * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed (#6003) * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * [PM-2907] Shopify Passkey Broken on Firefox When Extension is Installed * Added passkey fallback imaged and added extension to image name on the icons component * [PM-3155] CLI: Editing a cipher with a non-discoverable passkey causes the passkey to be removed (#6055) * Added fido2keyexport for the CLI and added the fido2key field to the login response for the CLI * Added fido2keyexport for the CLI and added the fido2key field to the login response for the CLI * Removed unneccesary code * Added non discoverable passkey to template * [PM-2270] Renamed Fido2Key.userName to Fido2Key.userDisplayName (#6005) * Renamed fido2key property username to userDisplayName * Renamed username property on fido2key object to userdisplayname * updated username to userDisplayName in fido2 export * Update libs/angular/src/vault/vault-filter/models/vault-filter.model.ts Co-authored-by: Oscar Hinton <> * [PM-3775] feat: import v0.4.0 (#6183) * [PM-3660] Address PR feedback (#6157) * [PM-3660] chore: simplify object assignment * [PM-3660] fix: remove unused origin field * [PM-3660] feat: add Fido2Key tests * [PM-3660] chore: convert popOut to async func * [PM-3660] chore: refactor if-statements * [PM-3660] chore: simplify closePopOut * [PM-3660] fix: remove confusing comment * [PM-3660] chore: move guid utils away from platform utils * [PM-3660] chore: use null instead of undefined * [PM-3660] chore: use `switch` instead of `if` * [EC-598] fix: popup not closing bug * [PM-1859] Refactor to credentialId (#6034) * PM-1859 Refactor to credentialId * PM-1859 Minor changes * PM-1859 Fix credentialId initialization logic * PM-1859 Added missing logic * PM-1859 Fixed logic to use credentialID instead of * [PM-1859] fix: missing renames --------- Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> * [PM-1722] gracefully fail if site prompts user for passkey on load (#6089) * added error logic to look for options.mediation in page-script * moved the options mediation logic into the try catch. changed error to FallbackRequestedError * [PM-1224] Ensure Passkeys Not Requested From Iframes (#6057) * added isNotIFrame method to page-script * added NotAllowedError to assertCredential in fido2 * remove excess comments * refactor fido2-client.service. created new errorhandling method for similar code between create and assert * update types and naming convention for new method in fido2-client.service * Did a reset to previous commit withiout the refactoring to reduce code duplication, Renamed isNotIframeCheck function and fixed other commits * Revert "update types and naming convention for new method in fido2-client.service" This reverts commit 1f5499b9bbba27c869e1e328c9f819754661ea95. * Revert "refactor fido2-client.service. created new errorhandling method for similar code between create and assert" This reverts commit 3115c0d2a16eafbf89958dc0084cec88f4573b45. * updated test cases * removed forward slashes --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [EC-598] Window Messaging Fix; (#6223) Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: SmithThe4th <> * updated test cases and services using the config service * [PM-3807] All passkeys as login ciphers - Minimal implementation to minimize blockers (#6233) * [PM-3807] feat: remove non-discoverable from fido2 user interface class * [PM-3807] feat: merge fido2 component ui * [PM-3807] feat: return `cipherId` from user interface * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential creation logic in authenticator * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential assertion logic in authenticator --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [PM-3807] Store all passkeys as login cipher type (#6255) * [PM-3807] feat: add `discoverable` property to fido2keys * [PM-3807] feat: assign discoverable property during creation * [PM-3807] feat: save discoverable field to server * [PM-3807] feat: filter credentials by rpId AND discoverable * [PM-3807] chore: remove discoverable tests which are no longer needed * [PM-3807] chore: remove all logic for handling standalone Fido2Key View and components will be cleaned up as part of UI tickets * [PM-3807] fix: add missing discoverable property handling to tests * [PM-3862] chore: move browser fido2 user interface to vault folder (#6265) * [PM-2207], [PM-1245], [PM-3302] Make browser login, lock, and 2fa components handle configurable redirect routes (#5989) * Initial work * Added lock and login redirect and added functionality to abort when in login or locked state * uncommented cipher row * added query params to logi component * Proof of concept for change detection fix * Remove leftover comment * Refactored message listener observable to handle angular change detection * cleanup and removed unused references * Refactored the connect method be seperating to the pop out logic to a seperate method * Added comment to explain code change on the message listener * Removed unused types * Initial work * Added lock and login redirect and added functionality to abort when in login or locked state * uncommented cipher row * added query params to logi component * Proof of concept for change detection fix * Remove leftover comment * Refactored message listener observable to handle angular change detection * cleanup and removed unused references * Refactored the connect method be seperating to the pop out logic to a seperate method * Added comment to explain code change on the message listener * Removed unused types * Added full synce service to the fido2 authenticator to ensure the full sync is completed before getting all decrypted ciphers * Added full synce service to the fido2 authenticator to ensure the full sync is completed before getting all decrypted ciphers * Code cleanup to remove sessionId from login component * Refactored components to make the redirectUrl more generic, fixed code review comments * Commented out ensureUnlockedVault for this PR * Fixed destroy subject inheritance issue on the login componenet * Fixed lock component error * Added function to run inside angular zone * Merged branch with master and fixed conflicts * Changed redirect logic on login and 2fa to use callbacks * fixed pr comments * Updated the messageListener observable version to use same logic from the callback version and added comment on the callback version * Refactored fido2 popup to use auth guard when routing to component, added BrowserRouterService to track previous page and route using that * Updated components to use browserRouterService for routing to previous page * Removed auth status reference from browser-fido2-user-interface service * Removed activated route from lock component * Removed route in base class constructor * removed unused comments and method * refactored router service to not store on the disk * [PM-3783] feat: patch `chrome.runtime.onMessage` event listeners (cherry picked from commit 2ca241a0d41aeb089c566df8cbc695521ddb10e0) * Fixed PR comments * Fixed PR comments * Revert "[PM-3783] feat: patch `chrome.runtime.onMessage` event listeners" This reverts commit ed6a713688c06586458f7da0cf51f74bc82b5abc. --------- Co-authored-by: Thomas Rittson <> Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> * [PM-3807] Store passkeys as array (#6288) * [PM-3807] feat: store passkeys as array * [PM-3807] fix: issues in views * [PM-3807] fix: additional view bugs * [PM-3807] fix: check array length * [PM-3807] fix: I secretly like build errors * [PM-3970] Empty list of ciphers when logging in via fido 2 popout (#6321) * fix: sync not being properly called * fix: don't call sync everywhere * [PM-3905] Address PR feedback v2 (#6322) * [PM-3905] chore: move webauthn utils to vault * [PM-3905] chore: make static function private * [PM-3905] chore: add documentation to user interface classes * [PM-3905] chore: clean up unused abort controllers * [PM-3905] chore: add documentation to fido2 client and authenticatio * [PM-3905] chore: extract create credential params mapping to separate function * [PM-3905] chore: extract get assertion params mapping to separate function * [PM-3905] chore: assign requireResidentKey as separate variable * [PM-3905] feat: started rewrite of messenger Basic message sending implemented, now using message channels instead of rxjs * [PM-3905] feat: complete rewrite of messenger * [PM-3905] chore: clarify why we're assigning to window * [PM-3905] feat: clean up tests * [PM-3905] docs: document messenger class * [PM-3905] feat: remove `requestId` which is no longer needed * [PM-3905] feat: simplify message structure * [PM-3905] chore: typo * [PM-3905] chore: clean up old file * [PM-3905] chore: tweak doc comment * [PM-3905] feat: create separate class for managing aborts * [PM-3905] chore: move abort manager to vault * [PM-3980] Add a creationDate field to the Fido2Key object (#6334) * Added creationDate field to be used on the passkeys view instead of the cipher.creationDate * Fixed comments from PR * added to the constructor and sorted out other comments * Exported Fido2KeyExport through index.ts * Fixed iso string issue where the date wasn't converted back to Date (#6364) * [PM-4045] Get error returned when editing an item with a passkey in the CLI (#6379) * Creationdate doesn't get converted to a date * Creationdate doesn't get converted to a date * removed null assignment * [PM-3810] Unify Passkeys view (#6335) * Removed standalone fido2key view, update login view to show created date when a fido2key is present, reverted icon component to previous state without fido2key type, removed filters to handle standalone fido2key as login type * Allow duplication * Removed launchable behaviours from fido2 key view * Reworked desktop views from standalone fido2keys to unified fido2keys in the login * Reworked web views from standalone fido2keys to unified fido2keys in the login * Fixed test case to not create standalone fido2keys * Updated views to use fido2key creation date * removed unused locale * moved logic from template to class * Removed fido2key ciphertype * Removed fido2key ciphertype references * PM-2559 Messaging Rework for Passkey Bug (#6282) * [PM-2559] Messaging Rework - Update browser-api messageListener removing promises to fix Firefox bug Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> * Resolved merge conflicts from vault item encryption. * moved passkeys ontop totp code to align with the add edit view (#6466) * Bug during reafactoring where the hostname is not used if the rpId is undefined (#6484) * [PM-4054] Rename Fido2Key to Fido2Credential (#6442) * Rename Fido2Key to Fido2Credential * Fix export * Remove unnecessary alis in export * Make test less wordly --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> * [PM-3812][PM-3809] Unify Create and Login Passkeys UI (#6403) * PM-1235 Added component to display passkey on auth flow * PM-1235 Implement basic structure and behaviour of UI * PM-1235 Added localised strings * PM-1235 Improved button UI * Implemented view passkey button * Implemented multiple matching passkeys * Refactored fido2 popup to use browser popout windows service * [PM-3807] feat: remove non-discoverable from fido2 user interface class * [PM-3807] feat: merge fido2 component ui * [PM-3807] feat: return `cipherId` from user interface * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential creation logic in authenticator * [PM-3807] feat: merge credential assertion logic in authenticator * updated test cases and services using the config service * [PM-3807] feat: add `discoverable` property to fido2keys * [PM-3807] feat: assign discoverable property during creation * [PM-3807] feat: save discoverable field to server * [PM-3807] feat: filter credentials by rpId AND discoverable * [PM-3807] chore: remove discoverable tests which are no longer needed * [PM-3807] chore: remove all logic for handling standalone Fido2Key View and components will be cleaned up as part of UI tickets * [PM-3807] fix: add missing discoverable property handling to tests * updated locales with new text * Updated popout windows service to use defined type for custom width and height * Update on unifying auth flow ui to align with architecture changes * Moved click event * Throw dom exception error if tab is null * updated fido2key object to array * removed discoverable key in client inerface service for now * Get senderTabId from the query params and send to the view cipher component to allow the pop out close when the close button is clicked on the view cipher component * Refactored view item if passkeys exists and the cipher row views by having an extra ng-conatiner for each case * Allow fido2 pop out close wehn cancle is clicked on add edit component * Removed makshift run in angular zone * created focus directive to target first element in ngFor for displayed ciphers in fido2 * Refactored to use switch statement and added condtional on search and add div * Adjusted footer link and added more features to the login flow * Added host listener to abort when window is closed * remove custom focus directive. instead stuck focus logic into fido2-cipher-row component * Fixed bug where close and cancel on view and add component does not abort the fido2 request * show info dialog when user account does not have master password * Removed PopupUtilsService * show info dialog when user account does not have master password * Added comments * Added comments * made row height consistent * update logo to be dynamic with theme selection * added new translation key * Dis some styling to align cipher items * Changed passkey icon fill color * updated flow of focus and selected items in the passkey popup * Fixed bug when picking a credential * Added text to lock popout screen * Added passkeys test to home view * changed class name * Added uilocation as a query paramter to know if the user is in the popout window * update fido2 component for dynamic subtitleText as well as additional appA11yTitle attrs * moved another method out of html * Added window id return to single action popout and used the window id to close and abort the popout * removed duplicate activatedroute * added a doNotSaveUrl true to 2fa options, so the previousUrl can remain as the fido2 url * Added a div to restrict the use browser link ot the buttom left * reverted view change which is handled by the view pr * Updated locales text and removed unused variable * Fixed issue where new cipher is not created for non discoverable keys * switched from using svg for the logo to CL * removed svg files * default to browser implmentation if user is logged out of the browser exetension * removed passkeys knowledge from login, 2fa * Added fido2 use browser link component and a state service to reduce passkeys knowledge on the lock component * removed function and removed unnecessary comment * reverted to former * [PM-4148] Added descriptive error messages (#6475) * Added descriptive error messages * Added descriptive error messages * replaced fido2 state service with higher order inject functions * removed null check for tab * refactor fido2 cipher row component * added a static abort function to the browser interface service * removed width from content * uncommented code * removed sessionId from query params and redudant styles * Put back removed sessionId * Added fallbackRequested parameter to abortPopout and added comments to the standalone function * minor styling update to fix padding and color on selected ciphers * update padding again to address vertical pushdown of cipher selection --------- Co-authored-by: Carlos Gonçalves <> Co-authored-by: Andreas Coroiu <> Co-authored-by: jng <> * padding update for focused cipher row in popup * Updated fido2Credentials to initialize as null instead of empty array (#6548) * Updated fido2Credentials to be null instead of empty string * Updated cipher tests. * Fixed tests. * Updated view and clone logic. * Updated templates to handle null value. * Further null checks. * [PM-4226] Create login item on the fly and add passkey item to it (#6552) * Use the + button to ad an item and then save a passkey on the added item * switch if to tenary * [PM-4284] Passkey popout is not pulling correct URI for website opened (#6549) * Used url from sender window in getting matching logins * Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts * Revert "Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts" This reverts commit f72d6f877f76b5c42b449208e43a61a1e5099304. * Remove array initialization that is not necessary. (#6563) * removed unused code from login, 2fa components (#6565) * Moved clearing of passkey from submit to load when cloning. (#6567) * [PM-4280] MP reprompt not respected on passkey creation and retrieval (#6550) * Rough draft to combine user verification required and master password required prompts * Updated the handle user verification logic * allow same behaviour for master password reprompt and user verification * added test cases and merged conditions * [PM-4226] Add Cipher With Passkey Flow Change (#6569) * changed the add login item with passkey to require master password repompt first before creating the cipher item * removed userVerified variable * combined conditionals * added passkey not copied alert when cloning for organizations (#6579) * [PM-4296] Cannot login to Bitwarden with FIDO2 WebAuthn if extension is installed and logged in (#6576) * removed sameOriginWithAncestors check on fido2 assertions * removed sameOriginWithAncestors check on fido2 assertions * [PM-4333] fix: change transport to `internal` (#6594) * Address PR feedback (#6572) * remove listeners for safari * removed unused i18n tokens * changed link to button for accessibilty purposes * Fix potential reference error by restoring the typeof check for chrome * added fromNullable to reduces repetitive logic * Revert "added fromNullable to reduces repetitive logic" This reverts commit ce5fc9c278b67df3ca2afc28e181d94f22fbc667. * Added js docs to fido2credential export * refined jsdocs comments * added documentation to fido2 auth guard * Removed unused i18n tokens, uneccesary whitespaces and comments --------- Co-authored-by: gbubemismith <> Co-authored-by: SmithThe4th <> Co-authored-by: Robyn MacCallum <> Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: Oscar Hinton <> Co-authored-by: Carlos Gonçalves <> Co-authored-by: Jason Ng <> Co-authored-by: Todd Martin <> Co-authored-by: Cesar Gonzalez <> Co-authored-by: Thomas Rittson <> Co-authored-by: Todd Martin <>
2023-10-17 21:34:44 +02:00
<glyph unicode="&#xe99f;" glyph-name="passkey" data-tags="passkey" d="M171.866 100.531c-28.794 0-52.141 23.341-52.141 52.134s23.347 52.134 52.141 52.134c28.794 0 52.134-23.341 52.134-52.134s-23.341-52.134-52.134-52.134zM336.23 423.597c-71.622 45.381-119.174 125.34-119.174 216.403 0 141.385 114.618 256 256.003 256s256-114.615 256-256c0-91.064-47.547-171.022-119.17-216.403 61.672-22.859 115.894-60.723 158.11-109.085 11.29-12.579 21.253-23.994 28.108-33.718l114.25 0.104 113.644-109.313-160-142.784-64 64-64-64-64 64-64-61.44-191.164 0.262c-42.392-59.162-113.22-97.222-192.632-95.571-126.49 2.63-226.842 105.030-224.154 228.717 2.694 123.683 107.418 221.813 233.907 219.18 7.2-0.15 14.323-0.623 21.344-1.406 6.304 4.097 13.485 8.49 21.619 13.196 18.816 10.858 38.643 20.2 59.309 27.859zM422.251 280.453l289.060 0.263c-8.424 9.26-19.715 20.508-36.449 33.795-55.383 43.498-125.517 69.489-201.804 69.489-47.366 0-92.361-10.020-132.924-28.029 33.408-18.139 61.646-44.193 82.116-75.517zM281.056 640c0-106.038 85.965-192 192.003-192s192 85.962 192 192-85.961 192-192 192c-106.038 0-192.003-85.962-192.003-192zM383.994 95.667l198.295-0.269 90.625 86.995 63.086-63.085 64 64 66.5-66.496 63.35 56.531-45.255 43.533-496.955-0.454-18.963 29.018c-28.486 43.592-78.259 73.319-136.051 74.522-92.531 1.926-166.694-69.562-168.589-156.589-1.894-86.976 69.011-161.408 161.498-163.334 57.805-1.203 108.877 26.438 139.277 68.858l19.181 26.771z" />
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2022-01-27 15:31:13 +01:00
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