diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml index cccd4c1..ea0123d 100644 --- a/.gitlab-ci.yml +++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml @@ -39,5 +39,58 @@ debugTests: except: - tags +## PROTECTED VARIABLES TO SET IN GITLAB: +# - GITLAB_API_TOKEN: token you create on Gitlab +# - NC_REMOTE_DIR: like https://YOUR_NEXTCLOUD/remote.php/dav/files/YOUR_USER/mastalab (no trailing slash) +# - NC_SHARE_URL: share the folder in Nextcloud with public link and put your public link here (no trailing slash) +# - NC_USER: nextcloud user +# - NC_PASSWORD: nextcloud password +## Protect all tags in Gitlab repo settings (do a wildcard, ie '*') +# For now, it uses the assembleDebug builds, you'll need to create a job in build-and-test to create the apks, with only: - tags and add except: - tags to assembleDebug (like in debugTests) +# In it, put something like this to get your signature key file: +# - curl -s --output signature.jsk -u "${NC_USER}:${NC_PASSWORD}" "https://YOUR_NEXTCLOUD/remote.php/dav/files/YOUR_USER/signature.jsk" +putApkOnTags: + image: hatsoftwares/curl-jq:latest + stage: tag + retry: 2 + cache: + key: "${CI_COMMIT_TAG}" + paths: + - app/build/outputs/apk/lite/debug/app-lite-debug.apk + - app/build/outputs/apk/fullLinks/debug/app-fullLinks-debug.apk + policy: pull + script: + - export PROJECT_API_URL="https://framagit.org/api/v4/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}" + - export DESCRIPTION_URL="${PROJECT_API_URL}/repository/tags/${CI_COMMIT_TAG}" + - export RELEASE_URL="${DESCRIPTION_URL}/release" + - export NC_UPLOAD_URL="${NC_REMOTE_DIR}/${CI_COMMIT_TAG}" + - export NC_DOWNLOAD_URL="${NC_SHARE_URL}/download?path=%2F${CI_COMMIT_TAG}%2F&files=" + - 'export HEADER="Private-Token: ${GITLAB_API_TOKEN}"' + - export liteUrl="${NC_DOWNLOAD_URL}app-lite-debug.apk" + - export fullLinksUrl="${NC_DOWNLOAD_URL}app-fullLinks-debug.apk" + - 'curl -s -u "${NC_USER}:${NC_PASSWORD}" -X MKCOL "${NC_UPLOAD_URL}"' + - 'curl -s -u "${NC_USER}:${NC_PASSWORD}" -T app/build/outputs/apk/lite/debug/app-lite-debug.apk "${NC_UPLOAD_URL}/app-lite-debug.apk"' + - 'curl -s -u "${NC_USER}:${NC_PASSWORD}" -T app/build/outputs/apk/fullLinks/debug/app-fullLinks-debug.apk "${NC_UPLOAD_URL}/app-fullLinks-debug.apk"' + - export description=$(curl -s --header "${HEADER}" "${DESCRIPTION_URL}" | jq .release.description | sed -e 's@"@@g') + - if [[ $description == 'null' ]]; then export METHOD="POST"; echo -e "[Get the lite version](${liteUrl})\n\n[Get the full links version](${fullLinksUrl})" > /tmp/text; fi + - if [[ $description != 'null' ]]; then export METHOD="PUT"; echo -e "${description}\n\n[Get the lite version](${liteUrl})\n\n[Get the full links version](${fullLinksUrl})" > /tmp/text; fi + - curl -s --request $METHOD --data-urlencode "description@/tmp/text" --header "${HEADER}" "${RELEASE_URL}" + only: + - tags + +pouet-it: + image: hatsoftwares/pouet-it-from-ci:latest + stage: toot + dependencies: + - putApkOnTags + script: + - cd /opt/pouet-it-from-ci + # Make the project name first letter uppercase + - export NC_DOWNLOAD_URL="${NC_SHARE_URL}?path=%2F${CI_COMMIT_TAG}%2F" + - export project="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${CI_PROJECT_NAME:0:1})${CI_PROJECT_NAME:1}" + - export MESSAGE=$(echo -e "I just released a new version of "'#'"${APP_NAME}!""\n${CI_PROJECT_URL}/tags/${CI_COMMIT_TAG}\nYou can download the apks on ${NC_DOWNLOAD_URL}") + - if [[ ! -z $HOST ]]; then carton exec ./pouet-it-from-ci.pl; fi + only: + - tags