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* Handles the logic for "text" link type.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request The incoming request.
* @param mixed $linkType The link type information.
* @return array The prepared link data.
function handleLinkType($request, $linkType) {
$rules = [
'text' => [
// Sanitize the text input
$sanitizedText = $request->text;
$sanitizedText = strip_tags($sanitizedText, '<a><p><strong><i><ul><ol><li><blockquote><h2><h3><h4>');
$sanitizedText = preg_replace("/<a([^>]*)>/i", "<a $1 rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\">", $sanitizedText);
// Assuming strip_tags_except_allowed_protocols is a custom function defined elsewhere
// This function should sanitize the text further by removing all tags except those allowed
// and ensuring all protocols in href attributes are safe.
$sanitizedText = strip_tags_except_allowed_protocols($sanitizedText);
// Prepare the link data
$linkData = [
'title' => $sanitizedText,
'button_id' => "93", // Assuming '93' is a predefined ID for a "text" button
return ['rules' => $rules, 'linkData' => $linkData];