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synced 2025-03-09 16:10:12 +01:00
LittleLink Custom now includes an .env config editor. This editor can be accessed via the Admin Panel under Admin>Config. This editor allows admins to edit, backup, download and upload the .env configuration file. All in all, the new feature, allows users to more easily edit the configuration file, contributing to my goal of making LittleLink Custom easier to use. Read more about this topic on the Blog https://blog.littlelink-custom.com/built-in-config-editor
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return [
'menuTitle' => '.env Editor',
'controllerMessages' => [
'backupWasCreated' => 'A new backup was created',
'fileWasRestored' => 'The backup file ":name", was restored as default .env',
'fileWasDeleted' => 'The backup file ":name", was deleted',
'currentEnvWasReplacedByTheUploadedFile' => 'File was uploaded and become the new .env file',
'uploadedFileSavedAsBackup' => 'File was uploaded as backup with the name ":name"',
'keyWasAdded' => 'Key ":name" was added',
'keyWasEdited' => 'Key ":name" has ben updated',
'keyWasDeleted' => 'Key ":name" was Deleted',
'views' => [
'tabTitles' => [
'upload' => 'Upload',
'backup' => 'Backups',
'currentEnv' => 'Current .env',
'currentEnv' => [
'title' => 'Current .env file Content',
'tableTitles' => [
'key' => 'Key',
'value' => 'Value',
'actions' => 'Actions',
'btn' => [
'edit' => 'Edit File',
'delete' => 'Delete Key',
'addAfterKey' => 'Add new key after this key',
'addNewKey' => 'Add New key',
'deleteConfigCache' => 'Clear config cache',
'deleteConfigCacheDesc' => 'On production environments changed values may not applied immediately cause of cached config. So you may try to un-cache it',
'modal' => [
'title' => [
'new' => 'New Key',
'edit' => 'Edit Key',
'delete' => 'Delete Key',
'input' => [
'key' => 'Key',
'value' => 'Value',
'btn' => [
'close' => 'Close',
'new' => 'Add Key',
'edit' => 'Update Key',
'delete' => 'Delete Key',
'upload' => [
'title' => 'Here You can upload a new ".env" file as a backup or to replace the current ".env"',
'selectFilePrompt' => 'Select File',
'btn' => [
'clearFile' => 'Cancel',
'uploadAsBackup' => 'Upload as backup',
'uploadAndReplace' => 'Upload and replace current .env',
'backup' => [
'title' => 'Here you can see a list of saved backup files (if you have), you can create a new one, or download the .env file',
'tableTitles' => [
'filename' => 'File Name',
'created_at' => 'Creation Date',
'actions' => 'Actions',
'noBackUpItems' => 'There are no backups on your chosen directory. <br> You can make your first backup by pressing the "Get a new BackUp" button',
'btn' => [
'backUpCurrentEnv' => 'Get a new BackUp',
'downloadCurrentEnv' => 'Download current .env',
'download' => 'Download File',
'delete' => 'Delete File',
'restore' => 'Restore File',
'viewContent' => 'View file Contents',
'exceptions' => [
'fileNotExists' => 'File ":name" does not Exists !!!',
'keyAlreadyExists' => 'Key ":name" already Exists !!!',
'keyNotExists' => 'Key ":name" does not Exists !!!',
'provideFileName' => 'You have to provide a FileName !!!',