mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 21:10:25 +01:00
Changed profile picture to use user id instead of username to save it. If merged, this will reset all current profile pictures on the instance.
758 lines
25 KiB
Executable File
758 lines
25 KiB
Executable File
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;
use Cohensive\OEmbed\Facades\OEmbed;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Auth;
use DB;
use ZipArchive;
use File;
use App\Models\User;
use App\Models\Button;
use App\Models\Link;
use App\Models\LinkType;
//Function tests if string starts with certain string (used to test for illegal strings)
function stringStartsWith($haystack, $needle, $case = true)
if ($case) {
return strpos($haystack, $needle, 0) === 0;
return stripos($haystack, $needle, 0) === 0;
//Function tests if string ends with certain string (used to test for illegal strings)
function stringEndsWith($haystack, $needle, $case = true)
$expectedPosition = strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle);
if ($case) {
return strrpos($haystack, $needle, 0) === $expectedPosition;
return strripos($haystack, $needle, 0) === $expectedPosition;
class UserController extends Controller
//Statistics of the number of clicks and links
public function index()
$userId = Auth::user()->id;
$littlelink_name = Auth::user()->littlelink_name;
$userinfo = User::find($userId);
$links = Link::where('user_id', $userId)->select('link')->count();
$clicks = Link::where('user_id', $userId)->sum('click_number');
$topLinks = Link::where('user_id', $userId)->orderby('click_number', 'desc')
->whereNotNull('link')->where('link', '<>', '')
$pageStats = [
'visitors' => [
'all' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->count(),
'day' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->period('day')->count(),
'week' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->period('week')->count(),
'month' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->period('month')->count(),
'year' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->period('year')->count(),
'os' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->operatingSystems(),
'referers' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->refs(),
'countries' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->countries(),
return view('studio/index', ['greeting' => $userinfo->name, 'toplinks' => $topLinks, 'links' => $links, 'clicks' => $clicks, 'pageStats' => $pageStats]);
//Show littlelink page. example =>
public function littlelink(request $request)
$littlelink_name = $request->littlelink;
$id = User::select('id')->where('littlelink_name', $littlelink_name)->value('id');
if (empty($id)) {
return abort(404);
$userinfo = User::select('id', 'name', 'littlelink_name', 'littlelink_description', 'theme')->where('id', $id)->first();
$information = User::select('name', 'littlelink_name', 'littlelink_description', 'theme')->where('id', $id)->get();
$links = DB::table('links')->join('buttons', 'buttons.id', '=', 'links.button_id')->select('links.link', 'links.id', 'links.button_id', 'links.title', 'links.custom_css', 'links.custom_icon', 'buttons.name')->where('user_id', $id)->orderBy('up_link', 'asc')->orderBy('order', 'asc')->get();
return view('littlelink', ['userinfo' => $userinfo, 'information' => $information, 'links' => $links, 'littlelink_name' => $littlelink_name]);
//Show littlelink page as home page if set in config
public function littlelinkhome(request $request)
$littlelink_name = env('HOME_URL');
$id = User::select('id')->where('littlelink_name', $littlelink_name)->value('id');
if (empty($id)) {
return abort(404);
$userinfo = User::select('id', 'name', 'littlelink_name', 'littlelink_description', 'theme')->where('id', $id)->first();
$information = User::select('name', 'littlelink_name', 'littlelink_description', 'theme')->where('id', $id)->get();
$links = DB::table('links')->join('buttons', 'buttons.id', '=', 'links.button_id')->select('links.link', 'links.id', 'links.button_id', 'links.title', 'links.custom_css', 'links.custom_icon', 'buttons.name')->where('user_id', $id)->orderBy('up_link', 'asc')->orderBy('order', 'asc')->get();
return view('littlelink', ['userinfo' => $userinfo, 'information' => $information, 'links' => $links, 'littlelink_name' => $littlelink_name]);
//Show add/update form
public function AddUpdateLink($id = 0)
if ($id !== 0) {
$linkData = Link::find($id);
} else {
$linkData = new Link(['typename' => 'link', 'id'=>'0']);
$data['LinkTypes'] = LinkType::get();
$data['LinkData'] = $linkData;
$data['LinkID'] = $id;
$data['linkTypeID'] = "1";
$data['title'] = "Predefined Site";
if (Route::currentRouteName() != 'showButtons') {
$links = DB::table('links')->where('id', $id)->first();
$bid = $links->button_id;
if($bid == 1 or $bid == 2){
$data['linkTypeID'] = "2";
} elseif ($bid == 42) {
$data['linkTypeID'] = "3";
} elseif ($bid == 43) {
$data['linkTypeID'] = "4";
} elseif ($bid == 93) {
$data['linkTypeID'] = "5";
} else {
$data['linkTypeID'] = "1";
$data['title'] = LinkType::where('id', $data['linkTypeID'])->value('title');
foreach ($data['LinkTypes']->toArray() as $key => $val) {
if ($val['typename'] === $linkData['typename']) {
$data['SelectedLinkType'] = $val;
return view('studio/edit-link', $data);
//Save add link
public function saveLink(request $request)
// if ($request->button == 'heading' or $request->button == 'space')
// $request->validate([
// 'link' => '',
// 'title' => '',
// 'button' => 'required'
// ]);
// else
// $request->validate([
// 'link' => 'required',
// 'title' => '',
// 'button' => 'required'
// ]);
$linkType = LinkType::find($request->linktype_id);
$LinkTitle = ($request->link_text ?? $request->link_title) ?? $request->title;
$LinkURL = $request->link_url ?? $request->link;
$OrigLink = Link::find($request->linkid);
// if (stringStartsWith($LinkURL, 'http://') == 'true' or stringStartsWith($LinkURL, 'https://') == 'true')
// $link1 = $LinkURL;
// elseif (!empty($LinkURL))
// $link1 = 'https://' . $LinkURL;
// if (stringEndsWith($LinkURL, '/') == 'true')
// $link = rtrim($link1, "/ ");
// else
// $link = $link1;
$customParams = [];
foreach ($request->all() as $key => $param) {
//echo $key . " = " . $param . "<br />";
if (str_starts_with($key, "_") || in_array($key, ['linktype_id', 'linktype_title', 'link_text', 'link_url']))
$customParams[$key] = $param;
$userId = Auth::user()->id;
$button = Button::where('name', $request->button)->first();
if ($button && empty($LinkTitle))
$LinkTitle = ucwords($button->name);
if ($linkType->typename == 'video' && empty($LinkTitle)) {
$embed = OEmbed::get($LinkURL);
if ($embed) {
$LinkTitle = $embed->data()['title'];
$message = (ucwords($button?->name) ?? ucwords($linkType->typename)). " has been ";
if ($OrigLink) {
$isCustomWebsite = $customParams['GetSiteIcon'] ?? null;
$SpacerHeight = $customParams['height'] ?? null;
if($linkType->typename == "link" and $isCustomWebsite == "1"){
'link' => $LinkURL,
'title' => $LinkTitle,
'button_id' => "2",
}elseif($linkType->typename == "link"){
'link' => $LinkURL,
'title' => $LinkTitle,
'button_id' => "1",
}elseif($linkType->typename == "spacer"){
'link' => $LinkURL,
'title' => $customParams['height'] ?? null,
'button_id' => "43",
}elseif($linkType->typename == "heading"){
'link' => $LinkURL,
'title' => $LinkTitle,
'button_id' => "42",
}elseif($linkType->typename == "text"){
'button_id' => "93",
'title' => $request->text,
'link' => $LinkURL,
'title' => $LinkTitle,
'button_id' => $button?->id,
$message .="updated";
} else {
$isCustomWebsite = $customParams['GetSiteIcon'] ?? null;
$SpacerHeight = $customParams['height'] ?? null;
$links = new Link;
$links->link = $LinkURL;
$links->user_id = $userId;
if($linkType->typename == "spacer"){
$links->title = $SpacerHeight;
$links->title = $LinkTitle;
if($linkType->typename == "link" and $isCustomWebsite == "1"){
$links->button_id = "2";
}elseif($linkType->typename == "link"){
$links->button_id = "1";
}elseif($linkType->typename == "spacer"){
$links->button_id = "43";
}elseif($linkType->typename == "heading"){
$links->button_id = "42";
}elseif($linkType->typename == "text"){
$links->button_id = "93";
$links->title = $request->text;
$links->button_id = $button?->id;
// $links->type_params = json_encode($customParams);
// $links->typename = $linkType->typename;
$links->order = ($links->id - 1);
$message .= "added";
return Redirect('studio/links')
->with('success', $message);
// echo $customParams['GetSiteIcon'];
public function sortLinks(Request $request)
$linkOrders = $request->input("linkOrders", []);
$currentPage = $request->input("currentPage", 1);
$perPage = $request->input("perPage", 0);
if ($perPage == 0) {
$currentPage = 1;
$linkOrders = array_unique(array_filter($linkOrders));
if (!$linkOrders || $currentPage < 1) {
return response()->json([
'status' => 'ERROR',
$newOrder = $perPage * ($currentPage - 1);
$linkNewOrders = [];
foreach ($linkOrders as $linkId) {
if ($linkId < 0) {
$linkNewOrders[$linkId] = $newOrder;
Link::where("id", $linkId)
'order' => $newOrder
return response()->json([
'status' => 'OK',
'linkOrders' => $linkNewOrders,
//Count the number of clicks and redirect to link
public function clickNumber(request $request)
$linkId = $request->id;
$link = Link::find($linkId);
$link = $link->link;
Link::where('id', $linkId)->increment('click_number', 1);
return redirect()->away($link);
//Show link, click number, up link in links page
public function showLinks()
$userId = Auth::user()->id;
$data['pagePage'] = 10;
$data['links'] = Link::select('id', 'link', 'title', 'order', 'click_number', 'up_link', 'links.button_id')->where('user_id', $userId)->orderBy('up_link', 'asc')->orderBy('order', 'asc')->paginate(99999);
return view('studio/links', $data);
//Delete link
public function deleteLink(request $request)
$linkId = $request->id;
Link::where('id', $linkId)->delete();
$directory = base_path("studio/favicon/icons");
$files = scandir($directory);
foreach($files as $file) {
if (strpos($file, $linkId.".") !== false) {
$pathinfo = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);}}
if (isset($pathinfo)) {
try{File::delete(base_path("studio/favicon/icons")."/".$linkId.".".$pathinfo);} catch (exception $e) {}
return redirect('/studio/links');
//Delete icon
public function clearIcon(request $request)
$linkId = $request->id;
$directory = base_path("studio/favicon/icons");
$files = scandir($directory);
foreach($files as $file) {
if (strpos($file, $linkId.".") !== false) {
$pathinfo = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);}}
if (isset($pathinfo)) {
try{File::delete(base_path("studio/favicon/icons")."/".$linkId.".".$pathinfo);} catch (exception $e) {}
return redirect('/studio/links');
//Raise link on the littlelink page
public function upLink(request $request)
$linkId = $request->id;
$upLink = $request->up;
if ($upLink == 'yes') {
$up = 'no';
} elseif ($upLink == 'no') {
$up = 'yes';
Link::where('id', $linkId)->update(['up_link' => $up]);
return back();
//Show link to edit
public function showLink(request $request)
$linkId = $request->id;
$link = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('link');
$title = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('title');
$order = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('order');
$custom_css = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('custom_css');
$buttonId = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('button_id');
$buttonName = Button::where('id', $buttonId)->value('name');
$buttons = Button::select('id', 'name')->orderBy('name', 'asc')->get();
return view('studio/edit-link', ['custom_css' => $custom_css, 'buttonId' => $buttonId, 'buttons' => $buttons, 'link' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'order' => $order, 'id' => $linkId, 'buttonName' => $buttonName]);
//Show custom CSS + custom icon
public function showCSS(request $request)
$linkId = $request->id;
$link = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('link');
$title = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('title');
$order = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('order');
$custom_css = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('custom_css');
$custom_icon = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('custom_icon');
$buttonId = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('button_id');
$buttons = Button::select('id', 'name')->get();
return view('studio/button-editor', ['custom_icon' => $custom_icon, 'custom_css' => $custom_css, 'buttonId' => $buttonId, 'buttons' => $buttons, 'link' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'order' => $order, 'id' => $linkId]);
//Save edit link
public function editLink(request $request)
'link' => 'required',
'title' => 'required',
'button' => 'required',
if (stringStartsWith($request->link, 'http://') == 'true' or stringStartsWith($request->link, 'https://') == 'true' or stringStartsWith($request->link, 'mailto:') == 'true')
$link1 = $request->link;
$link1 = 'https://' . $request->link;
if (stringEndsWith($request->link, '/') == 'true')
$link = rtrim($link1, "/ ");
$link = $link1;
$title = $request->title;
$order = $request->order;
$button = $request->button;
$linkId = $request->id;
$buttonId = Button::select('id')->where('name', $button)->value('id');
Link::where('id', $linkId)->update(['link' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'order' => $order, 'button_id' => $buttonId]);
return redirect('/studio/links');
//Save edit custom CSS + custom icon
public function editCSS(request $request)
$linkId = $request->id;
$custom_icon = $request->custom_icon;
$custom_css = $request->custom_css;
if ($request->custom_css == "" and $request->custom_icon = !"") {
Link::where('id', $linkId)->update(['custom_icon' => $custom_icon]);
} elseif ($request->custom_icon == "" and $request->custom_css = !"") {
Link::where('id', $linkId)->update(['custom_css' => $custom_css]);
} else {
Link::where('id', $linkId)->update([]);
return Redirect('#result');
//Show littlelinke page for edit
public function showPage(request $request)
$userId = Auth::user()->id;
$data['pages'] = User::where('id', $userId)->select('littlelink_name', 'littlelink_description', 'image', 'name')->get();
return view('/studio/page', $data);
//Save littlelink page (name, description, logo)
public function editPage(request $request)
'littlelink_name' => 'sometimes|max:255|string|isunique:users,id,'.Auth::id(),
'name' => 'sometimes|max:255|string',
$userId = Auth::user()->id;
$littlelink_name = Auth::user()->littlelink_name;
$profilePhoto = $request->file('image');
$pageName = $request->littlelink_name;
$pageDescription = strip_tags($request->pageDescription,'<a><p><strong><i><ul><ol><li><blockquote><h2><h3><h4>');
$pageDescription = preg_replace("/<a([^>]*)>/i", "<a $1 rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\">", $pageDescription);
$name = $request->name;
User::where('id', $userId)->update(['littlelink_name' => $pageName, 'littlelink_description' => $pageDescription, 'name' => $name]);
if ($request->hasFile('image')) {
$profilePhoto->move(base_path('/img'), $userId . ".png");
return Redirect('/studio/page');
//Show custom theme
public function showTheme(request $request)
$userId = Auth::user()->id;
$data['pages'] = User::where('id', $userId)->select('littlelink_name', 'theme')->get();
return view('/studio/theme', $data);
//Save custom theme
public function editTheme(request $request)
'zip' => 'sometimes|mimes:zip',
$userId = Auth::user()->id;
$zipfile = $request->file('zip');
$theme = $request->theme;
$message = "";
User::where('id', $userId)->update(['theme' => $theme]);
if (!empty($zipfile)) {
$zipfile->move(base_path('/themes'), "temp.zip");
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$zip->open(base_path() . '/themes/temp.zip');
$zip->extractTo(base_path() . '/themes');
unlink(base_path() . '/themes/temp.zip');
// Removes version numbers from folder.
$folder = base_path('themes');
$regex = '/[0-9.-]/';
$files = scandir($folder);
foreach ($files as $file) {
if ($file !== '.' && $file !== '..') {
if (preg_match($regex, $file)) {
$new_file = preg_replace($regex, '', $file);
File::copyDirectory($folder . '/' . $file, $folder . '/' . $new_file);
$dirname = $folder . '/' . $file;
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
system('rmdir ' . escapeshellarg($dirname) . ' /s /q');
} else {
system("rm -rf " . escapeshellarg($dirname));
return Redirect('/studio/theme')->with("success", $message);
//Show user (name, email, password)
public function showProfile(request $request)
$userId = Auth::user()->id;
$data['profile'] = User::where('id', $userId)->select('name', 'email', 'role')->get();
return view('/studio/profile', $data);
//Save user (name, email, password)
public function editProfile(request $request)
'name' => 'sometimes|required|unique:users',
'email' => 'sometimes|required|email|unique:users',
'password' => 'sometimes|min:8',
$userId = Auth::user()->id;
$name = $request->name;
$email = $request->email;
$password = Hash::make($request->password);
if ($request->name != '') {
User::where('id', $userId)->update(['name' => $name]);
} elseif ($request->email != '') {
User::where('id', $userId)->update(['email' => $email]);
} elseif ($request->password != '') {
User::where('id', $userId)->update(['password' => $password]);
return back();
//Show user theme credit page
public function theme(request $request)
$littlelink_name = $request->littlelink;
$id = User::select('id')->where('littlelink_name', $littlelink_name)->value('id');
if (empty($id)) {
return abort(404);
$userinfo = User::select('name', 'littlelink_name', 'littlelink_description', 'theme')->where('id', $id)->first();
$information = User::select('name', 'littlelink_name', 'littlelink_description', 'theme')->where('id', $id)->get();
$links = DB::table('links')->join('buttons', 'buttons.id', '=', 'links.button_id')->select('links.link', 'links.id', 'links.button_id', 'links.title', 'links.custom_css', 'links.custom_icon', 'buttons.name')->where('user_id', $id)->orderBy('up_link', 'asc')->orderBy('order', 'asc')->get();
return view('components/theme', ['userinfo' => $userinfo, 'information' => $information, 'links' => $links, 'littlelink_name' => $littlelink_name]);
//Delete existing user
public function deleteUser(request $request)
// echo $request->id;
// echo "<br>";
// echo Auth::id();
$id = $request->id;
if($id == Auth::id() and $id != "1") {
$user = User::find($id);
return redirect('/');
//Edit/save page icons
public function editIcons(request $request)
function searchIcon($icon)
$iconId = DB::table('links')
->where('user_id', Auth::id())
->where('title', $icon)
->where('button_id', 94)
if (is_null($iconId)){
return false;
} else {
return $iconId;
function addIcon($icon, $link){
$userId = Auth::user()->id;
$links = new Link;
$links->link = $link;
$links->user_id = $userId;
$links->title = $icon;
$links->button_id = '94';
$links->order = ($links->id - 1);
function updateIcon($icon, $link){
Link::where('id', searchIcon($icon))->update([
'button_id' => 94,
'link' => $link,
'title' => $icon
function saveIcon($icon, $link){
if(searchIcon($icon) != NULL){
updateIcon($icon, $link);
addIcon($icon, $link);}
saveIcon('mastodon', $request->mastodon);
saveIcon('instagram', $request->instagram);
saveIcon('twitter', $request->twitter);
saveIcon('facebook', $request->facebook);
saveIcon('github', $request->github);
saveIcon('linkedin', $request->linkedin);
saveIcon('tiktok', $request->tiktok);
saveIcon('discord', $request->discord);
saveIcon('youtube', $request->youtube);
saveIcon('snapchat', $request->snapchat);
saveIcon('reddit', $request->reddit);
saveIcon('pinterest', $request->pinterest);
saveIcon('telegram', $request->telegram);
saveIcon('whatsapp', $request->whatsapp);
return Redirect('studio/links#icons');
} |