mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 14:00:04 +01:00
146 lines
6.3 KiB
146 lines
6.3 KiB
<div class="container">
<?php // Requests newest version from server and sets it as variable
$Vgit = file_get_contents("https://julianprieber.github.io/littlelink-custom/version.json");
// Requests current version from the local version file and sets it as variable
$Vlocal = 'v' . file_get_contents(base_path("version.json"));
@if(auth()->user()->role == 'admin' and $Vgit > $Vlocal or env('JOIN_BETA') === true)
@if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] === '')
<?php //landing page ?>
<div class="logo-container fadein">
<img class="logo-img" src="{{ asset('littlelink/images/just-gear.svg') }}" alt="Logo">
<div class="logo-centered">l</div>
@if(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN')
<h4 class="">The updater only works on Linux based systems.</h4>
<a class="btn" href="https://littlelink-custom.com/update"><button><i class="fa-solid fa-download btn"></i> Update manually</button></a>
@if(env('JOIN_BETA') === true)
<p><?php echo "latest beta version= " . file_get_contents("https://update.littlelink-custom.com/beta/vbeta.json"); ?></p>
<p><?php if(file_exists(base_path("vbeta.json"))) {echo "installed beta version= " . file_get_contents(base_path("vbeta.json"));} else {echo "installed beta version= none";} ?></p>
<p><?php if($Vgit > $Vlocal) {echo "You need to update to the latest mainline release";} else {echo "You're running the latest mainline release";} ?></p>
<h4 class="">You can update your installation automatically or download the update and install it manually:</h4>
<br><div class="row">
@if(env('SKIP_UPDATE_BACKUP') == true)
 <a class="btn" href="{{url()->current()}}/?updating"><button><i class="fa-solid fa-user-gear btn"></i> Update automatically</button></a> 
 <a class="btn" href="{{url()->current()}}/?backup"><button><i class="fa-solid fa-user-gear btn"></i> Update automatically</button></a> 
 <a class="btn" href="https://littlelink-custom.com/update"><button><i class="fa-solid fa-download btn"></i> Update manually</button></a> 
@if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] === 'backup')
<?php //creating backup... ?>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2; URL={{url()->current()}}/?backups" />
<div class="logo-container fadein">
<img class="logo-img loading" src="{{ asset('littlelink/images/just-gear.svg') }}" alt="Logo">
<div class="logo-centered">l</div>
<h1 class="loadingtxt">Creating backup</h1>
@if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] === 'backups')
<?php Artisan::call('backup:clean');
Artisan::call('backup:run', ['--only-files' => true]);
$tst = base_path('backups/');
file_put_contents($tst.'CANUPDATE', '');
$URL = Route::current()->getName();
header("Location: ".$URL."?updating");
exit(); ?>
@if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] === 'updating' and (file_exists(base_path("backups/CANUPDATE")) or env('SKIP_UPDATE_BACKUP') == true))
<?php //updating... ?>
<div class="logo-container fadein">
<img class="logo-img loading" src="{{ asset('littlelink/images/just-gear.svg') }}" alt="Logo">
<div class="logo-centered">l</div>
<h1 class="loadingtxt">Updating</h1>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2; URL={{url()->current()}}/../updating" />
@elseif($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] === '')
<?php //if no new version available ?>
<div class="logo-container fadein">
<img class="logo-img" src="{{ asset('littlelink/images/just-gear.svg') }}" alt="Logo">
<div class="logo-centered">l</div>
<h1>No new version</h1>
<h4 class="">There is no new version available</h4>
<br><div class="row">
 <a class="btn" href="{{ route('studioIndex') }}"><button><i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop btn"></i> Admin Panel</button></a> 
@if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] === 'finishing')
<?php //finishing up update ?>
<div class="logo-container fadein">
<img class="logo-img loading" src="{{ asset('littlelink/images/just-gear.svg') }}" alt="Logo">
<div class="logo-centered">l</div>
<h1 class="loadingtxt">Finishing up</h1>
//run before finishing:
if(EnvEditor::keyExists('JOIN_BETA')){ /* Do nothing if key already exists */
} else { EnvEditor::addKey('JOIN_BETA', 'false');} // Adds key to .env file
if(EnvEditor::keyExists('SKIP_UPDATE_BACKUP')){ /* Do nothing if key already exists */
} else { EnvEditor::addKey('SKIP_UPDATE_BACKUP', 'false');} // Adds key to .env file
echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; " . url()->current() . "?success\" />";
@if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] === 'success')
<?php //after successfully updating ?>
<div class="logo-container fadein">
<img class="logo-img" src="{{ asset('littlelink/images/just-gear.svg') }}" alt="Logo">
<div class="logo-centered">l</div>
<h4 class="">The update was successful, you can now return to the Admin Panel:</h4>
<br><div class="row">
 <a class="btn" href="{{ route('studioIndex') }}"><button><i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop btn"></i> Admin Panel</button></a> 
@if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] === 'error')
<?php //on error ?>
<div class="logo-container fadein">
<img class="logo-img" src="{{ asset('littlelink/images/just-gear.svg') }}" alt="Logo">
<div class="logo-centered">l</div>
<h4 class="">Something went wrong with the update :(</h4>
<br><div class="row">
 <a class="btn" href="{{ route('studioIndex') }}"><button><i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop btn"></i> Admin Panel</button></a> 