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synced 2025-03-06 20:47:40 +01:00
Added custom spaces and headings users can add like buttons to their littlelink pages to divide button sections into groups. Spaces can be changed via the number in the title, and one space equals one "<br>". The maximum spaces that can be added with one space 'button' is capped at 10. The 'Space' button will be replaced with an empty space, so buttons could be visually separated into groups. Entering a number between 1-10 in the title section will change the empty space's distance. The 'Heading' button will be replaced with a sub-heading, where the title defines the text on that heading.
234 lines
11 KiB
234 lines
11 KiB
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>{{ $userinfo->name }} 🔗 {{ config('app.name') }} </title>
<meta name="description" content="{{ $userinfo->littlelink_description }}">
<meta name="author" content="{{ $userinfo->name }}">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<!--#### BEGIN Meta Tags social media preview images ####-->
<!-- This shows a preview for title, description and avatar image of users profiles if shared on social media sites -->
<!-- Facebook Meta Tags -->
<meta property="og:url" content="{{ url('') }}/@littlelink_name">
<meta property="og:type" content="website">
<meta property="og:title" content="{{ $userinfo->name }}">
<meta property="og:description" content="{{ $userinfo->littlelink_description }}">
@if(file_exists(base_path("img/$littlelink_name" . ".png" )))
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ asset("img/$littlelink_name" . ".png") }}">
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ asset('littlelink/images/logo.svg') }}">
<!-- Twitter Meta Tags -->
<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
<meta property="twitter:domain" content="{{ url('') }}/@littlelink_name">
<meta property="twitter:url" content="{{ url('') }}/@littlelink_name">
<meta name="twitter:title" content="{{ $userinfo->littlelink_name }}">
<meta name="twitter:description" content="{{ $userinfo->littlelink_description }}">
@if(file_exists(base_path("img/$littlelink_name" . ".png" )))
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ asset("img/$littlelink_name" . ".png") }}">
<meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ asset('littlelink/images/logo.svg') }}">
<!--#### END Meta Tags social media preview images ####-->
<!-- Custom icons font-awesome -->
<script src="https://kit.fontawesome.com/c4a5e06183.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<link href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,600,800&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('littlelink/css/normalize.css') }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('littlelink/css/skeleton-light.css') }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('littlelink/css/brands.css') }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('littlelink/css/hover-min.css') }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('littlelink/css/animate.css') }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('littlelink/css/share.button.css') }}">
@if(file_exists(base_path("littlelink/images/avatar.png" )))
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="{{ asset('littlelink/images/avatar.png') }}">
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="{{ asset('littlelink/images/logo.svg') }}">
.container { max-width: 1080px !important; }
.button-title {
color: white !important;
background: #505050 !important;
height: auto !important;
line-height: 28px !important;
width: auto !important;
padding: 10px !important;
min-width: 300px !important;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
<!-- begin dark mode detection -->
<script src="{{ asset('littlelink/js/js.cookie.min.js') }}"></script>
// code to set the `color_scheme` cookie
var $color_scheme = Cookies.get("color_scheme");
function get_color_scheme() {
return (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches) ? "dark" : "light";
function update_color_scheme() {
Cookies.set("color_scheme", get_color_scheme());
// read & compare cookie `color-scheme`
if ((typeof $color_scheme === "undefined") || (get_color_scheme() != $color_scheme))
// detect changes and change the cookie
if (window.matchMedia)
window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").addListener( update_color_scheme );
// reloads page to apply the dark mode cookie
window.onload = function() {
if(!window.location.hash && get_color_scheme() == "dark" && (get_color_scheme() != $color_scheme)) {
window.location = window.location + '#dark';
<?php // loads dark mode CSS if dark mode detected
$color_scheme = isset($_COOKIE["color_scheme"]) ? $_COOKIE["color_scheme"] : false; ?>
@if ($color_scheme == 'dark')
<!-- switch the two <link> Tags below to default to dark mode if cookie detection fails -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('littlelink/css/skeleton-dark.css') }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('littlelink/css/skeleton-light.css') }}">
<!-- end dark mode detection -->
<?php ////begin share button//// ?>
//Get browser type
$arr_browsers = ["Opera", "Edg", "Chrome", "Safari", "Firefox", "MSIE", "Trident"];
$user_browser = '';
foreach ($arr_browsers as $browser) {
if (strpos($agent, $browser) !== false) {
$user_browser = $browser;
switch ($user_browser) {
case 'MSIE':
$user_browser = 'Internet Explorer';
case 'Trident':
$user_browser = 'Internet Explorer';
case 'Edg':
$user_browser = 'Microsoft Edge';
function get_operating_system() {
$u_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$operating_system = 'NULL';
//get operating-system type
if (preg_match('/iphone/i', $u_agent)) {
$operating_system = 'mobile';
} elseif (preg_match('/ipod/i', $u_agent)) {
$operating_system = 'mobile';
} elseif (preg_match('/ipad/i', $u_agent)) {
$operating_system = 'mobile';
} elseif (preg_match('/android/i', $u_agent)) {
$operating_system = 'mobile';
} elseif (preg_match('/blackberry/i', $u_agent)) {
$operating_system = 'mobile';
} elseif (preg_match('/webos/i', $u_agent)) {
$operating_system = 'mobile';
return $operating_system;
@if($user_browser === 'Chrome' or get_operating_system() == 'mobile')
<script src="{{ asset('littlelink/js/jquery.min.js') }}"></script>
<div align="right" class="sharediv"><div class="button-entrance"><a class="sharebutton hvr-grow hvr-icon-wobble-vertical" id='share-share-button'><img class="icon hvr-icon" src="{{ asset('\/littlelink/icons\/')}}share.svg">Share</a></div></div>
<span class="copy-icon" role="button">
<span class="copy-icon" role="button">
<div align="right" class="sharediv"><div class="button-entrance"><a class="sharebutton hvr-grow hvr-icon-wobble-vertical"><img class="icon hvr-icon" src="{{ asset('\/littlelink/icons\/')}}share.svg">Share</a></div></div>
<div class="toastdiv">
<span class="toastbox" role="alert"></span>
<script src="{{ asset('littlelink/js/share.button.js') }}"></script>
<?php ////end share button//// ?>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="column" style="margin-top: 5%">
<!-- Your Image Here -->
@if(file_exists(base_path("img/$littlelink_name" . ".png" )))
<img class="rounded-avatar fadein" src="{{ asset("img/$littlelink_name" . ".png") }}" width="100px" height="100px">
@elseif(file_exists(base_path("littlelink/images/avatar.png" )))
<img class="rounded-avatar fadein" src="{{ asset('littlelink/images/avatar.png') }}" srcset="{{ asset('littlelink/images/avatar@2x.png 2x') }}" width="100px" height="100px">
<img class="rounded-avatar fadein" src="{{ asset('littlelink/images/logo.svg') }}" srcset="{{ asset('littlelink/images/avatar@2x.png 2x') }}" width="100px" height="100px">
@foreach($information as $info)
<!-- Your Name -->
<h1 class="fadein">{{ $info->name }}</h1>
<!-- Short Bio -->
<center><p style="width: 50%; min-width: 300px;" class="fadein">{{ $info->littlelink_description }}</p></center>
<!-- Buttons -->
<?php $initial=1; // <-- Effectively sets the initial loading time of the buttons. This value should be left at 1. ?>
@foreach($links as $link)
@php $linkName = str_replace('default ','',$link->name) @endphp
@if($link->button_id === 0)
<div style="--delay: {{ $initial++ }}s" class="button-entrance"><a class="button button-title button hvr-grow hvr-icon-wobble-vertical" href="{{ route('clickNumber') . '/' . $link->id . '/' . $link->link}}" target="_blank">
{{ $link->title }}</a></div>
@elseif($link->name === "custom" and $link->custom_css === "")
<div style="--delay: {{ $initial++ }}s" class="button-entrance"><a class="button button-{{ $link->name }} button hvr-grow hvr-icon-wobble-vertical" href="{{ route('clickNumber') . '/' . $link->id . '/' . $link->link}}" target="_blank"><i style="color: {{$link->custom_icon}}" class="icon hvr-icon fa {{$link->custom_icon}}"></i>{{ $link->title }}</a></div>
@elseif($link->name === "custom" and $link->custom_css != "")
<div style="--delay: {{ $initial++ }}s" class="button-entrance"><a class="button button hvr-grow hvr-icon-wobble-vertical" style="{{ $link->custom_css }}" href="{{ route('clickNumber') . '/' . $link->id . '/' . $link->link}}" target="_blank"><i style="color: {{$link->custom_icon}}" class="icon hvr-icon fa {{$link->custom_icon}}"></i>{{ $link->title }}</a></div>
@elseif($link->name === "buy me a coffee")
<div style="--delay: {{ $initial++ }}s" class="button-entrance"><a class="button button-coffee button hvr-grow hvr-icon-wobble-vertical" href="{{ route('clickNumber') . '/' . $link->id . '/' . $link->link}}" target="_blank"><img class="icon hvr-icon" src="{{ asset('\/littlelink/icons\/')}}coffee.svg">Buy me a Coffee</a></div>
@elseif($link->name === "custom_website"and $link->custom_css === "")
<div style="--delay: {{ $initial++ }}s" class="button-entrance"><a class="button button-custom_website button hvr-grow hvr-icon-wobble-vertical" href="{{ route('clickNumber') . '/' . $link->id . '/' . $link->link}}" target="_blank"><img class="icon hvr-icon" src="http://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain={{$link->link}}">{{ $link->title }}</a></div>
@elseif($link->name === "custom_website" and $link->custom_css != "")
<div style="--delay: {{ $initial++ }}s" class="button-entrance"><a class="button button hvr-grow hvr-icon-wobble-vertical" style="{{ $link->custom_css }}" href="{{ route('clickNumber') . '/' . $link->id . '/' . $link->link}}" target="_blank"><img class="icon hvr-icon" src="http://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain={{$link->link}}">{{ $link->title }}</a></div>
@elseif($link->name === "space")
if (is_numeric($link->title) and $link->title < 10)
echo str_repeat("<br>",$link->title);
elseif (is_numeric($link->title) and $link->title >= 10)
echo str_repeat("<br>",10);
echo "<br><br><br>"
@elseif($link->name === "heading")
<h2>{{ $link->title }}</h2>
<div style="--delay: {{ $initial++ }}s" class="button-entrance"><a class="button button-{{ $link->name }} button hvr-grow hvr-icon-wobble-vertical" href="{{ route('clickNumber') . '/' . $link->id . '/' . $link->link}}" target="_blank"><img class="icon hvr-icon" src="{{ asset('\/littlelink/icons\/') . $linkName }}.svg">{{ ucfirst($linkName) }}</a></div>