

if (env('JOIN_BETA') == true) {
    $userver = 'https://beta.linkstack.org/';
} else {
    $userver = 'https://updates.linkstack.org/';

return [

    | Default source repository type
    | The default source repository type you want to pull your updates from.

    'default' => env('SELF_UPDATER_SOURCE', 'http'),

    | Version installed
    | Set this to the version of your software installed on your system.

    'version_installed' => file_get_contents(base_path("version.json")),

    | Repository types
    | A repository can be of different types, which can be specified here.
    | Current options:
    | - github
    | - gitlab
    | - http

    'repository_types' => [
        'github' => [
            'type'                 => 'github',
            'repository_vendor'    => env('SELF_UPDATER_REPO_VENDOR', ''),
            'repository_name'      => env('SELF_UPDATER_REPO_NAME', ''),
            'repository_url'       => '',
            'download_path'        => env('SELF_UPDATER_DOWNLOAD_PATH', '/tmp'),
            'private_access_token' => env('SELF_UPDATER_GITHUB_PRIVATE_ACCESS_TOKEN', ''),
            'use_branch'           => env('SELF_UPDATER_USE_BRANCH', ''),
        'gitlab' => [
            'type'                 => 'gitlab',
            'repository_id'        => env('SELF_UPDATER_REPO_URL', ''),
            'download_path'        => env('SELF_UPDATER_DOWNLOAD_PATH', '/tmp'),
            'private_access_token' => env('SELF_UPDATER_GITLAB_PRIVATE_ACCESS_TOKEN', ''),
        'http' => [
            'type'                 => 'http',
            'repository_url'       => env('SELF_UPDATER_REPO_URL', $userver),
            'pkg_filename_format'  => env('SELF_UPDATER_PKG_FILENAME_FORMAT', '_VERSION_'),
            'download_path'        => env('SELF_UPDATER_DOWNLOAD_PATH', '/tmp'),
            'private_access_token' => env('SELF_UPDATER_HTTP_PRIVATE_ACCESS_TOKEN', ''),

    | Exclude folders from update
    | Specific folders which should not be updated and will be skipped during the
    | update process.
    | Here's already a list of good examples to skip. You may want to keep those.

    'exclude_folders' => [

    | Event Logging
    | Configure if fired events should be logged

    'log_events' => env('SELF_UPDATER_LOG_EVENTS', true),

    | Notifications
    | Specify for which events you want to get notifications. Out of the box you can use 'mail'.

    'notifications' => [
        'notifications' => [
            \Codedge\Updater\Notifications\Notifications\UpdateSucceeded::class => ['mail'],
            \Codedge\Updater\Notifications\Notifications\UpdateFailed::class    => ['mail'],
            \Codedge\Updater\Notifications\Notifications\UpdateAvailable::class => ['mail'],

         * Here you can specify the notifiable to which the notifications should be sent. The default
         * notifiable will use the variables specified in this config file.
        'notifiable' => \Codedge\Updater\Notifications\Notifiable::class,

        'mail' => [
            'to' => [
                'address' => env('SELF_UPDATER_MAILTO_ADDRESS', 'notifications@example.com'),
                'name'    => env('SELF_UPDATER_MAILTO_NAME', ''),

            'from' => [
                'address' => env('SELF_UPDATER_MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS', 'updater@example.com'),
                'name'    => env('SELF_UPDATER_MAIL_FROM_NAME', 'Update'),

    | Register custom artisan commands

    'artisan_commands' => [
        'pre_update' => [
            //'command:signature' => [
            //    'class' => Command class
            //    'params' => []
        'post_update' => [

