@extends('layouts.sidebar') @section('content')

@if($LinkID !== 0) Edit @else Add @endif Page Item

@method('POST') @csrf
{{-- @include("components.pageitems.".$SelectedLinkType['typename']."-form", ['some' => 'data']) --}}

More information
The 'Custom' button allows you to add a custom link, where the text on the button is determined with the link title set above.
The 'Custom_website' button functions similar to the Custom button, with the addition of a function that requests the favicon from the chosen URL and uses it as the button icon.

The 'Space' button will be replaced with an empty space, so buttons could be visually separated into groups. Entering a number between 1-10 in the title section will change the empty space's distance.
The 'Heading' button will be replaced with a sub-heading, where the title defines the text on that heading.
@php $custom_order = [1, 2, 8, 6, 7, 3, 4, 5,]; $sorted = $LinkTypes->sortBy(function ($item) use ($custom_order) { return array_search($item['id'], $custom_order); }); @endphp @foreach ($sorted as $lt)


@endsection @push("sidebar-scripts") @endpush