
return [
    | Database Engine & Connection Name
    | Supported Engines: "redis", "eloquent"
    | Connection Name: see config/database.php
    'engine' => \Awssat\Visits\DataEngines\EloquentEngine::class,
    'connection' => 'laravel-visits',

    | Counters periods
    | Record visits (total) of each one of these periods in this set (can be empty)
    'periods' => [

    | Redis prefix
    'keys_prefix' =>  'visits',

    | Remember ip for x seconds of time
    | Will count only one visit of an IP during this specified time.
    'remember_ip' => 15 * 60,

    | Always return uncached fresh top/low lists
    'always_fresh' => false,

    | Ignore Crawlers
    | Ignore counting crawlers visits or not
    'ignore_crawlers' => true,

    | Global Ignore Recording
    | stop recording specific items (can be any of these: 'country', 'refer', 'periods', 'operatingSystem', 'language')
    'global_ignore' => ['country'],
