#Email verification=Changes if users have to verify their email after registration. #=REGISTER_AUTH either auth or verified. If auth is selected, no verification is required. Default is verified. REGISTER_AUTH=verified #Internal notifications=Changes if certain messages should be displayed or not. #=NOTIFY_EVENTS notifies admins if an important event is happening, such as polls about the future of this project or security vulnerabilities. NOTIFY_EVENTS=true #=NOTIFY_UPDATES either true or false. NOTIFY_UPDATES=true DISPLAY_FOOTER=true DISPLAY_CREDIT=true #Home URL=Changes if a user profile should be displayed as the homepage. #=Leave empty to use the default homepage. To set your profile as the homepage, enter a LittleLink name. You can find this on the user panel under the page setting, the name is what comes after the '@'. #=(e.g. 'admin' without the '@') HOME_URL= #ALLOW_USER_HTML=Changes if users are able to use custom HTML in their descriptions. Allows for more customized texts. #=Either true or false. USE WITH CAUTION! If true, this enables users to use custom code, including JavaScript. #=It is recommended to only turn this option on if you trust your users or only use this instance for yourself. ALLOW_USER_HTML=false #App Settings=Changes settings regarding your LittleLink Custom installation. You probably only want to change the App Name setting. #=App_Name changes the displayed name for the App in the title, for example. APP_NAME="LittleLink Custom" APP_KEY= #=The APP_URL should be left empty under most circumstances. This setting is not required for LittleLink Custom, and you should only change this if required for your setup. APP_URL= #ENABLE_BUTTON_EDITOR=Determines if the custom button editor should be enabled or not, default is true. #=ENABLE_BUTTON_EDITOR either true or false. ENABLE_BUTTON_EDITOR=true #Debug Settings=Changes if your page should display a full error description instead of a generic error 500. #=App_debug either true or false. You might want to change this to false after you're done installing, but it's very useful for troubleshooting. APP_DEBUG=true #=App_env either local or production. Change this to production if you set the value above to false. APP_ENV=local LOG_CHANNEL=stack LOG_LEVEL=debug #Database Settings=Should be left alone. If you wish to use mysql you'd have to seed the database again. DB_CONNECTION=sqlite #Mail Settings=LittleLink Custom comes with a free to use built-in SMTP server for sending mail. You can leave this setting as is, if you wish to use this service please read our terms and conditions at llc-mail.tru.io. If you do not wish to use the built-in SMTP server, change the setting below. #=MAIL_MAILER either smtp or built-in. Make sure to change this setting if you want to add a custom SMTP server. MAIL_MAILER=built-in MAIL_HOST= MAIL_PORT= MAIL_USERNAME= MAIL_PASSWORD= MAIL_ENCRYPTION= MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS= MAIL_FROM_NAME="${APP_NAME}" #Cache Settings=Completely optional. MEMCACHED_HOST= REDIS_HOST= REDIS_PASSWORD=null REDIS_PORT=6379 #Miscellaneous Settings=Should be left alone if you don't know what you're doing. BROADCAST_DRIVER=log CACHE_DRIVER=file QUEUE_CONNECTION=sync SESSION_DRIVER=file SESSION_LIFETIME=120 JOIN_BETA=false