(function ($) {

    "use strict";

    var fullHeight = function () {

        $('.js-fullheight').css('height', $(window).height());
        $(window).resize(function () {
            $('.js-fullheight').css('height', $(window).height());


    $('#sidebarCollapse').on('click', function () {

        headers: {
            'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
    var sortableTbody = document.getElementById("links-table-body");
    if (sortableTbody) {
        const sortableLinkTable = Sortable.create(sortableTbody, {
            handle: ".sortable-handle",
            animation: 150,
            swapThreshold: 0.60,
            ghostClass: 'bg-soft-secondary',
            onChange: function (event) {
            store: {
                get: function (sortable) {
                    var order = linksTableOrders || "";
                    return order ? order.split('|') : [];
                set: function (sortable) {
                    const linkOrders = sortable.toArray();
                    const currentPage = sortableTbody.dataset.page || 1;
                    const perPage = sortableTbody.dataset.perPage || 0;
                    const formData = {
                        'linkOrders': linkOrders,
                        'currentPage': currentPage,
                        'perPage': perPage,
                    // $.blockUI({
                    // 	message: '<img width="70px" src="img/loading.gif" />',
                    // 	css: {
                    // 		backgroundColor: 'transparent',
                    // 		border: 'none',
                    // 		color: '#444444',
                    // 	}
                    // });

                    // VERY janky solution; have to fix later
                    var str = window.location.pathname;
                    str = str.replace("/studio/links", "");

                    $.post(str + "/studio/sort-link", formData, function (response) {
                        if (response.linkOrders) {
                            $.each(response.linkOrders, function (linkId, linkOrder) {
                                // $("#links-table-body div[data-id='"+linkId+"']")
                                // 	.find("div:eq(3)")
                                // 	.html(linkOrder);
                        } else {
                            alert("Something went wrong! Please, Try again.")
                        document.getElementById('frPreview1').src += '';
                        document.getElementById('frPreview2').src += '';
                    }, 300);
