'; foreach($configNames as $obj){if($obj->value == $key){echo $obj->title;}}; echo '

'; foreach($configNames as $obj){if($obj->value == $key){echo $obj->description;}}; echo '

';}else{echo 'checked>';} echo '
'; } ?>
'; foreach($configNames as $obj){if($obj->value == $key){echo $obj->title;}}; echo '

'; foreach($configNames as $obj){if($obj->value == $key){echo $obj->description;}}; echo '

';}else{echo 'checked>';} echo '
'; } ?>
'; foreach($configNames as $obj){if($obj->value == $key){echo $obj->title;}}; echo '

'; foreach($configNames as $obj){if($obj->value == $key){echo $obj->description;}}; echo '

'; echo '
'; } ?>


{{-- start register --}}
Enable registration

Sets wheter or not users are able to register on your application.

';}else{echo 'checked>';} ?>
{{-- end register --}} {{toggle2('REGISTER_AUTH')}} {{-- start home url --}}
Set user page as Home Page

Set a user page as the home page. This will move the previous home page to example.com/home.

{{-- end home url --}} {{toggle('FORCE_HTTPS')}} {{text('APP_NAME')}}

Panel settings

{{toggle('NOTIFY_EVENTS')}} {{toggle('NOTIFY_UPDATES')}} {{toggle('DISPLAY_FOOTER')}} {{toggle('DISPLAY_CREDIT')}} {{toggle('ENABLE_BUTTON_EDITOR')}} {{toggle('USE_THEME_PREVIEW_IFRAME')}}




{{toggle('MAINTENANCE_MODE')}} {{toggle('JOIN_BETA')}} {{toggle('SKIP_UPDATE_BACKUP')}} {{toggle('CUSTOM_META_TAGS')}} {{toggle('ENABLE_SOCIAL_LOGIN')}} {{-- start SMTP settings --}}


Use built in SMTP server

Uses SMTP server provided by LittleLink Custom. Might not be 100% reliable. Some errors may occur.

';}else{echo 'checked>';} ?>
{{-- end SMTP settings --}} {{-- start debug settings --}}


Debug mode

Should be disabled in a production environment. Usefull for debuggin during setup.

';}else{echo 'checked>';} ?>
{{-- end debug settings --}}