<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash; use Cohensive\OEmbed\Facades\OEmbed; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response; use JeroenDesloovere\VCard\VCard; use Illuminate\Validation\Rule; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Validator; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail; use App\Mail\ReportSubmissionMail; use GeoSot\EnvEditor\Facades\EnvEditor; use Auth; use DB; use ZipArchive; use File; use App\Models\User; use App\Models\Button; use App\Models\Link; use App\Models\LinkType; use App\Models\UserData; //Function tests if string starts with certain string (used to test for illegal strings) function stringStartsWith($haystack, $needle, $case = true) { if ($case) { return strpos($haystack, $needle, 0) === 0; } return stripos($haystack, $needle, 0) === 0; } //Function tests if string ends with certain string (used to test for illegal strings) function stringEndsWith($haystack, $needle, $case = true) { $expectedPosition = strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle); if ($case) { return strrpos($haystack, $needle, 0) === $expectedPosition; } return strripos($haystack, $needle, 0) === $expectedPosition; } class UserController extends Controller { //Statistics of the number of clicks and links public function index() { $userId = Auth::user()->id; $littlelink_name = Auth::user()->littlelink_name; $userinfo = User::find($userId); $links = Link::where('user_id', $userId)->select('link')->count(); $clicks = Link::where('user_id', $userId)->sum('click_number'); $topLinks = Link::where('user_id', $userId)->orderby('click_number', 'desc') ->whereNotNull('link')->where('link', '<>', '') ->take(5)->get(); $pageStats = [ 'visitors' => [ 'all' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->count(), 'day' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->period('day')->count(), 'week' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->period('week')->count(), 'month' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->period('month')->count(), 'year' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->period('year')->count(), ], 'os' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->operatingSystems(), 'referers' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->refs(), 'countries' => visits('App\Models\User', $littlelink_name)->countries(), ]; return view('studio/index', ['greeting' => $userinfo->name, 'toplinks' => $topLinks, 'links' => $links, 'clicks' => $clicks, 'pageStats' => $pageStats]); } //Show littlelink page. example => public function littlelink(request $request) { if(isset($request->useif)){ $littlelink_name = User::select('littlelink_name')->where('id', $request->littlelink)->value('littlelink_name'); $id = $request->littlelink; } else { $littlelink_name = $request->littlelink; $id = User::select('id')->where('littlelink_name', $littlelink_name)->value('id'); } if (empty($id)) { return abort(404); } $userinfo = User::select('id', 'name', 'littlelink_name', 'littlelink_description', 'theme', 'role', 'block')->where('id', $id)->first(); $information = User::select('name', 'littlelink_name', 'littlelink_description', 'theme')->where('id', $id)->get(); if ($userinfo->block == 'yes') { return abort(404); } $links = DB::table('links')->join('buttons', 'buttons.id', '=', 'links.button_id')->select('links.link', 'links.id', 'links.button_id', 'links.title', 'links.custom_css', 'links.custom_icon', 'buttons.name')->where('user_id', $id)->orderBy('up_link', 'asc')->orderBy('order', 'asc')->get(); return view('linkstack.linkstack', ['userinfo' => $userinfo, 'information' => $information, 'links' => $links, 'littlelink_name' => $littlelink_name]); } //Show littlelink page as home page if set in config public function littlelinkhome(request $request) { $littlelink_name = env('HOME_URL'); $id = User::select('id')->where('littlelink_name', $littlelink_name)->value('id'); if (empty($id)) { return abort(404); } $userinfo = User::select('id', 'name', 'littlelink_name', 'littlelink_description', 'theme', 'role', 'block')->where('id', $id)->first(); $information = User::select('name', 'littlelink_name', 'littlelink_description', 'theme')->where('id', $id)->get(); $links = DB::table('links')->join('buttons', 'buttons.id', '=', 'links.button_id')->select('links.link', 'links.id', 'links.button_id', 'links.title', 'links.custom_css', 'links.custom_icon', 'buttons.name')->where('user_id', $id)->orderBy('up_link', 'asc')->orderBy('order', 'asc')->get(); return view('linkstack.linkstack', ['userinfo' => $userinfo, 'information' => $information, 'links' => $links, 'littlelink_name' => $littlelink_name]); } //Redirect to user page public function userRedirect(request $request) { $id = $request->id; $user = User::select('littlelink_name')->where('id', $id)->value('littlelink_name'); if (empty($id)) { return abort(404); } if (empty($user)) { return abort(404); } return redirect(url('@'.$user)); } //Show add/update form public function AddUpdateLink($id = 0) { $linkData = $id ? Link::find($id) : new Link(['typename' => 'link', 'id' => '0']); $data = [ 'LinkTypes' => LinkType::get(), 'LinkData' => $linkData, 'LinkID' => $id, 'linkTypeID' => "1", 'title' => "Predefined Site", ]; if (Route::currentRouteName() != 'showButtons' && $link = DB::table('links')->where('id', $id)->first()) { $bidToLinkTypeId = [ 1 => "2", 2 => "2", 42 => "3", 43 => "4", 93 => "5", 6 => "6", 7 => "6", 44 => "7", 96 => "8", ]; $data['linkTypeID'] = $bidToLinkTypeId[$link->button_id] ?? "1"; $data['title'] = LinkType::where('id', $data['linkTypeID'])->value('title'); } $data['SelectedLinkType'] = $data['LinkTypes']->firstWhere('typename', $linkData['typename']); return view('studio/edit-link', $data); } //Save add link public function saveLink(Request $request) { $request->validate([ 'link' => 'sometimes|exturl', ]); $linkType = LinkType::find($request->linktype_id); $LinkTitle = ($request->link_text ?? $request->link_title) ?? $request->title; $LinkURL = $request->link_url ?? $request->link; $OrigLink = Link::find($request->linkid); $customParams = []; foreach ($request->all() as $key => $param) { if (str_starts_with($key, "_") || in_array($key, ['linktype_id', 'linktype_title', 'link_text', 'link_url'])) continue; $customParams[$key] = $param; } $userId = Auth::user()->id; $button = Button::where('name', $request->button)->first(); if ($button && empty($LinkTitle)) $LinkTitle = $button->alt; if ($linkType->typename == 'video' && empty($LinkTitle)) { $embed = OEmbed::get($LinkURL); if ($embed) $LinkTitle = $embed->data()['title']; } $message = (ucwords($button?->name) ?? ucwords($linkType->typename)) . " has been "; $linkData = [ 'link' => $LinkURL, 'title' => $LinkTitle, 'user_id' => $userId, 'button_id' => $button?->id ]; if ($linkType->typename == "link" && $customParams['GetSiteIcon'] == "1") { $linkData['button_id'] = "2"; } elseif ($linkType->typename == "link") { $linkData['button_id'] = "1"; } elseif ($linkType->typename == "spacer") { $linkData['title'] = $customParams['height'] ?? null; $linkData['button_id'] = "43"; } elseif ($linkType->typename == "heading") { $linkData['button_id'] = "42"; } elseif ($linkType->typename == "text") { $sanitizedText = $request->text; $sanitizedText = strip_tags($sanitizedText, '<a><p><strong><i><ul><ol><li><blockquote><h2><h3><h4>'); $sanitizedText = preg_replace("/<a([^>]*)>/i", "<a $1 rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\">", $sanitizedText); $sanitizedText = strip_tags_except_allowed_protocols($sanitizedText); $linkData['title'] = $sanitizedText; $linkData['button_id'] = "93"; } elseif (in_array($linkType->typename, ["email", "telephone"])) { $linkData['button_id'] = $button?->id; } elseif ($linkType->typename == "vcard") { $data = $request->only([ 'prefix', 'first_name', 'middle_name', 'last_name', 'suffix', 'nickname', 'organization', 'vtitle', 'role', 'work_url', 'email', 'work_email', 'home_phone', 'work_phone', 'cell_phone', 'home_address_label', 'home_address_street', 'home_address_city', 'home_address_state', 'home_address_zip', 'home_address_country', 'work_address_label', 'work_address_street', 'work_address_city', 'work_address_state', 'work_address_zip', 'work_address_country' ]); $linkData['link'] = json_encode($data); $linkData['button_id'] = 96; } if ($OrigLink) { $OrigLink->update($linkData); $message .= "updated"; } else { $links = new Link($linkData); $links->user_id = $userId; $links->save(); $links->order = ($links->id - 1); $links->save(); $message .= "added"; } $redirectUrl = $request->input('param') == 'add_more' ? 'studio/add-link' : 'studio/links'; return Redirect($redirectUrl)->with('success', $message); } public function sortLinks(Request $request) { $linkOrders = $request->input("linkOrders", []); $currentPage = $request->input("currentPage", 1); $perPage = $request->input("perPage", 0); if ($perPage == 0) { $currentPage = 1; } $linkOrders = array_unique(array_filter($linkOrders)); if (!$linkOrders || $currentPage < 1) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 'ERROR', ]); } $newOrder = $perPage * ($currentPage - 1); $linkNewOrders = []; foreach ($linkOrders as $linkId) { if ($linkId < 0) { continue; } $linkNewOrders[$linkId] = $newOrder; Link::where("id", $linkId) ->update([ 'order' => $newOrder ]); $newOrder++; } return response()->json([ 'status' => 'OK', 'linkOrders' => $linkNewOrders, ]); } //Count the number of clicks and redirect to link public function clickNumber(request $request) { $linkId = $request->id; if (substr($linkId, -1) == '+') { $linkWithoutPlus = str_replace('+', '', $linkId); return redirect(url('info/'.$linkWithoutPlus)); } $link = Link::find($linkId); if (empty($link)) { return abort(404); } $link = $link->link; if (empty($linkId)) { return abort(404); } Link::where('id', $linkId)->increment('click_number', 1); $response = redirect()->away($link); $response->header('X-Robots-Tag', 'noindex, nofollow'); return $response; } //Download Vcard public function vcard(request $request) { $linkId = $request->id; // Find the link with the specified ID $link = Link::findOrFail($linkId); $json = $link->link; // Decode the JSON to a PHP array $data = json_decode($json, true); // Create a new vCard object $vcard = new VCard(); // Set the vCard properties from the $data array $vcard->addName($data['last_name'], $data['first_name'], $data['middle_name'], $data['prefix'], $data['suffix']); $vcard->addCompany($data['organization']); $vcard->addJobtitle($data['vtitle']); $vcard->addRole($data['role']); $vcard->addEmail($data['email']); $vcard->addEmail($data['work_email'], 'WORK'); $vcard->addURL($data['work_url'], 'WORK'); $vcard->addPhoneNumber($data['home_phone'], 'HOME'); $vcard->addPhoneNumber($data['work_phone'], 'WORK'); $vcard->addPhoneNumber($data['cell_phone'], 'CELL'); $vcard->addAddress($data['home_address_street'], '', $data['home_address_city'], $data['home_address_state'], $data['home_address_zip'], $data['home_address_country'], 'HOME'); $vcard->addAddress($data['work_address_street'], '', $data['work_address_city'], $data['work_address_state'], $data['work_address_zip'], $data['work_address_country'], 'WORK'); // $vcard->addPhoto(base_path('img/1.png')); // Generate the vCard file contents $file_contents = $vcard->getOutput(); // Set the file headers for download $headers = [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/x-vcard', 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="contact.vcf"' ]; Link::where('id', $linkId)->increment('click_number', 1); // Return the file download response return response()->make($file_contents, 200, $headers); } //Show link, click number, up link in links page public function showLinks() { $userId = Auth::user()->id; $data['pagePage'] = 10; $data['links'] = Link::select('id', 'link', 'title', 'order', 'click_number', 'up_link', 'links.button_id')->where('user_id', $userId)->orderBy('up_link', 'asc')->orderBy('order', 'asc')->paginate(99999); return view('studio/links', $data); } //Delete link public function deleteLink(request $request) { $linkId = $request->id; Link::where('id', $linkId)->delete(); $directory = base_path("assets/favicon/icons"); $files = scandir($directory); foreach($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, $linkId.".") !== false) { $pathinfo = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);}} if (isset($pathinfo)) { try{File::delete(base_path("assets/favicon/icons")."/".$linkId.".".$pathinfo);} catch (exception $e) {} } return redirect('/studio/links'); } //Delete icon public function clearIcon(request $request) { $linkId = $request->id; $directory = base_path("assets/favicon/icons"); $files = scandir($directory); foreach($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, $linkId.".") !== false) { $pathinfo = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);}} if (isset($pathinfo)) { try{File::delete(base_path("assets/favicon/icons")."/".$linkId.".".$pathinfo);} catch (exception $e) {} } return redirect('/studio/links'); } //Raise link on the littlelink page public function upLink(request $request) { $linkId = $request->id; $upLink = $request->up; if ($upLink == 'yes') { $up = 'no'; } elseif ($upLink == 'no') { $up = 'yes'; } Link::where('id', $linkId)->update(['up_link' => $up]); return back(); } //Show link to edit public function showLink(request $request) { $linkId = $request->id; $link = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('link'); $title = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('title'); $order = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('order'); $custom_css = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('custom_css'); $buttonId = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('button_id'); $buttonName = Button::where('id', $buttonId)->value('name'); $buttons = Button::select('id', 'name')->orderBy('name', 'asc')->get(); return view('studio/edit-link', ['custom_css' => $custom_css, 'buttonId' => $buttonId, 'buttons' => $buttons, 'link' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'order' => $order, 'id' => $linkId, 'buttonName' => $buttonName]); } //Show custom CSS + custom icon public function showCSS(request $request) { $linkId = $request->id; $link = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('link'); $title = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('title'); $order = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('order'); $custom_css = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('custom_css'); $custom_icon = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('custom_icon'); $buttonId = Link::where('id', $linkId)->value('button_id'); $buttons = Button::select('id', 'name')->get(); return view('studio/button-editor', ['custom_icon' => $custom_icon, 'custom_css' => $custom_css, 'buttonId' => $buttonId, 'buttons' => $buttons, 'link' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'order' => $order, 'id' => $linkId]); } //Save edit link public function editLink(request $request) { $request->validate([ 'link' => 'required|exturl', 'title' => 'required', 'button' => 'required', ]); if (stringStartsWith($request->link, 'http://') == 'true' or stringStartsWith($request->link, 'https://') == 'true' or stringStartsWith($request->link, 'mailto:') == 'true') $link1 = $request->link; else $link1 = 'https://' . $request->link; if (stringEndsWith($request->link, '/') == 'true') $link = rtrim($link1, "/ "); else $link = $link1; $title = $request->title; $order = $request->order; $button = $request->button; $linkId = $request->id; $buttonId = Button::select('id')->where('name', $button)->value('id'); Link::where('id', $linkId)->update(['link' => $link, 'title' => $title, 'order' => $order, 'button_id' => $buttonId]); return redirect('/studio/links'); } //Save edit custom CSS + custom icon public function editCSS(request $request) { $linkId = $request->id; $custom_icon = $request->custom_icon; $custom_css = $request->custom_css; if ($request->custom_css == "" and $request->custom_icon = !"") { Link::where('id', $linkId)->update(['custom_icon' => $custom_icon]); } elseif ($request->custom_icon == "" and $request->custom_css = !"") { Link::where('id', $linkId)->update(['custom_css' => $custom_css]); } else { Link::where('id', $linkId)->update([]); } return Redirect('#result'); } //Show littlelinke page for edit public function showPage(request $request) { $userId = Auth::user()->id; $data['pages'] = User::where('id', $userId)->select('littlelink_name', 'littlelink_description', 'image', 'name')->get(); return view('/studio/page', $data); } //Save littlelink page (name, description, logo) public function editPage(Request $request) { $userId = Auth::user()->id; $littlelink_name = Auth::user()->littlelink_name; $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), [ 'littlelink_name' => [ 'sometimes', 'max:255', 'string', 'isunique:users,id,'.$userId, ], 'name' => 'sometimes|max:255|string', 'image' => 'sometimes|image|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png,webp|max:2048', // Max file size: 2MB ], [ 'littlelink_name.unique' => __('messages.That handle has already been taken'), 'image.image' => __('messages.The selected file must be an image'), 'image.mimes' => __('messages.The image must be') . ' JPEG, JPG, PNG, webP.', 'image.max' => __('messages.The image size should not exceed 2MB'), ]); if ($validator->fails()) { return redirect('/studio/page')->withErrors($validator)->withInput(); } $profilePhoto = $request->file('image'); $pageName = $request->littlelink_name; $pageDescription = strip_tags($request->pageDescription, '<a><p><strong><i><ul><ol><li><blockquote><h2><h3><h4>'); $pageDescription = preg_replace("/<a([^>]*)>/i", "<a $1 rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\">", $pageDescription); $pageDescription = strip_tags_except_allowed_protocols($pageDescription); $name = $request->name; $checkmark = $request->checkmark; $sharebtn = $request->sharebtn; $tablinks = $request->tablinks; if(env('HOME_URL') !== '' && $pageName != $littlelink_name && $littlelink_name == env('HOME_URL')){ EnvEditor::editKey('HOME_URL', $pageName); } User::where('id', $userId)->update([ 'littlelink_name' => $pageName, 'littlelink_description' => $pageDescription, 'name' => $name ]); if ($request->hasFile('image')) { // Delete the user's current avatar if it exists while (findAvatar($userId) !== "error.error") { $avatarName = findAvatar($userId); unlink(base_path($avatarName)); } $fileName = $userId . '_' . time() . "." . $profilePhoto->extension(); $profilePhoto->move(base_path('assets/img'), $fileName); } if ($checkmark == "on") { UserData::saveData($userId, 'checkmark', true); } else { UserData::saveData($userId, 'checkmark', false); } if ($sharebtn == "on") { UserData::saveData($userId, 'disable-sharebtn', false); } else { UserData::saveData($userId, 'disable-sharebtn', true); } if ($tablinks == "on") { UserData::saveData($userId, 'links-new-tab', true); } else { UserData::saveData($userId, 'links-new-tab', false); } return Redirect('/studio/page'); } //Upload custom theme background image public function themeBackground(Request $request) { $userId = Auth::user()->id; $littlelink_name = Auth::user()->littlelink_name; $request->validate([ 'image' => 'required|image|mimes:jpeg,jpg,png,webp,gif|max:2048', // Max file size: 2MB ], [ 'image.required' => __('messages.Please select an image'), 'image.image' => __('messages.The selected file must be an image'), 'image.mimes' => __('messages.The image must be') . ' JPEG, JPG, PNG, webP, GIF.', 'image.max' => __('messages.The image size should not exceed 2MB'), ]); $customBackground = $request->file('image'); if ($customBackground) { $directory = base_path('assets/img/background-img/'); $files = scandir($directory); $pathinfo = "error.error"; foreach ($files as $file) { if (strpos($file, $userId . '.') !== false) { $pathinfo = $userId . "." . pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } } // Delete the user's current background image if it exists while (findBackground($userId) !== "error.error") { $avatarName = "assets/img/background-img/" . findBackground(Auth::id()); unlink(base_path($avatarName)); } $fileName = $userId . '_' . time() . "." . $customBackground->extension(); $customBackground->move(base_path('assets/img/background-img/'), $fileName); if (extension_loaded('imagick')) { $imagePath = base_path('assets/img/background-img/') . $fileName; $image = new \Imagick($imagePath); $image->stripImage(); $image->writeImage($imagePath); } return redirect('/studio/theme'); } return redirect('/studio/theme')->with('error', 'Please select a valid image file.'); } //Delete custom background image public function removeBackground() { $userId = Auth::user()->id; // Delete the user's current background image if it exists while (findBackground($userId) !== "error.error") { $avatarName = "assets/img/background-img/" . findBackground(Auth::id()); unlink(base_path($avatarName)); } return back(); } //Show custom theme public function showTheme(request $request) { $userId = Auth::user()->id; $data['pages'] = User::where('id', $userId)->select('littlelink_name', 'theme')->get(); return view('/studio/theme', $data); } //Save custom theme public function editTheme(request $request) { $request->validate([ 'zip' => 'sometimes|mimes:zip', ]); $userId = Auth::user()->id; $zipfile = $request->file('zip'); $theme = $request->theme; $message = ""; User::where('id', $userId)->update(['theme' => $theme]); if (!empty($zipfile)) { $zipfile->move(base_path('/themes'), "temp.zip"); $zip = new ZipArchive; $zip->open(base_path() . '/themes/temp.zip'); $zip->extractTo(base_path() . '/themes'); $zip->close(); unlink(base_path() . '/themes/temp.zip'); // Removes version numbers from folder. $folder = base_path('themes'); $regex = '/[0-9.-]/'; $files = scandir($folder); foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file !== '.' && $file !== '..') { if (preg_match($regex, $file)) { $new_file = preg_replace($regex, '', $file); File::copyDirectory($folder . '/' . $file, $folder . '/' . $new_file); $dirname = $folder . '/' . $file; if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { system('rmdir ' . escapeshellarg($dirname) . ' /s /q'); } else { system("rm -rf " . escapeshellarg($dirname)); } } } } } return Redirect('/studio/theme')->with("success", $message); } //Show user (name, email, password) public function showProfile(request $request) { $userId = Auth::user()->id; $data['profile'] = User::where('id', $userId)->select('name', 'email', 'role')->get(); return view('/studio/profile', $data); } //Save user (name, email, password) public function editProfile(request $request) { $request->validate([ 'name' => 'sometimes|required|unique:users', 'email' => 'sometimes|required|email|unique:users', 'password' => 'sometimes|min:8', ]); $userId = Auth::user()->id; $name = $request->name; $email = $request->email; $password = Hash::make($request->password); if ($request->name != '') { User::where('id', $userId)->update(['name' => $name]); } elseif ($request->email != '') { User::where('id', $userId)->update(['email' => $email]); } elseif ($request->password != '') { User::where('id', $userId)->update(['password' => $password]); Auth::logout(); } return back(); } //Show user theme credit page public function theme(request $request) { $littlelink_name = $request->littlelink; $id = User::select('id')->where('littlelink_name', $littlelink_name)->value('id'); if (empty($id)) { return abort(404); } $userinfo = User::select('name', 'littlelink_name', 'littlelink_description', 'theme')->where('id', $id)->first(); $information = User::select('name', 'littlelink_name', 'littlelink_description', 'theme')->where('id', $id)->get(); $links = DB::table('links')->join('buttons', 'buttons.id', '=', 'links.button_id')->select('links.link', 'links.id', 'links.button_id', 'links.title', 'links.custom_css', 'links.custom_icon', 'buttons.name')->where('user_id', $id)->orderBy('up_link', 'asc')->orderBy('order', 'asc')->get(); return view('components/theme', ['userinfo' => $userinfo, 'information' => $information, 'links' => $links, 'littlelink_name' => $littlelink_name]); } //Delete existing user public function deleteUser(request $request) { // echo $request->id; // echo "<br>"; // echo Auth::id(); $id = $request->id; if($id == Auth::id() and $id != "1") { Link::where('user_id', $id)->delete(); $user = User::find($id); Schema::disableForeignKeyConstraints(); $user->forceDelete(); Schema::enableForeignKeyConstraints(); } return redirect('/'); } //Delete profile picture public function delProfilePicture() { $userId = Auth::user()->id; // Delete the user's current avatar if it exists while (findAvatar($userId) !== "error.error") { $avatarName = findAvatar($userId); unlink(base_path($avatarName)); } return back(); } //Export user links public function exportLinks(request $request) { $userId = Auth::id(); $user = User::find($userId); $links = Link::where('user_id', $userId)->get(); if (!$user) { // handle the case where the user is null return response()->json(['message' => 'User not found'], 404); } $userData['links'] = $links->toArray(); $domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $date = date('Y-m-d_H-i-s'); $fileName = "links-$domain-$date.json"; $headers = [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="'.$fileName.'"', ]; return response()->json($userData, 200, $headers); return back(); } //Export all user data public function exportAll(Request $request) { $userId = Auth::id(); $user = User::find($userId); $links = Link::where('user_id', $userId)->get(); if (!$user) { // handle the case where the user is null return response()->json(['message' => 'User not found'], 404); } $userData = $user->toArray(); $userData['links'] = $links->toArray(); if (file_exists(base_path(findAvatar($userId)))){ $imagePath = base_path(findAvatar($userId)); $imageData = base64_encode(file_get_contents($imagePath)); $userData['image_data'] = $imageData; $imageExtension = pathinfo($imagePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $userData['image_extension'] = $imageExtension; } $domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $date = date('Y-m-d_H-i-s'); $fileName = "user_data-$domain-$date.json"; $headers = [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Content-Disposition' => 'attachment; filename="'.$fileName.'"', ]; return response()->json($userData, 200, $headers); return back(); } public function importData(Request $request) { try { // Get the JSON data from the uploaded file if (!$request->hasFile('import') || !$request->file('import')->isValid()) { throw new \Exception('File not uploaded or is faulty'); } $file = $request->file('import'); $jsonString = $file->get(); $userData = json_decode($jsonString, true); // Update the authenticated user's profile data if defined in the JSON file $user = auth()->user(); if (isset($userData['name'])) { $user->name = $userData['name']; } if (isset($userData['littlelink_description'])) { $sanitizedText = $userData['littlelink_description']; $sanitizedText = strip_tags($sanitizedText, '<a><p><strong><i><ul><ol><li><blockquote><h2><h3><h4>'); $sanitizedText = preg_replace("/<a([^>]*)>/i", "<a $1 rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\">", $sanitizedText); $sanitizedText = strip_tags_except_allowed_protocols($sanitizedText); $user->littlelink_description = $sanitizedText; } if (isset($userData['image_data'])) { $allowedExtensions = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'webp'); $userExtension = strtolower($userData['image_extension']); if (in_array($userExtension, $allowedExtensions)) { // Decode the image data from Base64 $imageData = base64_decode($userData['image_data']); // Delete the user's current avatar if it exists while (findAvatar(Auth::id()) !== "error.error") { $avatarName = findAvatar(Auth::id()); unlink(base_path($avatarName)); } // Save the image to the correct path with the correct file name and extension $filename = $user->id . '.' . $userExtension; file_put_contents(base_path('assets/img/' . $filename), $imageData); // Update the user's image field with the correct file name $user->image = $filename; } } $user->save(); // Delete all links for the authenticated user Link::where('user_id', $user->id)->delete(); // Loop through each link in $userData and create a new link for the user foreach ($userData['links'] as $linkData) { $validatedData = Validator::make($linkData, [ 'link' => 'nullable|exturl', ]); if ($validatedData->fails()) { throw new \Exception('Invalid link'); } $newLink = new Link(); // Copy over the link data from $linkData to $newLink $newLink->button_id = $linkData['button_id']; $newLink->link = $linkData['link']; // Sanitize the title if ($linkData['button_id'] == 93) { $sanitizedText = strip_tags($linkData['title'], '<a><p><strong><i><ul><ol><li><blockquote><h2><h3><h4>'); $sanitizedText = preg_replace("/<a([^>]*)>/i", "<a $1 rel=\"noopener noreferrer nofollow\">", $sanitizedText); $sanitizedText = strip_tags_except_allowed_protocols($sanitizedText); $newLink->title = $sanitizedText; } else { $newLink->title = $linkData['title']; } $newLink->order = $linkData['order']; $newLink->click_number = 0; $newLink->up_link = $linkData['up_link']; $newLink->custom_css = $linkData['custom_css']; $newLink->custom_icon = $linkData['custom_icon']; // Set the user ID to the current user's ID $newLink->user_id = $user->id; // Save the new link to the database $newLink->save(); } return redirect('studio/profile')->with('success', __('messages.Profile updated successfully!')); } catch (\Exception $e) { return redirect('studio/profile')->with('error', __('messages.An error occurred while updating your profile.')); } } // Hanle reports function report(Request $request) { $formData = $request->all(); try { Mail::to(env('ADMIN_EMAIL'))->send(new ReportSubmissionMail($formData)); return redirect('report')->with('success', __('messages.report_success')); } catch (\Exception $e) { return redirect()->back()->with('error', __('messages.report_error')); } } //Edit/save page icons public function editIcons(Request $request) { $inputKeys = array_keys($request->except('_token')); $validationRules = []; foreach ($inputKeys as $platform) { $validationRules[$platform] = 'nullable|exturl|max:255'; } $request->validate($validationRules); foreach ($inputKeys as $platform) { $link = $request->input($platform); if (!empty($link)) { $iconId = $this->searchIcon($platform); if (!is_null($iconId)) { $this->updateIcon($platform, $link); } else { $this->addIcon($platform, $link); } } } return redirect('studio/links#icons'); } private function searchIcon($icon) { return DB::table('links') ->where('user_id', Auth::id()) ->where('title', $icon) ->where('button_id', 94) ->value('id'); } private function addIcon($icon, $link) { $userId = Auth::user()->id; $links = new Link; $links->link = $link; $links->user_id = $userId; $links->title = $icon; $links->button_id = '94'; $links->save(); $links->order = ($links->id - 1); $links->save(); } private function updateIcon($icon, $link) { Link::where('id', $this->searchIcon($icon))->update([ 'button_id' => 94, 'link' => $link, 'title' => $icon ]); } }