@extends('layouts.sidebar') @section('content') @foreach($pages as $page) Select a theme @csrf 0) { $themeName = substr($matches[0][0],12); } } if($page->theme != $entry and isset($themeName)){ echo ''.$themeName.''; } } } } if($page->theme != "default" and $page->theme != ""){ if(file_exists(base_path('themes') . '/' . $page->theme . '/readme.md')){ $text = file_get_contents(base_path('themes') . '/' . $page->theme . '/readme.md'); $pattern = '/Theme Name:.*/'; preg_match($pattern, $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); $themeName = substr($matches[0][0],12); } echo ''.$themeName.''; } echo 'theme == "default" or $page->theme == ""){ echo ' selected'; } echo '>Default'; ?> Apply {{-- Current theme @if(empty($page->theme)) @else @endif --}} Preview: @if(env('USE_THEME_PREVIEW_IFRAME') === false or $page->littlelink_name == '') @else Your browser isn't compatible @endif @if(auth()->user()->role == 'admin') @if(env('ENABLE_THEME_UPDATER') == 'true') Theme updater @endif @endif @if(env('ALLOW_CUSTOM_BACKGROUNDS') == true) @csrf Custom background {{ $page->theme }} @if(!file_exists(base_path('/img/background-img/'.findBackground(Auth::user()->id))))No image selected@endif @if(file_exists(base_path('/img/background-img/'.findBackground(Auth::user()->id)))) Remove background@endif Upload background image Upload background @endif @if(auth()->user()->role == 'admin') @csrf Upload themes {{ $page->theme }} Upload theme Upload theme Delete themes Download themes @endif @endforeach @endsection
No image selected