strictErrorChecking = false; @$dom->loadHTMLFile($url); if ($dom) { $domxml = simplexml_import_dom($dom); // Check for the historical rel="shortcut icon" if ($domxml->xpath('//link[@rel="shortcut icon"]')) { $path = $domxml->xpath('//link[@rel="shortcut icon"]'); $faviconURL = getAbsoluteUrl($url, $path[0]['href']); return $faviconURL; } // Check for the HTML5 rel="icon" elseif ($domxml->xpath('//link[@rel="icon"]')) { $path = $domxml->xpath('//link[@rel="icon"]'); $faviconURL = getAbsoluteUrl($url, $path[0]['href']); return $faviconURL; } } } catch (Exception $e) { // Silently fail and continue to the next method } // Check directly for favicon.ico or favicon.png $parse = parse_url($url); $favicon_headers = @get_headers("http://" . $parse['host'] . "/favicon.ico"); if ($favicon_headers && $favicon_headers[0] != 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found') { $faviconURL = "http://" . $parse['host'] . "/favicon.ico"; return $faviconURL; } $favicon_headers = @get_headers("http://" . $parse['host'] . "/favicon.png"); if ($favicon_headers && $favicon_headers[0] != 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found') { $faviconURL = "http://" . $parse['host'] . "/favicon.png"; return $faviconURL; } // Fallback to regex extraction $faviconURL = extractFaviconUrlWithRegex($response); if ($faviconURL) { $faviconURL = getAbsoluteUrl($url, $faviconURL); } return $faviconURL; } function getRedirectUrlFromHeaders($headers) { if (preg_match('/^Location:\s+(.*)$/mi', $headers, $matches)) { return trim($matches[1]); } return null; } function extractFaviconUrlWithRegex($html) { // Check for the historical rel="shortcut icon" if (preg_match('/]+rel=["\']shortcut icon["\'][^>]+href=["\']([^"\']+)["\']/', $html, $matches)) { $faviconURL = $matches[1]; return $faviconURL; } // Check for the HTML5 rel="icon" if (preg_match('/]+rel=["\']icon["\'][^>]+href=["\']([^"\']+)["\']/', $html, $matches)) { $faviconURL = $matches[1]; return $faviconURL; } return null; } function getAbsoluteUrl($baseUrl, $relativeUrl) { $parsedUrl = parse_url($baseUrl); $scheme = isset($parsedUrl['scheme']) ? $parsedUrl['scheme'] : 'http'; $host = isset($parsedUrl['host']) ? $parsedUrl['host'] : ''; $path = isset($parsedUrl['path']) ? $parsedUrl['path'] : ''; $basePath = "$scheme://$host$path"; if (strpos($relativeUrl, 'http') === 0) { return $relativeUrl; // Already an absolute URL } elseif (strpos($relativeUrl, '/') === 0) { return "$scheme://$host$relativeUrl"; // Root-relative URL } else { return "$basePath/$relativeUrl"; // Path-relative URL } } function getFavIcon($id) { try{ $link = Link::find($id); $page = $link->link; $url = getFaviconURL($page); $fileExtension = pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $filename = $id . '.' . $fileExtension; $filepath = base_path('assets/favicon/icons') . '/' . $filename; if (!file_exists($filepath)) { if (function_exists('curl_version')) { $curlHandle = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 3); $faviconData = curl_exec($curlHandle); curl_close($curlHandle); if ($faviconData !== false) { file_put_contents($filepath, $faviconData); } } else { file_put_contents($filepath, file_get_contents($url)); } } return url('assets/favicon/icons/' . $id . '.' . $fileExtension); }catch(Exception $e){ // Handle the exception by copying the default SVG favicon $defaultIcon = base_path('assets/linkstack/icons/website.svg'); $filename = $id . '.svg'; $filepath = base_path('assets/favicon/icons') . '/' . $filename; copy($defaultIcon, $filepath); return url('assets/favicon/icons/' . $filename); } } ?>