@include('layouts.lang') Studio ⚙️ {{ config('app.name') }} @include('layouts.analytics') @if ($color_scheme == 'dark' and config('meta.theme') != 'light' and $color_scheme_override != 'light' or $color_scheme_override == 'dark') @elseif(config('meta.theme') == 'dark') @else @endif user()->role == 'admin'){ $serversb = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $urisb = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; // Tests if a URL has a valid SSL certificate function has_sslsb( $domain ) { $ssl_check = @fsockopen( 'ssl://' . $domain, 443, $errno, $errstr, 30 ); $res = !! $ssl_check; if ( $ssl_check ) { fclose( $ssl_check ); } return $res; } // Changes probed URL to HTTP if no valid SSL certificate is present, otherwise an error would be thrown if (has_sslsb($serversb)) { $actual_linksb = "https://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; } else { $actual_linksb = "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; } // Files or directories to test if accessible externally $url1sb = Http::get($actual_linksb . '/../../.env'); $url2sb = Http::get($actual_linksb . '/../../database/database.sqlite'); // sets compromised to true if config files got compromised if ($url1sb->successful() or $url2sb->successful()) { $compromised = "true"; } else { $compromised = "false"; } } // end security check ?> @if(file_exists(base_path("littlelink/images/avatar.png" ))) @else @endif @stack('sidebar-stylesheets')
@if(env('NOTIFY_EVENTS') === true and $EventServerExists == 'true') @if(auth()->user()->role == 'admin' and strtotime(date("d-m-Y")) < strtotime($EventJson['enddate'])) @if(isset($_COOKIE['HideEvent']) and $_COOKIE['HideEvent'] != $EventJson['id']) @endif @endif @if(env('NOTIFY_EVENTS') === false and auth()->user()->role == 'admin') @endif @endif @yield('content')