@php($package='env-editor') @php($translatePrefix='env-editor::env-editor.') @extends(config("$package.layout")) @push('documentTitle') {{trans('env-editor::env-editor.menuTitle')}} @endpush @section('content')
@if(env('NOTIFY_EVENTS') === false)

You currently have Event Notifications disabled. To get notified about polls, possible security vulnerabilities or important news, change the setting NOTIFY_EVENTS below to true. If you enable this and an event is happening, a small text will pop up on your Admin Panel which will only be visible for admins. @endif

You appear to be using NGINX. Some features of the Config Editor do not work on NGINX based servers. You can use the alternative Config Editor here.

"; ?>
@stop @include('env-editor::components._itemModal') @include('env-editor::components._currentEnv') @include('env-editor::components._upload') @include('env-editor::components._backup') @include('env-editor::components._configActions') @push('scripts') @endpush @extends('layouts.sidebar')