@if(env('ENABLE_BUTTON_EDITOR') === true) @extends('layouts.sidebar') @include('components.favicon') @section('content') @push('sidebar-scripts') @endpush

Button Editor

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Custom Button

@if($buttonId == 1)
{{ $title }}
{{ $title }}

Show CSS

Custom CSS



@if($custom_css === "" or $custom_css === "NULL" and $buttonId == 1)
{{ $title }}
@elseif($custom_css === "" or $custom_css === "NULL" and $buttonId == 2)
{{ $title }}
@elseif($custom_css != "" and $buttonId == 2)
{{ $title }}
{{ $title }}

@if($buttonId == 1)

Custom Icon

Custom icons can be added to buttons via Font Awesome. You can use any icon from the list below, you can access this list by clicking the 'See all icons' button. Each icon on that list has a short code, which you can copy and enter in the custom icon field.

Every icon short code consists of a prefix and main part. If the short code is not a brand icon, you can simply enter the code in the format: fa-icon-name. The 'fa-...' formatting is important here. For example 'fa-code'.

If the short code is a brand icon, it is important to include a 'fab' before the short code part. Again, The 'fa-...' formatting still applies here. For example, 'fab fa-github'

To apply color to your icons, you can simply write out the color name or just write the HEX value before the icon, followed by a ';'. Here it is important to put the color before the icon short code and the color code must be ended with a semicolon.
You can find a list of available colors here.

Style Prefix Icon Short Code


Brands fab

fab fa-github

Color color_name;

red; fa-ghost

Color HEX color_HEX;

#1DA1F2; fab fa-twitter

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@endsection @endif