/* ====== Index ====== 1. JEKYLL INSTANT SEARCH 2. SCROLLBAR CONTENT 3. TOOLTIPS AND POPOVER 4. JVECTORMAP DASHBOARD 5. JVECTORMAP ANALYTICS 6. JVECTORMAP WIDGET 7. MULTIPLE SELECT 8. LOADING BUTTON 8.1. BIND NORMAL BUTTONS 8.2. BIND PROGRESS BUTTONS AND SIMULATE LOADING PROGRESS 9. TOASTER 10. PROGRESS BAR ====== End ======*/ $(document).ready(function() { "use strict"; /*======== 1. JEKYLL INSTANT SEARCH ========*/ // SimpleJekyllSearch.init({ // searchInput: document.getElementById('search-input'), // resultsContainer: document.getElementById('search-results'), // dataSource: '/assets/data/search.json', // searchResultTemplate: '
  • {location}
    <\/li>', // noResultsText: '
  • No results found
  • ', // limit: 10, // fuzzy: true, // }); /*======== 3. TOOLTIPS AND POPOVER ========*/ $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({ container: "body", template: '' }); $('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover(); /*======== 4. JVECTORMAP DASHBOARD ========*/ var mapData = { US: 1298, FR: 540, DE: 350, BW: 450, NA: 250, ZW: 300, AU: 760, GB: 120, ZA: 450 }; if (document.getElementById("world")) { $("#world").vectorMap({ map: "world_mill", backgroundColor: "transparent", zoomOnScroll: false, regionStyle: { initial: { fill: "#e4e4e4", "fill-opacity": 0.9, stroke: "none", "stroke-width": 0, "stroke-opacity": 0 } }, markerStyle: { initial: { stroke: "transparent" }, hover: { stroke: "rgba(112, 112, 112, 0.30)" } }, markers: [ { latLng: [54.673629, -62.347026], name: "America", style: { fill: "limegreen" } }, { latLng: [62.466943, 11.797592], name: "Europe", style: { fill: "orange" } }, { latLng: [23.956725, -8.768815], name: "Africa", style: { fill: "red" } }, { latLng: [-21.943369, 123.102198], name: "Australia", style: { fill: "royalblue" } } ] }); } /*======== 5. JVECTORMAP ANALYTICS ========*/ var mapData2 = { IN: 19000, US: 13000, TR: 9500, DO: 7500, PL: 4600, UK: 4000 }; if (document.getElementById("analytic-world")) { $("#analytic-world").vectorMap({ map: "world_mill", backgroundColor: "transparent", zoomOnScroll: false, regionStyle: { initial: { fill: "#e4e4e4", "fill-opacity": 0.9, stroke: "none", "stroke-width": 0, "stroke-opacity": 0 } }, series: { regions: [ { values: mapData2, scale: ["#6a9ef9", "#b6d0ff"], normalizeFunction: "polynomial" } ] } }); } /*======== 6. JVECTORMAP WIDGET ========*/ if (document.getElementById("demoworld")) { $("#demoworld").vectorMap({ map: "world_mill", backgroundColor: "transparent", regionStyle: { initial: { fill: "#9c9c9c" } } }); } /*======== 7. MULTIPLE SELECT ========*/ // $(".js-example-basic-multiple").select2(); /*======== 8. LOADING BUTTON ========*/ /* 8.1. BIND NORMAL BUTTONS */ // Ladda.bind(".ladda-button", { // timeout: 5000 // }); /* 7.2. BIND PROGRESS BUTTONS AND SIMULATE LOADING PROGRESS */ // Ladda.bind(".progress-demo button", { // callback: function(instance) { // var progress = 0; // var interval = setInterval(function() { // progress = Math.min(progress + Math.random() * 0.1, 1); // instance.setProgress(progress); // if (progress === 1) { // instance.stop(); // clearInterval(interval); // } // }, 200); // } // }); /*======== 9. TOASTER ========*/ function callToaster(positionClass) { if (document.getElementById("toaster")) { toastr.options = { closeButton: true, debug: false, newestOnTop: false, progressBar: true, positionClass: positionClass, preventDuplicates: false, onclick: null, showDuration: "300", hideDuration: "1000", timeOut: "5000", extendedTimeOut: "1000", showEasing: "swing", hideEasing: "linear", showMethod: "fadeIn", hideMethod: "fadeOut" }; toastr.success("Welcome to sleek", "Howdy!"); } } if (document.dir != "rtl" ){ callToaster("toast-top-right"); }else { callToaster("toast-top-left"); } // /*======== 10. PROGRESS BAR ========*/ // NProgress.done(); });