| Custom Buttons on Home Page
| Here you can configure your own buttons for the Home Page.
| You can add or remove as many buttons as you like.
| The syntax of the custom buttons is as follows:
| array(
| 'button' => '',
| 'link' => '',
| 'title' => '',
| 'icon' => '',
| 'custom_css' => ''
| ),
| In the 'button' field, you have to enter the button name (i.e. 'twitter', 'github', 'custom'...).
| You can find a list of all available buttons below.
| In the 'link' field, can enter your desired link you can leave this field empty for a display only, non-functional button.
| The input fields below only apply to buttons such as 'custom' and 'custom_website' but must always be included even if only empty.
| In the 'title' field, changes the text on a button, such as 'custom' and 'custom_website'.
| In the 'icon' field, uses the same syntax as the Button Editor on the Admin Panel.
| This allows you to add your own icons to 'custom' buttons. You can find a list of available icons on llc.bio/fa.
| In the 'custom_css' field, here you can enter custom CSS to change the color of your button.
| If you don't feel comfortable working with CSS,
| you can copy and paste the CSS from the 'Custom CSS' field of the Button Editor on the Admin Panel.
'use_custom_buttons' => 'true', // Set this to false if you wish to display the old buttons.
'buttons' => array(
'button' => 'github',
'link' => 'https://github.com/JulianPrieber/littlelink-custom',
'title' => '',
'icon' => '',
'custom_css' => ''
'button' => 'custom',
'link' => 'https://littlelink-custom.com',
'title' => 'Project Website',
'icon' => 'llc',
'custom_css' => 'color:#ffffff; background-image:linear-gradient(76deg, #f70fff 0%, #11d4de 100%);'),
'button' => 'custom',
'link' => 'https://littlelink-custom.com/sponsor',
'title' => 'Help us out',
'icon' => 'fa-hand-holding-hand',
'custom_css' => 'color:#ffffff; background-image:radial-gradient(circle, #00d2ff 0%, #3a7bd5 95%);'
| List of Available buttons: |
| 'button' => 'custom' |
| 'button' => 'custom_website' |
| 'button' => 'github' |
| 'button' => 'twitter' |
| 'button' => 'instagram' |
| 'button' => 'facebook' |
| 'button' => 'messenger' |
| 'button' => 'linkedin' |
| 'button' => 'youtube' |
| 'button' => 'discord' |
| 'button' => 'twitch' |
| 'button' => 'snapchat' |
| 'button' => 'spotify' |
| 'button' => 'reddit' |
| 'button' => 'medium' |
| 'button' => 'pinterest' |
| 'button' => 'soundcloud' |
| 'button' => 'figma' |
| 'button' => 'kit' |
| 'button' => 'telegram' |
| 'button' => 'tumblr' |
| 'button' => 'steam' |
| 'button' => 'vimeo' |
| 'button' => 'wordpress' |
| 'button' => 'goodreads' |
| 'button' => 'skoob' |
| 'button' => 'tiktok' |
| 'button' => 'default email' |
| 'button' => 'default email_alt'|
| 'button' => 'bandcamp' |
| 'button' => 'patreon' |
| 'button' => 'signal' |
| 'button' => 'venmo' |
| 'button' => 'cashapp' |
| 'button' => 'gitlab' |
| 'button' => 'mastodon' |
| 'button' => 'paypal' |
| 'button' => 'whatsapp' |
| 'button' => 'xing' |
| 'button' => 'buy me a coffee' |
| 'button' => 'website' |
| 'button' => 'heading' |
| 'button' => 'space' |
Added support for custom meta tags via a new config file.
Custom meta tags will only be active if "CUSTOM_META_TAGS" is set to "true" in the config.
Replaced "<html lang="en">" with "@include('layouts.lang')" meaning HTML lang can be changed in the new config, defaults to en if not active or not defined.
Switched to dark mode detection via CSS instead of JavaScript on users LittleLink pages and the home page.
I decided to use this approach instead of the previous JavaScript version. This means that a manual switch to change between light and dark mode by user won't be added.
Added option to override registration, even if disabled with the setting in the database.
This is something that probably 99.999% of users will never need, but I really need a function like this for my personal instance.
If "REGISTER_OVERRIDE=true" is added to the .env config file, users will be able to register no matter what is set with the setting in the database. This is useful if two LittleLink Custom instances access the same database, but one should allow registration and the other should not.
If this causes any errors in the future, I will remove this.
Fixed word spacing bug in texts added by the new page editor. This bug caused inserted links to have extended spacing between words.
This 'bug' was a previous feature added to display links further apart for easier readability. The feature didn't scale well with the newly added page editor which allowed users to add their own links to edited texts, causing the bug.
The extended spacing was achieved with the 'padding' CSS tag. I simply removed the tag from all an HTML tags and made it into its own class, 'spacing'. I added the class to every element on the site that previously depended on this tag.
Added visual HTML editor for editing HTML on the footer and home pages. This editor is based on the open source CKEditor a Smart Visual Text Editor for HTML coded in JavaScript.
Read the Blog post about this topic for more info about this feature here: https://blog.littlelink-custom.com/visual-html-editor/
This 'bug' was caused due to the way the dark mode was applied. The dark mode detection detects the preferred theme style from the client and then saves the preferred type with a cookie, all with JavaScript. Then a simple PHP if-else statement loads either the dark or light mode CSS theme, depending on the cookie.
The problem here was that the cookie would only be detected if the page was refreshed, so once the cookie was set, the dark mode was applied every time without a problem. But the first time a user visited the site and the preferred theme was set to dark mode, the page would still display the white version until the page was refreshed.
Now, I could have changed how the page applies the dark mode, however I decided against that and went with this commit instead.
Now I'm not really experienced with JavaScript at all, so this definitely could have been solved in a more elegant way, but this is what I did:
I added a bit to the JavaScript that sets and reads the cookie. When the page finished loading, a simple if statement is run that requires the following conditions:
The URL contains a '#' and the color scheme equals 'dark' and the cookie isn't set yet.
After these conditions are met, '#dark' is added to the URL and the page will be refreshed.
This refresh is only performed without the cookie, thus only refreshing the page on the first visit if the dark mode would be applied.
The '#dark' is only added to the URL to fail the first requirement of the if statement, preventing the page from being reloaded in an infinite loop. Otherwise, the '#dark' part of the URL fulfills no purpose and only the '#' part is required, so it doesn't even matter what comes after the hash. I just chose this for clarification.
If the dark mode cookie is blocked by the user, the page will be set to light mode and refreshed every time they visit but the '#dark' will still be added to the URL, preventing the infinite refresh-loop.