The force HTTPS option in the config now turns any link into HTTPS. This also works on reverse proxy setups.
The previous option in the config is now being replaced with the new option FORCE_ROUTE_HTTPS which redirects all routes and pages to HTTPS. This option should never be used behind a reverse proxy.
See issue:
| Custom Buttons on Home Page
| Here you can configure your own buttons for the Home Page.
| You can add or remove as many buttons as you like.
| The syntax of the custom buttons is as follows:
| array(
| 'button' => '',
| 'link' => '',
| 'title' => '',
| 'icon' => '',
| 'custom_css' => ''
| ),
| In the 'button' field, you have to enter the button name (i.e. 'twitter', 'github', 'custom'...).
| You can find a list of all available buttons below.
| In the 'link' field, can enter your desired link you can leave this field empty for a display only, non-functional button.
| The input fields below only apply to buttons such as 'custom' and 'custom_website' but must always be included even if only empty.
| In the 'title' field, changes the text on a button, such as 'custom' and 'custom_website'.
| In the 'icon' field, uses the same syntax as the Button Editor on the Admin Panel.
| This allows you to add your own icons to 'custom' buttons. You can find a list of available icons on
| In the 'custom_css' field, here you can enter custom CSS to change the color of your button.
| If you don't feel comfortable working with CSS,
| you can copy and paste the CSS from the 'Custom CSS' field of the Button Editor on the Admin Panel.
'use_custom_buttons' => 'true', // Set this to false if you wish to display the old buttons.
'buttons' => array(
'button' => 'github',
'link' => '',
'title' => '',
'icon' => '',
'custom_css' => ''
'button' => 'custom',
'link' => '',
'title' => 'Project Website',
'icon' => 'llc',
'custom_css' => 'color:#ffffff; background-image:linear-gradient(76deg, #f70fff 0%, #11d4de 100%);'),
'button' => 'custom',
'link' => '',
'title' => 'Help us out',
'icon' => 'fa-hand-holding-hand',
'custom_css' => 'color:#ffffff; background-image:radial-gradient(circle, #00d2ff 0%, #3a7bd5 95%);'
| List of Available buttons: |
| 'button' => 'custom' |
| 'button' => 'custom_website' |
| 'button' => 'github' |
| 'button' => 'twitter' |
| 'button' => 'instagram' |
| 'button' => 'facebook' |
| 'button' => 'messenger' |
| 'button' => 'linkedin' |
| 'button' => 'youtube' |
| 'button' => 'discord' |
| 'button' => 'twitch' |
| 'button' => 'snapchat' |
| 'button' => 'spotify' |
| 'button' => 'reddit' |
| 'button' => 'medium' |
| 'button' => 'pinterest' |
| 'button' => 'soundcloud' |
| 'button' => 'figma' |
| 'button' => 'kit' |
| 'button' => 'telegram' |
| 'button' => 'tumblr' |
| 'button' => 'steam' |
| 'button' => 'vimeo' |
| 'button' => 'wordpress' |
| 'button' => 'goodreads' |
| 'button' => 'skoob' |
| 'button' => 'tiktok' |
| 'button' => 'default email' |
| 'button' => 'default email_alt'|
| 'button' => 'bandcamp' |
| 'button' => 'patreon' |
| 'button' => 'signal' |
| 'button' => 'venmo' |
| 'button' => 'cashapp' |
| 'button' => 'gitlab' |
| 'button' => 'mastodon' |
| 'button' => 'paypal' |
| 'button' => 'whatsapp' |
| 'button' => 'xing' |
| 'button' => 'buy me a coffee' |
| 'button' => 'website' |
| 'button' => 'heading' |
| 'button' => 'space' |
Enabled users to use custom HTML formatting for their personal page descriptions.
Due to security reasons, this option is turned off by default. This setting can be enabled in the config.
Added option to only notify about major updates. This setting is now the default and can be changed in the config by changing the setting "NOTIFY_UPDATES" from "major" to "all".
This setting was achieves by turning the previous if statement into an if-else statement with the new option. For this, I utilized a function that gets the latest tag from the GitHub repository.
I wasn't able to implement the 'if URL exists' check, the URL would just not return an error negating the function. I will probably fix this in the future, but as it is now, if the GitHub API server can't be reached this might trow an error.
The major release is still the previous update version retreated from the GitHub repository. This means I will only update that version for major or otherwise important updates.
I implemented this feature because I didn't want to spam new users with a new update notification every other day.
The homepage can now be changed to a user's profile page with the option "HOME_URL" in the config (found on the Admin Panel under Admin>Config).
This commit is a bit janky, I wanted to change the homepage with a setting saved in the database, but I couldn't finish this in time, so this has to do for now.
An if statement in the web routes PHP checks if the new setting is present in the config and changes the homepage to the listed LittleLink Custom name. If the homage is changed, the page previously set as the homepage where users can register and or login can now be found at .../home.
Added email verification after user registration. After a user registered, an email is sent to the email used to sign up. The mail contains a verification link which is required to complete the registration process.
This feature can be turned off in the Admin Panel under: Admin>Config by changing the setting "Register_auth" from "verified" to "auth".
Read more about this on the Blog here: