Added support for custom meta tags via a new config file.
Custom meta tags will only be active if "CUSTOM_META_TAGS" is set to "true" in the config.
Replaced "<html lang="en">" with "@include('layouts.lang')" meaning HTML lang can be changed in the new config, defaults to en if not active or not defined.
A short page that displays the contents of a Theme's
Currently, a link to this page is only visible in the HTML meta tags if viewed as page source.
This page can always be accessed on
(For example
Enabled users to use custom HTML formatting for their personal page descriptions.
Due to security reasons, this option is turned off by default. This setting can be enabled in the config.
Switched to dark mode detection via CSS instead of JavaScript on users LittleLink pages and the home page.
I decided to use this approach instead of the previous JavaScript version. This means that a manual switch to change between light and dark mode by user won't be added.
Added noopener, noreferrer and nofollow to user generated links to prevent users abusing the link system for malicious purposes.
Also, this is the 400th commit 🎉
Added custom spaces and headings users can add like buttons to their littlelink pages to divide button sections into groups.
Spaces can be changed via the number in the title, and one space equals one "<br>". The maximum spaces that can be added with one space 'button' is capped at 10.
The 'Space' button will be replaced with an empty space, so buttons could be visually separated into groups. Entering a number between 1-10 in the title section will change the empty space's distance.
The 'Heading' button will be replaced with a sub-heading, where the title defines the text on that heading.
User's profile names are now used as the title and heading for their LittleLink pages. Previously the '@name' was used for this, so for example the page name is now not tied to the @admin part anymore, so a space could be used in the name for example.
See an example of this here:
Added share button that is displayed on user's personal pages that if clicked either copies the profile URL or opens a share dialog window depending on the browser and operating system.
Read the blog post about this topic here:
Added new Custom Website button which visually looks similar to the previously added Website button with an except of the icon of the new button being the favicon of the chose link. The text on the button is set with the button title, just like the Custom button.
The favicon request is performed via the Google API. The icon displays correctly in most cases, with some exceptions. I might add a function later on that displays a generic icon if no icon was found.
This 'bug' was caused due to the way the dark mode was applied. The dark mode detection detects the preferred theme style from the client and then saves the preferred type with a cookie, all with JavaScript. Then a simple PHP if-else statement loads either the dark or light mode CSS theme, depending on the cookie.
The problem here was that the cookie would only be detected if the page was refreshed, so once the cookie was set, the dark mode was applied every time without a problem. But the first time a user visited the site and the preferred theme was set to dark mode, the page would still display the white version until the page was refreshed.
Now, I could have changed how the page applies the dark mode, however I decided against that and went with this commit instead.
Now I'm not really experienced with JavaScript at all, so this definitely could have been solved in a more elegant way, but this is what I did:
I added a bit to the JavaScript that sets and reads the cookie. When the page finished loading, a simple if statement is run that requires the following conditions:
The URL contains a '#' and the color scheme equals 'dark' and the cookie isn't set yet.
After these conditions are met, '#dark' is added to the URL and the page will be refreshed.
This refresh is only performed without the cookie, thus only refreshing the page on the first visit if the dark mode would be applied.
The '#dark' is only added to the URL to fail the first requirement of the if statement, preventing the page from being reloaded in an infinite loop. Otherwise, the '#dark' part of the URL fulfills no purpose and only the '#' part is required, so it doesn't even matter what comes after the hash. I just chose this for clarification.
If the dark mode cookie is blocked by the user, the page will be set to light mode and refreshed every time they visit but the '#dark' will still be added to the URL, preventing the infinite refresh-loop.
Fixed bug where users littlelink pages ( would display a 404 error. This was caused due to the .env config file not containing an App URL. This issue could be solved by simply adding a URL to the config, this is now not necessary anymore, making the setup process easier and less confusing.
I changed every instance of "{{ config('app.url') }}" to "{{ url(' ') }}". This effectively automatically uses the correct URL for LittleLink links, even if LittleLink Custom is set up in a subdirectory.
In my testing, I couldn't find any problems this might have caused, so this appears to do the job just as well as setting the URL in the config. If I find any issues with this, I will revert this change.