A short page that displays the contents of a Theme's readme.md.
Currently, a link to this page is only visible in the HTML meta tags if viewed as page source.
This page can always be accessed on your.domain.com/theme/@littlelink_name.
(For example your.domain.com/theme/@admin)
Added custom spaces and headings users can add like buttons to their littlelink pages to divide button sections into groups.
Spaces can be changed via the number in the title, and one space equals one "<br>". The maximum spaces that can be added with one space 'button' is capped at 10.
The 'Space' button will be replaced with an empty space, so buttons could be visually separated into groups. Entering a number between 1-10 in the title section will change the empty space's distance.
The 'Heading' button will be replaced with a sub-heading, where the title defines the text on that heading.
Expanded user controller to save the custom icon of individual buttons for the Button Editor.
I wanted to put the saving part into its own controller, but I wasn't able to implement this because I couldn't put two controllers on one page via the route in web.php, and to my knowledge this is impossible. So I had to do some trickery to get this working. If I hadn't implemented the if-else statement, one value couldn't be saved without a NULL error violation.
This will be used to display a custom icon via Font Awesome.
See: https://blog.littlelink-custom.com/upcoming-features/
And: https://blog.littlelink-custom.com/progress-of-the-new-button-editor/
Expanded user controller to get the button ID of individual buttons as a variable on the 'Links' page. This will be used to decide if the customize button prompt will be shown for the upcoming button editor.
See: https://blog.littlelink-custom.com/upcoming-features/
Added check if added, or edited links end with "/". Previously if links were saved without this formatting applied an error exception would be thrown.
For this, I used the previously added functions to check if the link ends with the slash.
Added check added, or edited links begin with https. Previously if links were saved without this formatting applied an error exception would be thrown.
For this I added two functions, one can check if a string ends with a certain string, the other checks if it ends with a certain string. The first function is used for the newly added check, the other one is planned to be used in a similar check in the future.
Fixed bug where if a user was edited on the Admin Panel under 'Admin>Users> Edit User' changes would not apply without every value being changed.
This bug originates from LittleLink Admin (the fork of which this fork is based on).
One part of this issue was that most fields were required to fill in. If only one would be left, empty, none would apply. The problem was if this requirement was removed, the password would always overwrite the current password, even when left empty.
This meant you could only edit users if you knew their password, otherwise their passwords would be changed, probably preventing that user from login in ever again.
After some experimenting, I implemented the easiest fix I could come up with. A simple if-else statement that checks if the password field is empty and if so only saves the other parameters without touching the password. If the password is changed, the changes will be applied normally.
Also fixed the profile image size for the default placeholder image.