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@foreach ($sDomains as $myvar)
2023-05-01 18:46:01 +02:00
<a class="dropdown-item share-button" style="cursor:pointer!important;" data-share="{{'https://'.$myvar.'/@'.Auth::user()->littlelink_name}}">
<i class="bi bi-files"></i> {{ $myvar }}
2023-05-02 16:21:44 +02:00
<li><a class="dropdown-item share-button" style="cursor:pointer!important;" data-share="{{url('').'/@'.Auth::user()->littlelink_name}}"><i class="bi bi-files"></i> {{ str_replace(['http://', 'https://'], '', url('')) }} </a></li>
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<path d="M19.7695 11.6453C19.039 10.7923 18.7071 10.0531 18.7071 8.79716V8.37013C18.7071 6.73354 18.3304 5.67907 17.5115 4.62459C16.2493 2.98699 14.1244 2 12.0442 2H11.9558C9.91935 2 7.86106 2.94167 6.577 4.5128C5.71333 5.58842 5.29293 6.68822 5.29293 8.37013V8.79716C5.29293 10.0531 4.98284 10.7923 4.23049 11.6453C3.67691 12.2738 3.5 13.0815 3.5 13.9557C3.5 14.8309 3.78723 15.6598 4.36367 16.3336C5.11602 17.1413 6.17846 17.6569 7.26375 17.7466C8.83505 17.9258 10.4063 17.9933 12.0005 17.9933C13.5937 17.9933 15.165 17.8805 16.7372 17.7466C17.8215 17.6569 18.884 17.1413 19.6363 16.3336C20.2118 15.6598 20.5 14.8309 20.5 13.9557C20.5 13.0815 20.3231 12.2738 19.7695 11.6453Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
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{{-- <! #### begin update detection #### > --}}
@if(env('NOTIFY_UPDATES') == 'true' or env('NOTIFY_UPDATES') === 'major' or env('NOTIFY_UPDATES') === 'all')
{{-- <! Checks if file version.json exists AND if version.json exists on server to continue (without this PHP will throw ErrorException ) > --}}
<?php // Requests newest version from server and sets it as variable
2023-04-27 19:45:12 +02:00
$Vgit = external_file_get_contents("");
// Requests current version from the local version file and sets it as variable
$Vlocal = file_get_contents(base_path("version.json"));
catch (Exception $e){
$Vgit = "0";
$Vlocal = "0";
@if(auth()->user()->role == 'admin')
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<path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M22 7.92V16.09C22 19.62 19.729 22 16.34 22H7.67C4.28 22 2 19.62 2 16.09V7.92C2 4.38 4.28 2 7.67 2H16.34C19.729 2 22 4.38 22 7.92ZM11.25 9.73V16.08C11.25 16.5 11.59 16.83 12 16.83C12.42 16.83 12.75 16.5 12.75 16.08V9.73L15.22 12.21C15.36 12.35 15.56 12.43 15.75 12.43C15.939 12.43 16.13 12.35 16.28 12.21C16.57 11.92 16.57 11.44 16.28 11.15L12.53 7.38C12.25 7.1 11.75 7.1 11.47 7.38L7.72 11.15C7.43 11.44 7.43 11.92 7.72 12.21C8.02 12.5 8.49 12.5 8.79 12.21L11.25 9.73Z" fill="currentColor"></path>
2023-04-26 20:21:45 +02:00
@if($Vgit > $Vlocal or env('JOIN_BETA'))<circle cx="18" cy="17" r="5" @if($Vgit > $Vlocal) fill="tomato" @elseif(env('JOIN_BETA')) fill="orange" @endif stroke="white" stroke-width="2"/>@endif
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@if(env('JOIN_BETA') == true)
<div class="py-3 card-header d-flex justify-content-between bg-primary">
<div class="header-title">
<h5 class="mb-0 text-white">Updater <span style="background-color:orange;" class="badge">Beta Mode</span></h5>
<div class="p-0 card-body rounded-bottom">
<a href="{{ url('update') }}" class="iq-sub-card">
<div class="d-flex align-items-center">
<table class="m-0 table table-bordered table-sm">
<th>Local version</th>
<th>Latest beta</th>
<td><center><span class="badge rounded-pill bg-primary"><?php if(file_exists(base_path("vbeta.json"))) {echo file_get_contents(base_path("vbeta.json"));} else {echo "none";} ?></span></center></td>
2023-04-30 22:57:20 +02:00
<td><center><span class="badge rounded-pill bg-primary"><?php echo external_file_get_contents(""); ?></span></center></td>
<center><button class="btn btn-primary rounded-pill mt-2">Run updater</button></center>
<div class="py-3 card-header d-flex justify-content-between bg-primary">
<div class="header-title">
<h5 class="mb-0 text-white">Updater</h5>
<div class="p-0 card-body rounded-bottom">
<a @if($Vgit > $Vlocal) href="{{ url('update') }}" @else href="{{url()->current()}}" @endif class="iq-sub-card">
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<svg class="icon-32" width="32" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.0122 14.8299C10.4077 14.8299 9.10986 13.5799 9.10986 12.0099C9.10986 10.4399 10.4077 9.17993 12.0122 9.17993C13.6167 9.17993 14.8839 10.4399 14.8839 12.0099C14.8839 13.5799 13.6167 14.8299 12.0122 14.8299Z" fill="currentColor"></path> <path opacity="0.4" d="M21.2301 14.37C21.036 14.07 20.76 13.77 20.4023 13.58C20.1162 13.44 19.9322 13.21 19.7687 12.94C19.2475 12.08 19.5541 10.95 20.4228 10.44C21.4447 9.87 21.7718 8.6 21.179 7.61L20.4943 6.43C19.9118 5.44 18.6344 5.09 17.6226 5.67C16.7233 6.15 15.5685 5.83 15.0473 4.98C14.8838 4.7 14.7918 4.4 14.8122 4.1C14.8429 3.71 14.7203 3.34 14.5363 3.04C14.1582 2.42 13.4735 2 12.7172 2H11.2763C10.5302 2.02 9.84553 2.42 9.4674 3.04C9.27323 3.34 9.16081 3.71 9.18125 4.1C9.20169 4.4 9.10972 4.7 8.9462 4.98C8.425 5.83 7.27019 6.15 6.38109 5.67C5.35913 5.09 4.09191 5.44 3.49917 6.43L2.81446 7.61C2.23194 8.6 2.55897 9.87 3.57071 10.44C4.43937 10.95 4.74596 12.08 4.23498 12.94C4.06125 13.21 3.87729 13.44 3.59115 13.58C3.24368 13.77 2.93709 14.07 2.77358 14.37C2.39546 14.99 2.4159 15.77 2.79402 16.42L3.49917 17.62C3.87729 18.26 4.58245 18.66 5.31825 18.66C5.66572 18.66 6.0745 18.56 6.40153 18.36C6.65702 18.19 6.96361 18.13 7.30085 18.13C8.31259 18.13 9.16081 18.96 9.18125 19.95C9.18125 21.1 10.1215 22 11.3069 22H12.6968C13.872 22 14.8122 21.1 14.8122 19.95C14.8429 18.96 15.6911 18.13 16.7029 18.13C17.0299 18.13 17.3365 18.19 17.6022 18.36C17.9292 18.56 18.3278 18.66 18.6855 18.66C19.411 18.66 20.1162 18.26 20.4943 17.62L21.2097 16.42C21.5776 15.75 21.6083 14.99 21.2301 14.37Z" fill="currentColor"></path> </svg>
<div class="ms-3 w-100">
<h6 class="mb-0 ">@if($Vgit > $Vlocal) Update available @else Up to date @endif</h6>
<div class="d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">
<p class="mb-0"><i>@if($Vgit > $Vlocal) Run updater @else Check again @endif</i></p>
<small class="float-end font-size-12">v{{$Vlocal}}</small>
{{-- <! #### end update detection #### > --}}
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<img src="{{ url("assets/linkstack/images/")."/".findFile('avatar') }}" alt="User-Profile" class="img logo" style="width:auto;height:30px;">
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<div class="caption ms-3 d-none d-md-block ">
<h6 class="mb-0 caption-title">{{Auth::user()->name}}</h6>
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@elseif(Auth::user()->role == "vip")
Verified user
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Added automatic update detection This displays an update notice if a new version of LittleLink Custom has been released. This one is definitely a messy one. Everything I added is commented, but I'm going to try explaining it here one more time.  General outcome: • This feature checks the local version against the newest version stored on a separate server. Error prevention:  • I used 'file_get_contents' to get the version number from a JSON file. If  'file_get_contents' cant find the file, PHP will throw an Error Exception. • To prevent this, I put the update section in an if-statement that only applies if the following conditions are met. Check if files exist: • To test whether the file on the server exists (remember, if the server can't be reached, you will get an Error Exception) I used a function that checks if the URL to the file on the server successfully returns a '200 OK' response (see • If this condition is met, it sets the variable '$ServerExists' to true, if not to false. • Now, the previous mentioned if-statement simply checks if the local file exists and the '$ServerExists' variable equals 'true' to proceed. Get version number: • If all previous conditions are met, two variables get defined via 'file_get_contents' '$Vgit' and '$Vlocal'. • Both the file on the server and the local file simply contain the version number. • The variable '$Vgit' is the newest version number retrieved from the server. • The variable '$Vlocal' is the local  version number. Display update notice: • To finally display the  version number (added with HTML) one last check via an if-statement is performed. This simply checks if the current user is an admin AND if the version retrieved from the server is higher than the local one. • If both conditions are met, the notice is displayed. In addition, I should mention that I put the existing 'Watch Page' link as well as the update notice in a div with the class 'row' to display both links next to another instead of them being stacked.
2022-02-23 13:38:15 +01:00
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div style="z-index:5;position:relative;" class="flex-wrap d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">
<h1>👋 Hi, stranger</h1>
<h1>👋 Hi, {{'@'.$usrhandl}}</h1>
<h5>Welcome to {{ config('') }}!</h5>
<a href="{{ url('/studio/page') }}" class="btn btn-link btn-soft-light">
<i style="top:3px;position:relative;font-size:2.5vh;" class="bi bi-at"></i>
Set a handle
Added automatic update detection This displays an update notice if a new version of LittleLink Custom has been released. This one is definitely a messy one. Everything I added is commented, but I'm going to try explaining it here one more time.  General outcome: • This feature checks the local version against the newest version stored on a separate server. Error prevention:  • I used 'file_get_contents' to get the version number from a JSON file. If  'file_get_contents' cant find the file, PHP will throw an Error Exception. • To prevent this, I put the update section in an if-statement that only applies if the following conditions are met. Check if files exist: • To test whether the file on the server exists (remember, if the server can't be reached, you will get an Error Exception) I used a function that checks if the URL to the file on the server successfully returns a '200 OK' response (see • If this condition is met, it sets the variable '$ServerExists' to true, if not to false. • Now, the previous mentioned if-statement simply checks if the local file exists and the '$ServerExists' variable equals 'true' to proceed. Get version number: • If all previous conditions are met, two variables get defined via 'file_get_contents' '$Vgit' and '$Vlocal'. • Both the file on the server and the local file simply contain the version number. • The variable '$Vgit' is the newest version number retrieved from the server. • The variable '$Vlocal' is the local  version number. Display update notice: • To finally display the  version number (added with HTML) one last check via an if-statement is performed. This simply checks if the current user is an admin AND if the version retrieved from the server is higher than the local one. • If both conditions are met, the notice is displayed. In addition, I should mention that I put the existing 'Watch Page' link as well as the update notice in a div with the class 'row' to display both links next to another instead of them being stacked.
2022-02-23 13:38:15 +01:00
<div style="z-index:0!important;" class="iq-header-img">
@php if(file_exists(base_path("assets/dashboard-themes/header.png"))){$headerImage = asset('assets/dashboard-themes/header.png');}else{$headerImage = asset('assets/images/dashboard/top-header-overlay.png');} @endphp
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<img src="{{$headerImage}}" draggable="false" alt="header" class="theme-color-purple-img img-fluid w-100 h-100 animated-scaleX">
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<img src="{{$headerImage}}" draggable="false" alt="header" class="theme-color-green-img img-fluid w-100 h-100 animated-scaleX">
<img src="{{$headerImage}}" draggable="false" alt="header" class="theme-color-yellow-img img-fluid w-100 h-100 animated-scaleX">
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2021-04-16 03:30:00 +04:30
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Copyright &copy; @php echo date('Y'); @endphp {{ config('') }}
2023-05-10 19:41:19 +02:00
@if(env('DISPLAY_CREDIT_FOOTER') === true)
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2023-05-10 19:41:19 +02:00
2021-04-16 03:30:00 +04:30
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$qrCodeData = url('@'.Auth::user()->littlelink_name);
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new SvgImageBackEnd()
$writer = new Writer($renderer);
$svgImageData = $writer->writeString($qrCodeData);
$svgImageBase64 = base64_encode($svgImageData);
$imgSrc = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' . $svgImageBase64;
} catch(exception $e) {echo '<p class="text-center pt-5">QR code could not be generated</p>'; if(auth()->user()->role == 'admin'){echo "<p class='ps-3'>Reason: <pre class='ps-4'>".$e->getMessage()."</pre></p>";}}
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