'deleteConfigCacheDesc'=>'On production environments changed values may not applied immediately cause of cached config. So you may try to un-cache it',
'new'=>'New Key',
'edit'=>'Edit Key',
'delete'=>'Delete Key',
'new'=>'Add Key',
'edit'=>'Update Key',
'delete'=>'Delete Key',
'title'=>'Here You can upload a new ".env" file as a backup or to replace the current ".env"',
'selectFilePrompt'=>'Select File',
'uploadAsBackup'=>'Upload as backup',
'uploadAndReplace'=>'Upload and replace current .env',
'title'=>'Here you can see a list of saved backup files (if you have), you can create a new one, or download the .env file',
'filename'=>'File Name',
'created_at'=>'Creation Date',
'noBackUpItems'=>'There are no backups on your chosen directory. <br> You can make your first backup by pressing the "Get a new BackUp" button',
'backUpCurrentEnv'=>'Get a new BackUp',
'downloadCurrentEnv'=>'Download current .env',
'download'=>'Download File',
'delete'=>'Delete File',
'restore'=>'Restore File',
'viewContent'=>'View file Contents',
'fileNotExists'=>'File ":name" does not Exists !!!',