2021-04-16 03:30:00 +04:30
@ extends ( 'layouts.sidebar' )
@ section ( 'content' )
2023-04-26 15:44:39 +02:00
< div class = " conatiner-fluid content-inner mt-n5 py-0 " >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-lg-12 " >
< div class = " card rounded " >
< div class = " card-body " >
< div class = " row " >
< div class = " col-sm-12 " >
@ push ( 'sidebar-stylesheets' )
< script src = " { { asset('assets/js/jquery.min.js') }} " ></ script >
@ endpush
< section class = 'text-gray-400' >
< h3 class = " card-header " >< i class = " bi bi-journal-plus " > @ if ( $LinkID !== 0 ) Edit @ else Add @ endif Block </ i ></ h3 >
< div class = 'card-body' >
< form action = " { { route('addLink') }} " method = " post " id = " my-form " >
@ method ( 'POST' )
@ csrf
< input type = 'hidden' name = 'linkid' value = " { { $LinkID }} " />
< div class = " form-group col-lg-8 flex justify-around " >
{{ -- < label class = 'font-weight-bold' > Blocks : </ label > -- }}
< div class = " btn-group shadow m-2 " >
< button type = " button " id = 'btnLinkType' class = " btn btn-primary rounded-pill " title = 'Click to change link blocks' data - toggle = " modal " data - target = " #SelectLinkType " > Select Block
< span class = " btn-inner " >
< i class = " bi bi-window-plus " ></ i >
</ span >
</ button > {{ infoIcon ( 'Click for a list of available link blocks' )}}
{{ -- < button type = " button " class = " dropdown-toggle border-0 border-left-1 px-2 " data - toggle = " dropdown " aria - haspopup = " true " aria - expanded = " false " >
< span class = " sr-only " > Toggle Dropdown </ span >
</ button > -- }}
{{ -- < div class = " dropdown-menu " >
@ foreach ( $LinkTypes as $lt )
< a data - typeid = '{{$lt[' id ']}}' data - typename = '{{$lt[' title ']}}' class = " dropdown-item doSelectLinkType " href = " # " >
< i class = " { { $lt [ 'icon' ] } } " ></ i > {{ $lt [ 'title' ]}}
</ a >
@ endforeach
</ div > -- }}
< input type = 'hidden' name = 'linktype_id' value = '{{$linkTypeID}}' >
</ div >
</ div >
{{ -- @ include ( " components.pageitems. " . $SelectedLinkType [ 'typename' ] . " -form " , [ 'some' => 'data' ]) -- }}
< div id = 'link_params' class = 'col-lg-8' ></ div >
< div class = " d-flex align-items-center pt-4 " >
< a class = " btn btn-danger me-3 " href = " { { url('studio/links') }} " > Cancel </ a >
< button type = " submit " class = " btn btn-primary me-3 " > Save </ button >
< button type = " button " class = " btn btn-soft-primary me-3 " onclick = " submitFormWithParam('add_more') " > Save and Add More </ button >
< script >
function submitFormWithParam ( paramValue ) {
// get the form element
var form = document . getElementById ( " my-form " );
// check if all required fields are filled out
var requiredFields = form . querySelectorAll ( " [required] " );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < requiredFields . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( ! requiredFields [ i ] . value ) {
alert ( " Please fill out all required fields. " );
return false ;
// create a hidden input field with the parameter value
var paramField = document . createElement ( " input " );
paramField . setAttribute ( " type " , " hidden " );
paramField . setAttribute ( " name " , " param " );
paramField . setAttribute ( " value " , paramValue );
// append the hidden input field to the form
form . appendChild ( paramField );
// submit the form
form . submit ();
</ script >
</ div >
</ form >
2022-11-08 16:11:59 +01:00
</ div >
2023-04-26 15:44:39 +02:00
</ section >
< br >< br >
{{ -- < details >
< summary > More information </ summary >
< pre style = " color: grey; " >
The 'Custom' button allows you to add a custom link , where the text on the button is determined with the link title set above .
The 'Custom_website' button functions similar to the Custom button , with the addition of a function that requests the favicon from the chosen URL and uses it as the button icon .
The 'Space' button will be replaced with an empty space , so buttons could be visually separated into groups . Entering a number between 1 - 10 in the title section will change the empty space ' s distance .
The 'Heading' button will be replaced with a sub - heading , where the title defines the text on that heading .
</ pre >
</ details > -- }}
<!-- Modal -->
< style >. modal - title { color : #000!important;}</style>
< x - modal title = " Select Block " id = " SelectLinkType " >
< div class = " d-flex flex-row flex-wrap p-3 " >
@ php
$custom_order = [ 1 , 2 , 8 , 6 , 7 , 3 , 4 , 5 ,];
$sorted = $LinkTypes -> sortBy ( function ( $item ) use ( $custom_order ) {
return array_search ( $item [ 'id' ], $custom_order );
@ endphp
@ foreach ( $sorted as $lt )
< a href = " # " data - dismiss = " modal " data - typeid = " { { $lt [ 'id' ] } } " data - typename = " { { $lt [ 'title' ] } } " class = " hvr-grow m-2 w-100 d-block doSelectLinkType " >
< div class = " rounded mb-3 shadow-lg " >
< div class = " row g-0 " >
< div class = " col-auto bg-light d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center p-3 " >
< i class = " { { $lt [ 'icon' ] } } text-primary h1 mb-0 " ></ i >
</ div >
< div class = " col " >
< div class = " card-body " >
< h5 class = " card-title text-dark mb-0 " > {{ $lt [ 'title' ]}} </ h5 >
< p class = " card-text text-muted " > {{ $lt [ 'description' ]}} </ p >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ a >
@ endforeach
</ div >
< x - slot name = " buttons " >
< button type = " button " class = " btn btn-gray " data - dismiss = " modal " > Close </ button >
</ x - slot >
</ x - modal >
</ div >
</ div >
2022-11-08 16:11:59 +01:00
</ div >
2023-04-26 15:44:39 +02:00
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
2022-11-08 16:11:59 +01:00
</ div >
2021-04-16 03:30:00 +04:30
@ endsection
2022-11-08 16:11:59 +01:00
@ push ( " sidebar-scripts " )
< script >
$ ( function () {
LoadLinkTypeParams ( $ ( " input[name='linktype_id'] " ) . val () , $ ( " input[name=linkid] " ) . val ());
$ ( '.doSelectLinkType' ) . on ( 'click' , function () {
$ ( " input[name='linktype_id'] " ) . val ( $ ( this ) . data ( 'typeid' ));
$ ( " #btnLinkType " ) . html ( $ ( this ) . data ( 'typename' ));
LoadLinkTypeParams ( $ ( this ) . data ( 'typeid' ), $ ( " input[name=linkid] " ) . val ());
$ ( '#SelectLinkType' ) . modal ( 'hide' );
function LoadLinkTypeParams ( $TypeId , $LinkId ) {
var baseURL = < ? php echo " \" " . url ( '' ) . " \" " ; ?> ;
2023-04-26 15:44:39 +02:00
$ ( " #link_params " ) . html ( '<div class="spinner-border text-primary" role="status"><span class="visually-hidden">Loading...</span></div>' ) . load ( baseURL + `/studio/linkparamform_part/${$TypeId}/${$LinkId}` );
2022-11-08 16:11:59 +01:00
</ script >
@ endpush